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Is Ron an asshole?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jenko, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. Conquistador

    Conquistador High Inquisitor

    Jan 19, 2017
    At Peace
    High Score:
    OMG!!!!! Ron has mommy issues. Harry does not even have parents and was abused.

    Harry was isolated due to fame and Ron was supposed to be there to support him. And when does harry disregard ron's personal life>>
  2. torrent56

    torrent56 Second Year

    Sep 10, 2016
    High Score:
    Wow, I was gone for half a day and some people already felt the urge to continually bash him and disprove of anyone coming to his defence.

    Ron did not have to become friends with Harry you know that? He is far more sociable than Harry and he could make friends with Seamus and Dean instead. If he did, they will have a much more equal friendship and Ron wouldn’t feel eternally overshadowed and left out and known only as Harry Potter's for years. So let us see what did Ron get out of his friendship with Harry? Oh that’s right, the chance to go on dangerous adventures that could easily get himself killed and being perpetually overshadowed. If you want to say Ron had lots of fun with Harry, he could have had lots of fun with Dean and Seamus as well who were just as addicted to Quidditch and flying as Harry was.
    No you are the one making things up. Let’s see when did Ron’s mother treated Harry better than Ron? Yes when they were receiving Weasley jumpers for Christmas and Harry’s was always better than Ron’s, or when she kept making sure that Harry was really well-fed but paid far less attention to Ron, or when she bought Ron horrible dress robes but took specific care to make sure Harry’s matched his eyes so it would look good on him or when Ron was sent a Howler in CoS with nary a mention of Harry who seemed at that time just as guilty. I am not bashing Molly but from Ron’s POV it must have been awful for this pattern to continue for five years.

    As for the Triwizard Tournament, the problem was Harry never told Ron that crucial bit of information. All Ron saw was Harry getting a lot of glory and positive attention from the other Gryffindors you know who even threw a celebratory party for him and how Harry got exempt from exams and the potential to win tons of money. He was not a god and wouldn’t know that Moody was in fact a Death Eater. The scene TheTyCat quoted clearly showed that even when Ron asked explicitly for what happened, Harry was too butthurt to tell him the truth. If he did, they would have resolved the issue in an instant because Ron realised how wrong he was as soon as he saw the danger Harry was in during the First Task. Nice, huh?
    Before he went to Hogwarts yes he was abused. Eventually he had the Weasley parents (who were better parents to him than Ron btw), Sirius and sometimes Remus to care for him. When did I say Ron’s problems were worse than Harry’s? Try not to strawman my arguments if you don’t have a valid point. Don’t you think if your own mother and all your siblings treats you BFF better than yourself it would make you feel really bad? I remember the twins playing a lot of horrible tricks on Ron when he was young as well which they never played on Harry and they also gave Harry the Marauder Map instead of Ron. My point was this contributed a lot to Ron feeling inferior to Harry.
    He was isolated? In what way please? He could still have made friends easily with the other Gryffindor boys like with Ron couldn’t he? He got tonnes of goodies like his two broomsticks and a place on the Quidditch team because of who he is. Ron had no obligation to do anything for Harry especially if it involved risking his own life and in DH his family’s as well. It was really good of him to risk his life for his friend.
    A friendship should be mutually supportive. Ron was supporting Harry and going on all those reckless and dangerous adventures for him and frequently risked his life like in the Shrieking Shack. Ron also spoke frequently to Hermione discussing what they could do together to help Harry. Could you really give me some times when Harry was helping Ron to deal with his personal problems that are just as pertinent? I already answered this about how he could have made other friends.
    For example, when Hermione pointed out Ron’s problems of jealous and insecurity, all Harry could do was feeling hurt about himself and did not spare a thought that maybe it was hard for Ron as well to be perpetually overshadowed and never really spared a thought for it afterwards, or when Harry knew during the camping trip how concerned Ron was for his family he did nothing to comfort him (it was Hermione) or when he knew they were making zero progress during the Horcruxes quest he did not think about how hard it must be for Ron to keep running around like headless chickens or how difficult it was for Ron and Hermione when Harry abandoned the Horcruxes preferring to obsesses over the Deathly Hallows. Harry did not think how hard it was for Ron to risk everything to help him during the whole adventure and after they had their fight and Ron left Harry never thought about how he could have behaved better, instead simply taking Ron for granted.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2017
  3. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    Jesus Christ.

