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Dresden Casefiles #2

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Riley, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Is here! ROAR
  2. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Day 1 is essentially blind guesswork, particularly for vanilla's. The only ones that should be scheming about how to steer the game in their favor are those set into power roles - White Council and Red Court.

    Since we're stabbing in the dark for scum-tells, openly admitting that you're going to have to "rethink your whole strategy" says to me that you're in a position of power and, as most White Council should be trying to avoid such blatant bulls-eye statements that would gather attention to themselves, I'm labeling you as scum.

    Otherwise you're acting in innocent ignorance and I've learned not to trust anyone that far in a mafia game. Better to suspect than be stabbed.

    Lawl. No. Any Red should be eliminated now rather than later. Let's go over their descriptions again-

    Red King
    -The Red King appears as a Town player to Harry Dresden’s nightly checks. This ability cannot be affected by the Merlin’s abilities.

    That right there is bad should our Dresden try and check you tonight. It gives you supposed protection should the flavor text say you were checked and came up town when you could, in fact, be the Red King.

    Red Duchess
    - Once during the game, can choose a target to kill, pierces all protections (including Morgan) or switches and kills the exact target. However, as soon as the power is used, The Duchess loses it and may not use this again.

    Again, this completely strips away your point about waiting until later in the game to lynch you. An ignorant Red Duchess is still a kill-a-player Red Duchess. No go.

    Red Baron
    - Each Night, choose a player. Should Harry Dresden target that player that Night, his check will come up inconclusive

    And this again is a reason to lynch early. It would play merry havoc with our Dresden's ability to aide the town and screw things up something fierce if the Red Baron is allowed to live later into the game.

    So no, no matter how we slice it, if you're Red Court than lynching you now and early is one of our best courses of action. And if we mislynch, well, that is one favor of two toward the Black Staff stepping in and laying down a kill of his own digression.

    Lynch Vote: Sloth.
  3. Dermon

    Dermon Muggle

    Nov 30, 2013
    Apologies for my absence - I ended up having much less time this weekend than I thought I would.

    @Aekiel - I'm not surprised that Bill jumped on Sloth's post the way he did. That was a horrible question to ask. Specifically, the wording of it points toward a mindset of scum searching for town, rather than town searching for scum. A player with a town mindset would have posted something like "who do you hope isn't scum," rather than what Sloth did.

    I'm getting painful flashbacks to WitchHunt 3 from this. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Sloth's vote is bussing, seeing how Luckylee previously weaseled his way out of a D1 lynch by playing up his "derpiness" and apathy.

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:12 ---------- Previous post was at 19:11 ----------

    Oh, and:
    Vote: Sloth
  4. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    In what way has my play been defensive?

    Err... >_>


    I hate this defense, Instead of "I'm not scum" you are saying "Don't lynch me because other people are more dangerous scum"

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 AM ----------

    As I learned in the last game looking towny is just as important as having good scum reads.
  5. Rubicon

    Rubicon High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Apr 8, 2011

    [3] Luckylee - Bill Door (#72), Aekiel (#74), Sloth (#80)
    [2] Sloth - Zenzao (#82), Dermon (#83)
    [1] Zeitgeist - Citrus (#29)
    [1] Zeelthor - Zircon (#32)

    [6] Not Voting - Zennith, Zeelthor, RuckyRee, Zeitgeist, Kalas, Lyrium

    With 13 alive, it is 7 to hard lynch, and 4 to soft lynch.

    Deadline is in 22 hours, 8 minutes.
  6. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Unless you've changed your mind on anyone, yes.

    ---------- Post automerged at 01:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 AM ----------

    Zenzao: What's your take on Luckylee so far?
  7. Lyrium

    Lyrium Sent Back to India

    Jul 28, 2013
    Sloth, the goal is for town to win, why would letting any scum at all stay alive be a good thing? This isn't a training session for mafia. What is the best possible outcome of day one for town that you can foresee? Who or what stands in the way?

    Zenzao (Zen), how do you feel about Zeelthor? He's also new but his post was really insubstantial even in terms of getting a first impression.

    Aekiel, I will give you my first impressions of scumminess if you answer my question about Zircon, Zeelthor, and Kalas. What do you make of Zircon voting on Zeelthor? Is it a strategy of some kind?

    And Zeelthor, is that the best you can do? It's been 48+ hours since the game started and your first post is really brief. You do know there is one vote against you? Why is there a vote against you and what can you say in your defense?

    Luckylee, can you at least give your feelings on who might be scum. It doesn't make sense to become a target because you don't like what the majority of players are asking.

    Finally, why does Zircon lurk on this thread but not post? What advantage is there for town when players lurk or don't post?
  8. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Lyrium: Had a bit to drink tonight and am currently about to fall asleep. I'll answer your question once I wake up.
  9. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Odd. Unless he's got something to hide there's little reason not to start assessment of potential scum.

