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Official DLP Nuzlocke Run

Discussion in 'Pokémon' started by Mindless, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Egglocking won't work, because you don't get breeding until Sevii islands, #4 I think (been a while since I last played LG).

    That said, soloing the game up until that point is possible.

    Nuzlocke^2 is great. Do one of them instead.
  2. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    I have a downloaded file with a shitload of eggs (four boxes worth) traded in at the start of the game, the eggs aren't a problem.
  3. Poytin

    Poytin The Arby's Hipster DLP Supporter

    Jun 19, 2008
    I have an LP on youtube of that same file LT. It's hilarious. Be prepared for nothing to evolve unless you mod it so you have the expanded Pokedex. Or do like I did and stick to stuff that will evolve or don't have evolutions.

    Also be prepared for the hacked pokemon in the eggs. Stuff like Teleport Bulbasaur.
  4. Oment

    Oment The Betrayer DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2011
    Someone get this file to Twitch Plays Pokémon...

    First things first: new Pokémon. Freakazoid the Spoink is on standby now. Second encounter is a Zangoose/Seviper horde encounter. Would much rather have caught one of those. Naturally, they off the Seviper first. Love those little touches. I hit Ambrette Town and talk to the experts there, but they barely know anything about Mega Evolution. This is worse than your average bureaucratic nightmare to obtain Permit A38. Oh well, Glittering Caves next. I catch Lawrence the Hippopotas en-route and Johnny the Machop in the caves itself. I’m kind of looking for a replacement for Flymon at this point, but neither of those Pokémon really work. Sand Stream hurts me more than it helps and I’m not a fan of the Machop line.
    Suddenly, plot! And a pretty nifty battle tune. And actually adequately leveled trainers. Not that their Pokémon are a threat, but they’re grunts. They’re not supposed to be threatening. I fashionably beat the snot out of them and get myself a Jaw Fossil for my trouble. Tyrant the Tyrunt is attained and put in prison.

    I’m beginning to really like Eek! to cover up any fuckups I might be making. Accidentally put Dee Dee out against a Water type? Just switch to Eek! and have him soak it. Pinky against a Pikachu? Flatten that ‘chu. Sure, that’s not going to last, but for now, I’ll take it. Even Water Pulse confuse hax can’t get it down. Then, to fuck with me even more, I get a Max Revive off one of the Rock Smashes. In a Nuzlocke. Way to go.

    I race through Cyllage City to get to the Route 10 Pokémon and proceed to crit it to death. Stupid Houndours and their lack of defence. At least Batman evolves off it, and it’s not like I could’ve used it for Grant’s Gym. Speaking of that Gym, it’s going to be a laugh with only Bibarel (with –SpA nature and sucky SpA in general) for a super-effective STAB on anyone and three weaknesses to Rock in the team. Snorlax having Rock Smash probably does more damage. Oh well, never give up, never surrender, and perhaps use cannon fodder. There’s no Starmie around, so I should be fine.

    No Starmie, but a fucking Solrock and Lunatone combination is nearly the bane of my existence. Tanky mofos and I don’t exactly have a lot that can effectively damage them. At least the full XP for all participating Pokémon means that both Pinky and Eek! are leveling up like crazy. Pinky also shrugs off a Thunder Wave by an opposing Nosepass – awfully kind of him to save me the 200 Pokedollars or whatever it is for a Paralyse Heal.

    So, Grant, Fossil-man. Show me what you can do. The neck crack is kind of freaky, though. Amaura looks like it belongs in MLP and it’s also perfectly good at hacking the fucking game. I hit 1/256 odds on the paralysis front, though Aurora Beam luckily does not proc its special effect. Eek! eventually flattens it in two Rock Smashes, but I really should’ve switched out before Tyrunt hit the field. Now I’m stuck behind Paralysis, on a slow Pokémon against an opponent who will gladly Bite or Stomp the shit out of me. Paraflinch ftl. I end up switching to Pinky when I drop Tyrunt in the red, which prompts Grant to heal. I’m faster, but one Rock Tomb puts paid to that idea and I’m back in the flinchzone. Fan-fucking-tastic. Really wishing I picked up something better with super-effective moves now. Return does more damage than Water Gun thanks to Rock Smash proccing the –def.

    Finally, after 12 Super Potions, the fight is mine. I’ve had E4 runs with less healing. What the fuck.

