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The 100 Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Cobalt, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. BootyPudding

    BootyPudding Muggle

    Jul 21, 2018
    Do I just color a vote to vote?

    I'm going to place a vote on someone. At some point. And I probably won't say why.
  2. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    Color, bold, newline.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Eidolonic (1): M Plus 7 (#3574)
    M Plus 7 (2): Jarizok (#3503), Newcomb (#3615)
    Vaimes (2): Eidolonic (#3523), Nothing Happens (#3619)
    BootyPudding (2): Vaimes (#3634), Stanari (#3640)

    Abstaining (2): BootyPudding, Regfan

    This is fine.
  3. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Dec 17, 2016
    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    Struggling to find /any/ spare time at the moment with a few things popping up, should be able to spend some time catching up tonight or at latest I have tomorrow off work so then.
  4. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    Negoslot > Vaimes >> MP7 >>>> Eido here, I think.
  5. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    I don't :v
  6. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    30 second elevator pitch why you're clearing Minerzok here.
  7. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    I'm not, I'm just looking at the wagons :V
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    By which I mean, to be clear, I'm rating the goodness of the wagons, not stating my POE order.
  8. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007

    I'm not actually voting for Von, that was just part of our trio of 'go read the game, dumbass' motivation.

    Going to doc tomorrow, hopefully get some resolution for why everything is so damn blurry, and will be around for a while in evening to decide where I want to go. Sorry for the low effort this phase, my eyes have kind of betrayed me, and reading text is a struggle.
  9. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    Who needs to read the thread when you can stare blankly into space, tbh? Take care of yourself!
  10. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    Feel better Eido!
  11. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
  12. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    Given carte blanche, my next three lynches would be Negoslot, then probably Vaimes and Jari, then start crying because MP7 is not town enough to not lynch but town enough that it would feel really bad to lynch him.
  13. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    You mean you haven't started yet??
  14. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    I mean I was definitely crying inside at EOD2 but the sweet balm of a red flip works wonders.

    ...are you crying? :V
    --- Post automerged ---
    Most of the meta clears on Nego originated from scum, I think? I'm not sure they were really wrong but even then, seems like a weird place to be defending viable mislynches.
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    I have no earthly idea what this is.
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    Although morale things happening in thread and not scumchat would be...kinda weird. Not implausibly so, just kinda.
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    My Nego townread has eroded to "some of their interactions would be weird as scum". Someone resell me if they feel strongly about it.
  15. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Sometimes I wonder if I miscleared Stanari and that's why the game feels hard, but then multi-posts like that happen, and I go 'nevermind'.
  16. Stanari

    Stanari Squib

    May 29, 2017
    High Score:
    I'm flattered~!
    --- Post automerged ---
    But, like, how else are we going to devolve into a tinfoil party?
  17. Nothing Happens

    Nothing Happens Squib

    Jun 24, 2018
    Stan I think that Empoof post is basically saying "flip them and find out"?

    Game fatigue is getting pretty real.

    Eido, you're still at Vaimes not being the wolf?
  18. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Yeah, I don't think he's a wolf. If we don't lynch correctly today, I'll go through and pull out everything I think makes him town.

    I think game probably ends lynching M+7 and Nego-slot, so my desire to spend a ton of time reading through blurry vision is about zero, but if people aren't there on Vaimes, I'll get them there tomorrow.
    --- Post automerged ---
    CFD Newcomb?
  19. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
  20. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    There's a small part of me that is telling me that I should be tinfoiling Newcomb more than I am. Because I do think he's a better wolf than he showed last game, and think that if he was going to ramp it up and have a good wolf game it'd be in this game with me and Reg in it.


    Despite all that, I don't think he's capable of making some of the posts he's made, especially the legacy/reads post at EoD1. I don't think he's cleared interaction-wise or anything, and not like he's been blindingly villagery in terms of energy, and the Citrus thing was fuckin' weird.

    But still think he's always town here. It just feels almost disrespectful not to at least consider he could be a deep wolf here, and it makes me feel bad. Kinda. So I guess this is my post where I consider it, but not really consider it.
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    Help. I'm laying in bed, but can't fall asleep, nor can I focus my eyes enough to read.

    I can type though, which I'm sure you all are regretting as I ramble to myself.
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    I think tinfoil worlds about Smiles being targeted by his partners roleblock aren't worth considering at all. If it gets to a final 3 and he's still alive, do your due diligence, but he's just clear.

    I just talked about Newcomb, but I'll pool some posts of his up that I don't he can fake and talk about why, at some point.

    Stanari is town for a lot of reasons.

