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Abandoned Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived by The Santi - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by ulkser, Sep 11, 2009.

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  1. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    No, this is a massive misrepresentation of what has happened. Ritual Magic is frowned upon because of where it can lead, and Harry has already said that he doesn't plan to take it that far. I believe that far implies inferius creation. That book was sent so he could better understand the concepts needed to create an earth elemental not so he could create Inferi.

    Fiendfyre is viewed as being too dangerous because it is almost impossible to control and damn near unstoppable. If you remember in canon Dumbledore and Hermione both considered it as an option before discarding it because it was too unstable and would most likely kill them. That 14 year old girl is in a 6th year Dark Arts class, and she hasn't started learning the spell yet because she hasn't learned Aqua Eructo yet. She is still in the preparation phase for one day trying to learn it.

    I'm going to refer you to a quote from the Santi. Unless he has since changed his mind, this should still hold true.

    It says that he won't want to become a dark lord. I know it doesn't rule out the possibility that he will become one anyway, or people will think he has become one no matter if it is true or not. I just doubt it will happen. Harry is fiercely loyal and protective of the ones he loves. I can't see him actually betraying them.

    EDIT 2:
    No, he got that spell out of a book from the Black library. It wasn't on the list that he was given.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2011
  2. cenares

    cenares Fourth Year

    Apr 28, 2011
    I stand corrected on that. I still doubt his parents are going to be very understanding on him sacrificing small animals in the back yard.
  3. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Well, but it's not him betraying them, but them betraying him, at least in this eyes.

    Also, I re-read some Santi's early comments (when he still shared some thoughts about his fic with common people, now he's too big star author to do that ;) ) and he said this fic will have about 30-35 chapters and the Tournament will start in ~13 (which still holds true more or less). Of course, all this could change (and if I was writing something for so long, it would probably change a few times), but from the length let's us assume that two years ago this was a seven years fic. Seeing as Santi is going with realistic approach to becoming a great wizard like Dumbledore (and similar), in my opinion this fic was planned to end with Harry finishing his traditional education and starting full time self improving (and probably traveling around the world). And then there should be a sequel. :)
  4. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    I went through the thread and saved all of his quotes about the story or the nature of the characters in a word doc on my computer. It makes it really easy to access, but it also depresses me because it is a constant reminder that my life took a horrible turn somewhere along the way.

    I hope the Santi updates his story on ff.net soon because there is a reviewer on there who leaves some interesting ideas in his reviews. I want to read his take on these chapters.
  5. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    Probably what happens in the fic's future that Santi planned us, is that Harry understands that his family has betrayed him, and therefore, he will set aside and becomes a dark wizard (on whether he will be a Dark Lord, is another matter which has been much discussed previously, although I hope we see it as a great dark lord, as Grindelwald).

    As for the Triwizard Tournament, we should remember that the canon Harry won the tournament thanks to the aid given Barty Crouch Jr. in the third test it was found only with a boggart, a acromantula (which was only overcome with the simultaneous attack Harry and Cedric) and a sphinx. I just hope that Santi will surprise us and make a Triwizard Tournament where the Harry manages to win the tournament, without great advantages; and if it is possible, Nathan does not participate in the Triwizard Tournament (and Santi surprised us with another Voldemort's method to kidnap Nathan so he can revive).

    And as the discussion on the dark side and the Death Eaters, we're forgetting a crucial detail. For its members, their side is the side of the liberation of the wizarding world, because since many centuries the magic is well hidden so that Muggles are not found it, and his side advocated that wizards and witches should not hide from them because they are superior to Muggles (For the same reason, Voldemort has always received support from many breeds of magical creatures).

    Therefore, I believe that the vast majority of them just want to live their lifestyle without having to hide because of the famous Statute of Secrecy. Only the most extremist are those who want to slaughter Muggles and Mudblood. Remember that when Sirius tells Harry his family in the fifth book, he explains that much of the wizarding world was sympathetic to Voldemort and his minions (in that first moment they saw him as an idealist), but after know his methods, many failed to see so kindly to him and his Death Eaters, seeing him as a serious threat.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2011
  6. calutron

    calutron Unspeakable

    Jan 19, 2007

    We are DONE with the darkside/nazi/communist/retards discussion.

    There is absolutely and unequivocally nothing, that can be further contributed to that discussion.

    If you really want to discuss mass psychology, go post in a different forum.
  7. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    I did not want to try to throw again the issue that if the great atrocities of totalitarianism in this thread, compared with the atrocities of the Death Eaters; but I wanted to point out a likely idea why Harry could lead a side in the future, arguing the release of the wizarding world, compared to the Statute of secrecy and the Muggles; taking the example of Grindelwald and in this first Voldemort's public image formed in his beginning.

