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The 100 Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Cobalt, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    The Evergreen State
    Man I'm having the strangest time reading Eido right now. I keep reading things and wanting to kind of poke and prod at them and call them wolfy, and then I realize I was pretty much doing those exact same things.
  2. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Sorry if this is out of the blue, but can you give me the quick version of why people cleared Nego?
  3. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    The Evergreen State
    Interactions with beruru / general meta sense that he looks like he knows what he's doing more as a wolf and this game was just Lost at Sea / that kinda gross OGI thing we probably shouldn't talk about
  4. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Wow, I already forgot about half of that. Okay.
  5. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    The Evergreen State
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    Vaimes can you do me the same favor with Jarizok?
  6. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    What, talk about my read on him?
  7. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    The Evergreen State
    So the last bit of this exchange.

    In the world where Eido knows I'm a villager... well, actually this is actually pretty true regardless of his alignment. In the world where Eido's a wolf, and I know this is a very specific read that probably doesn't super make sense to anyone else, but that last bit. "Yes. but Jan was a villager. dLGN being weird doesn't change that." I have to think that that just looks at least slightly different if Eido's a wolf. He'd like... very slightly pander to me, or very slightly gaslight me, or take it run with it and commit to the distancing, or something.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Tell me why people are clearing him.
  8. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Newcomb, I think my read on Eido is "uncanny" rather than "scum." He looks town-ish, but it's 3500 posts later on Day 4 with three scumflips and I'm still not there on him. That's bad.

    This game as a whole has the very distinct aura of square peg in round hole. Trying to find the scumread that fits, but nothing seems to because the PoE is incorrect. I think it makes sense for someone outside of the consensus lynch pool to be mafia, and I don't think it's you/Stan/NH. Possibly even Roman. He hasn't rolled over in a "gg town" kind of way, he's just like "yeah okay there's a winning PoE and I'm in it, oh well."

    I don't know if I'll find something different when I ISO people, but I think this game makes more sense if Eido is scum. idk how much stock to put into Reg yelling at dLGN, but Reg pushing on both beruru and Empoof and pointing out dLGN's EoD2 play looks good.

    That leaves Jarizok and Eido so I guess yeah I should read Jarizok.
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    Oh, I have no idea why other people are clearing him. I thought Miner was town, he had an unpopular scumread I shared, and I vibed with Jarizok's townpool when he replaced in + I thought he was grooving to a town beat.

    Which sounds lame, but it was a pretty distinct feeling of "yeah he's a villager solving and getting reads and having fun." Eh words.

    Hang on.
  9. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    The Evergreen State
    I mean. What would that actually look like here short of actually conceding?
  10. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Wait who's alive?

    Jarizok r Miner
    M Plus 7
    Nothing Happens

    Newcomb Stanari NH town. Reg townier than Eido. Nego spewed town but I'm not double checking that right now. MP7 seems pretty unbothered and genuine in his "hey there's already a lot of info in the open but maybe I can solve for something here" posting.

    Okay yeah.
    --- Post automerged ---
    I don't know, but I'm pretty sure if it were me, it would be extremely palpable.

    Do you feel like, the way we're going, the game is going to end up at three-way LyLo? Because I feel like it.
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    Meh, I guess if the last scum is feeling peppy enough, they can try and effort their way to victory.

    I am very worried that me + the others up for lynch are all town, but that's baseless paranoia until I do my homework :v
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    scum!Jarizok would be delighted at the prospect of mislynching me here instead of getting Reg to redirect focus to MP7.

    This is a real read after skimming Jarizok's ISO for seven seconds.
  11. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Read my posts and Beruru's posts about each other, and just lock clear me and move on. I'm dealing with some minor medical issues, and not super feeling like trying to read through blurryish vision tonight.

    I kind of want to town read Vaimes for the reversal on Reg and even thinking about coming at me, but path to victory etc.

    I feel like it's probably just M+7, but it feels kind of disrespectful to him to just phone in a lazy lynch there, so I really want to put some work in, I just can't do it right now.
  12. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    The Evergreen State
    I feel like there may be some complacency issues, but no, it doesn't feel like this is going to F3 to me.

    Think the only way it does is if they really did try the Hail Mary RB Your Partner on NH, which... nah.
  13. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Read my posts, realize that my scumrange doesn't extend to "last surviving member of a team that went poof in the span of like 48 hours against town!Eido/Reg/Newcomb," and move on.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Stranger things have happened. I'm just overly worried I guess.
  14. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    The Evergreen State
    Any particular reason?

    Like, I'm basically the king of late-game paranoia, and I think literally Jarizok/M7 probably just ends it.
  15. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    F&E mafia on MTGS left a really bitter taste in my mouth, despite town winning.
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    Also I'm reading Jarizok and not really feeling that he's scum.

    Game is hard.
  16. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Mental note for future Eido - re-read that Dlgn/Reg stuff to 100% confirm it just locks Reg town the way I think it does.

    Or recruit other people to quote it and save me the effort.
  17. Nothing Happens

    Nothing Happens Squib

    I think the case for Jari clear came from Empoof's posts, but I just also had something of a townread on him and Miner before him anyway. I said it was the kind of thing you'd all skewer Empoof over if it was ever wrong.
  18. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    The Evergreen State
    MP7’s EoD2 is... something. It’s pretty easy to paint it as agenda driven / deflecting, but if that’s the case it’s apso super super not effective.
  19. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Did we win yet?
  20. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib


    Yeah my EOD was terrible hahaha. That’s what I get for trying to play a game super half-assed I guess.
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    I feel like Vaimes’s recent posts are compatible with the best strategy if he’s scum? Trying to keep the POE wider and such. But what do I know.

    Do I actually think that’s what he’s doing? Maybe. Not sold on it.