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WIP Convergence of Fates by Gladiusx - T

Discussion in 'Review Board' started by Crash, Jan 23, 2025.

  1. Crash

    Crash Fifth Year

    Jul 6, 2011
    Title: Convergence of Fates
    Author: Gladiusx
    Genre: Adventure/Drama
    Rating: between T and M
    Status: In-Progress
    Library Category:
    Pairings: Harry Potter / fem OC
    Summary: A more determined Harry Potter faces the Dark Lord in the Forbidden Forest. Instead of succumbing to cursed flames, Harry finds himself thrust into a new timeline with an opportunity to rewrite his fate. Armed with knowledge of the future and a resolve to shape his destiny, Harry navigates a world filled with familiar faces and unexpected allies, all while preparing for the battles yet to come.
    Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42330366
    Chapters: 38 (author has 45 written total so far), 222.5k words

    I rate it at ~3/5 - 3.5/5. I was interested enough to binge it in one sitting and I'll keep reading it. Slow start so I skimmed the early chapters (around the first 10) - stuff on the train, some of the stuff with the Blacks, typical AO3 annoyances, etc. It does pick up, and has hit its stride by chapter 20.

    • Capable Harry, decent action scenes, more than a few clever original-ish twists and ideas that have kept me reading, both with characters and magic stuff
    • Already into third year
    • Decently well written - not the best but not bad
    • Steady update rate and already 220k words
    • Voldemort is apparently more formidable as a villain

    • Prose stretches long at points
    • I don't care for romance with these kinds of fics, though happily it's not very pronounced so far.
    • Rough around the edges on quality of some character motivations, relationships and 3-dimensionality (ex. Juno). It can be hard to take seriously at points - think Black Luminary characterizations, at times - not as bad though.
    • It totally let the air out of tension around the Riddle diary but I didn't care for that storyline so I didn't mind.
      If the upcoming years and chapters retain tension and are done well, it could redeem itself to a clear 3.5 or better
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2025
  2. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    Think its a pretty fun time travel AU.

    Some tropes are a bit trite but the pacing is pretty good, updates on the regular and we've ditched Ron & Hermione as part of the core group.

    I think it's around a 3.5 to 4 currently, so will just put 4.
  3. Donimo

    Donimo Auror

    Jul 4, 2015
    I really enjoyed the A Song of Ice and Fire time travel story by this author, so I tried pretty hard to get into this, but now I've dropped the story twice and I doubt I'll try again.
  4. fmotta4

    fmotta4 Squib DLP Supporter

    Sep 26, 2013
    It’s just another rehash/fix-it fic. 3/5. A solid Meh.
  5. Hansar

    Hansar Second Year

    Oct 13, 2013
    I'd say there's enough imagination on display to make this worth reading, even if the basic concept and structure are very old hat.

    I'm quite liking how the author's handling various side characters, particularly Ron and Hermione and their development due to Harry keeping his distance. It's not got a bad Dumbledore and Voldemort either. This seems to be a bit of a pattern with this author. He does a lot of different POVs and the ones that aren't the main character manage to be interesting due to them not getting wanked to high heaven.

    Unfortunately, I'd say Harry's one of weakest links in the story. He's very bland in this and doesn't really do much except train and get stronger, while all the other POV characters are amazed by him. This seems to be a bit of a pattern with this author. He does a lot of different POVs and only the ones that aren't the main character manage to be interesting due to them not getting wanked to high heaven. He did the same thing with Jon and Ned. They just won all the time with zero difficulty.

    The OC girls are worse though. Juno is at least narratively important, but she does bring a lot of eye-rolling pureblood tropes with her. Diana though is terrible. She has no business existing and is essentially just there to be a replacement Hermione but with nothing that makes her interesting or useful.

    I'm willing to keep reading it though. I'd currently give it a 3.5.