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Mountainous Mafia #2: Murder in Vanilla Town

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Vira, Sep 10, 2017.

  1. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    Same reason basically, seems too easy.

    Debating if I should be trying to fight a bear today.
  2. Asmodeus

    Asmodeus Squib

    Sep 8, 2017
    If you think she's scum, go for it.
    I will never join this wagon, though. I think she's as close to being clear as she can come. I know that's a somewhat controversial thing to say in Mafia, but Beru is town.
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    Actually, I'd appreciate it if you could go a little bit into why you had this thought.
  3. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    The only living person who hasn't voted GH is Miner, btw (and me, I guess). Asmo voted GH, but it was at the very beginning of the game.

    The primary reason I moved to Fluff at EoD yesterday is because I thought that Miner wouldn't be able to get one more vote and I wasn't willing to vote GH. Obviously, I think this was a mistake...
  4. GeneralHankerchief

    GeneralHankerchief Muggle

    Sep 6, 2017
    East Coast (US)
    1) Easy, I thought there was a good chance of my death via lynching.

    2) General paranoia more than anything else, Fable is a very very good wolf from my experience and it's a matter of you/Beru/Rubi conditionally (which has been fulfilled considering Fluff's flip) being higher up my town list than him.
  5. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    Why do you think that Fluff's flip conditionally clears Asmo, Rubi and I, GH?
  6. GeneralHankerchief

    GeneralHankerchief Muggle

    Sep 6, 2017
    East Coast (US)
    Just Rubi. Asmo and you are fine independent of Fluff.
  7. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    Ok, but why?
  8. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
  9. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Fun fact, if I were scum I would've 100% self-pres-ed onto either fluff or GH.

    Anyways, beru is scum, and GH/Fable contains the last scum.
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    I'm not backing off of this, and I think that Fable actually has higher scum equity than GH because of the "I dont know if I should fight a bear or not" comment is very much a scum!Fable move Imo.
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    Also second fun fact if I were scum I would've never shot fonti or Jan, because they would've been able to defend me better than I could myself. Don't believe me?

    See RWBY.
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    Anyways, we'll be starting today where we left off yesterday.

    lynch: beruru
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    Actually might lynch GH or Fable. Asmo you would need a really good case. Delphine and Rubicon I'd be willing to lose to.
  10. Fable

    Fable First Year

    Apr 21, 2017
    High Score:
    1. You weren't even around at EoD so lol saying you would do anything in that scenario.

    2. The bears comment was actually NAI, lol suggesting you know my wolf game at all. All 90% of the people in this game know how to do in regards to me is spam "Fable's a good wolf" over and over again.
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  11. Asmodeus

    Asmodeus Squib

    Sep 8, 2017
    @Rubicon I would really like to see you go in depth on your thoughts and opinions this phase. This is like the third time I've asked (and the hundredth time I've wanted to) since last phase. Poking and prodding isn't enough anymore. I want you to reason out your reads for both town and scum.

    I feel like I've been carrying a townread on you based solely on D1, which really doesn't feel good anymore

    ^Also, explain this post and your mindset behind making it

    ^This was in reference to Jari. How do you consolidate that with your scumread on him, or your decision to stay on him just two posts later?
  12. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011
    fluff reentering the thread at deadline to post "yo" and "but i'm town" without answering questions struck me as really scummy. I thought he was gloating almost. I said the ship had sailed because the wagon on him had fully dissolved at that point, and there were only 5 minutes left in the day.

    The Jarizok thing was actually in reference to him having spewed Miner as town. That is, the post I was quoting made the assumption that Miner was so town that fonti pushing him was automatically suspicious. I don't think scum!Jarizok would have that thought about his partner.

    I've been mulling over how much credence to give that Jarizok read, because he's supposed to be good at reading Miner. With it being just a day one read, though, probably not that much.

    I still don't really get your GH read or what in specific has changed your mind from when you were hard townreading him. It's not apparent from your ISO that he has been dropping in your reads over time.
  13. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    --- Post automerged ---
  14. Asmodeus

    Asmodeus Squib

    Sep 8, 2017
    Ah. You then said not to CFD despite thinking he was "really scummy"?

    This comforts me somewhat (the part about mulling over Jari's read on Miner, if it's true)

    It's partly influenced by PoE (especially after Fluff flipped town), partly him saying he's intentionally different than his usual meta this game, partly his timing on pushing Miner for Miner's ??? post last phase, partly easy pushes, and partly a bad feeling that my townread came from his approach to solving being similar to my own (making it easier to relate with him/trust him).

    I think I've said some of that before, and it should be apparent from my ISO that he dropped because he went from one of my top towns (I think I read him more town than you at one point) to being below fable. I do feel like I might've taken it easier with him last phase than I should've (I think this about you as well) because of leftover town sentiment from D1.

    There won't be any more of that towards anyone (except maybe Beru but I promise I'll at least look at her again to be sure), and I don't want anyone to hold back any doubts they have towards me either. The more everyone puts on the table this phase, the better.
  15. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    Is the top list from your first post your town circle? It's implied in the full post...

    ... but that only leaves Delphine and Miner? Wyd.
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    Like, I thought it was the votes for Fluff, but Fable was voting for GH.... ?
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    I'm bored and I'm probably going to fail my kana quiz tomorrow so here's some vote stats I guess:

    Asmo has only been voted for by Rubi, once in RVS and once shortly after SoD2.
    I've been voted for by Asmo, Miner, and Rubi. Rubi vote was also in RVS, I think?
    Delphine has never been voted for.
    Fable has only been voted for by Miner, RVS and middle of D1.
    The only person who hasn't voted for GH is Miner. (Asmo's vote for GH was from the very beginning of the game, though.)
    The only people who haven't voted for Miner are Delphine and Fable.
    The only person who has voted for Rubicon is Miner (in RVS (?)).

