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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    So what was your final team? Did you lose everybody?

    And I say go for a new game.
  2. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Yeah, I'm pretty much screwed at this point. Lenora's Herdier killed mine, which threw an enormous wrench into my plans. I needed that Pokemon to serve as a physical sweeper and specifically to get past Elesa. But I persevere and battle on to the desert, hoping to grab a Sandile there. Darumaka in the main route, Darumaka in the resort and Yamask in the Relic Castle. Not going to bother going further, as I have literally no way to beat Elesa now. This challenge is brutal. :(
  3. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Yeah, I lost two to a Magmar in the two. The amount of levelling you have to do, and against wild mon ten to fifteen levels your junior just makes the game stop being fun. Restart, conquer the two bitches who killed you this time.
  4. Mage

    Mage Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2006
    Washington, DC
    Well, this made me jealous and I decided to go ahead and start a run.

    Nuzlocke 1.0

    A few notes to preface this. 1) I'm using Leaf Green. 2) The names were picked by my girlfriend. It seemed like a fair compromise to me. She doesn't get mad at me for ignoring her and playing Pokemon if she gets to pick the names.

    Started off with a Charmander. It's named Charchar... joy. It promptly dies to my rival's (Blue) Squirtle. Somehow I managed to miss twice and the Squirtle got a critical hit. Well that was quick.

    Nuzlocke 2.0

    We'll pick up where I left off, except this time I actually beat the Squirtle. All's right with the world. Deliver the package and manage to catch myself a Pidgey. The Pidgey is promptly named Awwwww. After threatening to kill Awwwww off (which made her none to happy, somehow she's attached to it already) I proceeded onward. Got to Viridian fine.

    And fuck, browser just crashed and deleted most of what I'd typed...

    Well, long story short I decided to challenge Brock with Wormie the Lv. 9 Kakuna, Charchar the Lv. 12 Charmander, and Awwwww the Lvl 12. Pidgey. Got through the first guy by poisoning and hardening. Healed up and got through the Geodude (just barely) because he wouldn't get fucking poisoned. Then rocks fell from Onix and the rest died, though it was a close battle.

    Nuzlocke 3.0

    Coming soon, and probably with different names.
  5. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Sorry to hear about that Silens, that sucks. I would do FireRed simply because I love Kanto Starters but thats just me. Anyways I stomped Brock with Jwlk and Calz and evolved Vira into a Butterfree on Route 3, who is now just destroying everything with Confusion. I also finally got the Running Shoes so everything is going pretty well. Except for the fact that I KOed a Nidoran with a crit >< I am at the Pokemon Center before MT Moon and am probably going to grind everyone an extra level just to be careful.

    Current Team

    Ashaya the Rattata
    Nameless Nidoran
  6. Alindrome

    Alindrome A bigger, darker mark DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 9, 2009
    Your girlfriend is the best at nicknames, elvin. The best.

    Incidentally, I'd love to know what she calls you. :awesome
  7. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Starters - Sinnoh > Hoenn = Kanto > Unova > Johto. :3
  8. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
    I wish I could thumb that down. In what world are the Johto starters the worst?? -_-
  9. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    Quoted for fucking truth.

    Also, restarted my Nuzlocke run since I finally got Gameboid working on my phone.

    For now, just made it to Viridian with: Lamora the Bulbasaur (lv10), and Rayn the Pidgey (3).

    And fuck you, Drome, for posting those awesome pics.

  10. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Just got to Cerulean City and fought my Rival, I won but... Jwlk was killed by his Charmander :( Fucking Ember crits suck.

    Current Team

    Vladia the fem Zubat-8
    Zeit the Sandshrew

    Ashaya the Rattata
    Jwlk the Mankey
  11. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    Traveller's Log, Week 11.

    The Traveller spent over two weeks training Chase the Gible, and in that time, The Traveller should've seen the signs. Chase was strong and fast, but not indestructible. Geodudes and Ponytas and Machops had their fair share of trying to kill him and nearly succeeding, through a time-tested combination of critical hits and bad luck on The Traveller's part. When Chase finally evolved into a Gabite, it all seemed to taper off, and The Traveller deemed him ready to be used for normal trainer battles as the team's powerhouse, one who can take a hit or two and deal worse to his opponents, striking fear and terror in their hearts and minds et cetera.

