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Abandoned Prodigy by jmcgk6 - T

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by Avitus, Sep 15, 2005.

  1. Avitus

    Avitus Groundskeeper

    Title: Prodigy
    Author: jmcgk6
    Rating: T (PG-13)
    Genre: Action/Adventure/Romance
    Status: WIP
    Summary: Some say Prodigies are born, others say they evolve in the proper enviroment. What if Harry Potter had such an Enviroment? PreHogwarts and Beyond!
    Original is on author's yahoogroup: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/jmcqk6_fic/files/OLD Prodigy/
    REWRITE can be found at: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3349611/1/
    Archive Link: https://www.hpfanficarchive.com/stories/viewstory.php?sid=48

    Very good, even if the guy's profile is kind of random...

    Checked by Minion, August 18, 2013
    Dead links are dead. If you know where to find another copy of the story, please inform the library staff.

    Not dead anymore, Added link to OP. Nov 11, 2019 - Zombie.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2019
  2. SlytherinDamian

    SlytherinDamian Raptured to Hell

    This guy is in college and owns a company?? :shock:
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  4. RagefulLlama

    RagefulLlama Seventh Year

    sigh me^^
  5. SlytherinDamian

    SlytherinDamian Raptured to Hell

    I tried reading it, but the author mentioed Dumbles being like a mentor, blah blah blah. Then Hedwig magically finds Harry... yea, no thanks.
  6. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Thanks for the warning Slytherin, I cant be fucked wasting my time right now.
  7. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Denver, CO
    Its a decent story so far, give it a whirl.
  8. Avitus

    Avitus Groundskeeper

    i really do like this one... except for the M-Machine... its a horrible plot device in my opinion. the chapters are a shade too short for me (meaning they seem like quarter chapters), but i like how he surprised Dumbles in the latest chapter.. it made me giggle
  9. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Had a whirl and it isnt bad. I can get passed the Hedwig thing, it isnt too bad. The computer that he's made (M-Machine) is crappy though but I can over look it. Its something original and when you do things like that, its all trial and error.
  10. Necrule Paen

    Necrule Paen DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Southern California
    This story uses the cliche "Harry can do anything because he doesn't know he can't" but is probably the most believable out of them all because Harry literally knows nothing of other people's limitations so I am all for it.

    Dumbledore is NOT Harry's mentor. From the way things are going Harry will be Dumbledore's mentor if there will be mentoring at all. I think what got you confused is that Harry is contacting Dumbledore to see about this 'destiny' business is about, but Dumbledore's help will be minor all things considered, Harry knows now that he is alot more progressive than the majority of.

    Hedwig did not magically find Harry, the author has a decent backstory as to how Hedwig got to the house and frankly it is far more believable then all of the other cliches out there about Harry getting a snake or whatever.

    There is alot of good and orginal ideas in this fic to ignore it out of hand. Remember that much that is said in this forum is criticism and while this is great guide to make a good fic it is horrible for promoting a fic because very little of the good parts of a fic is spoken of compared to the bad.
  11. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Like I said, didnt mind the Hedwig thing. It wasnt that had.

    I dont even mind it if Dumbledore did mentor him. Some of those stories are alright, its just when its all lovey dovey crap and he learns shit all. Mine has implied Dumbledore mentor so yeah, dont mind it if its done right.

    Your right that this is one of the best 'Harry can do anything because he doesnt know he cant' story. No one is around therefore he thinks he can just do it. Maybe thats why Merlin was so powerful? Had no one to teach him and he just did his thing, thinking that all magical people could do things like him because for the first half of his life he knew no other magical people or something... who knows. Meh.
  12. SlytherinDamian

    SlytherinDamian Raptured to Hell

    I don't want him to get a snak, but I kinda hate Hedwig. So him getting Hedwig, regardless of if there is a believable or creative backstory (that I missed), isn't winning me over.

    If you mean Dumbledore is more progressive than other witches and wizards, that also doesn't warm me up to it. I hate Dumbles, and I'm not fond of so called 'progressives' in any context I know of. The fact that they sound like Harry has any sort of relationship with the professor that isn't merely Dumbles being used and discarded when he is of no use takes yet more points off.

    The not knowing the limits of magic thing... I think its a lame concept, but considering the inconsistancy of JKR concerning wandless magic and underage restriction, I can let that slid. I'll give it another chance, but I'm almost certain I'll still hate it.
  13. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Good story. I like this smart Harry, instead of a little imbecile JKR is serving us. The whole theory of magic thing is good too.

    That god-like lady of magic is a bit lame. I mean, it's like a standard sellotape when you need to connect bits of story and don't know how.
    "Haaaary, to acomplish your destinyyy, you muuust fiiind the Amulet of Tolkien Ripoff!"
    "Yes, my lady, I'll get right on it"

    I'm also little afraid for the future of this story, since it seems like all bits about theory of magic and Harry being smart are over, and all that remains is Harry being a misfit and trying to figure out what to do with Hermione's holes.