    Regfan is....never? A wolf? With DLGN? I think? I do need to go re-read that whole exchange, and see if it was as genuine if I remember it being. Reg and DLGN are friends (I think), and wouldn't put it past them to have some theater upon replacing in, but Jan was widely town read, and I don't think it was necessary, on top of like. I don't think Reg is the type of wolf to fake that kind of post, anyways. That makes it a little gross to do them as town, but I'm the pot calling the kettle black there. There's also the fact that he's calling Jari lock town, when I think that's a mislynch he'd need to win if he's a wolf here, and couldn't feasibly go back on, and he's just town.

    Those 4 are kinda locks. Vaimes is pretty close to a lock, and maybe he is just a lock. I think if you ignore the fact that he's Vaimes he looks pretty bad and I'd lynch the slot in an anon game, but this isn't an anon game, and he's made several posts I think are just solidly out of his wolf range, on top of picking like... some really questionable fights for wolf!him to pick.

    To be fair I think he knows he has to pick fights like that as a wolf now, but doing it when his team is getting shat on is unlikely.

    That leaves what, M+7, Nego, Jari.

    I kind of think Jari is just town, but it's mostly based on spew that isn't as strong as the reasons for thinking everyone else is town. The Empoof stuff especially, where Empoof was basically 'wow you're so different from your qualifier (where you were scum)' felt like wolf TMI, where the difference was a lot more apparent to him because he knew Jari was a villager. It's not /impossible/ for that to be trying to spew a partner clear/reinforce a difference or something, but I consider it fairly unlikely. I want Reg to talk about this read more, because I don't really understand how he can have him as town as he has him, but it might just be that I'm even more sure that other people are town and whatever I guess.

    I'm like 90% sure the last wolf is in M+7 and Nego-slot, almost purely due to everyone else being a villager.

    There's stuff for both slots that points towards them being town, but it's just not nearly as strong as the rest.

    M+7 is just a really weird case where every time he's in the thread and posting I feel like he's a villager, but I look at it at a more overall, macro sense, and he hasn't...really done anything action-wise that looks like a villager. 'Make good posts, push townies' type of wolf? I dunno. The way he handled EoD2 was so damn bad if he's a wolf though that like. It's almost hard to believe he did it as a wolf, because it'd make him look objectively terrible when the wagons were resolved, and w/w wagons almost always get resolved eventually.

    Main thing Nego has going for them is that it felt like people were trying to push them, but I kind of think it was mostly villagers doing the pushing maybe? I need to double check on that, I know Fonti was, and Vaimes? Citrus? Idk. Empoof spew from the 'w/w or not w/w' thing was really weird if Nego is a partner and Citrus is a villager. Maybe some kind of TMI where he knew it was w/v and word vomited out garbage to that affect? I dunno.

    Like. I can list a bunch of reasons why Nego and M+7 could be town, but there's nothing I can point to and say 'Yeah, okay, they're just a villager here'. But I'm pretty sure on everyone else being town and think game just ends with those two. If it doesn't I'm kind of hoping it won't be my problem, but I'm probably not that lucky this game.
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    That was a lot of words typed on a phone that just regurgitated words I've already said.
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    I think the biggest hangup to game solving and why the game is so hard, is like, the last wolf is one of two things probably:

    1) Just given up and going through motions, because they know they can't win.

    2) Actively trying to shape the game towards their win condition.

    Like, M+7 and Nego never, ever, ever, win here as wolves right? They aren't even really trying to get out of the PoE or do anything that resembles an agenda/win condition seek. At the most it's 'hope village tinfoils' or 'maybe I get another day and can ramp it up after I kill <someone problematic>'.

    Do I town read them for not trying to win when like, it could just be that they've accepted the loss, but aren't conceding because conceding is dumb when it's not a mechanical lock?

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    I wish I could sleep.

    I'm also really hungry, this diet/attempt at being healthy really sucks.

    Part of my Newcomb town read is kinda gross and I'm hiding it in this post that I hope no one ever really reads, because it's kinda gross. I think he'd have killed me by now if he was a wolf because he knows I'm struggling with medical/stress/anni/etc stuff and would just put me out of my misery, or at least killed me before I got fully engaged and ramped up.
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    I think I'm leaning towards voting M+7 because his vote on me feels like a bit of a disconnect from the gamestate to me. Or maybe that makes me town read him? I don't know. Wolves probably need to mislynch either me or Vaimes (or both) to win, and it makes me hyper aware of it.

    I really wish my vision wasn't so damn fuzzy.
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    That last bit is super unclear. I should clarify. Because that'd make it clear. Unlike my vision.