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The 100 Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Cobalt, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. tsaiah

    tsaiah Squib

    Thank you for the infos! (I never figured out how the thread pop-up thingy worked exactly last time).

    Noting Nego idgafness for futher review.

    Heheh, enjoy your night!

    Done. xD Am I to take it that you don't like elaborating on reasons you already feel like you've given?
  2. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

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  3. tsaiah

    tsaiah Squib

    Noooo, please. :(

    I banish thee, any spirit of awalcus that attempts to haunt these halls!
  4. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Regfan and I had a little competition a while back about who had the longest posts. I beat Regfan by like, over a thousand words, and my 2nd longest was a few hundred longer than his longest. Slightly embarrassing.

    I'm trying to get away from that, though.
  5. tsaiah

    tsaiah Squib

    There are a number of separate little ping-pong matches going on in this thread, heh. Gonna sleep on those, and see where the balls end up tomorrow.

    Oh, and noting I have to be at work in like 8 hours, so see y'all after work! (Or maybe during, if I can sneak in some mobile time. :p)
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    Hue, I can get that--but I like some longish posts. More data is good!
  6. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    For example, I wrote this post earlier for no reason, but I didn't post it because habits are important. I hate it when all my posts look like this and if I start then it's too hard to stop.

    Eido hasn't kept up with recent games so he probably knows me the least out of anyone here (who has played here before), but Little Italy is his baby so he knows pretty much everyone who plays here with any regularity. I've never played with him but I've cursorily read some old FR games that he played in. He modded my first game here where I played probably my worst game of mafia ever.

    Regfan and I are probably equivalent to Jan and fonti as far as how familiar with each other we are. We both know each other better than probably anyone in the game, but Regfan and I more or less soulread each other whereas Jan and fonti usually struggle to read each other early and have their own thing that they do. Eido taught fonti how to play mafia, basically, so they are very close as mafia players. They have also not played together for years. I have hydraed with Regfan and fonti (fonti is also my girlfriend).

    I've played with Beru twice, I think. Ditto Stanari? Beru and Stanari know each other really well. I know them both better than I know most people who I have only played with in a couple of games, and I know Stanari better than I know Beru.

    Vaimes and I are good friends and we've gone through the growing pains phase of our mafia relationship and I think we're comfortable with each other now. Jan and I are in a similar situation, only there was real animosity between Jan and I in the past (and a lot of it). I think we've mostly moved past it now, or at least are both equally as disinterested in letting it find its way it into our mafia games.

    I've played with Newcomb twice as well, I think, but I understand how he plays mafia more than I understand e.g., how Beru does. He was an easy read last game, but he was rusty. I don't know how much that factored into things. Regfan and Newcomb know each other super well.

    Hey I'll make a thing.

    Regfan--fontisian--Vaimes/Jan--Stanari/Newcomb-Beru----Miner-------everyone else

    Everyone except fenwicked, you, Nego, smilefires, and tsaiah are DLP regulars, I think. Miner and Citrus are making a return from retirement.
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    Three glasses in and game is dead. Disappoint. Time for movie.
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    Also, slightly unrelated but I really don't want to kill Newcomb today. If he's mafia it will become really obvious later on and if he's town then the same thing. Killing him today is really stupid.

    Eido will back me up on this.
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    I really doubt I ever lynch Vaimes or Newcomb today, honestly.
  7. Nego

    Nego Banned

    High Score:
    It's my first game on DLP but sure, whatever you say.
  8. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Haven't read a single post. Odds are high that I won't get a chance to for ~12 hours but hoping the fact I'll be able to come on and scumhunt a little later may actually help with how I assess the game.
  9. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Wait what.
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    I feel like we miscommunicated there somehow.
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    Um, the gif was a joke. You correctly voted Eido then said that you didn't know how to vote, so I was riffing on that.

    You don't need to make your font bigger or anything. I thought you did that as a play off what I said about making yourself more scummy.
  10. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Not here for long at all, but might as well attempt a catch up I suppose.
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    It’s a GTH read. My reads aren’t static. I could want your lynch later for all I know. But my gut likes what you’ve thrown down even if it’s four posts. I think an early game read can be made in even one post if that post has particular tone or content that rings genuine or not.

    I tend to naturally develop town reads in early game stages anyway, which are usually pretty weak but I’m uncomfortable with null reads so I’ll take any reason I can to progress my reads forward in any way.
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    What specifically strikes you as fake?

    And man I am curious what you could have heard from others hahaha but you don’t have to tell.
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    Do you have any thoughts on my reasoning for my eido read? I’m more interested in that. I don’t think anyone else has touched on it.
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    Gemma, first off I apologize that I missed your posts in the signups thread. This forum has taken some getting used to and I certainly didn’t read every post in there.

    Regarding in-game content, I don’t understand these conclusions or how you’ve come to them.

    What makes them weird posts?

    Why is that notable? Do you think a scum or town player is more or less likely to make “weird” posts?

    What is your read of me exactly?
  11. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    I think it's a question best saved for a little deeper into the game in retrospect.

    I've missed playing with you. Actually though. Just a little though.

    Worry not, as your misfortune has come to an end at last!

    Lump's in some games, it's typically an extra vote given to a player for the rest of the game based off it's own D1 vote. In games where it specifically exists anyways (ex: even-numbered games to help with balance)
    @Gemma that's technically whatever that acronym is where you answer for someone else but I forgive you
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    I just realized I missed out on making a joke about Citrus flavor. Now I am sad.

    I'd like to take a rain-check and answer this later, but only because I think it might be moderately useful later while it basically ended up producing only fluff on its first use

    Vote: Nego

    Leave Brittney alone! Oh wait, I already had my vote on you. Awesome-sauce

    Why not Vaimes/Newcomb but Eidolonic isn't included in the 'safe' party?
  12. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    High Score:
    Good morning!

    I am...something...that your null group is me, Miner, and Newcomb.
  13. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    I reread thread because the game felt like a snooker break in my head and it helped but I'm so sleepy I can't tell if I'm drunk or not anymore.

    Vote: Citrus
  14. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    East Coast
    It's been too long but I think I like Citric based on what little I remember of him.

    I've given up on reading Gemma though.
  15. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Why did you vote him?
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    Meta reads make the world go around.
  16. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    High Score:
    Have I ever sung on D1? Sort of actual question.

    Yes. Though I think it might be stylistic too.

    Sorry to disappoint :V

    Although that is certainly...a read.
  17. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    I guess you haven't? I kinda forgot about that.

    @Vaimes why did you say a bird is town?
  18. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    FYI now I'm multitasking. I have some work items to attend to, but I'll pop in here systematically. Be back soon.
  19. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    I'm lightly townreading Miner.

    Better lynch him.
  20. Citrus

    Citrus First Year