    Nevertheless, it's good for now.
  14. Lord Osiris

    Lord Osiris Auror

    The land down under
    I'm kinda like undecided on this story, i dont want to read it but i've stuck with it!? Hate those stupid computer things he makes! for God sake WTF, can't stand how he just suddenly appears next to this mythical book that has been gone for thousands of years! What i like though is how he made Harry's first kill early on. Not liking how he has made Harry's thoughts revolve around the mudblood granger, it's truly upsetting! Anyway yeh im undecided on if i like it or hate it meh *shrugs*
  15. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Tokyo, Japan
    this fic is amusing.
    its funny how he is only 10-11 and hes suddenly coming up with this M-machine crap, and all the while, Lily wasnt like a IQ200+ genius woman, and neither was James. It's inconceivable that Harry would be that intelligent now isn't it? I mean, come on he's a bloody walking dictionary by age 7 goddammit! Like THAT's gonna happen! I could have maybe stomached it if he was hogwarts-level, well, maybe not 5-7 year level, but hey, that just means he has an accelerated education. Now in Prodigy, he's a fucking I-came-up-with-a-bloody-elements-chart-for-potions-and-invented-a-computer genius! What kind of kid has that kind of intelligence, eh!?
    and you know what? THEN there's the effing HHr.
    pfeh. :puke:

    of course, his theories are wonderful. They actually make sense, unlike some other crazy idea of magical-level-sorcere-mage-high mage crap. The presentation of these was pure and utter bull tho.
  16. Redeye

    Redeye Penultimate Lurker DLP Supporter

    I like this one smart harry is great.

    But i would perfer more interation with other teachers about harry's theories instead of just snape dumbledore and sirius.
    mainly i wont more interaction between harry and nicholas.

    hopefully the author brings out more smart harry instead of harry trying to be friends with everyone. not to mention the hinting at harry befriending malfoy if he can get malfoy to stop listening to his father. or something along those lines on how his mother tried to raise him right blah blah blah.
  17. jmcqk6

    jmcqk6 Guest

    Author Here

    Hello All,

    I was surprised to see a discussion about my story going on here. I want to respond to just a few things about this that a few of you have seemed to miss.

    If there is one theme that will be present throughout the whole story is that Harry does what he does to *solve problems.* Some of you have expressed distaste towards the M-Machine. Harry didn't make it simply because it would be cool (he has no concept of that) - he made it to solve the problem of the amount of data he was collecting.

    Yes, this story is going to be H.Hr, mainly because the pairing works extremely well for this. There will hardly be any weasley presence, except for perhaps the twins.

    Dumbledore is going to mentor some, but he is also going to be learning some too. This is going to be a true friendship of equals. If you don't like that, this story is not for you.

    The Lady - don't make too many assumptions. She's not quite what she seems. Think of her as a natural nuetralizer. Her powers are very limited, though you haven't really seen how yet.

    I dislike the word "Progressive" as well. To me that means "Socialism." I'm a hard core libertarian, and that is going to be reflected in this story.

    As to chapter length, I'm writing as much as I can, but with starting a new company (that link is old), and working full time, my spare time is very limited. I try to go no more than two weeks without an update, even if it is a bit short.

    Thanks again for all your comments. I appreciate your thoughts.

  18. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Hey, glad you decided to drop by.

    As for "Prodigy", I'm ok with both HHr (actually, I couldn't imagine any other pairing in this situation, especially if you make both of them remain ultra-bookworms) and M-Machine. Kid creating all these things isn't very realistical, but it doesn't really matter in a story about magic. As for that lady that's guiding him and saving his arse, I still don't like it, but I guess I can live with it.

    My biggest problem with this story at the moment is slow update rate. Yes you always had short chapters, but I remember that back when I started reading this, you were updating each day. But I guess that's justifiable what with the new business starting and all...
  19. Violent Seas

    Violent Seas Sixth Year

    the US
    Welcome to DLP!

  20. Tinder

    Tinder Seventh Year

    I was quite enjoying this story up to a point - but eventually it just became too difficult to stomach because the author is clearly letting his politics influence the story and characters - politics that I personally find distasteful.

    The kind of obsessive Ayn Rand-ish ultra-capitalist libertarian theories put into practice here actually don't work too badly in terms of the story, but every time I read them I can't help but think about what would happen in the real world if they were put into practice. Obviously I don't think 'what would happen to the world if Voldemort took over oh no I can't read this fic about Voldemort' - but with the rise of neo-conservatism and right-wing evenagelicals in the USA... well, this just cuts a little to close to the bone.

    Hopefully jmcqk6 will go back to his Azkaban fic (which was enjoyable despite being cliched) or he will leave the politics out when he writes his next fic.