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Mountainous Mafia #2: Murder in Vanilla Town

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Vira, Sep 10, 2017.

  1. Asmodeus

    Asmodeus Squib

    Sep 8, 2017
    Vote: Unvote

    Wow. There is a lot to like about Beru's merged wall. I've read through it four or five times now and I really don't see this coming from a wolf. At all. It hit town for almost every marker that you can read a post by, and I don't think scum can replicate that while sounding as natural as she did.

    I can elaborate on computer in the morning (almost 4:30 and I need sleep), but I liked each separate section (tone, reasons for lynching Jari, consistency, frustration at sitemeta, pushing miner, cataloging spew reactions, sharing direction/intention, and even looking for timestamps that led to the realization they overwrite) by themselves. Together, I'm pretty sure she's actually town. While I hate that she's getting away with saying she couldn't be lynched, I'll never lynch her today.

    Will reread phase in the morning so list may change but aorn I think game is something like





    Want to reread Rubi, Fable, Miner specifically. I think in every world where Jan is town, there is one wolf in this group.
    I say that because unless scumteam is exactly Jan/Fluff (highly unlikely tinfoil given Janspew), one wolf has to be in these three.
    Already reread GH and have him as likely town (see earlier posts) after his responses

    Feeling good about this, especially Beru read. Call it night clarity or whatever but I'm liking game rn
  2. Asmodeus

    Asmodeus Squib

    Sep 8, 2017
    @Beru, GH had said that in regards to Miner saying that both Fonti and Jari had a lynch on you in their "legacy" posts
    (breaking Garcia because it's a direct reference with only one answer)
  3. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:




    Is about where I'm at, Miner saying he's a villagery as he's going to get I don't think makes any sense considering considering he's not anywhere near where he was in WH9 where he was obv villager. He's mostly just throwing shade and then when he goes "nah I'm trying something new" which is fine you're allowed to do that but you still have to put some amount of work in and I don't like how hard he pushed for a beruru lynch in proportion to how much he actually talked about beruru. He even admits he wanted to lynch her in WH9 due to playstyle and his solution to fix this for this game.....is to just try to lynch her immediately again. k.

    Fluff I've said why but to reiterate none of his pushes today make any sense. Delphine is a wolf for low posing....which she does every game and she has a good excuse for doing so especially this game so fuck wolf reading her for that and the only other reason was me and beruru defending her which beruru hasn't really and I know I'm a villager so I know that reasoning is wrong and preflip associations are dumb anyway. As far as I know flufy doesn't actually have a problem with anything delphine has said but is in his top 3 wolves anyway.

    I'm only a wolf because fluff doesn't agree with my reads which is literally not how this game works and beruru is a wolf cuz she didn't reevaluate 2 hours into the day I guess. Something I have noticed is all of fluff's problems come from either EoD yesterday or today so I'm kind of wondering if he actually read d1 at all?

    GH I haven't said much about but he's been lower on my list more of less all game for reasons that are hard to articulate. I think he's been a little stiff for him but idk if that's just cuz first game on a new site so that doesn't feel great to base a read on. I've liked him better today so far though his reason for V reading me is slightly strange considering he knows I don't have any problems faking lynch preferences as a wolf and the other weird thing is the only people he's not explicitly V reading in that post in some fashion is Jan, beruru, and delphine.

    This is interesting cuz he's village reading beruru so either GH thinks the team is either jan/delphine or rubicon/fluff (I kind of dislike that the rubicon/fluff reads are so reliant on each other) which reads like GH is just trying to make worlds rather than wolf hunt.
  4. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    I don't really remember you asking a question, but essentially I was really confused by Jan of all people taking the bait and asking you who you'd n1 as scum.

    Also the whole "Jan will get n1ed is a meme that doesn't always apply to every game. The reason why he got n1ed all the time was because he had good reads and was pretty obvious villager so there was no chance of mismatching him. If he knows this and doesn't want to get n1ed he shouldn't be spewing himself clear.

    I think that I'm eventually going to have to deal with asmo and GH although history suggests I'll be wrong about them.
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    Also Fable my town meta isn't even remotely close to wh9 because I'm almost never that active.
  5. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    Good afternoon.

    Seems early for that.

    I'm not getting this; can you expand?

