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RWBY Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Newcomb, Jun 2, 2017.

  1. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Stop please. Q,is town.
  2. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    We've got a scum flip so you don't even have to do both worlds I wanted from you earlier, hoping for an answer from you in the next hour or two while I'm still around so we can bounce.
  3. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Well that's a mercy. I guess he was keeping quiet in the hopes we'd be reluctant to fire without a flip or something.
    fontisian --- Could you explain why this statement should lead to "not lynching Q" rather than "lynching Q and then lynching you as Q's scumbuddy"?

    Will update with stuff based on previous world split mess in a sec
  4. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Von help, I drank the alcohols.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:53 AM ----------

    Say the things.
  5. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Alright, I can't keep putting this off indefinitely with the clock winding down. Probably just going to link to post numbers instead of urls directly as that was another major source of delay. Going to also try to make my thoughts on things clearer throughout(and late-portion edit: The later I get into this post the more it is evolving into a multiple-read post instead of just Cobalt).

    #48 Cobalt enters the game and RVS's Vaimes. While not directly an interaction, it is worth noting that Waco in #50 also votes Vaimes. To that point only Blab was on Vaimes(with his intro, and with an unbolded and uncolored vote that is easy to miss). Blab moves off Vaimes and onto Stanari in #76. Jarizok enters in #85 with what has been confirmed to be a serious vote on Vaimes. Acio RVS's Vaimes. Cobalt's #91 finds fault with both Jarizok and Acio but makes no mention of blab nor Waco, nor does he give an explanation for why they are bad.

    Acio prods him in #92 for a response on Vaimes re: blab. Stanari says hi in #93, Cobalt greets her back in #94, and then gives a non-answer instead of a proper response to Acio("trying to read vaimes in the first 3 pages of day one is dumb hes always nai this early go away") which I already covered while addressing Jarizok as essentially bullshit. #95 Acio prods him for a serious response.

    #97 Regfan agrees with Cobalt's #91 re: Jarizok and Acio's votes on Vaimes. Since we now know why Jarizok was doing this(scumvibes between Vaimes/Regfan earlier) I can see where Jarizok was coming from here, though I still do not agree with him. Cobalt's #98 softball trying to tie himself to Regfan. Joking prod back at Acio. Regfan's #99 rejects that and prods him for reads and/or opinions on the game to date.

    Cobalt's #103 smells like more bullshit("I don't wanna make reads this early."). Then he +Vaimes, softball +Stanari. -Jarizok and calling attention to Jarizok's #102 which suggested Vaimes/Regfan as scum. Again troll-response to Acio instead of answering properly.

    Interactions so far:

    Vaimes #104 prodding Cobalt. Acio's #105 calling Cobalt out for his response re: Vaimes. #106 Cobalt states he is still RVS voting Vaimes, #108 reasserts his opinion re: Vaimes to Acio.

    Jarizok's #110 softball -Cobalt. My opinion on this hasn't shifted much since Jarizok's wall. Jarizok's #113 initially read as filler but when combined with his #120 comes across as possibly distancing?

    Stanari's #114 prodding him(Cobalt) over his softball town-lean of her. Agree with Vaimes' #115. Mostly agree with Vaimes' #117. Cobalt's #118 prodding and/or trolling Jarizok, Stanari, and Vaimes.

    Cobalt's #123 prodding Jarizok again. Vaimes #124 prodding Cobalt over his RVS vote response. Cobalt's #125 more filler softball -Regfan. Acio's #127 prodding Cobalt re: Vaimes NAI response. Cobalt trolls him again in #128 and is more directly abrasive in #130 in much the same way he's come across with Jarizok earlier.

    Agree again with Vaimes #131 and #136 but Cobalt's #141 has me on the fence when combined with these two in context. He seems to ease up way too easily after everything else he has posted to this point, only to take another ding at Acio.

    Acio's #132 prodding Cobalt. Cobalt's #133 +/-.

    Jan's #135 softball -Jarizok, +Vaimes, +/-Cobalt. Agree about the possibility of early distancing.

    More trolling in #137. Acio's #138... I take it as he's going to be more focused on Cobalt here?

    Vaimes #140 responding to Jan re: distancing. Going to need to keep this in mind. Agree with Vaimes' #142 re: busy w/r/t Acio.

    Cobalt's #143 smells like more bullshit re: Acio. I don't remember him well enough from MM to judge his behavior response.

    Agree again with Vaimes #144 re: scum behavior.

    Jan's #146 clarifies he was up in the air re: distancing. Agree with him here re: Vaimes. +Acio.

    Regfan's #147 +Jan and opinions on the reads mentioned in his #135. Pretty heavily defends and +Cobalt. +Acio.

