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Transformers 2

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by The-Hyphenated-One, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. Vengashii

    Vengashii Banned

    stop bitching about nine dollars. I have to pay $12.50 <_<
  2. Nukular Winter

    Nukular Winter The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dude, it was:

    1. a summer blockbuster
    2. by Michael Bay
    3. about fighting robots
    4. based on a cartoon series
    5. that was an advertisement for toys

    I came in expecting to see an attractive girl with bouncing jubblies, and just enough plot to string together a series of explosions.

    I left satisfied.
  3. Agnostics Puppet

    Agnostics Puppet Professor

    Denver, Colorado
    Thats the ultimate in deus ex machina. :awesome
  4. Tarnished Blade

    Tarnished Blade Professor

    Don't forget, Prime took a couple levels of badass. The last time he tango'ed with Megs in the first movie, he had his can handed to him.

    Thank goodness for little fleshlings grabbing alien artifacts of unmeasurable power and shoving them you-know-where.
  5. theblackman13

    theblackman13 Squib

    I liked the movie. It was worth watching in theaters but it will not win any awards. It doesn't touch any of the other action movies such as Dark Knight but it was worth watching. Prime was bad ass in this movie, and the twins were hilarious. I didn't like the fact that they made Megan Fox look like a complete whore in the whole movie. Yes, she is hot but they over did the whole sex appeal thing.The purpose of the movie was to sell tickets and they certainly did that.
  6. Muttering Condolences

    Muttering Condolences Card Captored and buttsecksed

    Megan Fox was over tanned, with too much make-up and clothes that left little to the imagination. I used to weld in school, you don't wear cut-offs and a tank top with a MIG or ARC welder. That's just a good way to get some serious burns.

    That being said, this move had it all:
    A crazy old decepticon disguised as a Blackbird who can whoop some serious robot ass? Check.

    Serious threats to the Earth? Check.

    Pimp-tastic Optimus? Check.

    Redneck autobots? Check.

    More explosions than words? Check fucking mate.

    I'd give in an 8/10. Better dialogue and fewer one dimensional characters would give it a 10/10.
  7. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    The only thing I found stupid was Optimus suddenly being able to whoop Megatron's ass and several others at the same time while in the first film, Megatron wiped the floor with him after being frozen for hundreds(thousands?) of years.

    Everything else was pretty enjoyable. Megan Fox is such a retard, though.
  8. Dareycow

    Dareycow Fifth Year

    Same here. Unlike the first movie they did not introduce all the new auto bots, which is understandable since their not important, but like you said it was confusing at some parts in the fighting which bots were the good guys and which were the bad guys. (Only when they would cut to the fight for like 3 seconds, showed two random transformers and you were like "Who are they again?")

    But really that is only a minor setback and nothing big. I also reckon in some parts they tried to inject to much humor. Might just be me.

    Special effects still top notch. Megan Fox still looks 100% back-door material tan or not.

    I rate the whole movie a strong 8, maybe a weak 9 after I go back and watch it again. :)
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2009
  9. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Could of been worlds better. Watched it this week. For a robot blowing shit up movie it was alright, but where the fuck did all these new robots come from? You go from a few, to a dozen or more Decepticons bumrushing the Army guys at the end.

    The ghetto twins were stupid, as was the robot humping Megan's leg, who seemed to disappear after they were teleported to the desert.

    Only bonus to this movie for me was watching, and being able to show the kids we were standing where they shot a movie, right there infront of the Blackbird at the Dulles Airport Air and Space museum.
  10. Mr Strike

    Mr Strike Epic Awesomeness DLP Supporter

    Way, waaaay too much plot in this. I paid to see explosions and giant robot fights in awesome quality and sound and I have to put up with this 'I WANNA BE NORMAL' + secret, mystery villain crap. Fuck that.

    Didn't see the first one so I have no idea how that stands up but not even Megan Fox could make this good.

    Also, keeping in mind that I don't know any Tranformers history, but what that fuck, are the Fallen just robots? 'cause that cat thing that breaks into the military compound doesn't seem to transform into shit.

    Loved the effects, loved the action, loved the robot chick (even if she was ultra-fucking-obvious) and hated EVERYTHING else.
  11. Moloch

    Moloch Groundskeeper

    New Zealand
    The cat thing isn't a full decepticon; its a symbiote for another.

    If you watche dthe first one; you'll notice Scorpinok (the scorpion that ripped a chunk out of Jetfire) pop out from Blackout's back, being his symbiote. Same relationship between Frenzy and Barricade.

    The cat thing would be the movie-verse Ravage; a symbiote of Soundwave; the satellite Decepticon.

    And based form movie explanations; the Fallen were the original 7 Transformers, and the current generation of bots have descended from.

    Honestly; movie wise I found it just weird. In two cases; Prime shits all over Megatron, during the scene where he dies and that was because he was getting ganked by three at once, and there's the one where he killed the Fallen, within 30 seconds blowing Megatron's face, arm and half his leg off where in the first movie he gets punted around by Megatron like an unwanted stepchild.

    Plot was mediocre; and attempts at humor by Bay were just plain bad. He ruined Sunstreaker man. And leg humping? What the fuck? Jetfire made me cry because he's supposed to be dignified; not a senile old brit.

    Still; best scene is when Bumblebee rolls Ravage and the random Decepticon.

    All in all, it wasn't as good as the first movie; but it wasn't horrible either. Good for people watchin it for the robots beating each other to pieces, but not for the intellectually minded.

    Makes me wonder what watching it would be like when drunk given all the flying pieces throughout the movie.