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~/* Witchhunt *\~ Game Started!

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Chocolate Pi, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. bob99

    bob99 High Inquisitor

    Aug 14, 2011
    that smiley face should be an 8.

    And it looks more likely that castiel was coven or a potential jw with the lack of a vote on Day 3.
  2. Aurion

    Aurion Headmaster

    Jun 11, 2008
    North Carolina
    Also, ChocolatePi, clarification request on the Martyr thing- would we get a notification of the original target's identity if the Martyr stepped in and saved them?

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 PM ----------

    Also, I'm using "also" way too much.
  3. bob99

    bob99 High Inquisitor

    Aug 14, 2011
    There's no way I would trust anything Kalas says right now. Since he has been caught, anything he says will just be to try and screw with the town.
  4. Aurion

    Aurion Headmaster

    Jun 11, 2008
    North Carolina
    I expect he'll drop by to taunt us at some point.
  5. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    bob: Mishie being not-coven is already confirmed by Priest check. Kalas's vote and Ash's check don't say anything about whether or not he was a JW though.

    We also either have a scum!Vigilante, or we've lynched at least two scum already.
  6. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Well, I was pretty sure Castiel was scum, so that's good news. The question we've got to ask ourselves now is whether Lutris or Geabe were the scum. If we're insanely lucky, it'll be both, if not we get one more day to lynch/kill the last Coven member and have all the Junior Witches join in. If we achieve that Eido gets to use his ability and we get a full list of the new Coven without relying on the spies being alive.

    Actually, that would explain CheddarTrek's death. She was scummy, but the Coven thought she wasn't acting complicit enough with other players to mimic being a Junior Witch. So they killed her, hoping it would take out one of the spies. Since the Coven has a full list of JWs/Spies, it would make narrowing down their targets easier, and they chose her because of her potentially being a spy.

    Still, keeping Eido alive is our priority now, at least if he is the Bishop (how awesome would a Bishop Lover be? :D). We have three choices for this:

    1) Angel Protection - I'm not exactly fond of relying on the Angels for this, since Eido has opened himself to being a protection target pretty much since the start of the game.
    2) The Martyr - If CheddarTrek wasn't the Martyr, you should pick Eido as your target for tonight and tomorrow (assuming you're alive).
    3) The Moonlight Pagan - This can be abused by scum, but it would also protect Eido from being nightkilled.

    So... I'm not happy. Couldn't you have waited one more day to roleclaim, Eido? I know you like taking risks, but at this point you are the Coven's number one kill priority. Keeping you alive long enough to get your ability into play is rather difficult at this point.
  7. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    I don't think the Bishop can be a lover (if you were joking,or idly speculating, sorry ;_; ).

    And it's also entirely possible that Eido is doing it on purpose, he's a lover and looking to redirect the NK onto himself.

    Also, glad to see we have a confirmed scum in Kalas. Not sure if he plans to say anything, but yeah, I wouldn't trust his word anyway. Taking his word on scumreveals basically requires either a priest check or a gravedigger reveal (depending on how we play it) to verify, and either way we take the play to another day in which the scum have another kill to make. Not to mention he has no reason to help us out, given that his goal isn't to remain alive, but rather to defeat town and win for scum. At best, he'd give us a random person. At worst, he'd use us to further attempt to weed out holy roles and/or village spies.
  8. Sirion

    Sirion First Year

    Aug 16, 2009
    I'm trying to think of an insight to add to this conversation.

    So. Vigilante. Town!Vigilante is like 15/24 vs 9/24 of scum!vigilante.

    With 4 kills, at least two must be scum in order for town!vigilante to trigger. There's a chance it did trigger, but mixed with one of the other kills I think? (Chocolate, can you confirm?) But this is unlikely as picking Lungs after he survived yesterday would be rather foolish at best, and Cheddar was a rather random kill to begin with and having two people/groups pick her is rather unlikely.

    Scum!Vigilante, with a confirmed scum lynch today, would also trigger with 2 scum dead going into today. So, if there's a vigilante kill tonight we have a confirmed scum!vigilante.

    With 11/30 dead, and two confirmed gold alive, we can say there's a pretty decent chance that the vigilante died. Going into tomorrow... it's 100% confirmed that either vigilante is dead (no kill) tonight or scum!vigilante (there's a kill tonight).