    Cobalt finally contributes something meaningful in #148. -Jarizok. Softball +Acio. +/-Jan. Finally some reasoning on why he dinged Jarizok earlier I think. Hard defends Regfan after earlier trying to tie himself to him.

    Vaimes #149 notes Reg's defense of Cobalt and prods him over it. #150 Reg's response to Acio re: Vaimes alignment is worth noting as it is something I don't remember from our past games. Vaimes #151 asking for more information behind Cobalt's #148.

    Jan's #152 responding to Regfan re: Cobalt and Vaimes, +/-Acio, softball +Regfan. Regfan's #154 again defending +Cobalt. Nulls Acio in response to Jan's +/-. Prods Fonti for opinions.

    Vaimes #155 dinging Cobalt over tying himself to Regfan. Cobalt's #156 to Vaimes re: Regfan feels like another non-answer evasion, much as earlier with responding to Acio(I think) on Vaimes earlier stuff being NAI. Vaimes #157 prodding him for specifics. Cobalt's #158 is null, his #160 answers. On the fence about this, too, since I don't know Regfan enough to comment, but in the light of previous posts he does seem to be further cementing his ties to Regfan and now Vaimes here. Votes Fonti with no real reason given.

    Interactions so far:
    104-131 -Vaimes,
    131-157 +Vaimes.

    Jan's #162, Cobalt's #163, Jan's #164 filler. Stanari #165 votes Fonti. Jan's #167 dinging her for that.

    Acio's #168 asking dC re: Vaimes/Cobalt. Cobalt's #169 prodding Jan re: Stanari. Jan's #170 prodding him back. +/-Miner.

    Cobalt's #171 feels like he's backpedaling re: Jan-prod-over-Stanari. Jan's #172 prodding him. Cobalt's #173 further backpedaling? #174 Fonti +blab, +Vaimes, +Cobalt, +/-Stanari, Acio.

    #177 Regfan continues to defend Cobalt to Vaimes. They've both(Regfan and Cobalt) said multiple times that they are seeing from the same perspective often enough, and I have trusted Regfan off and on to this point, so I'm not very happy about this. +/- Fonti. -Stanari re: Fonti vote. I do agree with his reasoning here for dinging her. +pienyan. Agree with Regfan re: Jarizok.

    pienyan's #179 to Jan comes off slightly bad in the wake of Jan's NK. I get its meant as a joke but still.

    pienyan's #184 is the post I was initially town-leaning her for earlier. I do agree with her on Cobalt's posts and behavior. +blab, +Vaimes, -Acio. I don't agree with her on Acio here. Softball -Stanari.

    pienyan's #186 bugs me a little since Cobalt has also essentially hitched his wagon to Regfan's star. Softball -Fonti, and her note on Jan also bugs me a bit when coupled with her #179 and Jan's flip.

    Jan prods her re: Fonti in #187, pushes Fonti re: blab, Vaimes. pienyan's #188 to Jan +/-.

    Regfan's #189 to pienyan re: Cobalt. More defending him. I just don't agree here about Cobalt. blab's #190 dinging Cobalt. -Fable, -Cobalt, -Stanari for all voting Fonti.

    Mostly agree with pienyan's #191 to Regfan re: substance, re: Cobalt's Jarizok stance.

    Quid's #192 responding to Vaimes from way-back when about Cobalt's RVS on him, then votes Vaimes.

    On the fence with Regfan's #194 to pienyan re: Cobalt's meta. I checked MM again and he replaced out with almost nothing done. I may have missed it or just forgotten it since I began writing this up but did Cobalt ever +Acio to this point? Because I don't think that he did(later edit, found it via pienyan's #200, it was in his #148 and very soft at that). -Quiddity.

    Kai's #195 votes Cobalt. +/- on his reasoning. Regfan's #196 "what" response.
    pienyan, how does your #197 hold up in the light of Jarizok's posts re: Vaimes/Regfan since? I do agree here regarding the reaching comment, but I also agree with Regfan's assessment of the situation in his #199 given the information that was available then.

    Quid votes pienyan in #198 for her opening post. -Regfan. +Jan, +Cobalt. +/-Stanari, softball -Vaimes. Regfan's #199. Defends pienyan re: Quid's scumreading her for her opening post. Prods Quiddity.

    Agree again with pienyan's #200 re: Cobalt's behavior to Regfan. Nulls' Jarizok, prods Quiddity for reasoning. I wasn't necessarily scumreading Jarizok for his #102 she refers to here, but it did ping me a little in my re-read of him. Otherwise I agree with her on Cobalt here.

    Cripes, I started this around 11:30 pm when I got done with my 500 club entry and it's nearly 2 am. I may be getting more reads out of this this way but I'm losing focus. Taking a break for the moment.

