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It's An Owners Market - Game Over!

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Regfan, Mar 23, 2017.

  1. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    Hm, not sure what that means Newcomb.
  2. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    The proposal is still good.
    If a town does not play along then scum still won't get it.
    Scum do not know if the person that gets lynched has done as he got told to and have to outbid the 500 anyway if they want to get it. (unless the person is scum in which case it does not matter).

    I do not think that it matters if we go for 500 or 499.
    The 1 dollar more are unlikely to give scum the edge.

    There are 16 items up for grabs. best case we get 10 for 500 and scum get 3 for 501 and 3 for 301.

    This obviously does not work because there should be a lynch and nightkill each cycle.
    That will cheapen some parts of the pricepool and some items will be cheaper than others.
    The neighborizer today is unlikely to go for as much as the hitman or the doctor.
    The gravedigger is a total wildcard, as an ability this game as well as the price to pay for it.

    On the gravedigger :
    If we lynch a town today and the hitman gets sold for 500, then knowing if said person got it might be useful.
    If it gets sold for more, then there is no need to check said person.

    That does not mean that the gravedigger has to out the info straight away tomorrow, because we don't want scum to know how much money which town has left in their pocket etc.

    Okay I want to get away from mechanics talk for the next 24 hours unless people believe they have important new input straight away.
    We need to get some actual gaming going in here.
  3. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
  4. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    scum would get the other 3 for 299, not 301.

    Look I am still not at 100%. Had the first BBQ of the year earlier .. next one will be tomorrow!
  5. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Because I'm following my plan. I think you're rational - you'll follow the plan as outlined - and you're also a person I consider to be fairly likely town. And I kinda wanted to see how you'd react, but admittedly that's a lesser concern.
  6. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Agree with this, by the by, except that everyone should be aware of this wrinkle and take it into account:

  7. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Newcomb linking a klingon victory song video.

    Is that him claiming scum this early or is it him hyping himself up to destroy scum?

    We might never know.
  8. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    I enjoy when I read a post, scroll down and you've already posted a perfect picture.

    Jan want to take a quick look at Typhon in the first.. iunno 70 posts compared to 153?
  9. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Oh yeah I forgot about this, but it might not matter that much .. we will see.
  10. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Jarizok I believe we also had a game together (maybe our first one?) where I was scum and you hard town read me
  11. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    So basically first 24 hours typhon before his power went out compared to his 2 long winded later ones, or only compared to the last one?
  12. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Well the last one is what stuck out to me but sure, lets go last two.
  13. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Unsure what exactly you are talking about.

    The post is more serious and longer winded. It is a decend follow up on the initial poking at Rubicon.

    Like .. the way you are saying it basically says that there is a difference and that it changed your view on typhon. You did not have a strong read on him before.

    It feels like you caught a slip up or logical mistake that I somehow am not able to find.
    Newcombs picture made me think that he thinks that Typhon is faking it and basically going through a checklist of things typhon would think town would expect of town!typhon.
    Either that or his picture was serious and Typhon is his top townread, not sure .. more likely the first one ..

    Either way I don't really see what you guys are talking about.

    Do you mind enlightening me? I don't feel like combing through and comparing every little bit right now if you can just give me the reveal right away.

    ---------- Post automerged at 20:02 ---------- Previous post was at 19:58 ----------

    I don't think this slight difference in argument is a good reason to be as Gung-ho about a scumread as he is, but that is just a slight thing.

    ---------- Post automerged at 20:06 ---------- Previous post was at 20:02 ----------

    Welp have to go afk for some boardgame night now .. might look at the stuff again later, if you haven't spoiled me by then.
  14. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    What I was initially talking about was a switch from a more energized rapid post Typhon to this larger block paragraph post that felt a little over explain-y. Rereading the early stuff I actually get that over explain-y vibe from those as well.