    Well. I shouldn't say 100% because there's a chance that Ashaya has balls the size of pluto and pulled off a false!priest claim with a scum!gravedigger partner, so I'll say... 99.9% confirmed.

    Also... wooo, mechanics post. So.. examing Kalas' actions.
    I think Lutris might have been bussed by the time Kalas was posting. It was fairly apparent at that point that a lynch was going through on Lutris if anyone, imo, so I'm not sure you can drop a scum read on Lutris based on that.
  9. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    You're working off a wrong assumption. The Vigilante triggers if three town members have been lynched, not scum. We've lynched four people, and no recognisable Vigilante kill. Assuming for a moment that he didn't target Lungs or CheddarTrek, this means we've lynched at least two witches (Elder or Junior), which is good news for us at the least.

    So, it stands to reason that there will be no Vigilante kill tonight (whether it being because he's dead, used his ability on Cheddar/Lungs, or because we haven't lynched enough town people for the ability to activate). I like the way you tried to paint the Vigilante as scum if it activated though. If it does activate, on the other hand, that would imply we've lynched a townie, which would cast a lot of doubt on Ashaya's roleclaim.
  10. jwlk

    jwlk Seventh Year

    May 7, 2010
    Both of you are wrong. If there is a scum!vigilante, it triggers on scum lynched, Aekiel. However, I can't help but wonder why you are all working under the assumption he is alive? He may very well be, but he may also not be... since there are 10 people dead. If you're basing everything off of vigilante information, you guys might be in for a rude awakening.

    However, if there is a town!vigilante, and he's alive (and not a derp/inactive), that means we have lynched at least 2 witches. If there is a scum vigilante, it could mean we've lynched any amount of scum, we wouldn't know unless a kill came after lynching confirmed scum.

    Fast claim isn't the best thing to do Ashaya, if you wanted discussion, you would have withheld your info/questioned kalas to find other members. Thats besides the point now, but for the future keep that in mind.

    Side note, lol Aekiel Im going to kill you. Bishop lovers, :facepalm
  11. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    vigilante can be scum aekiel. also the vigilante could have killed either lungs or cheddar resulting in only 2 kills happening.

    If vigilante is town then we've definitely lynched two witches. UNLESS the vigilante did activate and killed lungs or cheddar in which case we've just lynched 1 witch.

    If vigilante is a witch then we've lynched anywhere from 0 to 2 witches.

    So you're working off wrong assumptions too Aekiel, the assumption that 'Vigilante is town'.
  12. jwlk

    jwlk Seventh Year

    May 7, 2010
    I beat Kai. I'm writing this in my Diary.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:51 PM ----------


    Also, i'm 99% sure that Gambit was kidding with his post, but that doesn't stop me from wanting him dead anyway.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:29 PM ----------

    After post, imagine it says "Why is everyone getting so butthurt about it"
  13. StrikerLee1

    StrikerLee1 Guest

    Well, its good to see I'm semi-confirmed town. Looks to me like town has a good lynch target this time. Kalas, I knew something was wrong with you.

    Lynch Vote: Kalas
  14. jwlk

    jwlk Seventh Year

    May 7, 2010
    Yes, you knew it all along! Once it was confirmed.
  15. StrikerLee1

    StrikerLee1 Guest

    Of course, when something is confirmed you go with it and see what happens lmao. Ash, tonight after we lynch him some possible targets for you to check: Guljons, Gambit and Sirion. I suspect atleast 1 of them is scum.
  16. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    I'm not sure if I'm hungover or still drunk. Hmmmmmmmm.

    I don't see what could posssibly go wrong posting right now.

    Anywaysss, Cheddarcheesy was almost certainly a spai. Or a JW that the Elders thought was a spai.

    Pretttty sure Maryter activation would have registered on moscone as someone surviving a kill and someone else dying. So that's... good?

    Means the elder witchy types are running scared and my dual claim reminded them that the bishop is very, very powerful, and they need to have at least two spies dead before the bishop claims! Or shenaninananigans happen and town wins.

    Vigiliante is good information and stuff, but we can't take a lack of vig kill as indication of anything. Since it could be dead, or could be town, or could be scum or could be platypusnessyafk, or could have hit lungs or cheese.

    Personally, I think we lynched 2 scum out of 4. Castiel, and one of Geabe/Klackerz/Lutris. Possible we lynched more, and I'm pretty cool with that happening!