    1. The only indication that Harry's jumper is better than Ron's is Fred saying that "She obviously makes more of an effort if you're not family." You can take that at face value, of course, but even if you do there's no suggestion that Ron feels anything about it. More likely though is that it's Fred making a joke - you know, consistent with about 90% of his page time. His jumpers are always different, it's true - different colours, one with a dragon on it in GoF - but that's because, weirdly, he's not a Weasley.

    2. She makes sure Harry's well fed because she mostly sees him after he's spent several weeks at the Dursleys, not getting enough food. She doesn't need to check on Ron, because he's her son and she knows damn well that he's getting well fed.

    3. She bought Harry nicer dress robes with his own money. They weren't a gift, she just did the shopping for him. She had to buy Ron's second hand out of her own pocket, and so consequently they were shit.

    4. Harry isn't actually her son. She knows that. She may well have been furious with Harry, but that doesn't actually give her the right to yell at him.

    You can, of course, argue that it doesn't matter what her intentions were, that it all hinges on what Ron feels on the subject, but if you're going to make that argument, come back with some actual, textual examples of Ron feeling that way. If you can.
  4. vlad

    vlad Banned ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 6, 2007
    Georgia, SSR
    High Score:
    Ron moans about his sweater being a color he doesn't like in 1st year and he's not enthused about the sandwiches... but that's not proof that his mum prefers Harry.

    Harry gets invited to the World Cup (by Ron) but you don't see Molly and Arthur offering to take Harry to Egypt for the summer, do you? Because he's not their son, nor do they prefer him to their son.

    Molly's bogart includes dead Harry... it also includes all her family. She certainly cares for Harry, but he's not replacing Ron in the pecking order.

    Dammit but if you told me I'd be defending OBHWF... fuck. But canon is canon, and the canon is that the Weasley family care about one another very much, That the perceived betrayal by Percy is heartbreaking, but they will take him back. Molly is capable of defeating Bellatrix when her daughter is threatened. And she loves Harry but not at the expense of her own children.
  5. froper98

    froper98 Squib

    Jan 23, 2017
    High Score:
    In canon, Ron seems like an arsehole, but in can easily be argued that circumstances come into play.

    1st-3rd year any problems, i can see are generally due to them being children. But at 4th year i do think that Harry should have been less accepting of Ron back, like treatying him rather coldly instead of just forgetting the incident, especially as he turned his back on harry at a crucial moment. 5th, i really don't know, and 6th and 7th have so many problems, but Ron leaving was a dickish move and the fact that the Horcrux i able to have that kind of affect have always baffled me???

    Molly defeating Bellatrix should have not happened, Bellatrix should have destroyed Molly and left her dead corpse on the floor.
  6. GirlUniverse

    GirlUniverse Disappeared

    Mar 28, 2017
    High Score:
    I hate Ron. More specifically, Book!Ron more than Movie!Ron, but the in the movies he's not nearly as nice as he's supposed to be, either. I used to like him, exactly the same way that most fans love him. He's Harry's best friend, right? Yeah, he does dopey things, but that's just Ron being Ron. Laugh and move on. Deathly Hallows was the main reason I took a harder look at his character. I'll even show you the exact quote that turned it around.

    "Parked all right, then?" Ron asked Harry. "I did. Hermione didn't believe I could pass a Muggle driving test, did you? She thought I'd have to Confund the examiner."

    "No, I didn't," said Hermione. "I had complete faith in you."

    "As a matter of fact, I did Confund him," Ron whispered to Harry.

    This is the very last scene I get to see of him. This is how the series ended and the snapshot that is representative of his adult life. Cheating on a test and lying to his wife.

    Surely this is some mistake, right? Yeah, i decided to re-read the whole series.

