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"A Song of Ice and Fire" stories

Discussion in 'Story Search' started by purple, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    The only story that involves Jon Snow and Valyria that I would ever read would have to be written by @Hashasheen. He's about the only writer I trust not to go full blown retarded or wank the shit out of any one particular aspect of the story or one of the characters written therein. Speaking of which, I seem to recall there was a post over on SV discussing alternate Dragon of the North routes, Valyria being one of them. Any chance someone here has a link to that particular post?
  2. VanRopen

    VanRopen Headmaster

    Apr 22, 2011
    Los Angeles
    He started a thread for it l, but didn’t get far in.

    There was this post tho, which summarized a lot of what I remember.
  3. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    I've been so bored the past few days I went through this entire thread. Here is every story I found worth reading and hasn't been taken down (RIP Fool's Gold). Some of these may already be in the library. There are library fics that aren't here (The Black Prince).

    Library Worthy stuff AKA the 5/5s:
    Life and Honor - Jaime goes to the Wall after killing Aerys and kicks off a great redemption arc for him as Mance Rayder's bro and an all around badass black brother.

    Wounds - Robert dies after Robert's Rebellion and Stannis is proclaimed King. Heavy character focus on Stannis and a still alive Lyanna Stark that I'd characterize as friendship and mutual respect more than romance.

    Scream Against the Storm - Stannis as the Crow's Eye / Bloodraven's magic apprentice. Handles ASOIAF Magic wonderfully, and nothing is ever freely given. Really plays into the whole magic as a sword without a hilt, and is straight up lovecraftian sometimes.

    Maternal Instincts - An Elia-centric story where Rhaegar wins the war. She decides the best way to keep Jon from starting a succession crisis is by being nice to him. Beautiful and heart-wrenching.

    The False and the Fair - Jon Snow as a girl. It's...hard to describe this in a way that does it justice, but it is quite a good read and isn't afraid to hurt the characters. Not a Stark wank.

    Disengagement - Jaime saves Princess Rhaenys and is tasked to protect her when she is sent to ward with the Starks. A great character development pieces and redemptive arc for Jaime.

    Reap the Whirlwind - Cersei / Stannis - 3/5
    Cloak and Needle - Barristan and Arya road trip 3/5

    These are all just Cersei / Ned oneshots. Most of these are similar-ish in idea, but have different executions. Just in case you have an itch to scratch like I do.
    The still after the storm - 3/5
    We're Only Taking Turns Holdings This World - 3/5
    The joinery- This one stretches incredulity and is probably the worst of these oneshots. Author fails to grasp the very basic precepts of politics, and people generally act like morons. Still, it's character and relationship focused, so if you can power through it, might be worth reading on a slow day. 2/5
    And Nothing Is Gained By Not Gathering Roses - Interesting, not-quite-romance, that begins at Harrenhal. - 3/5

    SIs / OCs
    Not Throwin Away My Shot - Alexander Hamilton as Littlefinger before Robert's Rebellion. Has some good political maneuvering in its last arc and handles it better than most. -3/5

    Dreadful - Ramsay Bolton SI where he chooses not to kill Domeric. They become bros. However, he also forms a band and the fic takes a lot of time focusing on it to its detriment. -2/5

    Rhaegar the Great - Rhaegar SI. He spends a lot of time falling in love with a smallfolk girl and recreating Shakespeare's plays. A decent time-waster. 3/5

    HBO WI: Joffrey from Game of Thrones replaced with Octavian from Rome - Octavian as Joffrey. Some Rome wank, some fix-it. Nothing special, but at least doesn't uplift us into guns and canals. He does, however, have a proper Roman appreciation for good roads. 2/5

    A Skagossan Tale - SI into a Skagosi during the War of the Ninepenny Kings, although it's not a "Hard SI". More like an OC character having some dreams of our modern society and being inspired to take a different route. Not super hard into the uplift. 3/5.

