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Mountainous Mafia #3: Desperate times, desperate measures

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Vaimes, Mar 24, 2020.

  1. Cuthalion

    Cuthalion Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    Looking forward to see a sloth iso from you, whenever you get to it. Heading out for the night, take care.
  2. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    Hey sorry all, got called into work as an emergency medical (non COVID) cover Wednesday night, and just back from tonights shift. Will be catching up now. Ping with any questions, I'll try to get to them either now, or later today
  3. Cuthalion

    Cuthalion Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    Oh one other thing it's my favorite thing how everyone clarifies that they don't have COVID every time they mention physical abnormalities as if they're gonna infect other people in the mafia game.
  4. Keldeo

    Keldeo Muggle

    Oct 14, 2019
    Good to see you @The Waco Kid ! I'm sure you'll get to general reads as you catch up so I'm interested in what you think Miner should do with the gun?

    With this flavor, they've gotta be careful to not accidentally scumclaim, eh? eh?
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    Oh, and reading Waco's EOD2 in full solidified my thought that he and grape aren't w/w.
  5. Waco Kid

    Waco Kid Groundskeeper

    Jan 3, 2015
    Nowhere Special
    With the retrospective of the flip and time to reflect upon, agreed

    Effectively my reaction at the EoD2 was confusion as you guys note. My general tendency is to dig in a bit with my reads so generally if I make a vote like your Keldeo one yesterday, I'm more likely to be the guy standing alone screaming for others to join me, as Vaimes can attest to from our previous games together. On top of that, when I realized (after our back and forth) that you had been on Keldeo, I was a little surprised given at least Miner and myself had expressed interest in that (I'd have to go back and check the timing of whether or not that came before your switch), so in my mind it didn't make sense that you had given it up for a person (I believe) you were town reading at the time. Effectively, it was these last two thoughts that inspired my final thought, because my thought was you had kind of bailed on the Keldeo vote when other people seemed to be heading that way to vote a wagon that didn't make sense given your reads.

    You know if you're town and you get shot, you survive and Miner dies right?
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    Wait, you thought tom was a possible mislynch? Wasn't at least a majority of players town-reading him?

    Okay, it's not just me.

    Also note to self looking a bit further down the page, go back over rhand/keldeo interactions later

    First paragraph: NAI thing: Not a basketball guy, but I identify pretty hard with the player type you mention

    2nd: Yeah, this is more where I am with the Wine discussion. I definitely am of the mindset that once you start going to far down the rabbit hole with the WINE stuff, you're putting yourself in a bad spot.

    Hey Cobalt!! Nice to get to play with you again!
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    MP7 #1405 fits pretty well with my thoughts on that section of conversation between Rhand & Keldeo.

    Based on my memory of the slot, would think Sera-balt would have a decent sized pool of possible partners just based on limited reads/interactions
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    I'm going crossed eyed, so will get to my deep dives after I pass out for a bit
  6. Grapefruit21

    Grapefruit21 Muggle

    Dec 28, 2018
    Movie was fun. I give it a solid 4/5 windmills.

    @Keldeo I can't find the post now but I did a mini ISO of Waco earlier. I'd initially just liked him for that early read and it grew just by feeling like were on the same wavelength most of the way. There wasn't a big moment just consistently being in agreement with his posts.
  7. Rhand

    Rhand Muggle

    Mar 29, 2020
    Emotion or urgency? Why do you need those?

    Neither am I. He doesn't feel like he's trying to reach conclusions. He actually feels like he's town reading me with what he posts, and then puts me on the bottom of his readslist. It's icky.

    Because Keldeo asked me about that.

    Are you telling me miner was not a possible mislynch then? I was probably wrong about tom. I had him as quite likely scum and I thought that was a general feel of the thread, which it apparently wasn't. But I'm sure I'm not wrong about miner.

    Because I got sucked into all the talk with Keldeo. I'll get to Sloth now.
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    This is a scum post. Which probably no one will believe, but you'll see it when miner uses his gun and misfires.
    I explained why the gun isn't wifom. And letting the group decide is not a "real question". It's scum trying to look like town.

    Those questions to M7 and Grape are more of what Sloth keeps doing: asking questions for the sake of asking questions.

    And the who would you shoot question to Keldeo is the worst. As if he's going to get a read on Keldeo with that question.

    I'm gonna try to answer to Sloth's response to my case now. I'll quote parts of it and not the whole thing to keep it readable. If you need the whole post (including my quotes), it's post 841.

    We only played in 1 (not ongoing) game together, and you replaced out of it very quickly. So I have only notions of how you play.
    That is not what I meant. The aggressiveness was about a certain phase in Day 1 where you used swearwords.

    Now what you say next shows your mindset:
    You, claiming you're not aggressive, call your own softball questions "aggressive".
    You're using what you supposedly don't do as defense now.

    Your own example, #23:
    Yeh tom called all the reactions to fire ~aggressive. And I think he means the tone of the first phrase. But the question in itself is still softball. Which doesn't really matter this early in the game, but it's a trend that continues a bit too long.
    All your next posts aren't even worth quoting. They are not "aggressive questions" as you state here, they are posts about the word aggressive. And some more softball questions here and there.

    You're avoiding the issue. You unvoted while not revoting while clearly you still think there's a good chance Grape is scum, even without the contradiction. Because you said "That said, as town, I really have no idea what Grape was trying to accomplish. :shrug:"?

    The whole Umami vs miner thing is hard to respond to without making this into a very ugly wall of nested quotes.
    I still don't get your progression there that lead you to choose miner over Umami EoD.