    And then I remembered how, in the same book, he abandoned his friends. When the going gets tough, Ron goes home. Sure, yeah, you can argue about the locket's effects. but all 3 were sharing the locket. Ron just gave up first. Tough as it is for him, at least he has a home to run to. Harry and Hermione have both given theirs up. They've got nothing.

    And that wasn't even the first time. Goblet of Fire, anyone?

    And cheating isn't exactly out of character for him. Remember Felix Felicis? No, he didn't actually drink any. but he thought he had a dose in his hands. he knew it was against the rules. and he gobbled that shit down.
    So jealousy is Ron's worst trait. Laziness and egotism isn't far behind, which is a pretty bad combination. You remember the Mirror of Erised? Ron's greatest desire is to be Head Boy and Quidditch Captain. Does he work hard to achieve his goals? No. Not by a long shot.

    In fact, his greatest desire wasn't actually to become head boy or quidditch captain. It was just to be able to show off. Harry Potter, the world's most famous child celebrity, just plopped down into his lap on the train ride.

    It seems like he expected everything else to fall into his hands just as easily.

    He got the Prefect badge the same way. No, he's not the most responsible boy in his year, not by a long shot.

    He was given the badge to keep Harry in check. What's his first thing he does? Dock points unfairly. Boss around little kids. Nick confiscated items for himself to keep. Yes, he actually does this- we don't get to see much of Ron's prefect duties, but what we do get to see, it's only a notch above what Malfoy's doing.
    You'd think he gets some character development to become a better person, but nope. Even in the last book, right to the epilogue, that's just who Ron is.

    And why do I think Movie!Ron is better? Simply by omission. A few of the major plot points (GoF, DH abandonment, etc) are still in there, but most of the "Ron being Ron" side jokes are omitted. Along with the epilogue dialogue.

    TL;DR: Ron's a jerk who never actually grew up, and I wouldn't be friends with him for long if I met him in school.
  7. Rhaegar I

    Rhaegar I Death Eater

    Jul 8, 2013
    Right behind You...
    1. Wow, Ron cheated on a part Magic could take care of anyway and said a little white lie. What an asshole.

    2. You did read all the other times I brought up Ron leaving in DH, right? He has to constantly worry about his family (his father and brother work in the Ministry, his sister is in Hogwarts, his father is already being 'monitored', and his sister is doing the whole DA thing) in ways that neither Harry (no real family) nor Hermione (shipped her parents to Australia) really have to. They are wondering through Britain with absolutely no plan or idea what to do now. Basic Teenage Hormones give him jealousy about Harry and Hermione. And the Locket is whispering poison into his ear the whole time, making everything worse. And this all came to fruition during that last fight when Ron leaves.

    And do you know what Ron's first thought was afterwards? He regretted leaving. He was willing to go back and face the music for it, because he knew he did something wrong. And if it weren't for the Snatchers, Ron would have gone back then and there. And when he gets a chance to go back, he takes it. And when he does get back, he immediately saves Harry from drowning, defeat his literal demons, and accepted every bit of violence Hermione threw at him because he knew damn well he deserved it.

    3. Ron very explicitly asked Harry about the Tournament privately and politely. Harry was the one that snapped at him. And don't forget basically everyone ignored Dumbledore's repeated warnings about how dangerous it is: they only saw it as a chance for fame and glory. But instead of reminding Ron about the danger or sharing Moody's theory about what happened, Harry's the one that snaps at Ron and starts their fight.

    But, when Ron did realize how dangerous the Tournament is, what did he do? He apologized in a very public setting. Not privately, not half-assedly. But in full view of the entire House.

    4. Also, why is it that when people talk about what a bad friend Ron is, they can only seem to point out those two moments? They had seven years of friendship, but they only had the two spats? I don't know about you, but in real life friends have stupid fights, stop being friends for a while, and eventually make up rather often.

    If you want a better example of their friendship, just look at COS. He willingly faced his biggest fear, giant spiders, for the sole purpose of helping his friends and school. I dare most people to do the same thing, especially at the age of 12/13.