    Chase made a meal out of the trainers on the Cycling Road and helped beat the maddened trainers deep within tunnels of Wayward Cave as The Traveller tried to lead a little girl with a powerful Kadabra to safety. Don't get The Traveller wrong, everyone else surely helped out and gained experience from it; Penrose evolved into a Roselia, for one, and Sir Ricket's new Slash technique eviscerates like a champion.

    For those two weeks of training, The Traveller was on top of the world.

    Then some Hiker's Geodude unleashed a Selfdestruct and OHKO'd Chase.

    All that training, all that promise, and... Gods. Damn. It did nothing for The Traveller's confidence, especially with the fragile nature of the team now exposed, and with a gym battle looming in the next city... The Traveller thought for sure The Traveller was done for.

    The opinion barely changed when the first Pokemon encountered in Mt Coronet was a freaking Bronzor, who The Traveller captured and named Copper only to find out that its attacks were way too weak for what The Traveller needed. And while it could take it a hit, it didn't have the ability to dodge ground moves, and there were some close calls in training it on the outskirts of Hearthome City.

    But no one, especially not The Traveller, could have predicted Copper's performance in Hearthome Gym. It could take a supereffective ghost move like a champion, and used a combination of Confuse Ray, Hypnosis and Extrasensory to wittle down opponents slowly but surely, the former two moves also allowing a bit of interference to be run while others in the party were healed up. Copper earned his stripes that day, and won The Traveller's personal MVP for the battle against Fantina.

    Copper took down her Duskull after a bit, Penrose used Stun Spore and Giga Drain to kill her Haunter, and The Storm was brought out to deal with her Mismagius. The bastard thing had Magical Leaf and almost killed Stormy, so Copper was brought in. And holy crap, that thing took a lot of damn hits and healing in order to set in some Confuse Rays and put Mismagius to sleep, all the while getting confused himself. Eventually, when the moment was right, The Storm was brought out and finished it off with a Bubblebeam, but the real damage was done by Copper, and The Traveller was glad to have him, in the end.

    So, with a renewed confidence mixed in with a bit of wariness, The Traveller will travel on...

    Traveller out.
  12. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    R.I.P. Chase :(
  13. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    I think it was the name shoutout. Tempting fate and all.

    Oh, and team update (Always forget to post that):
    - The Storm the Prinlup, Level 28.
    - Sir Ricket the Kricketune, Level 27.
    - Penrose the Roselia, Level 27.
    - Copper the Bronzor, Level 27.
    (And Sherry and Blindy, for meat shields).

    - Bridges the Geodude.
    - Bunny the Buneary.
    - Geist the Gastly.
    - Goro the Machop.
    - Gatsby the Staravia.
    - Chase the Gabite.

    Fun fun.
  14. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Well I went through the Nugget Bridge and on Route 4 and 5 I koed the pokemon as they were useless. Calz trolled Misty with leechseed/sleep powder.

    On the way to Vermillion I am in a pretty bad mood however it doesn't last... I get a 10 fem Meowth who I name Serachin :D I then go meet the Fishing Guru and try to get a Staryu, only to fish up a level 5 male Magikarp, I of course name him Mknote and carry on.

    Current Team

    Vladia the Fem Zubat
    Zeit the Sandshrew
    Mknote the Magikarp

    Ashaya the Rattata
    Jwlk the Mankey
  15. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Dear Diary- Er...

    Journal Entry #1

    Today has given me... mixed feelings. To start the day off, after a night of resting in the PokeCenter, I picked up a journal at the nearby Mart. I won't always have a computer handy, after all, and I don't fancy remembering every little detail of my forays into the wild until I get to a new town.

    Anyway, as I was picking up said journal and an assload of potions, I met a kind gentleman in a lab coat who bestowed upon me an egg. I thought it rather strange at the time, but hey, breakfast was breakfast. So after gathering all my supplies I headed out onto route 32, where I hoped to catch myself a Mareep. Before I could truly start my trek, however, I was stopped by a friendly man offering me a gift. Specifically, a Miracle Seed. Their purpose? Strengthening Grass-type moves.

    I came this close to punching him in his smug fucking face.

    My bad mood wasn't helped by the appearance of a Rattata, whom I caught anyway and named Hurrmione. I spent a while demolishing trainers with Gar's mighty tongue, leaving them quivering in puddles of his frothy... spit.

    So I reach a PokeCenter and soon after start exploring a nearby cave. I'm crossing my fingers pretty damn hard for a Sandshrew or maybe an Onix, but what do I get? Another god damn Geodude. I leave it traumatized by Gar's newly learned Night Shade and exit the cave, thoughts dominated by the badge up ahead.