    What bugs me most in that part of your reaction is this though:
    If you believe that Gemma and Fonti have that high % of correctly reading each other, then why would a mafia fonti ever push a town Gemma or vice versa? That would be terrible mafia play.
    The fact that Fonti flipped town does not mean Gemma is mafia, and this is awful reasoning for preferring miner over Umami, with the history of your pushes on Umami.

    You know what a good reason would be? That you're mafia, and the townflip of Umami hurts you way more because you've spent way more time selling the narrative that Umami is scum.
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    I’m starting to believe that these fast games don’t work well for me.
    Hardly anyone online when I’m active and deadlines come so quickly that I can’t have real conversations with anyone.
  8. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    Starting in like a half hour (?) I'll be around for a while, if anyone else is. Hopefully so.
  9. Cuthalion

    Cuthalion Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    I don't have anything new to add since last night, but I'm tangentially around.
  10. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    Awesome, good to know.
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    Wow, 31 minutes, nice powers of time estimation.
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    Re: Rhand, thanks for the in-depth answer; I will consider your perspective. I don't fully know what you mean though by thinking his town game would be more stubborn than his scum game, can you expand on that? And what I meant by WIFOM is what you addressed in your extrapolation, basically that he's concentrating very heavily on what scum might or might not have been thinking with respect to the gun and what its impact on Miner's reads is.

    Re: your question about Grapefruit, I went back and looked at that just now to refresh my memory on all of its contents. I think I understand where Grape's train of thought is coming from, but I also agree with you that Sera pushing Miner separately sort of negates the effect, and it's hard to glean much from scum changing votes on Day 1 given the v/v situation. I think reading Cobalt will unfortunately probably be easier than trying to read what Sera did. I suppose at least it helps me still think Grape is town, so that's something, lol.
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    This may sound silly, but at your convenience do you mind sharing links to ISOs/games that you think are well representative of your town and scum games?
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    I am going to need everyone who suspects Keldeo to really tell me why after posts like #1410, #1414, #1416, etc. I'm still rolling it all around myself, and I actually was tinfoiling him hard yesterday, but my gut says that these are townie posts.
  11. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Sorry these past couple of days have been really busy yeah. I'm probably going to take a shot at around 12 hours to deadline, which for me is 8 AM EST. Before I do that I'll definitely make sure to post a legacy readslist in case I do die.

    Right now though, I do think that there's scum potential in quite a few people, although I think that there's disassociations everywhere so...
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    Also @The Waco Kid I think we lose 2 town if I shoot wrong.
  12. Keldeo

    Keldeo Muggle

    Oct 14, 2019
    If you shoot a townie, you die but the townie you shot survives, if that's what you mean?

    MP7, I see your questions and will get to them in a little bit - doing something else right now.
  13. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    No worries, I'm shifting between multitasking and deep reading everything, and I plan on being here still for a while.
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    The giant stretch of posts between Cuth, Grape, and Keldeo reads v/v/v to me, and combined with the other posts Keldeo made overnight, Cuth and Grape's continued efforts throughout last phase and this phase, and yeah. Let's lock this. I'm pretty much sold on calling this my towncore now. I actively will protest shots and/or lynches in any of these three.
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    LOL, this is so true, I hadn't even realized it.
  14. Rhand

    Rhand Muggle

    Mar 29, 2020
    Nice. Now compare those names to miner’s scumreads before getting the gun... I’m pretty sure my assessment is correct.
  15. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    Keldeo, I haven't forgotten about you asking me about Waco btw, I need to ISO there and I'll get back to you. Finally doing that today, lol.
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    Rhand, reading your post now by the way. I think you and I approach this game very differently, to say the least, so a conversation would be great. Let me see what else I'll have to say momentarily as well.
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    I'm going to prioritize looking at Sloth as well. I've had vague town feels about him for a while now, but that needs to be re-examined completely.
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    Thanks for this, @Rhand

    I just feel like generally speaking that your interaction with Keldeo was lacking those, and if you did believe what you were saying about him, combined with the current game state (2 mislynches + gun phase right now + you think Miner will miss the gun shot), you would have had more of either or both. Does that make sense? I sense it more in your post here, however.

    Yeah, I see why you'd find that bothersome, and I'm still rolling it around my head, but after reading his thoughts throughout the catch-up here I can understand it.

    That's my bad, I misunderstood partly what you were referring to, I was thinking tom. Miner could have been a mislynch although he did increase his standing in the thread last phase considerably I think. but since you were MIA I understand why your initial perception would have been different.

    Your Sloth points are being considered now; I'll ISO him and Waco first and foremost. I think they're the most compelling things you've written in general, let alone in that direction.
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    Not sure what I want to do with this right now, but I'll ISO and post updated reads and then vote again from there.
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    This game is fucking hard.
  16. Keldeo

    Keldeo Muggle

    Oct 14, 2019
    How do you reconcile your assessment of the gun situation with thinking that my posts are scummy and not evaluating you?
  17. Rhand

    Rhand Muggle

    Mar 29, 2020
    It’s giving me a hard time. My guess is that the feeling I get from your posts is me having trouble with your play style rather than you coming from a mafia mindset.
    I know I have played with you before, but I can’t remember how you play.
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    I guess that also explains what M7 was missing from me with Keldeo.
    I see him as mechanically town and then get scum vibes. That’s weird to respond to.
  18. Cuthalion

    Cuthalion Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    This thread is genuinely unreadable. I've reloaded up to ten times in one go to get an actual version where people are who they are and no text is absolutely borked.
  19. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018

    What are your current reads like in reads list form or something similar?
  20. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    It's driving me crazy too, I just keep having to reload. I have no idea why an april fool's thing would last longer than the day itself.