    Alive and kicking ass
    Dee Dee the Pansear – level 21
    Flymon the Beedrill – level 19
    Pinky the Bibarel – level 25
    Eek! the Snorlax – level 23
    Polly Esther the Espurr – level 21
    Batman the Golbat – level 22

    On standby
    Gerald the Furfrou – level 17
    Freakazoid the Spoink – level 13
    Lawrence the Hippopotas – level 16
    Johnny the Machop – level 17

    Pushing up daisies
    Dot the Bunnelby – level 12 & Téa the Flabébé – level 7: Abracadabra and gone.

    Prison inmates
    Forget the Chespin – level 8
    Bubba the Bulbasaur – level 10
    Tyrant the Tyrunt – level 20
  5. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Dear DLP,

    What the hell am I doing in this game? It's been so long since I played that I began this session by grinding and trying to figure out where in the game I am.

    It turns out I am just outside the first town that has a gym. So I grind up some (Minion the Whimsur looks promising, Exploud could be cool.... I hope) but quickly get bored. Even 3-5 levels below him Mishie isn't that great, but once I flick on the fast forward leveling Minion is quite fun. I've always enjoyed tanky pokemon though, so that's not really surprising. It is somewhat surprising that a normal type can be that strong (except snorlax) but that's the point of Nuzlocke.

    After Minion hits level 15 I decide to explore some. Apparently the caves hate me and only place Whimsur in front of me, so I kill it and move on. Minion is the only one for me. I vaguely recall having been in this case before, but do not remember why I can't advance the plot so I keep running around for a while. The apparent answer is because I do not have rock smash, which means I'll need to either find it or another way to the next town. Another thing that I check is that I do not have any pokemon that can learn cut, which leaves the pokeballs near the entrance of the caves unattainable.

    Why Nuzlocke, WHY?!

    Consulting the map induces me to think that I need to head south, and May (my girlfriend? eventually) gets registered to my pokenav and wants to fight. Her measley two pokemon are a Wingull (13, RIP KLACKERZ) and a Trecko (Minion nom nom noms him). I eventually reach Mr. Briney's cottage and have him boat me somewhere into the horizon Dewford. I only regret not catching a pokemon on rt 116, which is north out of town instead of east.

    On the way my dad calls and says nothing worth mentioning. How old am I? Sheesh letting a kid like me wander around in the wilderness. Mom'd flip if she knew.

    Oh wait...

    Damn. My family doesn't love me at all, she never calls or texts.

    Landing at the dock the captain tells me that I'm supposed to drop this letter off with a guy named Steven. All I really want is to battle some strong pokemon though. Talking to the schmucks in town gives me a free old rod, but without knowing what's in the water.... I don't really want to fish. Blind runs, eh? Also accidentally talk to a hipster about "Docile Rental" whatever that is.

    Wander out of town and blindly begin a pokemon battle. Given that my opponent has a tentacool, I'm glad I didn't go fishing. It looks like there is a cave ahead, and I'm hoping it has a rock or ground type (That can learn cut...) . First encounter is an Aron (who can't learn cut), which I've never heard of. He's boss as fuck,

    Lacking other options I head to the gym. It's apparently dark as fuck, and I have no psychic pokemon, so I start out with Zeelthor, who has a flying type move. At the start of the dungeon I forget which is strong against which, but after the first trainer I will see. It's not bad enough that the gym is dark, also the entire place is a maze. Asshole.

    And apparently flying is super effective against fighting, so it looks like Zeelthor the Beautifly will lead this battle until he runs out of pp. Now sure how ground stacks up against fighting, but my starter is water/ground iirc, so no sense in taking a chance if I don't have to. Also get pulled into a double battle which is probably the first time that's ever happened in a gym. It also appears no one in the whole gym has more than 1 pokemon.

    Brawley isn't much of a fight, except a close call with my starter, I sub him out, expecting my beautifly to die and instead he kills the enemies easily. Gust OP as fuck. That being said the close call makes me want to grind out to 30 on my starter, so I head into the caves to do that.

    Of course I forget it's infested with zubat, so I switch to Minion and let him kill everything that moves. I have no interest in teaching flash to any of my pokemon, so i'll wander around this cave for a while. I generally don't do non-damaging moves, so I rarely ever teach flash.

    So Sableye is a pretty cool guy. Not as cool as Probellum of course, but still. Battling in the caves, in the dark, gets old fast. I save and quit for the day.

    Nocturne says "Are you scared of the dark?" Good.
  6. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    This thread has been dead for far too long. So, in the spirit of the upcoming Halloween, it's time to zombie it up in this shit. I believe I would like to do a Chesslocke. If someone would be so kind as to volunteer to choose a game/gen for me, that would be mighty swell.
  7. nahbutualright

    nahbutualright Slug Club Member

    Jul 5, 2011
    How about Fire Red?
  8. Tylendel

    Tylendel Seventh Year

    Apr 12, 2010
    I propose either Gen 1 Yellow or Gen IV Soulsilver.
  9. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Fire Red Chesslocke go go. Rules are, again, posted here.