    If I have lost trying to enunciate it, I apologize.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2011
  8. Tenages

    Tenages Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 19, 2010
    Philadelphia, USA
    Calypso "convinced him of this"? That's not how it happened at all. She stated a simple fact about magic and inherited talents. Harry asked his parents (including his muggleborn mother) if that was so. They confirmed that yes, that's how certain talents work. If anything his parents "convinced him" that there's a difference in terms of natural talent. So unless you believe James and Lily are also trying to convince Harry that purebloods are superior, this particular argument is rather off-base.
  9. cenares

    cenares Fourth Year

    Apr 28, 2011
    She planted a seed of an idea that could potentially lead to more.

    Your assuming that this fact about talents doesn't lend itself to the idea of purebloods being superior to muggle borns just because a muggle born agrees with it. If a black person states that it true that black people on average score 15 to 20 points less on an IQ test than whites that doesn't mean that the score doesn't lend itself to those that believe that whites are superior. This is the type of information that could be potentially used to lead someone done the path of believing that purebloods are superior to muggle borns. Once you reach that conclusion it becomes a very slippery slope, a slope that lead many a dark wizard to kill innocent muggleborns and muggles.

    Once again there are some serious parallels to our society. You can now think of Death Eaters as the magical equivalent of Neo Nazi using IQ tests and various statistical means to justify their hatred. I'm fully aware that education, financial means, and environment are integrally linked to IQ, but that doesn't stop hate groups from using it to justify their hatred and persecution of said groups.

    Please Read entire post, I'm tired of people reading part of it and than misrepresenting me.
  10. diesIovis

    diesIovis Seventh Year

    Jul 13, 2011
    Poetovio. Pannonia~
    Yes, Harry could lead a faction, but would he lead one? So far I didn't really see anything that would state otherwise. What would his motive be? I don't see him doing it for the people as he doesn't seem to think much of them, world domination also doesn't strike me as plausible. And the most persuasive reason in my opinion? Minions! Can't do much without minions and as he has like 2 friends so his people skills are somewhat disputable or at least unchecked~
  11. KrzaQ

    KrzaQ Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    May 9, 2008
    You're writing nonsense. Just because there are (way) more people with special talents coming from pureblooded families doesn't mean that muggleborns with those talents would be incapable of using them. I could write that all assaults involving rape in the last year in Oslo were commited by muslims, but that doesn't make a white rapist less of a rapist.
  12. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    Right. Canary, you're ignored. Feel free to write more Dark Magic bullshit, or initiate a Muggle Anonymous group where you can have group hugs and rant about evil Nazi Purebloods if that makes you happy, but I won't have to read it anymore.

    This is Dark Lord Potter. People like Dark Wizards here. I think you might have missed that.
  13. cenares

    cenares Fourth Year

    Apr 28, 2011
    :confused: I don't remember posting anything that would suggest a muggleborn with a talent wouldn't be able to use it just because purebloods more commonly have talents. I'm hoping that wasn't your argument and you were just typing to fast.

    If say out of a 1000 pureblood wizards 800 of them were blessed with a special talent and out of 1000 muggleborn say only 200 had a special talent(I'm being really generous on the muggleborn numbers we are really led to believe that it is exceptional rare for muggleborns to have a talent) than one could argue that pureblood stock is advantageous towards talents and thus superior to muggleborn stock. I'm not saying that is true, I'm just saying that one could argue that and a great deal of racial motivated hate group do.
  14. Expelliarmus

    Expelliarmus Third Year

    Mar 9, 2011
    Andalusia, Spain
    Since I started reading this great fic, I have always had the feeling that Santi, with his fanfic, explains the path as outlined in the introduction to his story:

    This does not mean conclusively that Harry will be a Dark Lord, but notes that this outcome is possible (although this introduction could note to Harry become a Voldemort's lieutenant). And if finally Harry becomes a Dark Lord, my previous explanation (poorly explained) could form the basis for the ideals of the future Harry as the future Dark Lord.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2011
  15. cenares

    cenares Fourth Year

    Apr 28, 2011
    I realize it is pointless to respond to someone that has ignore you, but I'm going to do it anyways.

    I like dark wizard too and they might have a very valid point on the superiority of purebloods over muggle borns and most certainly have one in terms of muggles. There groups just happen to mirror our own supremacists groups.

    I think that you have problem with the idea that the death eaters mirror own supremacits groups. Probably because you have real negative association with our supremacist groups and don't like the idea that death eaters are just like them. Grow up.
  16. Pirazy

    Pirazy Groundskeeper

    Dec 29, 2010
    I'm surprised people are trying to hold serious conversations with trollface.

    Isn't that kinda like tapdancing in a minefield filled with signs that warns you you're standing in a minefield?
  17. cenares

    cenares Fourth Year

    Apr 28, 2011
    Nice logical fallacy, Ad hominems are always fun:facepalm
  18. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.
    This is quite possibly the most retarded semi-derail that this thread has ever experianced.

    In an attempt to get back on topic: Do the Hallows exist in this universe?
  19. Torak

    Torak Death Eater

    Jul 21, 2008
    Yes :awesome
  20. cenares

    cenares Fourth Year

    Apr 28, 2011
    I hope not. The Hallows really were one of the stupidest things that J.K. tried to ram down our throats.

    They probably do exist given that Grindelwald's mark is still the Hallows.
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