    Climbing the Ladder - SI into Baelish. Stretches disbelief with how well he can invent stuff like better horse harnesses and ships, but at least no canals, crop rotation, or seed drills. Basically ASOIAF if Baelish isn't an asshole. 2/5

    Purple Days - Time loop Joffrey. Shitty YiTi arc in the middle that can be skipped. Somehow gives one of the most hated characters in ASOIAF a redemption arc. 3/5

    The Everyoung Dragon - SI into Daeron Targaryen (The Young Dragon) during the War of Dornish Subjugation. Written from the PoV of his sister (who wants to bang him). Reads like a slowburn Targ incest, but is surprisingly done well. Good for anyone who hates those Dornish cunts, and likes the pre-canon history of ASOIAF. 4/5

    Dragonstone - Stannis has a dragon. 3/5

    Stark Fics

    To Go Forward - Jon Snow goes back in time. 2/5

    Valar Botis - Stark wank 2/5

    A Better Fate - Jon goes South, and then through some contrivance misses the war. Some Frey vengeance thrown in. 2/5

    Kingdoms at War - Robb / Margaery wank. 2/5

    Dragons of Ice and Fire - Jon gets an Ice Dragon. The first arc is probably the strongest bit of it. Once warring with the Boltons and the White Walkers gets underway, it can get a bit confusing what's going on. It's also way too bloated towards the end (could easily cut 2/3rds out). 3/5

    Post-Rebellion AUs
    Summer Crowns - Robert and co. go east to hunt down the last Targaryens. Start a slave crusade instead. 3/5

    A Dragon in the North- Jon Snow as a Dragonborn. (How do you not know about this). 4/5

    Murder and Iron - ASOIAF / Forgotten reams Quest as Robert's son. 3/5

    Ours is the Furious Grinding of Teeth - Stannis Quest that went from exploring the world to becoming King of Pentos. Voters are cunts. 3/5

    Ours is the Fury - Robert Quest. Basically fixes Westeros and is unapologetic for being an absolute unit. Can wear you down towards the end. 3/5

    The Dance is Not Over - Set during the Dance of the Dragons. War doesn't end as quickly and Westeros ends up split in half. Recommended if you like ASOIAF historical pre-canon pieces. 3/5.

    Times Like These - A Lyanna / Stannis fic. Quite character driven, a bit angsty? 3/5

    The Queen That Was Promised - Cersei / Rhaegar where Rhaegar becomes interested in Cersei after she talks to him about Maggy's prophecy. Character motivations are a bit fuzzy at times, but it's still a decent slowburn romance and enough of an AU to be readable. 4/5

    Stuff I haven't read but plan to as they come recommended:
    Guileless Son
    Robert's Rebellion: Writ in Blood
    Our Choices Seal our Fate
    I was whole, whole I would remain
    Rebellion, Treason, and Plot
    The Weirwood on the Volcano
  4. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
  5. pbluekan

    pbluekan Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jan 24, 2014
    Dancing in the Mindfield
    Alright. I just got done rereading this, and for all the technical quality, I am extremely disappointed. It starts off with some interesting changes to canon and the ongoing plot of Jon changing things and becoming the Promised Prince. I even enjoyed the unique interpretation of the Nissa Nissa prophecy. Then Jon spends a long time doing absolutely nothing and in the meantime, the author deliberately forces everything that happened in canon back roughly the way it was for no discernible purpose and outside the bounds of plausibility.

    I mean, seriously. Stannis wins. Cool, I saw that coming. Goes North and burns the Weirwoods, cool, again, saw that coming. Northern lords rebel. Then Stannis lets wildlings settle the Gift and the northern lords rebel against...themselves? How on fucking Earth does it make sense for the Karstarks, Umbers, and Boltons to rebel against the Starks because of the wildlings when the Starks are already against the King that let them through? And has nobody once talked to the Northern lords about the fucking Others?

    Wait, it gets better. For some reason, Catelyn (not Ned, the fucking Lord) sent her daughters to the Eyrie to stay with the sister she knows is batshit crazy and hasn’t helped them in their war. She sent them to the place that Petyr Baelish was presumably still sent and is openly ruling as regent. The same guy she said was “dead to her” because he motherfucking betrayed her husband. What kind of fucking sense does that make? And why did she send them? I mean, the Stark's couldn't possibly be losing at this point, right? Oh wait.

    And lets not forget that Theon still sacked Winterfell. Why? How?? Did Ned let him go? Why? They don’t need ships, the Lannisters were defeated at the Blackwater, and Ned isn’t fixated on Theon as a brother.

    Lets not forget that somehow the Starks are held up in Riverrun by the Freys. Why? And more importantly, how? Robb married Roslin and the Lannisters are basically fucked, so what incentive is there for the Freys to turn their cloak? How the fuck are they holding Riverrun to siege? Where are the other River lords? What the fuck happened to the Tully forces? Tywin’s forces got fucked at the Blackwater, so who killed them? None of this makes any sense at all.

    Of course, then the Tyrells still married the Lannisters. Why? They’ve lost already, there isn’t any good reason to.

    Fuck me, this shit is retarded.

