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The 100 Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Cobalt, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    I would concede if I was the last scum, lol. I know that’s a dumb defense but it’s sadly true. XD
  2. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Basically, I don't super feel like M+7 A) believes in his vote on me, and B) believes that's a lynch that's going to happen. And I'm waffling back and forth on whether B makes him more likely town or scum here. I'd normally say A is super scum indicative, but I think something similar can be said about almost everyone alive - if there was someone we really believed was a wolf this game would be a lot easier.

    I can see B being either 1) him trying to get the hardest mislynch out of the way first, so that hopefully town lynches the lhf type mislynches like Nego, etc after me, 2) him trying to get town read for making an audacious push/seeming agendaless, whatever, or like...just 3) he has no idea who the wolf is, but can't get there on me and finds that fishy.

    7/8 people are town, and everyone has shit that makes them possibly town. This really is like Anni, except I have to try and find the needle in the haystack instead of twiddle thumbs in wolfchat while going WOW EVERYONE IS SO VILLAGERY LOL. Not a fan.
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    I kind of believe it, but I'm not sure I want to go down the rabbit hole of 'who would concede and who wouldn't'.

    It's kind of a meta-toxic thing we've dealt with before 'x would have conceded as a wolf so they're a villager' in one of the WH's? Or was it on FS? Idk, I'm getting old, and they say memory is the first thing to go.
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    Thanks for breaking up that wall though I guess. I kind of hate myself for not closing my phone and doing literally anything else but rambling here.
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    I still kind of think Cobalt posted the wrong flip for Fenwicked, and the game is over, we killed all 4 wolves.

    I was pretty sure on that read, and I'm not wrong about strong wolf reads often.
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    I really appreciate @Stanari and what she brings to games. It's like the glue that holds town together. It's what Vaimes used to be, before he traded in a chunk of his fluffiness for snark. This is buried pretty deep in my ramblings, but just know that I've enjoyed playing with you a lot, even if I make you squawk and ruffle feathers when we mind-meld eerily.
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    I guess that was kind of random, and probably shouldn't try to read into it too much, I think I'd say it as a wolf too maybe.
  3. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Oh, I don’t expect anyone to even consider that really. I know I need to be resolved. I would fight harder I guess but it’d be a total waste of time and I’m desperately trying to avoid burnout. It is what it is!
  4. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    I mean if we want to go for "respectful" lynches or something, might as well obliterate the slot that actually isn't doing anything.

    Also I saw that. :I
  5. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Saw what? I said a lot of things in there that could refer to.
  6. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Everyone knows I don't read posts, I just search my name and snark at people.
  7. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    I'd say read my post and talk to me about it, but I'm not really sure that rambling is all that worth reading.

    I think there's like, 2% chance I can make a post like that as a wolf, so if you aren't there on me maybe it's worth reading, but it's nonsensical and borderline delirious at points.
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    Maybe 5%.

    I don't even know what my wolf range is anymore, Anni shook my own sense of self and knowledge about who I am, or something like that.

    1400 posts, christ.
  8. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    I guess you didn't see where I conceded that you're probably town.
  9. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    You'd tell me if you were a wolf and I'm being an idiot for defending you, right?
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    Not that you super need defending I guess, it's more habit at this point. I even told myself going into this game I was gonna let you fight your own battles even if I town read you.
  10. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Are you joking? Absolutely not.
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    Anyway, the only people who want to lynch me are MP7 and a bird. I'll be fine.
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    I liked watching Newcomb defend me as a wolf so much, I left him alive as the claimed Priest.


  11. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    It really is one of the more enjoyable things in mafia, especially as a wolf who isn't uh... generally a great wolf. I took a perverse glee in Anni when Delphine put me on the same tier as the innocent child reads-wise.

    Can you point to where you conceeded I was town? My memory is like, you sheeping M+7's read on me, and shading me over vote counts.
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    Oh, were you redirecting Newcomb's quote at me?


    Why did your read pivot based on those posts? I can understand it after my rambling walls, but all I really posted there was defending you, and that seems uh. Not a great reason to town read me.
  12. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    I just can't win with you.

    Scumread > "go read my posts I'm never with bears"
    Reluctant townread > "you shouldn't do that"
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    And it's not just those posts, it's the overall "Eido isn't getting lynched today for a long list of reasons so let's move on."
  13. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    I mean. It's not 'you shouldn't do that', it's 'I didn't see you arrive there in your posts'.

    But whatever you're probably town so this was pointless, just read progressions that don't feel 'right' ping me.
  14. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    I'm doing a lot of internal flailing that could easily double Stanari's postcount if I didn't have such great self-control.

    I guess I could finger wag at you finding a reason to suspect literally every living player, even jokingly, but y'know. whocares.jpg
  15. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Only one wolf alive, considering every living player is just doing due diligence!

    Gonna be real though, it was pretty half-hearted due diligence, since I'm pretty sure game just ends with M+7/Negoslot lynches.

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    My nightmare fuel involves one of Newcomb or Reg dragging me into a final 3 to try and mislynch me for first time ever, tbh. The gloating would last for... forever, probably.
  16. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    I would paypal Newcomb copious amounts of money if he were a wolf here. Not even if he won, just if he's the last scum.

    I guess I agree that Reg/dLGN slapfight wasn't distancing.