    ---------- Post automerged at 21:16 ---------- Previous post was at 21:12 ----------

    Seems like a careless attitude to have. Zeelthor, what are you playing at with that kind of empty post?
  10. Citrus

    Citrus First Year

    Jan 5, 2014
    I wish there were less players with a ‘Z’ name in here.

    Pita chips. But they hurt your stomach when you eat too many bleh.
    I don’t like this post. I am having a lot of difficulty thinking of ways to read this from a town point of view, but others have already brought it up so I’ll leave it at that.
    Interesting. What is your take on placing votes for reactions then? Do you think votes are only useful for lynching scum and pressure?
    It's at the end of this post ^^
    Do you feel like discussion is useless Day1? We have a lynch today, and it sounds like you’re not interested at all in using it.

    13 players are in this game. Worst case scenario (mislynches while available AND no saves), we mislynch twice and lose two to night deaths. That leaves us with 9 players (and 3 scum). Ebenezer misshooting that night gives us 8 players (and 3 scum), meaning we have to lynch scum from that day on assuming no saves. Or Ebenezer is dead and we're at 9 players (and 3 scum), giving us 1 more mislynch. So worst case we have to fail 4 times at catching scum before we lose.

    Now let's say we have a worst case scenario but don't lynch today. Two mislynches and night deaths later, we're at 9 players (and 3 scum) into night 3. Ebenezer misshooting that night gives us 7 players (and 3 scum), meaning we have to lynch perfectly from here on out. Or Ebenezer is dead and we're at 8 players (and 3 scum), also meaning we have to lynch perfectly.

    We can lose a mislynch opportunity by not lynching today. And you don't seem interested in doing so.

    -Vote Ruckyree

    Are you including me in the category of people who voted early and didn’t come back? Do you disagree with my voting Zeit early on?
    I don’t like this post. Especially in addition to:
    1) Interested in a bandwagon. Your given reason for placing a vote on Zeit is that there are already votes there, which is reasoning that would basically lock him in for a lynch train considering how much time is left in the day
    2) Fence-sitting. You were prompted about being more active, and I feel like you’re avoiding commitment because you’re worried about being viewed scummy.
    3) “We seem to be moving slowly.” Are you worried about this or not? It sounds like you’re saying it should be worrying, but you aren’t particularly worried about it yourself.
    See above comment on you. Here’s a translation, tell me if it’s accurate or not. “I’m not gonna waste my time [scumhunting to try and lynch scum] Day 1, it’s useless/pointless [since I’m scum].” I replaced two parts with brackets. Am I wrong to read what you said this way?

    Top scumreads at this time: Ruckyree, Sloth, Zennith
  11. Zennith

    Zennith Pebble Wrestler ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 21, 2009
    The Capitol
    High Score:
    1: Yes, I am, because on day 1 I don't feel like there's much else to go on, frankly. If you don't bandwagon you won't get a lynch, and as was noted above, we really should strive to get lynch going today.

    2: Fence sitting? I admitted it because I wanted to see what else would come out. For what it's worth, I know who I want to vote for now.

    3: Yes, I'm worried, but things seem to be progressing.

    I'm most inclined at this point to think Sloth is scum based on everything he's said so far, but there's still a very real chance that he's important town, which makes me hesitant. I think we can wait a day on him. Ruckyree's reluctance to add anything to the discussion, however, makes me reallllly skeptical. So...

    Vote: Ruckyree
  12. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    Well I'm back. Protip: when you tell the mod before game starts that you won't be back till Sunday night thats not lurking. That's RL. Anyone *cough* Zeit, Zenzao *cough* that makes something of that is wrong. And dumb.

    On first read LL looks fine. Nothing wrong with refusing to answer a dumb question (which three scum reads, with this level of content, D1 is btw).

    Vote: Sloth

    for a horrible post that he really needs to revisit and.. do something with. And a FakeVote on Zenzao for an, almost, equally awkward response to the bad post. Watching you.
  13. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Read my post again, Kalas. I didn't accuse you of lurking. I accused you of being a theoretical scum that could afford being late to the game on Day 1, and that you needed to post to defend yourself. Looks like you haven't done a solid job of that.
  14. Zeitgeist

    Zeitgeist High Inquisitor

    Dec 27, 2010
    Under the Staircase
    At this point, we need a lynch. The two targets are either Sloth or Luckylee. Both have made derptastic posts, and both are adequate targets for Day 1. However, who is the better lynch? Initially, I was convinced that Lucky was more scummish, since Sloth was likely to be a disgruntled newbie. However, he's been playing the "Newbie" card too much for my liking, and his interactions with Zenzao and BD have been perturbing, to say the least.