    Where my head is at right now:
    Cobalt is scum.
    Regfan is giving him an easier pass than anyone else noted so far.
    pienyan's earlier posts around Jan do not look good given N1, but she makes good points about Cobalt that I think are worth more.
  6. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Alright, so. Waco being scum reflects poorly on Jarizok, thanks to #758 looking like scum trying to distract from Jarizok's wagon. I think that's most of the takeaway here, since Waco was irritatingly quiet.

    Not 100% on hitting Q now. Jari is still an option, right? As an exercise, I'd like to get probabilities on the following:

    - Chance Q is scum, given scum!Jari
    - Chance Q is town, given town!Jari
    - Chance Jari is scum, given scum!Q
    - Chance Jari is town, given town!Q
  7. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    And then more pages to read. lovely.
  8. dichotomousCreator

    dichotomousCreator Second Year

    May 30, 2017
    High Score:
    EBWOP: Disagree with Cobalt lynch today, but not as a "hard town" read. I just think Cobalt might be a swing player (i.e. could go either way and not lynching them as town might end up being important if they are town)
  9. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:01 ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 ----------

    Refresh my memory, why are we voting Quiddity in light of Waco's flip?
  10. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    It's the return of Bad Stanari Quotewalls except this time with kind of sort of actual stances! What improbable event is occurring this time?


    This is probably the most emotionless reaction to a scum dayvig I have ever seen. Where's the surprise, man?

    Torn between townreading and scumreading this post. The scumread is literally off an exclamation mark though so idk if I trust it very far.

    Okay so I really want to hard townread the "kya" here but that's literally the stupidest thing I could possibly townread.

    This is also maybe a sliver townlean but I'm again feeling that it's well within Fable's scumrange to fake it so mmm.

    I think I'm just townreading people out of euphoria now.
  11. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Nevermind, I literally just skimmed his #1322 before I got down to the Waco flip.

    Lynch Vote Quiddity.
  12. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Thanks! Modding's fun.

    RWBY Mafia Votal 2.5.

    Quiddity [4]: Pienyan, Fable, Acio, Zenzao.

    Not Voting [12]: Blab, Cobalt, DC, DC, Font, Jari, Kai, Miner, Quiddity, Reg, Stanari, Vaimes.

    With 16 votes alive, it will be 9 votes to soft lynch and 13 votes to hard lynch.
  13. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Not to double down on meta, but why do I write a massive post defending Waco and using that as a springboard on Pie when Von has talked about killing one of us?

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 AM ----------

    How badly do you think this scumteam is playing, exactly?
  14. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    Going to sleep. I think I saw a Zen scumgame but I lost it, if someone could relink for me that would be nice? The spicier and effort-ier, the better.
  15. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Like, you also think Jari is very likely scum???
  16. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    Also this is kind of what I was thinking lol.
  17. Cobalt

    Cobalt Third Year

    Aug 29, 2015
    Oh, sick flip, good shit Vaimes. Consider yourself locktown.

    Finally home and in bed.

    We're lynching Jarizok toDay, thank you very much. Get your fucking votes off Quiddity before I chainlynch all of you. Scum Q would never hard-defend him like that when he was taking that much heat with talks of guns and bullets all over the thread. Are you out of your god damn minds?

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:11 AM ----------

    Pienyan and Zenzao are grossly opportunistic about flipping to Q after the Waco flip. Scum if I ever fuckin seen it.

    Fable is town and Acio is town so idgaf about those votes rly

    ---------- Post automerged at 02:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 AM ----------

    I'm gonna start with the recent shit and then catch-backwards because Zen's wall is dumb and I'mma tell u why. Getting started now.
  18. pienyan

    pienyan Muggle

    Apr 19, 2017
    High Score:
    Actually wait a few seconds.

    Now that I stop to think about it, I'm wondering if this would point more to Q being town, not to Q being scum. I'm not really sure, though; would like to know if other people make anything of this.
  19. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Q literally said "please don't shoot Q." The only way he does that as scum is specifically to pocket me, but I was already townreading him and a lot of people who won't listen to me are scumreading him, so I can't see him as scum.

    Also, I told Von to shoot Waco. Well, specifically, I told him to pressure Stanari, and then told him to think about shooting Waco when stanari started feeling honest and also to consider shooting Jarizok if my points in his favor weren't compelling. This was all said in our qt. That jan gave us. Probably.

    Also, also, I was looking back over Waco's early posts, and I noticed that his first post mentioned Pie more than anyone else and it felt awkward, and maybe that makes pie mafia.

    But regardless we can't lynch Q.

    And I like Stanari for agreeing with that a bit. And I hate Zenzao's response.
  20. pienyan

    pienyan Muggle

    Apr 19, 2017
    High Score:
    Actually, now I'm wondering something.

    Q town, Jari and Cobalt scum.