    Lynch: Typhon
  15. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Lynch Vote Count 1.2

    Rubicon (3): The Waco Kid, Jarizok, Typhon
    Typhon (3): Vira, Tom, Koalas
    Cobalt (2): Jan, Miner
    Jarizok (1): Fontisian

    Not Voting (4): Cobalt, His Fluffiness, Newcomb, Rubicon

    Player Currently to be Lynched at Deadline: Rubicon

    Elect Vote Count 1.2

    Fontisian (2): Fontisian, Jan
    His Fluffiness (2): His Fluffiness, Jarizok
    The Waco Kid (1): The Waco Kid
    Miner (1): Miner
    Jazirok (1): Tom
    Vira (1): Typhon

    Not Voting (5): Cobalt, Koalas, Newcomb, Rubicon, Vira

    Player Currently to be Elected at Deadline: Fontisian

    Day ends in ~77 hours of this post when that countdown link expires. Mid Day Update is in ~29 Hours.
  16. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    This is what scum me always does. Reminds people they suck at reading me.
    Though in general I wait til they have an actual, non-fluffy opinion of me to drop that.
  17. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015

    It's been a month. I'm not allowed to change my mind?

    VT is my preferred play style. Last game I had several consecutive vanilla towns in a row so I was hoping to roll something else. In the last month I haven't played much so to get back into the swing of things I'd prefer my favorite play style.

    Voting me for my opinion on which role I like to play is dumb as hell.
  18. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    I'm not sure I agree with... any of this? Maybe the open mouth chewers, but not the player reads.
    Fonti/Jan are super null IMO. Rubicon probably as well.

    ---------- Post automerged at 13:51 ---------- Previous post was at 13:48 ----------

    Elect Tom
    Talked me into it.

    ---------- Post automerged at 13:55 ---------- Previous post was at 13:51 ----------

    See I like the opinion on Vira in this post. Not enough to elect her, but yeah she's probably town.
    But I don't like the hoops you're jumping through to paint Rubicon as scum.
  19. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    This is maybe slightly town? Like, idk if that's a thought you have if you know one/both of them are town, and that's like, a major party foul to highlight if the team is exactly Jarizok/Miner/Waco.

    It's "skit," though. Or "shtick" would actually be a better word.


    Kinda mixed on this Vira post; on the one hand, nixing / clarifying something she got townread for - like it was more important to be understood than snagging the townread. On the other, it's very overly careful - like, careful to be having the "right" views in a superficial way. My impression of Vira's scumgame is that she's more focused on looking active and inquisitive and definitive as scum, and is more casual as town. I think on balance this is more on the townside of that?

    Dislike this; the "too easy" at Rubicon comes with no second thrust at Rubicon's potential alignment. Too easy, he's being lazy? Too easy, he knows Vira's town?

    Rubicon revving up that early bus, :thumbs:

    What makes me and fontisian bad picks here? Why are we lumped together? Like. We are very different players.

    ... what.

    What do you envision being able to do in a private QT with someone to townfirm them that you couldn't do in the thread?

    Justify this meta-view of me. I think it's pretty incorrect, but I want to hear how you holistically came to it.

    Talk to me about why you think Typhon's stated plan here is more likely to come from mafia than town.

    Pretty certain Typhon/Vira not w/w here. That's almost never the way Typhon defends a partner here.

    This is also very very unlikely to be a w/w exchange, particular the "am I misrepresenting your argument" bit, Typhon/Rubicon likely not w/w. Little weaker than the previous one though.

    Actually given the followup exchanges nix that last part, it's just as strong if not stronger. That kind of careful, guarded quibbling over nuance is like never w/w.

    Talk to me about this; like what went through your head both times when you looked at that Vira post.



    I've decided that I want Marketplace Owner. Most important is to put it on town, and put it on someone who'll pass it on to town. Pretty confident I can get at least one lock townread even if I'm N1'd. I'd x4 cop, daykill, bulletproof, and something else, need to look at the list again. Watcher, probably.

