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Naruto fic Ideas

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Feoffic, Aug 8, 2006.

  1. HiddenETC

    HiddenETC Second Year

    Well, a little humor never did a story bad, but the "copying "Never Cut Twice"" thing probably is true. (Pocky tastes good, I'm eating it right now)
  2. Myst

    Myst Headmaster

    Glassboro, NJ

    I already have that stuff worked out... If I decided to write it rather than finishing chapter 5 of my fic in my sig.
  3. li.u

    li.u Fourth Year

    i'd like to see a 100% genjutsu user naruto for once. i'm kinda tired of fics where always some female gets to be a genjutsu user (often sakura) with the reasoning that they have oh so few chakra but godlike control over it. that's just lame and i think there certainly are large scale genjutsus that cost a lot of chakra to perform (like the one at the chuunin exams that had the entire arena sleeping). i know that according to kishimotos theory about genjutsu you have to be intelligent first but there are so many stories out there sporting naruto's 'mask' (to get attention bla bla...but underneath...). you don't have to make him a super brainiac like shikamaru but someone with a decent mind. naruto getting some kind of instrument would be cool either (something handy like tayuya's flute) to affect the hearing sense specifically so that the sharingan for example can't just see through it (or that's how i think it should be according to the given theory). and while i'm at it: get him tought by kurenai...yep kurenai is cool...i like kurenai (kurenai kurenai kurenai)...hehe :)
  4. KeshinNoAkui

    KeshinNoAkui Seventh Year

    Washington State.
    Here's an idea, working off something I suggested in the Anti-Cliche thread.

    Itachi doesn't kill Shisui, thusly never gaining Mangekyo and staying in ANBU.

    Fast-forward to him still ANBU, and having to chase down whoever defaced the Hokage mountain (ya'll know who it is). After a somewhat impressive chase (doesn't have to be hours-long, but a considerable amount of time), Itachi finally catches the culprit, and is impressed enough with his tracking skills (and subsequently being able to avoid Itachi), he mentions it to his superiours in the ANBU, who become interested enough to offer training him as a possible recruit(due to his tracking skills, which could be related to the Inuzukas).

    Now before ya'll jump down my throat about an Academy Student being recruited for ANBU (Though the Wiki-site says they only recruit Chuunin's and up), think about it for a second.

    If you had the chance to train something that had very good potential, wouldn't you try and acquire it through any means nessecary?

    I would think that the Commander would try to talk the Hokage into letting him be trained to become an ANBU, myself. While it would be cliche for exceptions to be made and allow them to recruit him, I think it would have a bit of potential, as it could not only give Itachi a reason to train him (as an apprentice, more or less), but it could set up for a more competent ANBU squad to be displayed in Fanon cause every story I've read displays them as bumbling idiots who have masks, and a few extra techniques.

    But that's just my random ideas...
  5. li.u

    li.u Fourth Year

    hmm...well the ANBU would have to be really really REALLY impressed to bring such a matter before the hokage and that's considering they don't all hate naruto like the rest of the population...but why not.
    if itachi is so damn impressed of his tracking/stealth abilities he should just stick to them and focus the training on that. there are a lot of fics where naruto is trained by itachi (be it in an AU or in akatsuki) but they all end up with naruto eventually being the super allround ninja who just learns all jutsus there are. gets boring after a while. so i'd just let him develop said skills that made naruto stick out so much (for example: let him get the tracking dog summoning, give him stuff like kirigakure no jutsu for silent killing, that kind of stuff). another problem would be the anbu squad naruto is in...you don't want to have too many OC's. then you also have to be somewhat creative with your plot line and don't have him just send to tag along team 7 or something (hokage wouldn't send a anbu squad to help out team 7 at wave for example). also when naruto paints all the hokage heads he seemed already quite 'old' and already had his bubbly attitude. you'll also need to make the change from 'friendly babbling idiot' to 'cold blooded murder on duty' believable. if you got all this stuff figured out and don't suck too much at writing it sure would be a quite enjoyable story :)
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2006
  6. KeshinNoAkui

    KeshinNoAkui Seventh Year

    Washington State.
    I was suggesting before Itachi was given the mission to kill Shisui, preferably early in the Academy so while he does pull pranks, his 'happiness persona' hasn't stuck yet, giving the author more time to mold him into ANBU-worthy.

    Or, just keep the persona, but let it change over-time, so he'll realize that being ANBU is a matter of life-or-death.
  7. li.u

    li.u Fourth Year

    wasn't exactly that he received an order to kill his best friend and then his clan...or at least none that we know of now in canon.

    yeah...i think letting him just pull the 'great monument prank' a little earlier would be the easiest way out. on the other hand, a little bit angstying about morals is still ok but there is of course always the danger of horrible overdoing it...'sigh'
    well everything that's believable (and not anoying) is fine...i think