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Any Nintendo fans?

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by SlytherinDamian, Sep 16, 2005.

  1. Antivash

    Antivash Until we meet again... DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Ghost Planet
    not sure what its capable of playing but theyve got video of ingame footage of the emu running so i guess itll play games... http://www.pcsx2.net/
  2. Redeye

    Redeye Penultimate Lurker DLP Supporter

    gamecube had the super smash bro's that was about the only game i played on it. But it kept me coming back.

    Playstation one and two had the best games though.
    I mean playstation had Suikoden One and 2 nuff said.
  3. Avitus

    Avitus Groundskeeper

    i grew up with the NES and SuperNES....they were honestly the best systems of all time....all ne SNES games have disappeared though... :x i have N64 and GameCube....i hate them both...I'm thinking of getting an Xbox....do they have better controllers now??
  4. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Eh, I never liked XBox too much. The only game I ever liked was Halo. The controllers just felt way to big for me after using playstation controllers.
  5. Avitus

    Avitus Groundskeeper

    truthfully...i want it for the next elder scrolls game... oblivion? yea...it looks hot but my pc has NO CHANCE IN HELL of running it
  6. SlytherinDamian

    SlytherinDamian Raptured to Hell

    Oblivion, Fable 2, KOTOR 3, Jade Empire 2, enchant arm, Lost Odyssey... those will end up making me get a 360 no doubt, but I'll wait for the price to come down this time. I got Xbox when it first came ot with the big ass controller and the price dropped like ever 6 months after that, plus it burned out.

    The first Xbox controller was too biig coming off the Ps2 one, but they fixed it with controller S, which IMO is the best pad currently on the market. It looks like 360's pad took most its cues from the S, so I'm digging that. I'm just not digging insanely priced bundles for launch or no standard hard drive...
  7. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Yeah but oblivion is a xbox 360/PC game isnt it?

    So if your pc cant run it atm you'd have to shell out the 300-400 bucks for the console to play that game, you're better off slowly upgrading a PC from scratch I'd imagine, lol
  8. SlytherinDamian

    SlytherinDamian Raptured to Hell

    Depends on his PC... mine is way too old to upgrade for Oblivion, I'm looking at a whole new PC if I went that route... although I want to for the mods eventually, I dunno... its a lot of money to pay for the ability to use mods... personally.
  9. I will still follow Nintendo! N64 was the first system I ever played
  10. Redeye

    Redeye Penultimate Lurker DLP Supporter

    see nintendo always comes out with crazy ideas and shit.
    and at first everyone is like "that shit is crazy it will never work."
    but then it ends up working better than anything else.
    i remember everyone was like the gamecube contoller sucks!
    but when you play gamecube games i can imagine playing them with any other controller
    and in all honesty its probably one of the most comfertable controllers really.
    but when it comes to the first person shooters
    its all about pc.

    Counter Strike is the shit and when they tried to put in on Xbox it sucked.
    first person shooters are meant for the PC. except golden eye on N64. that was the shit haha.
  11. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Lost in the sands of time
    that is a very true statment.my boys and I were so into that game.that and cool boarder for ps1. those were hot games.