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Stardew Valley Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Jan 16, 2017.

  1. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Jarizok, you've got it wrong. My job isn't to find a scum to lynch.

    It's to find all of them.
  2. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    I did say you'd rinse and repeat if you were alive D2. But you're doing it all wrong this game.
  3. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Tom. Typhon. Jarizok. These are three of the scum team. If Tom is town, perhaps Jari is town, but I doubt it. If there is a third party, it's Jan. He is on the miner wagon, despite the evidence of miner's townies in order to avoid being shot in the night.

    Miner. Cobalt. Von. Delphine. Fluff.

    These are the unlynchables. Should I die, you will not touch them.

    Watch Mal. His game solving is far below par, partially as a consequence of his activity.

    Get dlgn to actually do something.

    And try not to fuck it up.

    Vote Tom
  4. dLGN

    dLGN Muggle

    Dec 7, 2015
    High Score:
    It's nice you reduce what I've said about typhon/fonti/jan/von/delphine/quiddity down to just fonti. You want some reads? How about I've been trying to decide who is treating you in the most mafia manner this game.

    Specifically, I feel like since the very start to this game you've been likely spewed town from someone likely in one of the following posts that treat you like a town chew toy they'd like to pocket and manipulate for little to no reason fmpov.

    ^The first unusually unnatural townread on you and my current vote, Typhon. Von and Fonti at least gave townreads on you before this iirc but von's read fine to me and Fonti's... was the same she used on Delphine who I believe is town and not something I would push on her for (phrasing).

    Adding this here because Typhon doubled down on the townread again in a way that seems like spew, not partnery. It's not a bad post by fluff by any means but I don't see anything that screams obvious town in it.

    This post is fairly disgusting too imo. It combines an equally strong townread with a guilty mindset.

    Jarizok furthered his townread saying:

    which to me reads like a pockety compliment from someone who has TMI more than someone who figured you out.

    And finally:

    which is vying with Typhon's post for being the most disgusting of all. The tone of this post makes me think you're 5 years old and incapable of thinking for yourself. It's a fairly transparent and shameless redirect of a player that isn't being given much credit and it kind of blows my mind that it didn't ping anybody else afaik.

    Meanwhile you seem wholly unconcerned about them, fluff. Early game you seemed to be lightly prodding in a variety of directions which seemed more town than mafia but I hardly got the lock town strength read on you that several other people seemed to and since then you've trivialized what I have done perhaps because it's not 'reads-wall'y' or convenient to you?

    I didn't exactly want to out my feelings on fonti immediately because this first day is long and I just wanted to observe a bit, especially considering we shared a scumread (one she's apparently voting for, now). But I have stated thoughts on a variety of players (again typhon/fonti/jan/von/delphine/quiddity) and now some thoughts about Mathblade and Jarizok posts, so saying I'm just talking about fonti to avoid anything else is nonsense.

    ---------- Post automerged at 15:59 ---------- Previous post was at 15:56 ----------

    Are your flips between Typhon and Tom coincident with anything at all? I get that you're calling them both mafia. I do not get the movements.
  5. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Figured the Tom wagon was set, so the Typhon wagon could use a boost and Typhon could use a heartattack. But, people are more suspicious of me than not and the Tom wagon became too weak for my liking compared to the wagon on me, so yeah. I'm decently of my scumreads even without seeing Typhon flail more today. I'm ready to move on with the Tom lynch.
  6. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    dLGN I don't remember you talking about me.

    ---------- Post automerged at 04:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:17 PM ----------

    Could you explain this, please?
  7. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Colors feat. townreads! Not gonna color in Math just because I'm eh, not strongly town but don't want to lynch either. Mostly just rolling with font's read here.

    Vote Count as of 1099:
    Tom (6): fontisian, his fluffiness, Vaimes, Quiddity, The Waco Kid, Miner
    fontisian (3): mallorean_thug, Mathblade, Jarizok
    Miner (2): Jan, Tom
    Vaimes (2): Cobalt, Typhon
    Typhon (1): DLGN
    Jarizok (1): Delphine

    Abstaining (1): Corrdorr

    With 16 alive, 9 is soft lynch, and 13 is hard lynch.


    Votecount after font moved off of tom and Waco moved onto font:
    Tom (4): his fluffiness, Vaimes, Quiddity, Miner
    fontisian (4): mallorean_thug, Mathblade, Jarizok, The Waco Kid
    Miner (2): Jan, Tom
    Vaimes (2): Cobalt, Typhon
    Typhon (2): DLGN, fontisian
    Jarizok (1): Delphine

    Abstaining (1): Corrdorr

    With 16 alive, 9 is soft lynch, and 13 is hard lynch.


    Current Votecount:
    Tom (6): his fluffiness, Vaimes, Quiddity, Miner, MathBlade, Cobalt, fontisian
    fontisian (3): mallorean_thug, Jarizok, The Waco Kid
    Miner (2): Jan, Tom
    Typhon (1): DLGN
    Vaimes (1): Typhon
    Jarizok (1): Delphine

    Abstaining (1): Corrdorr

    With 16 alive, 9 is soft lynch, and 13 is hard lynch.


    What a towny tom wagon. I don't know why he's given up, since deadline isn't until tomorrow and he isn't even at soft lynch.

    lol @ the people scumreading font, she and tom were tied. And then Cobalt and MathBlade (both scumreading font) broke that tie and voted for tom instead. And they're probably going to keep complaining about not being able to lynch font. Not complaining, I just think it's hilarious.

    I actually wanted to try to swing the lynch back onto Typhon. Might still do that at some point, eh.


    tom, why do you deliberately choose not to play transparently as town, besides it being more work?