    The 2/5 is completely justified, I’d give it a 1/5 for the recent retarded developments.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2019
  6. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    Proof that having a huuuuuuuge wall won't stop Muslims and bad hombres from coming into the United States of Westeros. SI tries to make Westeros Great Again. Tries. 4/5
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2019
  7. pbluekan

    pbluekan Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jan 24, 2014
    Dancing in the Mindfield
  8. CosmosGravitation

    CosmosGravitation Professor

    Sep 27, 2006
    I agree with most of these, and the only story I'd add to the list isThe Bastard of Highgardenunder SIs.
  9. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    It turned to garbage after the coup and became like every other SI fic without the uplift, replacing Stark wank with Stark and Baratheon wank.it has lacked any real tension for the past ten chapters or so. 2/5.
  10. Nerox

    Nerox High Inquisitor

    Jan 29, 2012
    Damn, I was hoping Fool's Gold would turn up somewhere. That was actually a pretty good one.
  11. Johnnyseattle

    Johnnyseattle Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Oct 25, 2011
    This is pretty decent, a good 3.5 to 4/5 from me, but it's exactly three years to the day today that it's been updated, and someone said elsewhere that the author is notorious for not finishing things. Too bad, it's definitely worth a read otherwise.
  12. Sauce Bauss

    Sauce Bauss Second Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 4, 2008
    High Score:
    I have a copy that I sent to Halt. Either he or I will post it/send it later
  13. Mestre

    Mestre Professor

    Aug 7, 2015
  14. Garden

    Garden Supreme Mugwump

    Apr 25, 2010
    The problem with a lot of ASOIAF fics is that authors are scared or unwilling to venture far from canon, so they make up stupid justifications for sticking to canon.

    If a Stark travels back in time who knows what happened at King's Landing, for instance, nothing similar to canon should occur. There's plenty of ways to prevent Ned from going South or not getting killed by Cersei. Lots of easy mistakes they should be telling Starks to watch out for. Have Ned fake illness. Have him break a limb and now he can't leave Winterfell. Tell him how the coup against him in canon unfolded so he knows not to trust Baelish and to have Renly bring his men back with him. So many options.

    But people mindlessly follow canon, except for Sansa's Direwolf magically not dying, or something similarly inconsequential.
  15. Lamora

    Lamora Definitely Not Batman ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 10, 2009
    New York
    High Score:
    I'm sorry, but the False and the Fair is hot garbage. It claims to be 'fem Jon Snow', but in reality is just a female SI fucking her way through a laundry list of the series eligible men, while never being in a position to be wrong in a meaningful way.

    It's pure Mary Sue. The prose is technically decent and without misspellings or grammar errors, but shouldn't be mistaken as anything but pure guilty pleasure - if even that. 2/5.
  16. Nerox

    Nerox High Inquisitor

    Jan 29, 2012
    I'd appreciate a copy as well, thanks in advance!

    Thanks as well!
  17. Garden

    Garden Supreme Mugwump

    Apr 25, 2010
    Ehh, I mean her and Robb are dumb enough to fuck where Jeyne Westerling can see and that gets back to Tywin.

    And the whole 'Tywin abusing/raping her' plotline didn't make a ton of sense to me beyond being a mechanism to introduce angst.

    But it's not a wholly unoriginal fic, and it's reasonably well written.

    In the ASOIAF fandom that's pretty rare.
  18. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    The Private Journal of Lysa Tully

    SI into Lysa when she's 14, before the whole Littlefinger thing. It's...quite domestic, I suppose. Very slice-of-life, and most of the story deals with her relationships with the people around her and Jaime Lannister rather than an attempt to win the Great Game or build C a N a L s. You could honestly almost treat this as an OC Lysa Tully for all that the SI is a device to change Lysa into someone more pleasant / not infatuated with Baelish.

    It also has a sequel from the PoV of those around her, which helps flesh out other characters. Sadly abandoned, but it's last chapter was a satisfying enough climax. Jaime and Lysa's developing relationship is believable to read about, and the SI is far from a Mary Sue (there are multiple times when her 21st century morals screws her over and done so in ways I really appreciated). 4/5 I think.
  19. KGB

    KGB Headmaster

    Jan 18, 2011
    Well that was confusing since someone just started a Lysa SI on AH. This one does have a protagonist that is aware of GoT. The opening chapter is sort of interesting, as the SI loses control of the body and Lysa tries to off them both.
  20. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    I actually found the Private Journal of Lysa Tully from that thread.

    It's alright, but with only one chapter out it's hard to say whether it'll be worth reading.