    First decision to make is choosing the King, my starter. Charmander is my usual Kanto starter of choice, but that runs a lot of risk of getting stonewalled against Misty without serious luck or casualties. I can catch a hard max of 16 Pokemon in this entire run, so I will be playing it safe. Bulbasaur, on the other hand, is one-dimensional as all Hell in Gen III and thus of rather limited long-term utility. So, I'll be taking Squirtle courtesy of Professor Oak.

    King: Landius the Squirtle, Level 5.

    Blue chooses his Bulbasaur, and Hot Tackle Action ensues. I've got a turtle shell, so I Tackle Harder. And yes, Blue, you did pick the wrong Pokemon. I heal up at home and do the back and forth between Pallet Town and Viridian City, since some lazy ass Wal-Mart cashier can't handle his own delivery work. The job nets me a shiny new (old) Pokedex, which is doomed to never see much in the way of actual completion due to the rules of this run. Sorry 'bout dat, Oak.

    Oak also coughs up five Poke Balls, and the adventure begins in earnest. On Route 1 I soon encounter Pidgey. Honestly, I don't have any intention of ever using this beyond possible Fly slavery, but the important part is that it prevents me from having to suffer a more lucrative route being spoiled later on by a Pidgey encounter. Rattata and Zubat are much in the same boat, so I'd rather encounter them sooner than later as well. Pawn, obviously.

    Pawn: Iscalio the Pidgey, Level 4.

    The itinerary says that I need to proceed northward, into Viridian Forest. But, I wanna be the champion right now so I'm going to Victory Road. Lance surely has no chance against my Level 7 Squirtle. It knows Bubble, for fuck's sake. Bubble! I expect to bolster my championship team with a mighty Rattata or Mankey, but instead out pops a rarer Spearow. The Gods doth favor me. Or the mob. Spearow Mafia, fear.

    Pawn: Marcello the Spearow, Level 5.

    This guy is more immediately useful than Pidgey and worth adding to the active roster. Just to make certainly certain that I can take the Elite Four, I decide to grind a little bit on Route 22. Blue, that dastard, gets in the way as I head towards my destiny. His team is a bit higher level than I remember, and gives Marcello a spot of trouble and I have to burn through a couple Potions to win. But Spearow carries the day on his own, and since this is a rival battle that makes him eligible to promote. Have to choose between Rook and Bishop here, but I'll take the latter since Spearow hardly gets any attacking moves anyway.

    Pawn Promote (Bishop): Marcello the Spearow.

    Blue also tells me that I need Badges to get past the gate at Victory Road, so Lance's reign as Champion remains safe for the moment. Soon.

    So, back to the original plan. Route 2 yields a Weedle rather than the Rattata I was hoping to get out of the way. That's annoying. But I'll never see a wild Weedle again once I get to Pewter City, and so I'll be wasting no capture on it. Same goes for the Kakuna that I get in the woods themselves. Plenty of beating up on Bug Catchers for experience. Both of my Pokemon emerge from Viridian Forest at Level 12, and it's time to collect a badge.

    Easy pickings in Pewter Gym. Landius wastes Brock's subordinate, reaches Level 13 and learns Water Gun. That in turn oneshots both of Brock's Pokemon. Boulder Badge and Rock Tomb TM acquired.

    Next time: into Route 3 and Mt. Moon.

    Chess Set

    King: Landius the Squirtle, Level 14 - Tackle/Tail Whip/Withdraw/Water Gun
    Bishop (Pawn Promoted): Marcello the Spearow, Level 12 - Peck/Growl/Leer
    Pawn: Iscalio the Pidgey, Level 4 - Tackle

    Unassigned Pieces Remaining: Queen, Rook (2), Bishop (2), Knight (2), Pawn (6)
  10. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    ... Chesslocke was not a thing I knew existed. All that wasted time.
  11. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    I need to give this shit another try, but I think I'm gonna wait and Nuzlocke Alpha Sapphire.

    As an aside: for real how much longer until we get multiple save slots?
  12. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    You use charmander as your starter? Did you realize you basically only need squirtle (+evolved forms) and a sandslash (for cut) to beat the pokemon blue game? Everything else is just gravy.
  13. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Running a game with only one overleveled Pokemon just isn't my style. I like having a reasonably full team.
  14. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Didn't quit this, but I haven't touched the game in a few days now. Phenomenally lazy about doing anything during the work week.