    I check the grass in Route 33 and manage to strike out with another Rattata. After that I reached Azalea with no troubles. Some asshole was blocking the gym, so I chose to go beat up his friends instead of having Gar possess his ass and move him. I don't know why.

    I enter Slowpoke Well hoping for, you guessed it, a Slowpoke. Instead I get the Zubat I no longer want. I named it Bella.

    Not much to say of the battles, other than Gar pwn3d sum srs n00bs. I made for the gym feeling confident with my recent string of victories. Gar and I entered the gym expecting to win, and with the help of his 4x resistance to bug, Hypnosis, and some serious overleveling, we swept the gym.

    I checked him with my pokedex after the final battle. He'd taken one hit point of damage... Bawse.

    Hive Badge - Obtained

    After that I set Gar upon my rival, who he handled by himself save for one small hiccup where my rival's much faggier Ghastly curse'd Gar. I had to switch out to Hurrmione, who tragically (heh) died the next turn. Oh well. I tossed her into a nearby bush and moved on to the Ilex Forest.

    Before I left Azalea, however, I made sure to stock up on as many repels as I could afford. I had a plan.

    So before I can put my plan into action, I run into this kid crying about birds and sexually abusive bosses or some shit. Bottom line, I'm looking for one of these stupid avians when my breakfast hatches. Turns out it was a pokemon. Go figure, right?

    It happens to be a Togepi. I name him Pip.

    I resume my journey through the forest, armed with the HM01 cut. I wast no time teaching Pip Headbutt, and that's where my plan comes into play.

    I walk around for a bit Headbutting every tree in sight in hopes of a decent bug pokemon to counter Gar's weakness to Dark attacks. As I'd used repels up until then, it was perfectly legal. The only problem? The first pokemon I knocked free was a Lv. 3 Caterpie. Damn it.

    I exit the forest undeterred, immediately setting upon the trees of Route 34. My first encounter is a pile of fuckin' eggs that I have no intention of hatching. One baby pokemon is enough, thank you very much.

    As it happens, it wasn't a bunch of unhatched pokemon. It was one, very hatched, very fucking cool Exeggcute. I just about jizzed my pants when I caught it.

    And that, I do believe, is a perfect way to end this entry. I plan on heading into Goldenrod and sleeping for the night. More adventure awaits tomorrow.

    Oh, also, I lost Bobble the Hoothoot and Bella the Zubat somewhere along the line. What's it say about me as trained that I can't even remember which specific battle I lost them in...?

    Ah, who gives a shit.

    New Arrival(s):
    Pip the Togepi
    Nature: Brave
    Ability: Serene Grace
    Moves: Metronome, Charm,
    Extrasensory, Headbutt
    Scramble the Exeggcute
    Nature: Bashful
    Ability: Chlorophyll (>:3)
    Moves: Uproar, Hypnosis,
    Reflect, Leech Seed
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2012
  16. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    Poytin's log Day 1:

    Woke up and grabbed potion from my computer then proceeded to route 1 to be stopped by Prof. Oak. Oak then proceeded to catch a Pikachu and take me to his lab. There he went to give me an Eevee but his dick grandson Nityop grabbed it first. Oak then gave me the Pikachu. The Pikachu was then named Raijin.

    Nityop then challenged me and I proceeded to crithax his Eevee. 3 crits in a row with the first one paralyzing it. Defeated he ran off.

    I then made my way to Viridian and grabbed Oak's parcel for him then took it back. I got the pokedex then went back up and grabbed pokeballs. Went back to route 1 and saw a Pidgey. My only attack being Thundershock the natural conclusion came when Pidgey fainted. I then headed west and picked up a male Nidoran which was named King. Trained King up a little then headed to route 2 where I picked up a Pidgey named Fuujin who promptly went into the box.

    Then went back to the west and kicked the shit out of Nityop again with Raijin. I then proceeded to head to Viridian Forest where I had the bad luck of seeing a Metapod who was named Worthless. Worthless then went into the box.

    Trained up King and Raijin to level 15 and then went in to Brock's gym and Doublekicked my way to victory. This caused King to hit level 16 and evolve into Nidorino.

    Current team:
    Raijin - Pikachu - Lvl 15
    King - Nidorino - Lvl 16

    Fuujin - Pidgey - Lvl 5
    Worthless - Metapod - Lvl 4
  17. Silens Cursor

    Silens Cursor The Silencer DLP Supporter

    Nov 23, 2008
    The other side of reality
    Okay then, I started a new round with FireRed, and am greatly enjoying the increased emulation speed (DS emulation requires a fuck-ton more processor for the speed I want, and considering I'm running a 4-year old computer, I'm not surprised it's slow). But you don't want to hear about that, do you...

