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Bloodborne PS4

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Gengar, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. Estarc

    Estarc Third Year

    Mar 9, 2009
    The threaded cane is literally the most solid overall skill weapon in the game. It isn't particularly flashy but it is just good in basically every scenario. Very solid in cane form and the whip form is there for groups or when you just need the range. In fact I deliberately avoid using it because of how good it is. It is insane you can get it at the start if the game. My friend uses it all the time though so I can never forget how good it is.

    Honestly my favourite skill weapon is the Scythe. Never felt a weapon really fit me until I got it at the end of playthrough 2. There are some really great skill weapons to be found in the DLC though. The Beasthunter Said and Rakuyo have become my favourite weapons in the game. DLC is worth it for the weapons alone IMO.

    Definitely do the DLC after the main story though. You'll be obliterated otherwise, and it'll ruin the main game for you which will be effortless by comparison.
  2. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    Do not rely on the cane for range. The hitbox is finicky at best and for the most efficient ranged attack, you need to do a running attack.

    Off the top of my head, I can't really think of many good skill ranged weapons that I liked other than Burial Blade (the L2 in scythe mode is godly).

    I hear the bow rocks. I'm tempted to do a pure skill/BT run with chikage and it.

    I'm high level atm, pretty much everything 50 with str and bt at around 25. Wish I could respec. Get rid of strength entirely and drop stam to get 50 BT :(

    Edit: I should add that I adore the cane, but once I got blade of mercy, I didn't look back. It's a playstyle thing. If you're good at dodging, there's no better weapon to dance around enemies and go to town.
  3. Clerith

    Clerith Ahegao Emperor ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 7, 2008
    High Score:
    The bow is pretty insane. With best gems, someone was reportedly doing 1.4k per charged shot.

    I had a MLGS build planned, ended up going towards 50 str 25 skl 15 arc with Whirligig. Fun times, bosses like Ebrietas died in 15 secs, Ludwig not much longer. Now that I actually have the sword, I can start leveling arc to 50...

    Edit: toned the difficulty a bit in my first post XD Done with the DLC, and I actually one-shot four of the five bosses. The last one killed me once. Two came really close, but yeah. Died in three places, though - the Blacksky Eye area, got raped by the lasers, and that fucking fish giant just before the second lamp in the fishing village killed me three times u_u. And the well encounter that nets you the Rakyuo was just plain unfair and killed me twice XD But considering how I almost didn't die in the main game, in fact only one boss killed me, the dlc is still pretty hard and made me chug some vials like nothing in the main game.

    By the way, the Winter Lantern (Frenzy brain women) enemies in the DLC drop cursed 22.3% atk up droplets. Really nice. There are two, right next to each other, 20 secs away from a lamp. You only get frenzied once, and there are no other enemies nearby that aggro, so there's even no need to heal or pop a sedative.

    Rakuyo and Saif are both really, really good for pvp. I was supposed to get platinum on this str/arc character, but now I'm super tempted to create a skill character...
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2015
  4. Tikigod784

    Tikigod784 Second Year

    Nov 28, 2014
    Yeah I've heard that Rakuyo is good for skill builds. Definitely going to go for that.

    In the meantime however, time to mess with the Blades of Mercy.... I just don't like the saw weapons for some reason.
  5. Clerith

    Clerith Ahegao Emperor ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 7, 2008
    High Score:
    Eyy platinum trophy get. Kinda pissed at myself for not finishing it the first time around, but Bloodborne was a moderate disappointment (despite being a 9/10 game imo) as a Souls successor and iirc some game I wanted to play more came out, and I was just never interested again.

    The game is good, really good, you just gotta appreciate it for what it is and not what it isn't. Now that the initial bitterness is over, I enjoyed another playthrough and the dlc very much. Will probably roll a second character for pvp, though idk about farming those best gems... we'll see.

    The toughest enemy I faced was definitely Defiled Amygdala. I'd totally forgotten how to fight her, so it took me like 10 tries. Defiled Watchdog was next, taking me five tries. As for the rest, they all died in one or two tries. Even Headless, but I knew the strat for that.
  6. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    So, a few years late but.. I only got my PS4 back in November. I've sunk about 90-100 hours into this so far on my first run, exploring everywhere, fighting everything.