    5. For Felix Felicis, I just love how you're ignoring how Harry was the one to 'give' it to him in the first place. Or that Hermione cheated to get Ron to be Keeper in the first place. Or that Ron didn't 'realize' what he drank until after he drank it. He thought it was tonic, and only afterwards 'figures out' what Harry gave him.

    6. Personally, I think Ron's real desire in the Mirror wasn't to be Head Boy, or to show off anything. It was about escaping his Middle Child Syndrome, which Ron has a lot of hints of. Older siblings so much smarter and cooler than he is. A younger sister who is forever the Baby of the family. The nagging belief his siblings are all better than he will ever be, or that your parents might love them more than you. Not quite sure if he should follow in their footsteps to prove he's just as good as them or to make his own place in the world altogether. As a middle child myself, I know damn well what that's like. Do you?

    7. Also, are you really picking on Ron for being too lazy to go after his greatest desire? Because most people out there who saw something realistic in the Mirror would probably never go for it, usually because they would think they can't do it or even don't want to for some reason.

    8. Speaking of which, I actually don't think he's as lazy as everyone says. Yeah, he complains a lot (which Harry does too, btw). But the guy managed to get an EE in Potions of all things, and successfully became an Auror later in life. If anything, I think if it weren't for Hermione serving as a convenient crutch, Harry and Ron would have studied a lot more on their own and become better wizards in their own right.

    9. For the Badge, I first off want to address how everyone took it for granted Harry was made prefect and Ron simply couldn't have gotten it. They all kind of acted like dicks about it.

    With that said, have you considered that Ron actually did his duties more than you'd think? There was a lot of time when he wasn't with Harry because he was busy with Prefect duties (like the train in OotP and HBP). Yeah, Rowling should have shown some of Ron's responsibilities, but as far as I can tell he did a perfectly fine job. A little irresponsible, but nothing outright horrid.

    10. Of course Ron changes! This is the guy that managed to destroy the Locket-crux, which was showing his inner demons (again, I dare most people to try that out). He went from not giving a crap about House Elves in GOF to specifically showing concern for their safety in DH. He may not have become an Uber-Wizard like Hermione or Literal Jesus like Harry, but he was still a perfectly good character by the end of the series.

    11. In fact, I would argue he was always a good character, or at least a realistic one. Whereas everyone else in his life are either really smart, really rich, star athletes, or powerful wizards, Ron is more of an ordinary and realistic teenager. Not the best at anything, but still perfectly good. I would argue his biggest problem was always being an ordinary human surrounded by Übermensch.

    12. I'm not going to lie, I'm a little impressed. You might very well be the first person I ever met to actually prefer the Movie version of Ron to the Book version. Because as far as I can tell, the Movie relegated him to dumb, 'funny' sidekick. Omitting stuff didn't make him a better character, it made him a worse one. A lot of his better moments are given to Hermione (like standing between Harry and Sirius in POA despite his broken leg), Harry and Hermione are given more chances to show off how awesome they are, and he just plain acts dumber and more like a jerk. I'm not blaming the actor, he's not bad and he seems like a nice guy in real life, but I am blaming the way he and everyone around him was written.

    13. Bottom line, I would be honored to call Ron Weasley a friend. I consider it a tragedy what Fanon and FanFics did to him over the years, turning one of Rowling's better creations into a literal Trope (Ron the Death Eater). If you want to hate him, you're allowed to have an opinion, that's your business. But back it up with actual evidence from the Books and not just what FanFics have almost always written him as.
  8. kira and light

    kira and light Seventh Year

    Jul 27, 2013
    This are some really bad reasons. Do you really want every character to be a fucking saint, who never tells a lie, never takes a shortcut when it doesn't hurt anyone or not even being allowed to dream of glory, respect, wealth?

    Everyone dreams of being rich or respected especially 11 year olds just because he doesn't want to put the work into it like 95% of mankind doesn't make him a ass.

    While I am not his biggest fan, it's one of the better aspects of his character that he is flawed and acts more like a real teenager while still being more loyal, brave than 90% of whiny teens.

