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Naruto Manga Thread

Discussion in 'Books and Anime Discussion' started by Verse of Darkness, Feb 17, 2007.

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  1. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Germany occupied Greece
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    Well, Minato can make any chapter seem like win. And this one is no different. I agree with Howdy, he is too awesome for this series.
    However, I'm half expecting Kishi to undermine his awesomeness somehow, just to fuck with us all.
  2. Synchro

    Synchro High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    I was certain that he actually did a Rasengan one-handed in his fight against Sasuke at the VotE and the match against Pain (I actually thought he created one rasengan in each hand for that rasenrendan or whatever). Maybe I'm not recalling correctly...

    Doing the Rasengan one-handed isn't really about practice, is it? Its more about having absolute control over all of the chakra - or atleast that's what it looks like to me. That Minato and Kakashi can create it with one hand isn't surprising, Minato is the creator and is the height of awesome and they both probably have normal chakra relative to their positions anyway. That Jiraiya can do it with his large chakra would be amazing but he's one of the Sannin. For any of them to have absolute control over their chakra in any technique isn't surprising.

    After this chapter though, its clear that neither Naruto nor Konohamaru can create it one handed and that could be attributed to Naruto's chaotic and potent chakra (hard to have absolute control over) and Konohamaru's young age and lack of experience (leading to not very good control over his own chakra).
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2010
  3. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    I know I shouldn't expect anything good anymore, so even having no expectations whatsoever, I still got mad at the amount of crap in this chapter.

    Sasori being care-bared by Kankuro and the Rasengan being a convenient knock-off that Naruto can exploit to learn his newest cheap power-up.

    Agree that the only good thing was the picture of Minato.
  4. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    The Playhouse
    He did for sure use it one-handed against Sasuke, but that could be attributed to the Kyuubi shroud he had going at that point, I guess. And I too assumed he did two one-handed Rasengans against Beast Realm, but this chapter would imply that he actually created two clones, powered up two rasengans, and jumped Beast Realm before Nagato had any idea what was going on. I mean if we're to believe that Naruto is that quick then who gives a shit about him being able to do a one-handed Rasengan? He should be able to blitz the hell out of anybody.
  5. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    I would say that its more likely Minato is just that good than him having a nomral chakra supply. He could summon Gamabunta which requires alot of chakra, not to mention doing so after transporting the 9 tails and fighting Madara.

    It isnt suprising at all that Jiraiya could do it. Aside from Genjustu there was much Jiraiya couldnt do. As badass as Minato is, Im not sure he would beat Jiraiya.
  6. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Germany occupied Greece
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    Jiraiya was the best man there was, but Minato was God.

    BTW, agree that Naruto having to make clones for Rasengan is lame.
  7. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    You mean by doing something like making him kill himself for no reason whatsoever?

    Yeah, I'm afraid he'll do that too.
  8. Cxjenious

    Cxjenious Dark Lord

    And the bitchin' doesn't stop. You guys are just way too into this manga. I've managed to be pleased by every recent chapter because I don't really give a shit. Get laid or something.
  9. Spanks

    Spanks Chief Warlock

    New Jersey
    I've been looking at various Naruto forums and noticed this trend. A year or two ago everyone was bitching about how underpowered Naruto was compared to Sasuke.

    Now, he has gotten uber power everyone is still looking for shit to complain about; either it's how fast he acquired his new power, the methods he used, he still can't use Rasengan one handed, he's still stupid etc. This poor character just can't win over his fans.
  10. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Im honestly not sure who would win that one. But it probably depends on if your talking about Jiraiya vs Minato the day before Minato died, or Jiraiya the day before he died vs Minato the day before he died. The latter I would probably give to Jiraiya 9/10 times for the simple reason of 15 years more experience and training.

    The first one really is a toss up. Jiraiya would be one of the few guys Minato couldnt simply over power and Jiraiya more than likely knows every single detail of Minato's fighting style and the different aspects of Minato's technique even if he couldnt do it himself. He was Minato's teacher after all.
  11. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Germany occupied Greece
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    True, but we can assume that big part of a Ninja's power comes from his own individual abilities and training. Or at least, that's the case with most of the main characters. You don't see Kakashi knowing what moves Naruto can do, or Jiraiya for that matter.
    I see the relationship between sensei-student as the sensei teaching them the foundations and how to survive in the field, but from then on it's up to them to become stronger, with their sensei there to give advice when they need it.