    I don't recall you actually discussing this with people while D1 was ongoing - is there some sort of context I'm missing/some reason why it didn't jump out at you in real time?

    I'm of at least two minds on this one. I'm not sure why Jari/fonti are included in the numbers later in the post and you're potentially veering into IIoA with dem numbers. I do like the "Now I'm not sure what to do with this" in the middle of this as it feels like you were experiencing an actual internal ramble. I'm not sure I agree that scum wouldn't vote a controversial partner and it kind of freaks me out that Mr. Lone Ranger himself is arguing scum would be disinclined to.
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    Regarding Asmodeus:

    I liked his response (x) to my alignment preference question; particularly, the preferring town but feeling like he wouldn't have minded a change from 3 in a row bit feels like a real thought. Core of my townread is that the effort's there and his emotional trajectory seems genuine. He gave self-meta (x) that he's slow to get rolling on D1, which does seem to fit with his posts but also doesn't seem to be an excuse - he expresses a high locus of control around read gathering (x) and his emotional mindmeld with Beruru (x) re:frustration seems genuine. Also there's imo palpable excitement when he finds a post to anchor a GH read off of (x).

    Him appearing not to know fonti's gender (x) until well over halfway through the day reduces his partner equity with certain people (I guess mostly Beruru and Jan).
  6. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    It's probably more complicated than I made it seem. Purely from PoV if I'm a wolf I would avoid busing all together if I could (busing =/= distancing btw) just because there are more variables early in the game and I like having the security blanket of "well if I fuck up better not murder my partner just in case" but later on I probably would be more open to it which probably sounds counter-intuitive because at that point just win as a team since that's faster but then we get into questions like do I actually sure up my position better if I bus and then f3 probably doesn't matter and the timing of when you do it matters because recency bias is a thing. Do it too early and you get to late game and you're not playing perfectly and it's "well what have you done lately" and you're kinda screwed. Wait until later and that buys you time in a place where it's more valuable and you don't have to work as hard for as long. I mean it's a thought predicated on the wolves thinking like I do but that would be the optimal way of going about it IMO from a wolf PoV. And then of course if you're steamrolling and you're both top village reads for everyone don't even concern with busing cuz w/e lolwillage.
  7. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell
    Will digest.

    Unrelatedly, if you have a sentence or two off the top of your head about Jan I'd appreciate it.
  8. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    I have no idea as far as jan goes, I'm hoping he's as villagery as fonti said he is (I'm not seeing it) and he does get NK'd and I don't have to deal with actually figuring him out. It's weird cuz it's not really like he's wolfy per se but there's also not a lot I like? I don't get a lot of his posts I guess especially a lot of beruru stuff since it feels like it's a fear read? Which I guess in order to have that fear in the first place he'd need to be a villager so I guess it's just a matter of me figuring out if I think he can fake that.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Asmo 114
    Beruru 111
    Fable 102
    Fonti 95
    Jan 90
    Jarizok 87
    Miner 74
    GH 69
    Rubicon 55
    Fluff 33
    Delphine 11
  9. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    Beru awake time.

    Eido's screams are the best alarm clock.

    Explain the thing with more than just, like, maps and charts.
  10. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell

    This was spicy.

    Generally like this progression. Giving a first lean on the one person he gave himself permission not to read well seems more likely a genuine assessment of the game than not; also think the effort to go look into and engage Rubicon re: Beruru meta, esp. seemingly without an agenda of trying to ~catch~ Rubicon given the townread follow-up, is town indicative.

    I feel like I should be able to get something alignment indicative from the in-depth Jan stuff after that but it mostly feels overwhelmingly choleric.

    This feels off the cuff in a good way, and I think off that sums up his play in general. In some places (e.g. beruru meta) the lack of close-to-the-chestness with some theory/meta talk pings me a bit but am not sure if that's just a philosophical difference (or how to go about clearing that up.)

    @Fable- if you had forced yourself into making an ordered read wall on the last IRL day of D1, do you think you'd have had GH or Jari higher?
  11. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    Probably Jari.
  12. Delphine

    Delphine First Year

    May 12, 2014
    Automerge Hell

    I feel like you've backburnered GH.
  13. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    As for why I voted for jari and never really brought up GH d1.