    And Rhaegar it doesn't help how many logical arguments you write to bashers they just won't listen and blow every little misstep out of proportion to demonize a character they don't like.
  9. Rhaegar I

    Rhaegar I Death Eater

    Jul 8, 2013
    Right behind You...
    I have to try! If nothing else, it makes me feel better when I read stuff like that. But if I can help even one person see Ron in a new light, then I'd say it's worth it.
  10. torrent56

    torrent56 Second Year

    Sep 10, 2016
    High Score:
    Fine, I guess I should have said in the last post it is very understandable that Harry was treated that way by Molly given the circumstances perhaps that wouldn’t cause as much controversy? I was only looking at comparing her actions when it comes to treating Harry and Ron and based on what I can see only come to the conclusion that Harry received far more attention than Ron (who is already starved of attention as it is, being sandwiched between the twins and Ginny)from Molly. I am sorry if I wasn’t clear enough.

    Jumpers – Sorry but I think it’s pretty clear when Fred was joking from the context in a scene (like the Gred and Forge joke a later bit later on). I wasn’t convinced it was meant as a joke but you can interpret that way I guess. However even if we disregard that we can see how Harry’s had a pattern like a lion in PoA or dragon in GoF on them (so obviously Molly spent more time on them) while Ron’s was always maroon, a colour he disliked. Why didn’t Molly ever remember he didn’t like maroon then? Ron doesn’t feel anything about it? Really? Why does Ron always say it’s maroon then (and he really wasn’t happy about it)? Oh and I forgot as well it’s not the only example of Molly forgetting Ron’s preferences – just look at the corned beef sandwiches in PS for another example. Again, let me be clear I UNDERSTAND why Molly couldn’t think of Ron’s needs and I don’t blame her for it but it does not change the objective facts which are right there.

    Getting fed – Yes I know the circumstances thank you and I understood why Molly does that because Harry had more needs. It does not change the fact Harry received more attention than Ron in this area from Molly. This is a fact.

    Dress robes – Yes you are right it is not a gift and I never argued it was so please don’t strawman my argument. However Molly specifically took the care to match Harry’s robes with colours of his eyes; Ron, on the other hand, got maroon coloured robes (a colour which he hated) with laces on them. It wouldn’t have taken Molly very long to use a severing charm on the ruffs and cuffs to get rid of the lace frills at least but she didn’t while she had time to pick out a specific colour for Ron’s robes. If Molly had bought a non-maroon coloured dress and tried to make them lace free which wouldn’t cost them any more money (unless for some weird reason maroon dress robes happen to be the cheapest which I find unlikely) then yes I wouldn’t have thought she treated Harry better.

    Howler – OK I understand your point but this isn't this an indication that showed Harry got the advantages of a son but not the disadvantages? If Molly said something like “I am disappointed in you Harry” either in the Howler or in a private letter afterwards then I would have seen it differently. I am not sure not being her biological son would deter Molly from making her displeasure known. You can look at how Hermione was “punished” by Molly in GoF when she sent her the small easter egg (after being duped by Skeeter’s lies) and she always sent Hermione a large one beforehand so her feelings there should be rather obvious. Did she do anything similar to Harry in CoS?

    Well, I think deep down Molly doesn’t really treat think of Harry as more of a son than Ron but she just acted this way. As for a textual example of Ron feeling that way: why do you think the locket showed Ron that his mother preferred Harry as a son if Ron did not at least have some feelings deep down that way? I don't know you missed/dismissed this but anyway.

    Also NuitTombee – Any thoughts on what I said about the Triwizard Tournament in reply to you?

    I don’t think so either but just by her actions sometimes it feels this way.