    Elect: Newcomb


    Early pileup on Jarizok is mrgle. Either very good or very bad, most likely. Got'em.gif? Rubicon, Jan, fonti all on him. Ooph, that's not a fun group of 3. Flashbacks.gif. Except, early pileup is shade and not votes; one vote on him, really?
    Jarizok if you're town don't bid $500 on anything because you're definitely in the bucket for D1 lynch.

    You really want someone with subpar mechanical reasoning as marketplace leader?

    This feels town; hard to put my finger on exactly why. I think it's the "it's easy to dumbtell in this setup" thing. I think that's a thought that's going through your head when you're trying to judge alignment out of mostly mechanical talk. As scum it's a thought you have if you're thinking about if a dumbtell would be good to try, in which case you probably don't want to bring up the idea of dumbtells at all.



    I like a lot of Jan's stuff holistically. He is repping that he's thinking things through - like the Jarizok / fluffiness thing being more than surface level, like ringing Jarizok's bell because, okay, why is fluffiness being more active important when that very same thing was how he fooled people? Like, what is going through Jarizok's head there? And going back to look at Cobalt's VT thing doesn't really feel like a "gotcha" thing, it feels more like what I did with Von in MM7 with the "I'm sad" thing.

    I'm kind of worried I'm confibiasing on having a strong - for me - Jan D1 read in the Mountainous game from spec chat and wanting to see the same kind of thing here. But I also think it makes meta sense for Jan to be more hyped here since we're all on a level playing field, so to speak? Like, less reason to play cards closer to the chest since it's an open setup and all town are functionally VT.


    Some mechanical stuff: I was slightly wrong about how I thought bids worked; like, once you bid money it's committed, you can't trump one item's bid with another personally. So forcing the D1 lynch to bid 500 on Hitman (denying it to mafia or making them pay 501 if they want it) won't work unless that person hasn't bid on anything. However, mafia won't /know/ this. They won't have any way to be sure if the D1 lynch (if town) has or hasn't committed to anything else. So, this can still work I think. Basically no one should talk about what they've bid on, or WIFOM it and not be transparent about it, at least toDay. And some people should genuinely hold back on bids. That way if we lynch town and everyone's on board with the "D1 lynch bids 500 on Hitman" thing mafia will still have to pay out the ass for it for safety, probably.

    Someone like me or fonti who's more likely to eat an early kill might also consider placing a moderate bid on it.

    Basically, the inability to retract bids or override them with other bids makes things a bit more fluid and less clear. There isn't a clearly optimal strategy, the "best" thing to do will heavily depend on the gamestate.

    So I guess, general advice is to be balanced and moderate with your bids and think ahead a bit. Also don't just think about yourself; like what's good for you, think about what's /bad/ for mafia.

    Of course there's also a decent chance I ignore my own advice and save my entire bankroll for Daykill x 1, because, like. :awesomesauce:


    Random thought: Man, it sucks more than it should not having Vaimes or Acio in this game. Having a default focus / grounding is like... you miss it when you don't have it.


    I'm liking Jan and Miner for town at this point.

    Jarizok/Koalas/Rubicon scumteam is my current guess though ehhh it would surprise me a bit if Jarizok/Koalas were w/w here maybe. Would be a bit cheeky with that interaction. Think if Jarizok's mafia here I'm just snapping off Rubicon; that early interaction/suspicion felt very bus-y.

    Cobalt and Vira I'm fairly mixed on; maaaaybe more likely mafia if Jarizok is town as both had kind of a "piling on" feel. Need to go look at Hannibal mafia and how Vira treated scumreaading Seratin (buddy) and me (town), think it was fairly stark; I remember that being a strong read anyway.

    Everyone else null. Slightly town on Typhon maybe for genuine-ish tone?

    Vote: Jarizok
  20. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    That's cool I don't remember asking you to agree with my reads
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