    I think Geabe was town, Klackerz... is like 60% scum, Lutris was pretty nullish the whole way up to death, but was better for town to lynch than to risk scum judge, which I think exists in this game because of how hard it's been to get lynches to happen. Because a lover getting lynched wipes them both out, y'know. Or a lynch can kill a priest or bishop that would otherwise be protected!

    Sooooo. I'll post anal(hehe)ysis on Kalas, his votes, his posts, and what he 'hasn't' said when I sober up and feel a little better. I want at least 48 hours to discuss my post and ask questions of people I want to ask questions of. I think I'm narrowing down the possible gamestates with confirmation that Kalas was an elder as I had a few strong links with him earlier!

    Yayshaya for picking the right one out of the three, since Cheddar was obviously not an Elder (although could have been a JW that they misread as a spai), and Jwlk is honestly a JW if he's scum, upon further consideration.

    She'll probably die tonight, sadly, unless the martyr is town, alive, and active! Which is like 8/30 chance. Or, y'know. Not likely.

    But her dying isn't the worst thing in the world, since that's another night they aren't using to kill spies and the bishop, which...

    Hah hah, witches. Sucks to be you, having to choose between letting a priest get more checks, letting the claimed bishop (COME AT ME, BROS) live, or letting spies live.

    With like, two nights of kills remaining before the world goes boom.

    I fully expect a witchy bishop counterclaim, by the way, so get thee to a nunnery, sir (or madam) nun, and do your best to not attract kills or lynches to the faaaace. Not that it matters 'too' much, since I'm totally the bishop (COME AT ME, BROS) and I know I'm townier than town. :awesome


    What do.

    I was thinking of something and now I forget. I got distracted by shiny things, by which I mean flashing lights by which I mean IRC. Stupid scummy people distracting me with shiny things.

    Oh! StrikerLee townfirm shenaninanigans. It's still possible for him to be scum. Elder Witchy people could have been throwing him under the bus as being TDTL (too derp to live), and trying to confirm themselves as town when it was revealed that he was scum somehow, via gravedigger/vigilante mechanics, etc.

    So, Kalas and Ollieollieoxenfree might have been bussing him pretty hardcore. Either way, it makes Ollie look scummy as fuck, and he kinda needs to die die die die. Especially when considering the 'Just let Kalas live in exchange for names of scum!' shenenanananingans.

    I bet Kalas is the hunter or something, that triggers at halfway point. Thief? I dunno. Just thinking out loud a bit.

    I'll do an in-depth analysis of Kalas and his interactions and reads tomorrow. Or in a few hours when I sober up a bit more. But I don't think there's anything else I want to say.

    Oh yeah. Explaining the bishop lover joke for people who are probably 'wat'.

    In a previous game of witchy hunt that some of us were in on another forum, MENACE came up with this brillllliant idea to have a... subtlety-challenged individual happened to be a scum inquisitor, and was going to be lynched. So he fakeclaimed Bishop. Despite, y'know. A town member knowing he wasn't the Bishop, as he shared a QT with him! (The henchman) Sooo, the scumquisitor told the henchman that he was a Bishop lover, and that his scumbuddy (Menace) was actually his lover, and would claim inquisitor to back him up.

    And the henchman goes 'oh, okay, that makes sense'. And so it was discovered that he was dumb.

    And bishop lover jokes were born. (Why this is funny is because holy roles can't be lovers, in case rule reading is hard and stuff).

    And explaining this made me laugh, because Omni.

    Anywaysss, since people apparently weren't sure when people were joking and when they were being seriousss, I thought I'd explain it. I'm not the bishop, and a lover. I'm one or the other. So, I shall continue to taunt the witches, and proclaim:

    Come at me, bros.

  17. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    Why the fuck did I just read that entire post....
  18. jwlk

    jwlk Seventh Year

    May 7, 2010
    That post was full of "wats" and "yes's"

    I'm going to vote to lynch ollie just cuz. And I don't want kalas to get a majority to quickly.
  19. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    I'm sorry Ash!

    In my defense I drank.. a lot.

    I'm glad you read it though!
  20. jwlk

    jwlk Seventh Year

    May 7, 2010
    Also, I think i'm gonna disagree with Eido. I think we lynched one scum (castiel) and the others have been town. I'm putting two more scum as Ollie/Kalas with some other third. I'll look when its not late.
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