    So, after beating Brock, I head east onto Route 3. Lots of switching required when using Spearow as a lead, since that thing is made of glass. The wild encounter here is a Mankey which I want to catch and use, but accidentally kill. Annoying, but nothing worth crying about. There are better, guaranteed Fighting types to be had later should I decide that I need one.

    I want a Geodude in Mt. Moon, but Zubat is a serviceable alternative (and something I'd like to have out of the way so I don't have to see its line later on). Obviously, that's what I end up getting.

    Knight: Arcueid the Zubat, Level 8.

    Female, if the name doesn't make that obvious enough. And if it doesn't, shame on you. I decide to go ahead and burn a Knight piece here. Crobat can run a pretty slick Knight set in Gen III (Air Cutter/Poison Fang/Bite/Giga Drain) while Fly would be the only worthwhile thing I would be locked out of during the normal run. Could potentially have used a Pawn piece and promoted against Blue at Nugget Bridge, but it's a risky proposition and I'd rather have the guarantee of being able to evolve Zubat.

    Anyway, leveling Arc took a long-ass time. I did most of it against the wild Paras that are guaranteed encounters in the lower levels of Mt. Moon, but dem status anomalies and only having Leech Life and Astonish to attack with. Terrible, but slow and steady eventually does win the race. Arcueid becomes more usable at Level 16 when she learns Bite, and then I can move on.

    Beating up Rocket Grunts for great justice. I do run into a potential hazard with the one Super Nerd with the Magnemite. Yeah, my whole team is vulnerable to Electric. Not good. But Wartortle is hardy enough to get through that with the help of a couple of Potions. I get the Helix Fossil, though I'll not be using it. My Cinnabar City 'mon is going to be Aerodactyl all fucking day.

    Once on the other side of the mountain, I finally run into a Rattata in the Route 4 grass.

    Pawn: Wormtail the Rattata, Level 10.

    Box fodder. I continue leveling my Zubat until she learns Wing Attack, and then head up to deal with Blue. The previous caution about trying to solo this fight with Zubat proves ill-founded, as she rips through his entire team without breaking a sweat and in the process levels up once more to evolve to Golbat. So that's good.

    After cleaning up on Nugget Bridge, my wild encounter on Route 24 is a Caterpie. Didn't even know I could run into that here, but I kill it and move on. Wartortle and Golbat tear through the trainers, becoming increasingly overleveled (I ditched the Spearow as soon as I caught another flier). Meet Bill, get the S.S. Anne ticket, and on to Cerulean Gym.

    Landius' Bite crunches up the gym trainers and criticals both of Misty's Pokemon for OHKO's. No kill like overkill. Cascade Badge and Water Pulse TM obtained. The latter immediately goes onto Landius to replace Water Gun. Damned if I'm getting stuck with a 40 power STAB on my ace all the way through the Safari Zone.

    Next up is the trip to Vermilion City. After beating up a Rocket Grunt and divesting him of a Dig TM, down and around to Route 5 where I run into a Meowth. Again, this thing shows up on a lot of routes so I decide to catch him and get him out of my hair.

    Pawn: Macho the Meowth, Level 10.

    Male, not worth using an upper-tier piece on and too hard to pawn promote. He won't see any appreciable use, but I'll keep him in the lineup for now to serve as a Cut slave and to abuse his Pickup ability for whatever garbage it gives me.

    Through the Underground Path and into Route 6. Encounter here is an Oddish, which is crippled by a truly horrible moveset in this generation. I don't care to waste my Giga Drain TM later to make it usable, and Absorb is terrible at 20 base power. That's regrettable, because I'm having bad luck coming across female Pokemon and I want to use my Queen piece. But, again, it's a common sight on later routes so it gets the standard treatment.

    Pawn: Alraune the Oddish, Level 13.

    Continue slogging my way into Vermilion, heal up at the Pokemon Center and head into Diglett's Cave. Well, this one is obvious. I put Arcueid in the lead because of Arena Trap and I would have the bad luck to run into a Dugtrio and get my King tipped without the precaution.

    Rook: Mondo the Diglett, Level 19.

    Finally, something useful. I wish it had been female, again, but this will get me past Lt. Surge. A pawn promote might have been viable here too, but I'm starting to run low on Pawn pieces and I'm not 100% confident that a Diglett could OHKO Surge's Raichu and survive a Mega Kick. Erring on the side of caution, if anything.