    Good point here, so this is an example against Molly treating Harry better but it doesn’t change the fact Harry got more attention than Ron when Molly was around.
    I agree. It is more about the perception rather than the actual feelings.

    froper98 – During the Triwizard Tournament incident, Harry already violently threw a badge at Ron and when Ron tried to catch his eye in divination Harry backed away didn’t he? As for him treating Ron coldly in return, I thought he was utterly miserable already and didn’t want any more misery without Ron around and Ron was going to apologise and admit he was wrong.
    As for Molly defeating Bellatrix, I don’t think that scene meant that objectively Molly is a better fighter than Bellatrix but in that particular Bellatrix severely underestimated her opponent (which is always a bad thing to do in a life-and-death situation) AND Molly was enraged by her attempting to kill her only daughter. When people are enraged they are capable of doing things they wouldn’t have been able to do under normal circumstances.

    There are some amazing replies from Rhaeger and kira and light (and I love how you summarised her post) here to this post, just to include some stuff that weren’t mentioned.

    It wasn’t Ron’s idea to go home, but Harry’s who goaded him into doing it after Ron correctly pointed out they weren’t making any progress. What does that say to you about Harry? Why isn’t he hated here for being a bad leader? (and I don’t hate him btw)

    Did he go home in the DOM fight in OotP or when the Death Eaters broke into Hogwarts in HBP and DH? Did he try to run away from Sirius Black in PoA or when they were going after the PS?

    Yep, even when he was mad at Harry he never stopped caring for Harry otherwise he wouldn’t go down to check on Harry when he was speaking with Sirius you know.

    All teenagers felt this way some time or the other. In fact, I remember Harry was cheating the whole year using the Potions textbook AND taking credit for being a Potions whiz.

    Why was Ron working so hard in Quidditch practices then? He also studied pretty hard for his end-of-year exams you know, ok so he didn’t do his homework as well as he could but please be honest how many teenagers does?
    As for jealousy, was he jealous of Harry when he was made Quidditch Captain which in your words, is Ron’s desire?

    Judging by the NEWT classes attendance, it seemed that Ron had the second best OWL results out of the five Gryffindor boys just behind Harry (who only beat him in DADA by one rank/grade so I would say they are pretty equal). I have no idea how a student who got mostly Es in OWLs and was doing 5 NEWTs could be considered mediocre if that’s what you’re saying. As for Harry becoming prefect, he was not suitable that year because of how much distress and anger he was under, a fact confirmed by Dumbledore.
    Ron was the best choice for the badge out of all the boys in that year in OotP end of story.

    Are you sure you didn’t get this from a fanfiction? The first thing he did that was remotely related was to make a joke about getting Crabbe and Goyle into trouble that got even the serious Hermione laughing.
    Are you talking about him calling first years midgets or what? From personal experience, prefects who joke around are a lot more popular with the students than those who are always serious.
    This happened in HBP so it’s not exactly the first thing he did. Funnily enough Hermione did the confiscation and is normally considered a model prefect did nothing to stop him. Maybe it’s just not a big deal?

    As for Ron growing up – perhaps LEADING his friends in the Horcruxes quest while Harry their leader was obsessing over the Deathly Hallows count as something?

    Rhaeger, this part of your great post got me thinking about Rupert Grint and his views about the character and I do think he really does not gave Ron much credit which probably came out in the movies as well. I remember there was a time before the PoA film was released (which is probably the first really clear example of jerk Ron and super perfect Hermione) the 3 actors for the Trio were asked to do an essay on what their character is like. Apparently Radcliffe did a one-pager while Grint did nothing because he felt Ron wouldn’t do it. Um, when in canon did Ron fail to complete his homework especially if Harry did his? I remembered lots of times when he leaved it until the last minute but as for not doing any homework I cannot think of a single time (unless my memory is faulty).

    Another example would be how he imagined that in the future Ron would be divorced from Hermione and was unemployed and alone. Yes I understand this was meant as a joke but I still feel it is pretty telling how even though canon Ron is a pretty sociable guy (at least compared with Harry and especially Hermione) and he was working and probably earnings lots of money from the joke shop and this is what he thought of Ron? This attitude does not help with the fandom Ron hatred unfortunately.
    [FONT=&quot]This, sadly, is what inflicted some people in the fandom. I wouldn’t say there are lots of them because to me it felt more like the vocal militant minority that you always see online. I would say some of them are also really hypocritical in that they would bash the characters they don’t like for perceived faults but when their favourite character are guilty of the same thing or something even worse it is OK, sigh.[/FONT]
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
  11. vlad

    vlad Banned ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 6, 2007
    Georgia, SSR
    High Score:
    1. Your head canon isn't wrong but I suspect it's exaggerating.

