Nothing I saw from this latest stream makes me want to come back. Though I will say these skins are much nicer than the Barbara and Jean ones. Hilariously - and I don't know if this is actually true - but they basically deleted Shehe's belly button from the original leaked art. There's a before and after pic going around somewhere. This is not how you reel degens like me back in. I'm genuinely curious if they're getting bonked by the Censorship Bureau. The banners look pretty insane too. My guess is Yae Miko will come immediately after. They're trying to take all your primos before dropping her and as the content creator who summarized the stream for me said, Yae will probably sell even more than Raiden, even if she literally heals enemies.
Looks the same to me. 2.4 is full of things I enjoy. New waifus, events featuring established characters, windtrace is back, and we get a whole new island to explore.
MC wakes up with their head in her lap pillow. And she's very 'ara ara.' It was inevitable after that. As i said, she could literally heal enemies. So her electro status is irrelevant lol...
I thought you were making a joke about healing enemies, lol. Ah well. I’m saving to c6 Zhongli anyway.
I am. I'm saying it doesn't matter how shit she is (if she even is), people will pull for her because sexy fox waifu that ticks loads of degen fetish boxes
We've had two in-game examples of new waifus flopping because of their omega fail kits. I think the waifu factor is significantly stronger for Yae than it was in both Kokofish and Yoi's case, but if her kit is bad, she won't outsell Raiden/HuTao2.
Yes they are. Word is these are replacing the default skins for CN players, although for international servers they will just be additional skins. Assumption is they're gonna go through the whole roster to de-lewd (female) de-feminize (male) the characters and future releases will be more in line with the CCP restrictions. On the other hand, Jean looks niiiiiice. Spoiler: comparisons from reddit:
If you say so, lol. I find it a bit funny that people have been begging for more skins for ages, and now they're made as many skins for the CCP as they have for their player-base.
Tbf (i can't believe I'm saying this), you guys aren't losing anything afaik. I just find it funny that they instantly popped out skins for ol Winnie
I like Jeans new skin. Amber and Mona seem more risque to me though with the new/updated skins, so clearly I don't quite understand what's being censored.
Out of the bunch I think Jean's is the only one that is well thought out. The rest are blatant "CCP hates exposed skin" patches.
Yea, but all future characters will be designed within CCP censorship guidelines. If there's one moral stance I want to take, it's against censorship in any shape or form.
Totally fair obv. We even saw that with that new Ice waifu getting her seethrough belly cloth censored (the most heinous of crimes for a belly enthusiast like myself). I really don't like Jean's new one, but that's personal preference. I liked the flashes of skin under her shawl a lot.
Jesus. Enkanomiya is massive and the topographical layering is crazy. Ayaka and Mona's worst nightmare.
reddit posts say chinese social networking sites are partially blaming mihoyo. somewhat blaming(but not really blaming because all hail the ccp) the govt restrictions. but mostly blaming a group of vocal chinese SJWs some quotes from a linked post from that post... my takeaway from this is CCP doesnt *really* care, because Genshin is good publicity and a cash cow for them. but chinese new years resolutions(?), reelection, something something "we're actually doing something" means that the censorship board of the govt is looking for anything to show that they're relevant, and very loud cries of obscenity being thrown at them by parents and sjws make a convenient crowd to please. the poster is hopeful that once theyre past the point where they dont have to give any fucks anymore, the censorship will stop briefly... although IMO, mihoyo might still tone down future char designs to avoid being targeted again anyhow.
Trying to redirect outrage onto some small group is CCP and their water armies in a nutshell. I'm sure there were reports, but it's rather silly trying to pretend this was anything other than some bureaucrat at the censorship office cracking down on a big name like Genshin to pad out their approval with backward ass China boomers who think sex and video games are destroying their lives and ruining their future. Which I don't understand mainly because A) video games are a massive Chinese export industry that is making them a shit-ton of money, and B) the billion strong Chinese population is always under threat of exploding; so from a certain point of view they are literally the best country at sex.