    I thoroughly enjoy the story told through the background of the story. It's hard to categorize the enjoyment, because it's not a happy type of enjoyment, it's far more somber, and yet has no less impact.

    Everything is done except for;

    1. Laurence
    2. Orphan
    3. Presence
    4. Chalices

    I'm making a break for a day to refresh myself before diving back in and trying to murder Laurence and Orphan. felt like I was banging my head against Orphan + Laurence. I -almost- killed Laurence at one point but I ran out of vials.

    My main weapon progression:

    1. Threaded Cane
    2. Blade of Mercy (RIP Eileen)
    3. Riflespear
    4. Ludwig's Holy Sword
    5. Burial Blade.

    I have practically all the weapons atm (Just got Beastclaws) but I still find myself falling back onto Ludwig's as a sort of crutch. I keep seeing guides going on about the Saw Cleaver, but I don't want to switch weapons purely to kill a boss. It'd feel like giving up.
  7. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    My Weapon Journey ended at 2
  8. Samuel Black

    Samuel Black Chief Warlock

    Feb 22, 2007
    My first play through I used ludwigs/Kirkhammer and the blades of mercy. The second playthrough I mained the Reiterpallasch and used the Church Pick when I needed range.
  9. mort

    mort Groundskeeper

    Apr 27, 2013
    Hunter's Axe to Ludwig's Holy Blade was my first playthrough. Haven't done the DLC yet, but I'm tempted to pick it up and go with the Rakuyo.
  10. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Getting the Rakuyo is the worst..
  11. nahbutualright

    nahbutualright Slug Club Member

    Jul 5, 2011
    Did you use the Shaman Bone Blade? Makes it a lot easier.
  12. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Nah. I went to the end area and beast the shit out of them from the overlook with the transformed version of the Beastcutter after failing half a dozen times.
  13. BadManners

    BadManners DA Member DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2011
    Real men use the chikage and holy moonlight sword
  14. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    I wanted to use chikage! Lol, i just didn't like how it felt.
  15. BadManners

    BadManners DA Member DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2011
    It has pretty unique timing, in pvp at least, same goes for HMLS. PvE wise I enjoyed the cutter but usually just rush through with a saw or whatever.
  16. nahbutualright

    nahbutualright Slug Club Member

    Jul 5, 2011
    The Chikage is awesome, I used in my first playthrough. Paired with Evelyn you can carve though anything, and look stylish af doing it.
  17. Samuel Black

    Samuel Black Chief Warlock

    Feb 22, 2007
    I don't remember exactly because it's been a while, but I think one of those shark things had a weapon that was parry bait. That's how I did it at least.
  18. joshuafaramir

    joshuafaramir Banned

    Jun 19, 2013
    Chikage is for real men! If you have super bloodtinge build with Chikage + Evelyn, you'd kill everybody including PVP.

    Not a whole lot of bosses have bloodtinge defense. The only minor issue is that your damage sucks if you're not in sheathed phase. Otherwise, go to town with the samurai sword + uber pistol damage.

    Or you can go with ultra cheese. Ludwigs + Cannon fags.


    You'll need a fast hard hitting weapon if you wanna go through Chalice and finish it. I know I did. Could not hit anything with the Kirk or LHB without dying because everybody and their grandmother OHKO's you with their cursed buff area.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2017
  19. ???

    ??? Squib

    Feb 26, 2016
    High Score:
    I played the whole game with the Kirkhammer through all the chalice dungeons. I switched over to the LHB in ng3 when my level was high enough that it just straight outclassed the Kirk.
  20. BadManners

    BadManners DA Member DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2011
    First playthrough was pre-dlc so I used BoM/BB, BB still manages to pull me back to it every so often because it has such nice animations, especially the trick and backstep r1.
    Post DLC though I've made a lot of builds and the most fun has been bt/arc with elemental saif+chikage+hmls.
    Saif needs more love in this thread, it's like a love child between a saw and the burial blade.