    2. The books are HP pov. We only see Mrs. Weasley when she is interacting with Harry. We don't see every minute or even most individual days that Harry is at the Burrow. We usually get when he is being welcomed. My parents usually focused on household guests more than me upon said guests' arrival, but I was never in danger of being replaced...
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2017
  12. Nuit

    Nuit Dark Lord

    Feb 14, 2010
    The Peach State
    Well, who would you take 'not believing you' worse from? Random class mates or your best friend? I rather think he was already quite fed up by that point with people believing he entered himself.
  13. Moldy

    Moldy First Year

    Jun 11, 2016
    High Score:
    Torrent56 I see you are still around. As for why I mentioned what Rowling said that Ron still needs to work on his self-esteem. I think it confirms what can be guessed from the books. I mean that Rowling is just not good at character development. She imagined Ron as a boy who has issues with self-esteem and when he is a grown up men she still imagines him as person who has issues with self-esteem. You can see that in the books too. Ron faced some very difficult situations and experienced a lot of hardships that an average wizard didn’t, one would think that it would leave a greater impact on his character.

    If it is any consolation to you, I think Harry’s character development is even worse. He is basically still the same kid and even, as if to highlight it, makes the same mistake in the last two books as he made in the first one. Taking into consideration that Harry is the main character, this is much worse than Ron’s scanty character development.
  14. Majube

    Majube Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 2, 2016
    High Score:
    Rhaegar I, how are you still going strong defending Ron's character from the unending hordes of other first years. At this point you might as well change your name an avatar to Ron. Anyways, so Ron is a flawed an great character, you might as well ask a mod to sticky a rant in General fanfic discussion at this point.

    All those complaining about the Harry Potter movies, keep in mind that at the very least it wasn't a butchering consecutive childhood tragedy that the PJO books, ATLA series, and Eragon trilogy movie adaptions were. Honestly, I wouldn't have minded a few things changing from the books, my cousin was fed up with me telling him the exact lines the characters were going to say before they even did in DH part 1 (not just the really memorable parts either just for like the conversations). It's mainly just people saying they're Harry Potter fans when they've only watched the movies, blame those people.
    Honestly, while having people bothering him/not believing them is a big part, it was also a nasty fight on both sides. Like a permanent friendship breaking fight if they hadn't gone through so much together.
    Kinda relevant but Lets be honest, if an already rich guy won a scholarship you'd be kind of resentful. If you were their friend? Most would be stuck between being happy for them, jealous and a bit angry. A common trope is having someone say, "You're jealous of him being an orphan and having Voldemort after him?!" Technically as the prophecy wasn't known and even if he wasn't an orphan he'd still be well-off (is he even really rich?). Also for someone like Ron, having a big family, being young (14?), all of that makes it highly unlikely that he's ever considered being an orphan.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2017
  15. TheBurningBagel

    TheBurningBagel Second Year

    Feb 22, 2016
    High Score:
    I love that this thread has stayed alive out of pure spite and annoyance at the op.
  16. torrent56

    torrent56 Second Year

    Sep 10, 2016
    High Score:
    Well I guess whether I am exaggerating is a subjective idea considering how before the books were finished some people thought Ron was going to do a Peter Pettigrew and hand Harry over to Voldemort. We don’t know how much attention Ron get when he was alone with his family although I suspect not very much because of the twins and Ginny.
    Like I said I don’t think Ron was in danger of being replaced by Harry even if deep down that was one of his fears, but the objective facts are that Molly paid far more attention to Harry both over his personal wellbeing and when it comes to gifts which led to Ron’s deep although hidden fear that Molly prefers Harry to him. I understand your point about guests, but Ron is probably far more insecure about his place than most of us and Molly specifically spent lots of efforts on Harry on other things as well like gifts. Don’t you think it’s going to be hard to stomach if your mother gives your best mate presents that are better than yours?
    Everyone have their troubles you know (which I am not sure Harry always realise when he has his own, admittedly worse problems) – it wasn’t a tall order for Harry to just tell Ron what happened when Ron ASKED politely. By the way I don’t consider Harry to be an asshole just for being too butthurt to tell Ron the truth, only they could have resolved the fight much sooner than they did.
    In the end my point stands: Ron didn’t know what was going on and Harry did not tell him the vital information needed to resolve the conflict. Even when Ron was angry at Harry, he never stopped caring for Harry’s wellbeing like a friend.