    Luckylee hasn't really done much except say nothing and not answer stupid questions. And let's face it: D1 is abundant with asinine questions, ranging from snack-bars and Aekiel's smorgasbord of treats.

    At this point, I'm voting for Sloth because at least a lynch on him will disinter information on Zenzao and BD's alignment further down the line. And Citrus's too. I don't like how he's been evading a lot of people's radars, especially with the stealth-bomber game that he has been playing as a supposed newcomer.

    Vote: Sloth
  15. Sloth

    Sloth Professor DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2014
    Hungry for apples?
    What does that mean, perturbing interactions? Do you think there's an alliance there, or that they've convinced you, or something else?

    I actually have no counter to your argument here, it's solid enough. I just didn't want it to seem like I purposefully ignored it--I actually like the practicality.
    I do think that the point of my argument revolved more around the Wizards' possibilities, and you focused almost entirely on the Reds'.

    Your argument is that because I didn't word something the exact way you would have, yet said something that undeniably means the same thing, I'm more likely to be scum?
    Sorry, but unless you're Benedict Cumberbatch, that makes no sense to me.

    I'm actually no longer sure you were. Your replies when people asked about your vote against me sounded like you were snapping and crossing your arms stubbornly on the first read, but on the second, maybe you were just calmly explaining. Text-stripping.
    Also, saying "I'm not scum" hasn't seemed to work out too well for me, for reasons I explain at the bottom.

    Because the general theory seems to be that I'm "probably more than a Townie, but not necessarily scum." By necessity, I have to point out the appeal of the wizards, because otherwise I might as well be lynch myself.
    For the town, the best possible outcome is obviously if we lynch a Red. I think what stands in the way is the wildly different expectations amongst us on what constitutes "scum behavior."
    More on both at the bottom.


    I just don't understand how the fact that 'I have a strategy' seems to have painted such a large mark on my back.
    Reading back, all arguments against me (save Bill Door's quick vote), seem to trace back to the idea that no Townie could be planning ahead or trying to stay ahead of the game. Even if I'm not a Red, I can't be a Town, because I planned.
    That is a very flimsy argument, in my opinion, and that ties back to what I was saying above: Whatever any of you think a scum is like is in conflict to the others.
    Maybe it's due to my newness, but the idea that someone would actually walk into a survivor strategy game without some sort of plan is ridiculous. Because it's a survivor strategy game, it's the whole point to strategize.
    Once you strip away that idea, it seems like the case against me falls apart, seeing as there doesn't seem to be any more pointing towards me. Aside from newbs being newbs, that is.
    Take it as you will.
  16. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Wow. This thread is making my head hurt. Since Sloth/Citrus like to make leaps of logic and imply stuff I'm beyond irritated. Me refusing to answer stupid questions makes me scum? Lol.

    Hey Sloth, newbies don't go into Day 1 with a plan unless they're being coached by their scummates, hint hint. Having a base plan for Day 1 is stupid, scum hunting is based upon interaction/inspection, having a plan before that as town is weird. So yeah, Sloth I think you're probably scum

    Citrus, you like making leaps of logic and putting words in my mouth, Gj. Quick to try and pile on a mislynch too, not looking all that well for you at all.

    BD I've never seen you this agressive Day 1, but so far you've at least been making pro town moves. But I'm not scum, the stupidity in this thread is just getting me annoyed.

    Lynch Vote Sloth.
  17. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Luckylee pretty much hit it on the head. Vanillas literally have zero power to influence the game beyond what they say and the numbers enough to cast lynch votes, you can't develop any plans from that on Day 1. There are no challenges to compete in, no abilities to strip some of the mystery away from your fellow players at your disposal.

    All you can do is take a hard look at who is around you and try to make some of kind of assessment from their actions/reactions, and you my unfortunate friend have made some bad statements so far.
  18. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    In the furute can you make posts like this without me having to threaten to lynch you?


    Lynch Sloth
  19. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    That should be L-1, for anyone extremely new that means don't change your vote over to Sloth unless you want the Day to end early (this is not desirable).

    Also Lol. I know your rusty but please put a little effort in. What does 'afford being late to the game' even mean? I could have been a 3rd part role with the condition 'be first to post and you win!' and I still wouldn't have posted till Sunday night.

    Defending is something people with a case against them do. The phrase you were looking for was 'start posting Kalas' the fact that you went with anything else is.. worrisome. While we're on this post, could you answer a question for me? You've already deduced that some players must be scum AND you've already broken down the roles so which Red Court role would want to wait till 'the late hours of Day 1 to strike'? And what does 'strike' entail?
  20. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    So I make a post because 2 bad people are being bad, and you doubt cast almost immedietly after BD? Implying that I only posted because of your half assed lynch vote/case is pretty scummy.
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