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Mountainous Mafia #3: Desperate times, desperate measures

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Vaimes, Mar 24, 2020.

  1. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Nah, she's a momma wolf so if she were with Umami she would be protective, not the other way around.

    I don't know why she would be scumreading me here. I don't think it's super worth it for me to dwell on it at this point, and I'm not super comfortable reading too deeply into how people are reading into me in general. Fonti is about as close to an exception to that rule as there is, but even still.

    Align reads aren't really my thing, but I don't think it's particularly unrealistic for fonti to be town and wrong on Umami. Like, we're within the first 24 hours of the game starting, any kind of solid townread or any read at this point is not something that I would buy into personally.

    I don't have a read on Umami, no. The closest thing I have to an actual read is that Sloth is town.
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    Um, I'm sorry you got that read from it, is not what that was.
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    The way she has = jumping headfirst into it, saying "die scum die"
  2. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Here are a bunch of posts I didn't like:
    Don't like that she diverted to "ha, it was a joke, you're just not getting it" instead of like trying to be clever and playing around with tom? I'm not really sure how to explain this, but like, it felt like she was more concerned with not being scumread for a joke push than actually having fun with the joke.

    Gif directed to fire, rude for her especially after a ton of other people already jumped on this. Could give her the benefit of the doubt here and assume she hadn't read any of this, but this is just uh, more cruel? than I would expect from her.

    The question had been asked and answered. I feel like when catching up she should have been aware that someone would have asked about this, just like she should have been aware that people would dump on fire's post. The question therefore likely had no thought put into it, unlikely for town!Gemma to approach a scummish read (from the preceding paragraph) this way. I also just dislike the "project this strain of emotionality" line in general, don't think it's a real read, could easily be wrong there.

    Two gifs both questioning Umami and my connection to her. Pointless, especially since Gemma isn't scumreading her. The spanish inquisition one is a little better with context, but the one directed at Sloth feels like undermining a good read.
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    It was an "Ahem. Die, scum, die," which means it was partially a joke.
  3. Keldeo

    Keldeo Muggle

    Oct 14, 2019
    Sorry Gemma, I don't think I understand? To me, you seemed to be expressing that you were really sure that fonti was mafia in #233, because it doesn't seem like she is joking. But then you also said you don't have strong reads. What was that post supposed to mean, if I'm wrong about that, and you weren't trying to get fonti to back off...?
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    Well, I guess the last part of that doesn't really make sense. Never mind.

    Sorry, I'm distracted.
  4. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Rephrase the last bit? I don't understand what you mean about trying to get fonti to back off.

    I was saying that I thought the read made no sense and seemed out of character, but something seeming weird to me doesn't automatically mean that it comes from mafia. And I apparently mistook something she said jokingly as serious, so that's a thing. This is why I don't like to dig into people's reads on me. I don't have any strong reads because barely anything has happened, because barely anything has had time to happen.
  5. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    To understand why this feels manipulative, you have to know some things about me. I have adhd, and wasn't diagnosed until adulthood, so growing up I developed fears that I was 1.lazy, 2.stupid and 3.careless. Gemma, being, you know, my wife (<3) is aware of that. I don't think she deliberately tried to hit me that hard, but I also don't think it's a coincidence that she chose two of those three to describe my read of her.
  6. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    I think you're getting a little bit stuck in your own head. It wasn't a joke push, it was rvs.

    I don't understand how that was cruel. I'm sorry if it was. The gif is someone being perplexed / concerned. I don't know how other people are going to react to things.

    Why are they pointless if I'm not scumreading her? Also, she is probably the closest thing I do have a scumread, which isn't saying much but still. I'm allowed to be suspicious of someone without having it be defined as a scumread. I cringed at Sloth's post because he was speaking as if he had strong enough reads to classify one of them as his top townread, not because of that read being Umami, although I guess that was a small part of it. The Spanish inquisition one was just me recognizing what you were doing and enjoying it, I didn't mean anything negative by it.
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    Well, now I hate myself.
  7. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    It's fine, love.

    The gifs were pointless because Umami's wasn't going to know what they meant or respond to them in any way.

    We've had like half the game attack fire for expression an opinion that honestly isn't even that bad. You were just the last person to jump on board. I kind of expected you to be more aware?

    I have no idea what you're talking about with regards to RVS and joke pushes. The vote was a joke, you said it was a joke afterwards, you decided to end the joke when people didn't get it instead of messing with tom. Is any of that wrong?
  8. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    If it helps, I was also hmming at fire's non-response about his mafia experience. Not that that's particularly alignment indicative.