    So if you're scum and drag the game into lylo, rip you.
  17. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Oh, sure, I don't think either of them are wolves or anything. Just that if one of them were deep, they'd be salivating over the chance.

    319 games and counting now, etc.
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    Good talk.

    I'm gonna try and sleep, doc appointment in a few hours. I searched my symptoms online and it said I have diabetes and cancer and have like 2 weeks to live, but I figure I'll get a second opinion.
  18. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    This was certainly an exchange of words.

    Health and sleep.
  19. Regfan

    Regfan First Year

    Sydney, Australia
    High Score:
    I'll be here reading & catching up in a few hours.
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    I need to do some deep rereading on this game.

    But yeah, I'll dump thoughts beforehand I guess since lolmessythoughts is the trend of this thread now. I feel like I've got both a clearish vision of the game state and a path to victory and a super cloudy one at the same time and I'm not entirely sure how that even makes sense.

    But I'm in a "If we lynch M7 today and he flips town, would I be shocked? NOPE, think his EOD2 sort of clashes heavily with DLGN's in that I think DLGN was heavily pushing for a Bears flip + Empoof to survive type outcome so mafia can try and take some control of the game from there, don't see how M7s play fits with that at all? Like, if M7's scum here then DLGNs or the entire scum teams plan is "Lol we've lost, lets still try and orchestrate a position where I can lolpush Regfan and try and ML him" and eh, that's not 100% impossible since DLGN would have loved that, but I don't feel like that scum team ever just entirely gives up, especially when DLJan slot only had a few people actually wanting to refocus on it. I also kind of read the M7 "DLGN who'd you replace" type thing as real and I'm not sure he bothers/thinks to fake that as mafia which sort of makes the slots p unaligned, add to that I do think the Tsaiah/M7 commentary earlier in the game also points a bit against them being W/W. I haven't really scum read his posting this day phase either, I mean, if he's scum, I think he knows he's lost, so the sort of low effort, standing around type of play he's doing isn't something that's impossible, but I'm reading a decent chunk of it as genuine. So like, yeah, the slot needs to die before the end of the day, but I think the odds that we win via his lynch are actually kind of small?

    At the same time I'm still like 100% positive that Newcomb/Stanari are lock villagers here, I'm pretty much equally sure that Jarizok is town (This is a read I'll go into depth with since he seems to be a fringelockread for most people) and it's not JUST the Empoof interaction, I think a lot of people have missed/forgotten Jarizoks response himself towards that comment from Empoof so I'll grab that) and I don't think the world where DLJan roleblockers Partner NH is likely at all, very much with Eido in that I'm putting him to the side, think people should relook at him if this goes to F3 but even then lynching him is something I'd only recommend against like Newcomb/Stanari/Jarizok.

    So where does that leave me? With like, low % chance we win on the M7 lynch and then most of the time we win by lynching somewhere in Eido/Vaimes/Negocorromans which is hum, since I think/thought Eidos town here, like a lot of his posting this day phase and similarly think Vaimes is probably town due to unalignment with Jan, good reaction to everything yesterday and a lot of posting today that feels pretty genuine, plus the fact that Eido/Newcomb calling him town here and it being fairly deep into the game means he's probably just town and I was probably just wrong on him.

    So uh, what, does that mean we hit most of the time here on the Negocorslot? I've mostly got anti-alignments going for it, in terms of the slots play itself and ;things; that have happened, it doesn't look great? But those anti-alignments felt pretty strong?

    So yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, I have to do some reading RIP my spare time.
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    Above is a very very good look for Jarizok here, wagons 6 on Town!Citrus, 5 on Scum!Beruru, he's the one that moves it and requests that M7 move across to Beruru trying to make it 7-5 the other way.
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    Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, that's not W/W.
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    If anyones around please combo breaker me.
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    Just did a deep read through of Tsaiah/Empoof spew and Stanari is so clear from spew alone that it's not even funny, her interactions with Empoof where she's apologising to him if she's conf-bias'ing, and posting that she doesn't know what she's doing and he says he knows. Or where he fake claims IC with the activation and she moves votes and is just, very confused. Yeah, anyone that ever votes Stanari will have me come for them.

    Newcomb also solidified as town via spew there, Empoof trying to use Citrus agreeing with me on the Newcomb!Town read too early and using that as a basis to focus on both of us never happens in a Newcomb!Scum world, not to mention that he was trying to cozy and buddy up to Newcomb with his reads and thoughts upon entering the thread. So yeah, just nice to have confirmation of this stance even outside of his playing being blindingly obvious town since it squashes the 0.00002% chance where it's like "I'm going to be trolled hardcore about misreading Newcomb".

    Have gone into the Jarizok!Town one above re; interactions wise in this pairing.

    Sort of weakly points towards Eido!Town & M7!Town and a little bit of Nego!Town but none strong enough that I'd push them above the others there or be the reason why I'd lynch one of the others or not lynch one. The Eido!Town one is mostly Empoofs response towards Eidos vote & reasoning to vote him, the M7!Town is moreso based around Tsaiahs posting and the Nego!Town one is the Empoof sort of reach out to Nego in the thread and talk about him sort of feels like W/V, but again, none of these strong enough mean much.

    Going to take a break and see if I can glean more from Bears & DLJans before looking at the individual players I'm trying to narrow it down between.
  20. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Hello regfan!