    Jiraiya may be the best in everything besides Genjutsu after Minato died, but Minato would simply be faster. A lot faster.
    True, it would be a fight to behold, but Minato would eventually win.
  12. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Kakashi doesnt know what Naruto can do? Only because its been a while seen he has seen him. That may be typical of alot of sensei-student relationships, but its obviously not the case with Kakashi-Naruto, Jiraiya-Naruto, Asuma- Shikamaru, or Gai-Lee.

    Minato was obviously very close with Jiraiya, he named his son after Jiraiya's first character, he showed him the secret of rasengan, and he left Jiraiya the key to Naruto's seal. Im not saying he knew all of Minato's secrets but Im saying Jiraiya knew Minato, knew how he fought, knew how he thought, and more than likely was highly familar with his techniques.

    Sheer speed? Yes Minato has Jiraiya beat there, but thats the only real area we can give to Minato with what we know.
  13. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    That's a two way street, bro. Minato is just as familiar with Jiraiya's style as Jiraiya is with his.

    There's also the fact that the sheer speed advantage is fairly important. It's not like he's a little bit faster. He's a relativity breaking monster, capable of moving between two points 'instantly.' Madara Uchiha is literally omnipotent, capable of shaping reality with his thoughts, and that speed difference kicked his fratricidal ass.
  14. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Madara can do that a limited number of times, and that is a last resort. At the time his only real weapon was his teleportation and controlling the 9 tails. Minato kicked his ass yes, but Madara has said multiple times he was a shadow of his former self in terms of power. Im not saying for sure Jiraiya would win, Im saying it would be a toss up, not a sure thing for either of them. It would be Jiraiya's all around skill and experience vs. Minato's sheer speed.

    Minato is a speed freak ninja god while Jiraiya is in my opinion by far the most well rounded ninja in the series and he is not an average well rounded ninja but someone who is highly skilled in nearly every aspect and has the chakra and experience to back it up.

    On another topic, since people Kabuto has brought back go away when they are find their peace or whatever, could that be why he didnt bring Jiraiya back? Jiraiya was pretty much okay with his death going by the smile on his face.
  15. Synchro

    Synchro High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jiraiya is the most well-rounded ninja, among those that we have stats for. We have no way of knowing if Minato is as equally well-rounded or not. Also consider, that Minato was the Hokage (that implies having great chakra and skill) and was every bit as experienced as Jiraiya, having seen a war himself and won it for Konoha almost single-handed. In fact, Minato was not just an amazingly skilled, powerful, experienced and well-rounded ninja, he was definitely wise and a genius of epic proportions if his foresight is anything to go by.

    Who would win in a fight between the two? In a bet, Jiraiya'd be picked simply because the manga has shown him fighting a few amazing battles where as we've only seen Minato rape a past-his-prime old geezer (Madara). Doesn't mean it's the right choice, though.
  16. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Clutch City, USA
    There's a reason why Minato was the Yondaime, and not Orochimaru. And since Orochi and Jiraiya are on relatively equal terms, I'd say Minato wins.
  17. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    I was under impression it had more with what kind of people they were than who was more powerful.
  18. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Clutch City, USA
    Why Minato then, and not pressure Jiraiya? Because in Kishi's mind, Minato trumps the Sannin.
  19. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    I don't think we can assume who is more powerful from the fact who was chosen by the Third as the next Hokage. Sure, to become one Minato needed to be as good as Sannins, but from there it was matter of who had better character (Minato>Orochimaru) and was more willing to be Hokage (Minato>Jiraiya).
  20. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    In the Tesla
    Minato decimated a large portion of Iwa's military. By himself.

    Orochimaru got his ass handed to him in a rigged fight by an eighty year old man.

    I think it's pretty obvious who's stronger.
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