    I don't think I have the same percetion of the joke as you. There wasn't really anything to continue or to stop. It wasn't very elaborate, I just voted someone for not formatting their vote correctly while not formatting my vote correctly. I don't know what more there is to do with that, especially if it was so bad that it didn't even register as a joke to anyone. I'm not sure what you mean by messing with tom, sorry.
  9. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Gemma would like to live in a world where
    A) fonti pushing gemma couldnt possibly serious
    B) but if it is shes scum
    C) but i didnt say that
  10. Gemma

    Gemma Sixth Year

    Nov 2, 2017
    Vote: tom
  11. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Hit me, baby.
    One more time.
    Hah, but seriously, there has to be a line to that rule and I feel if the discussion involves two players that are already both dead and flipped, that should be good enough.
    But just in case I redacted it, so breathe. Sorry ;)
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    Of relevance: What are you (and you @Cuthalion) basing this idea that Grape's case would be stronger as wolf? Is Grape noted to be a good wolf player?
    My experience with him making cases as Town is more or less this, except not nearly as aggressive, or sheeping. Do you differ?

    And Keldeo, I would describe you as taking a stance "above it all." Picture us as gladiators and you as an spectator, commenting but not getting involved. In your own words, is this how you play as Town - if so, what is your endgoal in doing so?
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  12. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
  13. fire

    fire Order Member

    Dec 25, 2011
    None actually, my experience has been more casual IRL ones. People definitely aren't as tryhard and obviously aren't as aggressive when face-to-face with friends.

    If you feel strongly about this read, then the solution would then be to hang one of them - but if they turn out to be human, hang anyone who was busing them (including us, presumably).
  14. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    In this post you talk down meta reads, and in another you talk down tone ones, and in another you say you don't like alignment reads too. So what do you use to formulate reads, Gemma?
  15. Keldeo

    Keldeo Muggle

    Oct 14, 2019
    I'm still pretty confused by...

    I mean, taking into account that the second quoted post there is a misunderstanding, I think I can understand how the first post could mean what the third says. But on its own, the first post just seems to express this strong conviction and belief in a read that apparently Gemma... doesn't have?

    But like, maybe this doesn't actually mean anything because no matter what Gemma's alignment is, she probably thinks it's too early to have strong reads given what she wrote. So even if she was mafia, she wouldn't write the first post meaning what I thought she meant, i.e. "I really think fonti is mafia". So she really did mean the third post when she wrote the first, even though it reads differently to me (and I think to people like tom given his reaction)?

    Does this make sense at all? I'd like a second opinion on whether I'm just getting really hung up on this part of the interaction.
  16. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    Eh, I guess if we're comparing my experience with you as a player with my experience with you as a person, the scales do dip over on one side pretty thoroughly, so that may be coloring my perception.
    However, from the few games we've played together, you approach things in that manner where you always clarify, always ask follow up questions and make sure you understand, even in jokes.
    And you never, ever assume.
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    It's common for some of the more experienced players to try to police what we do in an effort to either appear town, or to legitimately make sure town doesn't derp so hard that they win the game for s scum (which has happened).
    Font's one such player like this, and it's NAI - any thing else she did ping at you?
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    NAI = Not Alignment Indicative*
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    Example of you not assuming.
  17. Keldeo

    Keldeo Muggle

    Oct 14, 2019
    Uhh. I'm not like, overly swayed by this, but I guess that's just because I feel like I can understand what Gemma said in response. e.g. that she saw the joke as a one-off rather than something to continue to banter about, and the lack of negative sentiment in the gifs (I personally read the sentiment as more negative than that, but like, sure, okay?)

    I do see the lack of awareness in making "obvious" responses such as the response to fire and the question about voting MP7 and there's this... lack of inquisitiveness - like the "I don't think fonti's push is genuine" presented as a statement with no clarifying questions to fonti?

    I dunno.
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    @Gemma why vote tom? Why do you have town feels on Sloth?
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    I guess the thesis of that is that I was expecting to be more swayed by the Gemma w case given that I have town leans ish on tom and fonti (and I don't think either of them would bus her if they were mafia), but I ended up believing Gemma so now I don't know.

    I guess it's early.
  18. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Nah, I think you're right, and Gemma's posts are contradicting themselves.
  19. Keldeo

    Keldeo Muggle

    Oct 14, 2019
    Also, Gemma what is your read on fonti and her push on you now that her reasons and the "ahem" post have been clarified?
  20. Umami

    Umami Squib

    Dec 17, 2018
    So here's the quote: "I think it's probably best to avoid talking about the gun until Day 3, and force scum to make the decision without any idea of what we're thinking."

    Which would be fine if we were actually talking about the gun in any type of game-related or strategic way. To me, it felt odd and seemed like she was just waiting for an opportunity to jump in and be like 'hey guys, we can't let scum know what we're thinking' or essentially like she was saying 'hey, I'm a good guy.' So yeah it felt forced in a way that I don't think a townie would be, especially that early. I was waiting to see if her other posts would dissuade me, but they haven't really pushed me one way or the other, so keeping with my admittedly weak initial impression