    To train Diglett, east onto Route 11. Encounter here is an Ekans (Drowzee would have been a nice add). I might have tried Arbok if I didn't already have a better Poison type. But, the snake gets whacked instead. I carefully train Mondo until he hits Level 25 and evolves to Dugtrio, and then head into the S.S. Anne.

    No difficulties here until I get to Blue, where things almost go spectacularly bad. I lead with my Golbat, and take a Sand-Attack in the process of wasting Blue's Pidgeotto. That accuracy drop results in a missed Wing Attack on his Kadabra, and then a critical Confusion. If not for being overleveled, that would have been a casualty. But I am able to switch into Wartortle and heal Golbat, take out Kadabra, and then switch back to Golbat when Blue sends out his Ivysaur. From there, no problems.

    The captain coughs up a Cut HM, which goes onto Meowth.

    Mondo the Dugtrio tears up Vermilion Gym and its leaders. Thunder Badge and Shock Wave TM acquired.

    Back through Diglett's Cave to the outskirts of Pewter City. I barely have enough caught Pokemon to get the Flash HM (need 10, have 12). I also pick up the Old Amber at the museum. I'll be using this later, as I've already stated.

    Back to Vermilion, back to Cerulean, and east into Route 9. Nothing to get here that I don't have or want (possible encounters of Rattata, Spearow, Ekans). Route 10 has Voltorb, which shows up as my first encounter. This is the first potential Pawn that I think I can use on its own, and I'll attempt to.

    Pawn: Grenadier the Voltorb, Level 16.

    Right now I'm in the process of leveling Voltorb (wish I could get the Everstone in the Pokemon Center here, but Oak's aide won't cough it up at my current Pokedex level). Guess I'll be doing Evolution Cancels. Meh. Anyway, when I decide to start playing again I'll pick up at Rock Tunnel.

    Chess Set (* designates active roster)

    *King: Landius the Wartortle, Level 30 - Mega Punch/Water Pulse/Bite/Withdraw
    *Rook: Mondo the Dugtrio, Level 28 - Fury Swipes/Growl/Magnitude/Dig
    Bishop (Pawn Promoted): Marcello the Spearow, Level 16 - Peck/Growl/Leer/Fury Attack
    *Knight: Arcueid the Golbat, Level 30 - Wing Attack/Bite/Confuse Ray/Leech Life
    Pawn: Iscalio the Pidgey, Level 4 - Tackle
    Pawn: Wormtail the Rattata, Level 10 - Tackle/Tail Whip/Quick Attack
    Pawn: Macho the Meowth, Level 10 - Scratch/Growl/Bite/Cut
    Pawn: Alraune the Oddish, Level 13 - Absorb/Sweet Scent
    *Pawn: Grenadier the Voltorb, Level 17 - Charge/Tackle/Flash/Sonicboom

    Unassigned Pieces Remaining: Queen, Rook, Bishop (2), Knight, Pawn (2)
  15. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Can Golbat evolve into Crobat before you get the expanded Pokedex? Because I don't think Eevee can evolve into Espeon or Umbreon either.
  16. nahbutualright

    nahbutualright Slug Club Member

    Jul 5, 2011
    Eevee can't evolve because there's no day/night cycle in Fire Red.
  17. Vira

    Vira Third Year ~ Prestige ~

    Dec 20, 2006
    High Score:
    Well, shows what I know. <_<
  18. Oment

    Oment The Betrayer DLP Supporter

    Apr 11, 2011
    I don't think Golbat can evolve either, since the evolution is not in the original 151. It requires National Dex, which is post E4-stuff. It's not a bad Pokémon either way and it has comparable overall stats to Fearow and Magneton (to name two I used in my FR Nuzlocke), just a bit more jack-of-all-trades-y.
  19. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    That might be true. Honestly, it seems like it should have hit max happiness by now (22 levels of raising from the time I caught it). Anyway, Golbat will do fine if I can't evolve to Crobat. Hopefully, anyway.

    EDIT: I looked it up, and Golbat indeed can't evolve to Crobat in this game until National Dex. That kinda sucks, but whatever. There aren't many things that can make good use of the Knight role in this non-Technician generation of the game, so I don't think I can really improve on it easily regardless.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2014
  20. LT2000

    LT2000 Heir

    Jun 5, 2005
    Necro time!

    I have a decently long stretch of days off coming up, and assuming I don't get too drawn into playing SMT: Nocturne I think I'd like to start up a run. But with a slight twist that I haven't yet seen done around here.

    With that said, can someone be kind enough to pick me a number between one and six? First response wins. Roll a dice if you like, whatever.