    The only people who are still alive that Asmo has voted for are GH and Miner.
    The only person who is still alive that I've voted for is Miner.
    The only person who is still alive that both Delphine and Fable have voted for is GH.
    The only person who is still alive that GH has voted for is Miner.
    The people still alive that Miner has voted for are me, Fable, and Rubi.
    The people still alive that Rubi has voted for are Asmo, GH, and Miner.

    I know this is two ways to write the same thing, but I have to like... help you visualize the chart in your mind, I guess? You can write/draw it out yourself if you want, and stare at that for a while...

    Random stats:
    GH and Fable both voted Fluff four times before he got lynched. Fable has also voted GH three times.
    Miner voted me five times, which is the highest amount of votes one player has gotten from another.
    Rubicon and Asmo are tied for voting the most people (5).

    The analysis of these statistics is: People aren't voting this game and it sucks besides limiting Miner and GH's possible partners if they're mafia, I guess. If you never feel like you have to vote anyone, then there's no way to draw lines between people using vote analysis.

    Which is probably the idea, tbh.

    Also, I'm bored. I thought this game would be like, on fire, and people would actually be doing things and stuff... but instead it feels like we're all a bunch of lazy cats pushing a toy just out of reach of our paws and not getting up to play with it.
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    I just had the totally brilliant 2 AM thought that if wolves are letting me do whatever I want because I'm fucking wrong all the time, the best thing would be for me to shut the fuck up.

    I know it's obviously stupid, so I'm not going to be doing that.

    The only thing keeping me interested in this game is hardcore procrastination from the five thousand things I have to do IRL, tbh. I've asked for people to do spicy or interesting things but I feel like we're all taking a fucking nap while wolves pull out an ez win because nobody actually wants to make a strong case or DO anything. Every time someone actually makes like a mid level something, everyone else is just like "yeah lol ok let's sheep that" and I am fucking tired of this! It's sooooooooooo boring!

    Speaking! of! that!

    Seriously, Fable, if you really want me dead now, write a fucking essay. I've told Miner to do something like this multiple times but he keeps just being like "Beru is a witch!!11" with no actual thoughts or analysis or anything that is actually useful at convincing people or indicates that he's actually thinking past "gotta set up Beru as the dedicated mislynch at LYLO, lul". An actual well-reasoned, long, thought out case would actually be interesting and useful for everyone to look at and at this point it being about me would probably be good for everyone else since I am apparently incapable of ~radiating towniness~ anymore in the future of 2017. I don't even care if I get lynched at this point because you'll realize that I've just been consistently wrong and making terrible decisions and this game is a trash fire but ALSO I won't have to be in F# and won't have to actually care or make decisions so really you are saving me and I would probably appreciate it t b h.

    The real mystery I want to solve is "why the fuck didn't Jan die N1 when he was IC" but that's probably something I don't have time for.
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    My preferred lynch progression right now is Miner -> Fable (!) -> GH -> uh, I guess the game would be over here if there weren't two witches in that. Also, if the order is incorrect. Mazemaze that shit up if you want, then.

    If we CFD'd off two witches onto Fluff at EoD yesterday I'm going to go back into retirement (until December (which I have to do anyway, tbh)).
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    Also, kill order thoughts: Those two kills were going to happen N1/2 no matter what, probably. Rip those guys.

    The issue is the actual order. Jan -> Fonti makes a lot more sense than Fonti -> Jan from an objective perspective, but the second one is what happened. Therefore, something must have gotten in the way... you have to have extremely strong reasons for killing someone with mild suspicion over a fucking IC.

    I know once I see witch chat in post I'll know why but I probably still won't understand why.

    Being consumed by something that is probably only a partial key is a bad idea but considering that it's the only part of this game that's actually interesting for me, maybe I should stare at Fonti & Jan's D1 ISOs until I figure it out...

    ... and I should probably find people who doubtcasted Jan, too. (hi rubi.)
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    I'm like 50% sure that one of the reasons why I'm so bored this game is that I'm only online when nobody else is because none of the Australians are in this one...

    (It might also be because all the posts feel like drive-bys and nobody is sustaining actual conversations anymore, unlike D1.)
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    Automerge hell or automerge heaven?

    This is how I got 1200 posts in my personal QT last game, probably.

    Asmo stepping up into a town leader-y type role is... interesting.

    I want GH to give thoughts on Miner with actual reasons. Examine the game. Allegedly you're town, but not enough that half the game didn't want you dead yesterday. Do something.
  16. Asmodeus

    Asmodeus Squib

    Sep 8, 2017
  17. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:

    By the way, Love Novels is the worst Love Live song. This is just a fact.

    "Beru, how many times have you had to play that song this event?"

    Too many.
  18. Asmodeus

    Asmodeus Squib

    Sep 8, 2017
    How do you feel about lynching GH/Fable first (think this may be the team after reading through most of the thread - massive post incoming), then finding the remaining one between Rubi/Miner (starting to see Miner potentially being town)?
  19. Beruru

    Beruru First Year

    Jul 6, 2017
    High Score:
    I'll wait until after your massive post. Let me think for a sec.
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    And by a sec I mean: I'm going to bed.
  20. Asmodeus

    Asmodeus Squib

    Sep 8, 2017