    ---------- Post automerged at 16:23 ---------- Previous post was at 16:21 ----------

    There is just no way font is scum unless she's literally burning her entire team on Day 1. And given that font never survives endgames, I find that very unlikely.

    I am very strongly against a font lynch, barring mechanical proof she's mafia or a particularly damning flip/read gone wrong.
  8. dLGN

    dLGN Muggle

    Dec 7, 2015
    High Score:
    Admittedly brief but I didn't feel the need to embellish it. I think you're gamesolving more than most anybody else rn.

    Not sure what to explain about that quote that I didn't really touch on earlier. I don't read fonti's tone or phrasing because she's fairly level imo. She can fool me with emotion, at least in video. Instead, I read her votes, her pushes, her direction.

    This usually takes a bit of time to develop - she's not someone I generally try to read early, and I kind of find it interesting when people do (in either direction). As in, I am surprised when certain players who know her well read her early (von and Jan calling her towny early in particular here) and some of the 'weaker' players calling her mafia early as well (she's not someone I think a weaker mafia team generally tries to lynch d1 so I kinda lean people town for it ans suspect there could be something in numbers, which may be bad but whatever).

    Her initially agreeing with me on Typhon (and waffling since) seemed ok but she's been equally if not more interested in lynching Tom who I kinda townread but kinda understand why people think he's scummy.

    If it's not as simple as Typhon/Jarizok/maybe Tom/x I can vaguely see something like Fonti/Jan/x/x reminiscent of MM6 and kinda wanted to observe where the day and lynch went before addressing it.
  9. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Honestly .. I feel voting for me is just mute at this point.

    I think a Tom lynch is possible, but doesn't give me anything. He can flip either way, but I wouldn't get a lot from it.
    Fonti is most likely town either way, and not the lynch for today ever.
    Von is town.

    My gut says campaigning for a Jari lynch is the best move, but neither do I have the traction, nor is the thread movement going there today ever.

    Half the people want to lynch fonti and only vote for tom because they think it is a possible bus.
    None of those people would follow in that direction and my case is mostly gut and nothing good.

    That leaves Typhon. Will try to reread him if I find the time before bed (if i go to bed tonight, we'll see).
    Last game he was such obvious town that this game is a lot different, and I agree that he feels more self aware with everything he does this game.

    But like ..
    I agree with Most of fontis towncircle.
    Von , Cobalt, FLuff, Delphine are just almost always town.

    I don't agree with miner, but her explanation on him makes agree at least that he is not lock scum. Basically back to neutral with him.

    Waco and dLGN are people that have underwhelmed me for the most part.

    With the caveat that I liked waco probing me and I basically haven't read dLGN right ever. (well i think i read him town the first game we played, and then read him scum everytime after that because he didn't play similar to the games i played with him before).

    Will try to put some time into rereading tonight, but I also kind of want to have a little bit of free time to have fun, might postpone some rereading to tomorrow morning. (we have more than a day until lynch, right?)

    Chances of more than 3 people reading this full post? 12%.
  10. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    I read the whole thing!

    I'd be down for a Jarizok flash wagon for Raisins that start with DM.
  11. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Is it still a flash wagon if there are more than 24 hours before EoD?
  12. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Look .. you didn't answer me if you were thinking about Vanessa Carlton when "making your way downtown".

    Which means either you have no taste for supreme pop music of the past years or just hate fun in general.

    All the sadness.
  13. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    I mean, I was thinking of the song, but I never knew her name.

    So the answer is both yes and no?

    ---------- Post automerged at 17:06 ---------- Previous post was at 17:06 ----------

    Who needs labels?
  14. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    As long as you were thinking of the song we are fine.

    And I got you to give a fluff-esque answer! Ha!
  15. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    And I'm the top fucking poster.

    I hate this game.
  16. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    I see that I'm most likely getting lynched despite lack of reasons, and I work all day tomorrow.
    So now is the hour of my discontent.

    And I am far too selfish to put my team's chance of winning above my own personal enjoyment.
    You know this.

    I just want to reiterate that your only stated reason for scumreading me is "he can either love me or die"
    which... I do love you. Just not in this game.
    And it's a super bizarre ultimatum when you're playing so differently.

    ---------- Post automerged at 14:33 ---------- Previous post was at 14:31 ----------

    HOWEVER, you are steadily drifting back towards the town vaimes I love.
    I'd be straight townreading you at this point if your approach to me wasn't so godawful.
    And the fact you're cool with fonti having locked in a read on me in the first 200 posts and never reevaluated.
    Shrug. Super selfish approach.

    ---------- Post automerged at 14:36 ---------- Previous post was at 14:33 ----------

    I'm a pretty piss poor informational lynch because no one has given any reasons that aren't super obviously things I've chosen to do.

    It's a lot of "oh no tom isn't acting townie" and I'm over here like "no shit! when have I ever?"

    ---------- Post automerged at 14:38 ---------- Previous post was at 14:36 ----------

    I think I'll spend the rest of the phase just yelling at people.
    That seems more fun than trying to defend myself from the literal nothing I'm getting lynched for.

    Maybe I'll yell at miner for trying to be fonti and jarizok for trying to be me.
    There are much better role models out there for both of you.
  17. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    You have my attention.

    Tell me how to approach you, and why I should leave you alive if your fun comes before our collective glory.
  18. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Me: Ooh. A Jarizok flash wagon sounds fun.

    Tom:*Incredibly scummy appeal to emotion.*

    Come on, man.
  19. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    But mooom, I like tom more than Jarizok.

    (No hard feelings.)
  20. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    The longer mal goes without posting, the more I think the push on me was a fabricated attempt to save Tom and Typhon.