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Future Dresden Files

Discussion in 'Books and Anime Discussion' started by Erotic Adventures of S, Oct 23, 2020.

  1. Krieger

    Krieger Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    I haven't read the last couple books, since... skin game I believe? I'm still interested but yeah, over the years the interest has waned. I will definitely reread when the series is finished though, and I do believe he will get there. So I look forward to it, eventually, but for now unless I hear a book is a must read than I'll put it on hold.
  2. MuggsieToll

    MuggsieToll Groundskeeper

    I was about to get all indignant about how it couldn't possibly have been 2020 when BG came out, but Goddamn it has been more than 4 years since the last book.
  3. dudeler

    dudeler High Inquisitor

    High Score:
    I used to really like the Dresden files.
    For some reason I'm no longer interested.

    It's probably a combination of several things. I don't much care for the world ending scope of the later books. I have less time nowadays and I would much rather finally finish the collection of Tolkiens Essays I got for Christmas or, for some lighter reading, some of Simenons Maigret novels.

    Now, If @Todeswind would finally win his fight against hurricane insurance, fix his roof and got back to write his fantastic Dresden files fanfic, I would probably reread the entire endless pantheon.
  4. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Dresden Files did the same thing that Worm did after Leviathan, and that Harry Potter did after Goblet.

    It got too big. In universe, I mean. The stakes are too high, and it keeps escalating... And I lost interest.

    Dresden Files as a PI fights the monster of the week, gets stronger, and deals with political shitbaggery was fun. I enjoyed it. The Red War aspect of it wasn't bad either, especially as we mostly focused on Harry and his close circle. Then suddenly the fate of the world is involved,
    and... I guess it just wasn't the same story I fell in love with?

    On the other hand, I'm pretty sure the intense dislike I had for Ghost Story probably also has something to do with it. So maybe it's not so much scale changing, but the hero's alignment shifting?
    Maybe same for the releases slowing.

    I should probably reread the series though, I'm at least one book behind.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2025
  5. yargle

    yargle High Inquisitor

    I mean, your opinion is perfectly valid, but if the cutoff is "fate of the world is involved," then it should have happened with book 4, where Dresden foiled a plot that would have left the world in a sudden, perpetual ice age.

    I think I've got a different perspective on the series, considering I didn't start reading it until many years after Skin Game came out. I went in, with only the following information that I learned from a former friend in college:
    • takes place in Chicago
    • is a neo-noir modern pulp
    • main character is a wizard PI
    • stakes start small and get consistently bigger
    I guess it's that fourth point that causes me to see it all differently. Or maybe it's because I've read a decent amount of more... pulpy stories? I've read almost all of Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian stories, all of his Solomon Kane, all the original Tarzan books, the majority of the Perry Mason stories and more I can't particularly recall at the moment. Dresden Files fits in with all of those way better than it does typical, more modern mysteries and fantasies.
  6. Spanks

    Spanks Chief Warlock

    New Jersey
    Butcher tweeted Twelve Months has been submitted to the publisher. Here’s hoping he gets his release date mojo back after this and I can begin a reread.
  7. Todeswind

    Todeswind Groundskeeper

    We both want that, my dude. We both want that. Here's to hoping.