    WORD to what Majube said. He was 14 when it happened for your information.

    Hi Moldy, well I am always around even if I am not posting. I appreciate your reply but I really don’t agree with you about Ron not growing up enough or not mature enough for Hermione. Let me just list some examples of where Ron changed for the better ok?
    -In OotP he overcame his nerves about becoming Quidditch Keeper in order to help his team to win the crucial match against Ravenclaw and thus the Quidditch cup.
    -In HBP at first he seemed to just want date a girl (maybe to move on from Hermione who knows) but that bad experience made him appreciate Hermione a lot more as can be seen in the second part of HBP and DH.
    -In DH at first he was complaining about lack of food (which btw I think is a legitimate issue because anyone would know people cannot function very well without food) but after he returned he was leading his friends in the Horcruxes quest even while Harry was obsessing over the Deathly Hallows
    -In GoF he saw the elves more as a curiosity but in DH he was the first person to show concern for his safety
    As for him overcoming his self-esteem issues, isn’t confronting his literal demon and overcoming it by stabbing the locket enough for you?
    I believe I already listed all these incidents for you before but it seems like you were unconvinced so if you aren’t convinced that Ron did grow up a lot (probably more than Harry or Hermione I daresay) then I am not sure what more can I say.
    By the way I don’t like the way the character development happened at times either, for example I found the whole Lavender fiasco to be stupid and meaningless.

    Well I think Harry’s main development is supposed to be his acceptance of his role and fate in defeating Voldemort. I know not everyone is convinced.
    Sadly I see your point. Harry was still being reckless when he was continuously using the spells from the HBP textbook and they were infiltrating the Ministry just like in PS. There were definitely moments where Harry’s development surprised me as well. For example, he was horrified to discover his father was supposedly a bully in OotP but then in HBP he was hexing people for fun just like his father (granted they were horrible people but Snape in OotP was a nasty person as well). I will stop here since it’s getting off-topic.
    For me the main problem is that the characters in the movie came across as completely different people to those in the books. Another problem is that some of the changes made simply does not make any sense (e.g. when the Burrow was burnt down in HBP movie and then miraculously rebuilt in DH part 1). It is fine to condense the story but I expect it would still make sense to people who did not read the books (e.g. they removed the explanation for the Wolfsbane Potion in PoA so why was it that Remus suddenly transformed at the book’s climax but not before?) and the characters to be basically the same as the ones from the books.
  17. Dresden11

    Dresden11 Fifth Year

    Oct 7, 2014
    Is Ron an asshole? I would say yes since he is still friends with Harry after 20 years, and Harry is definitely an asshole. Two assholes sticking together through thick and thin. Surviving through the hard times, together.
  18. Paradise

    Paradise Paraplegic Dice DLP Supporter

    Jun 21, 2015
    Pine Tree State
    i thin harry/dapne is the bst paring becauns3e harry iks so meek and fragile while dapnge is a strong indepednet ice queen who can show him about his lordhsip and hreiatage and stuff
  19. Majube

    Majube Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 2, 2016
    High Score:
    Shitposting in the iRaA thread? Shame on you, you're probably pink too.
  20. oakes

    oakes Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2011
    Kill in the name of the blue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fishthulhu will have your souls for this heresy. You heathens. Your bloods will enrich the soil, soothe the seas. Your entrails will feed the fishes. Your hearts and souls will be devaured ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I like eating seaweed and swim in the dark seas.