    The day opened with a visit to Professor Oak, where I acquired a female Charmander of lonely nature. I figured it might be apt to name her Ashaya, but soon my rival challenged me. Apparently, Ashaya took issue to having her loneliness disrupted, and she tore the Squirtle to pieces.

    After Pokeballs were acquired, I ventured into the grass... only to find a very weak female Rattata that is apparently quite naive. I appropriately named her Palindrome and spent the next while bringing her to a respectable level, before venturing onto Route 22. There I had the great fortune to encounter a spindly Mankey of mild temper, who I named Calz. But after training him, tragedy struck on Route 2 and in Viridian Forest, in that neither Pidgey nor Weedle nor Caterpie nor Pikachu was acquired. It was a bad trip, but I vowed a small team of the best was appropriate.

    I strode into Pewter confident, but wary. The Gym Trainer nearly got the drop on Calz with his Sand Attack, but I managed to pull through. Brock, however, was a trickier matter. I almost through Calz was going to buy the farm, but a last-second memory of Onix's weight (and thus the vastly increased effectiveness of Low Kick) proved very fortuitous indeed. Brock was quashed beneath Calz's three-toed foot.

    From there, the journey was only filled with small victories. A serious male Nidoran proved a good catch on Route 3 after quashing the trainers, and I named him Matt in honour of his late, lamented brother in my last game. I then chose to purchase the Magikarp, only to discover she was quite the sassy fish. So I named her Tinn Tam, with the knowledge that she'll turn into quite the force after evolution (and then promptly ditched once I find a better Water Pokemon). Luck was also with me as I crept into Mt. Moon, stumbling across a quirky male Geodude, who I was lucky to catch and name Moridin.

    Team Rocket is ahead, but I do not plan to proceed into the depths until all of my Pokemon are at least level 16. Can't be too careful, particularly with Misty and the rival ahead.

    Current Party:

    Tinn Tam the Magikarp, lvl 10
    Moridin the Geodude, lvl 13
    Calz the Mankey, lvl 14
    Palindrome the Rattata, lvl 14
    Mattsilver the Nidoran, lvl 14
    Ashaya the Charmander, lvl 15
  18. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    I just fought my rival and had a tragic loss... Vira, Olliek, and even Serachin have died. I have gained the HM Cut... but at what cost...

    Current Team

    Ashaya The Rattata
    Jwlk The Mankey
    Vira The Butterfree
    Olliek The Pidgeotto
    Serachin The Meowth

    Vladia The Fem Zubat
    Zeit The Sandshrew
    Mknote The Magikarp
    Vash the Spearow
  19. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    So, hi. Yeah. I decided to try a Nuzlocke run on Yellow, on my old school Game Boy Color. My first run was just intended to be a trial thing to get re-used to things, as I hadn't played Pokemon since shortly after Yellow launched... you do the math.

    Anyways, I over-leveled a bit for Brock, and breezed straight through to Misty with no deaths, or even any close calls. But, yeah. My Pikachu (nicknamed Boltfart) was only level 14 at the time, as was most of my team. I apparently grossly mis-remembered the levels Misty was running with, and did no research. I dropped her level 18 Staryu, despite having to sacrifice my beloved Mankey, but... the level 21 Starmie handed me my ass, one-shotting my only hope (Boltfart) with a critical Bubblebeam.

    Nuzlocke attempt #1 over. And my eyeballs 'hurt' playing on that tiny GBC screen, so emulator time it is! I'll stick with Yellow, of course, and will actually make notes as I play, and follow a stricter set of rules for myself. I enjoy the arbitrary challenge.

    Rules will generally be the standard Nuzlocke set, with the additional limiter that I will not use any items in combat. I also plan to do something slightly different with nicknames largely to amuse myself, the puerile Boltfart (Pikachu) and Fuzznut (Mankey) shall be retired. Even if they did make me laugh.

    I'll start a run anew shortly, and regale you with tales of my ineptitude in short order. Good luck to everyone doing runs.
  20. thebrute7

    thebrute7 High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2011
    Newberg Oregon
    Well, I saw this and decided to give it a go. Since this is my first ever attempt at an Nuzlocke, I will be running with only the base ruleset. Also, I am running LeafGreen. Wish me luck.