    1. I was wrong on jari in WH9 and thought he was meh yesterday and I think I was overcompensating to an extent

    2. GH lynch seemed unlikely and I wasn't confidant enough in the read to make the push.
    --- Post automerged ---
    As far as the theory talk goes and my talknig about beruru's meta I don't think it's a big deal to talk about stuff like I know some people prefer to be cagey but I don't see the point. The way I see it is this, in chess everyone knows all the moves the players can make and yet at the end there's still a winner (though I've heard at higher levels stalemates are more common but that's not the point). Which obviously means there's more to a game than just information, there's play and counterplay and navigating that maze is more interesting to me than people being cagey and having to guess their thoughts in a game where communication is key.

    Wolves can't hide in an open field.
  14. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    Chess metaphors, huh.
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    By the way, championship finals ended and now I'm not, like, fucking locked on the shit I want to say and do in here about some specific things.

    Or... I can explain them better, I guess?

    Ugh, I have to get out of bed, but I don't wanna.
  15. GeneralHankerchief

    GeneralHankerchief Muggle

    Sep 6, 2017
    East Coast (US)
    Why you specifically? Anybody else that he zeroes in on when town?
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    Are you drawing any conclusions from these reactions?
    --- Post automerged ---
    In general I believe Rubicon's behavior has been townie, with the one exception when it comes to Fluff. If Fluff is mafia, then I see potential for the two of them to be partners. If Fluff is town then it nullifies most of my question marks to Rubi and Rubicon's probably just doing his own thing.
    --- Post automerged ---
    This is correct.
  16. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Mountainous Mafia #2 Votal 2.2

    Beru [3] - Jan, Asmo, Miner.
    Fluff [1] - Fable.
    Fable [1] - Fluff.
    Asmo [1] - Rubicon.

    Not Voting [3] - Beru, Delphine, GH

    With nine players alive, it takes five votes to soft-lynch and seven votes to hard-lynch!

    Day Two ends on September 18 at 3pm PST.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Mountainous Mafia #2 Votal 2.2

    Beru [3] - Jan, Asmo, Miner.
    Fluff [1] - Fable.
    Fable [1] - Fluff.
    Asmo [1] - Rubicon.

    Not Voting [3] - Beru, Delphine, GH

    With nine players alive, it takes five votes to soft-lynch and seven votes to hard-lynch!

    Day Two ends on September 18 at 3pm PST.
  17. GeneralHankerchief

    GeneralHankerchief Muggle

    Sep 6, 2017
    East Coast (US)
    I'm not really v reading you actually, I just don't want to deal with you today. Subtle difference maybe but there it is. Does this change your view of me?
    --- Post automerged ---
    Vote: Fluff

    Quotes coming.
    --- Post automerged ---
    In general with Fluff I'm just seeing a lot of Level 1 play. Not necessarily wolfy in itself but it starts to add up/other people just look better than him/I'd also like to get a two-for-one with Rubicon if possible.

    This does absolutely nothing for me, there are two wolves and there are other considerations to be had. Yet Fluff immediately goes for this as a defense.

    Think Beru talked about this one, it's a misappropriation of what I believe is actually going on here.

    The entire argument with Fable, trying to pick him out for something that's fairly simple, just seems like Fluff's doing his best to pick up on something he thinks he can push.

    Nothing really wrong with any of these (and his "surprise" exclusion of me is fine given his reasoning he later stated) but this just increases my Rubi suspicion given that Rubicon has the second shortest non-Fluff iso in the game, barring Delphine. I wouldn't consider that "pretty active" when going up against the likes of, say, Beru or Jan or Asmo. Certainly not Jan, who's in the same category of activity as Rubi is according to Fluff and has much more content.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Balls, was really hoping somebody would post in between so that wouldn't get automerged.

    Anyway I'll be exclusively on mobile for the next 30 hours or so.
  18. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    I can't believe I didn't have to wait an extra six hours to do this.

    No, you're not.

    You're not even close to clear at all.

    I want to see what you think is clearing from you and why.

    I should have voted you yesterday when I had the chance.

    Defend thyself.

    Vote: Miner
  19. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    lol I didn't even notice what fluffy put down for his V reads since I was so preoccupied with the me/delphine stuff.

    Fluffy are seriously playing this as "everyone I agree with is a villager and everyone I don't agree with is a wolf"? Cuz that's completely trash if so.
  20. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    No you.