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Advice on Concept on a Forward Time Travel Story

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Prometheus VII, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Prometheus VII

    Prometheus VII First Year

    Jan 11, 2013
    I apologize for the typo on the title of this thread. I proof read the article but apparently forgot about the title. I shall not make that mistake again. Apologies.


    An idea struck me the other day and I wanted to get the concept of it all down on paper. However, after looking at it, I wasn't sure if the concept was too outlandish - as I had never seen the specifics of it done before. Thus, I thought I would post it here to see what you lot think.


    In the universe we know, there are three warring factions. Those of Chaos, Order, and Judgment. Originally, there were only Eris (Chaos) and Horae (Order) who were created by The Prometheans—A race of dying beings whom are the primeval Source of Being in the universe. Desperate to cultivate what was left of their dying power, they imbued all of their strength into the Anima Mundi (World Soul) which is the source of all magic, and placed into the world they created. The purpose of Chaos and Order was to guard the ultimate source of power. However, they forgot a crucial factor: Ultimate power corrupts.

    Eris and Horae began to war, using beings who possessed magic capabilities as their vessels, starting with the battle of Cain and Abel. However, the laws which governed the universe prevented themselves from openly waging war against each other. The forces of Order and Chaos couldn't be in constant conflict—less the universe would fall into oblivion and thus, Eris and Horae were forced to lend their power to humans, coercing them into fighting for them under the guise of their own extracted ideals, used against them.

    After many Peggy-Sue cycles, The Prometheans realized that the Anima Mundi was destabilizing and thus, they added a force to keep the forces of Chaos and Order at bay. That of Judgment, which manifested on earth as Merlin. For almost a millennium, the universe was in balance. But the world began to fall into chaos when Merlin began to let power cloud his Judgment. The power of the Anima Mundi was corrupting him, also. And in the battle of Salazar Slytherin and Godric Gryffindor, Merlin lost controlled and entered the fray–continuing the Peggy-Sue cycle of violence and war.

    The Prometheans knew, at that point, that they would die unless some solution was reached. After deliberating on it, they decided on the only thing that could save them. A way of exploiting the rules of magic which governed the world. Setting forth a prophecy about the coming of the Nous who could speak to the Anima Mundi and restore order to the universe. Should this person be able to accomplish such a feat, they would be able to tap directly into the unlimited source of magic in the core of the universe.

    The very next cycle, the Prometheans sent a manifestation of their magic in guise of death to tempt the three Peverall bodies with power, beginning their manipulations to make this person come into being. It was no accident either. Each was already possessed by Chaos, Order, and Judgment, and they were drifting away from their town in exile due to their radical views. Unable to resist power, each accepted the offer of such powerful items. These three items became known as the Deathly Hallows and all three are needed to reach the Anima Mundi to unlock the true source of power and connection with all living things. And for centuries, the Prometheans waited.

    Nearly five hundred years later, Harry Potter is in the midst of fighting his own destiny. After touching the tri-wizard cup he was sent hurtling six years into a war drenched future. Both sides are still fighting. Ruthlessly. Both the Light and Dark are so convinced of their own convictions that they are willing to fight to the last man—unaware of who is truly behind the conflict.

    However, The Prometheans underestimated the creatures they created. Over those five hundred years, Chaos, Order, and Judgement bore witness to the plan which The Prometheans were putting into effect. If it succeeded, they knew it would cause their destruction. In order to preserve their existence, Chaos, Order, and Judgement allied for the first time, knowing that once the Prometheans were extinct, they would be free to battle over the fate of the world. With their combined efforts, Tom Marvolo Riddle was created.

    At fourteen years old, can Harry accept the mantle of his destiny and defeat the Chaos, Order, and Judgement's final stand? With the future of the world, his friends, of the people he loves, and magic itself hanging in the balance, will Harry truly learn to harness the power of love in order to tap into the world's most closely guarded secret? The Anima Mundi.


    When I got this into my head, it was trying to make a story of a much larger width (plot wise) than the average Harry Potter fanfiction. I'm not sure if I succeeded - but the story would follow Harry from ages 14-17.

    Edit by Minion: Changed the font and size back to normal.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2013
  2. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Okay, so let's see if I got this right.

    Harry touches the cup during the TriWizard Tourney and gets teleported 6 years into the future (why 6 years btw? Is that a plot relevant number?).

    You are making the Deathly Hallows into more badass items than they were in canon. I approve of this. They are items from the Chaos, Order, and Judgement entities that you described in your post. Having all three items, which came to be known as Hallows, allows one to access the true source of power/magic/whatever.

    I like that. I also like that things were deliberately manipulated in order to bring a person able to wield them into existence. Because this ancient race needed them to exist. Did I get that right?

    My first question is this: How much focus and time do you intend to spend on the ancient race of Prometheans and all this backstory? Because unless you do a really damned good job of it people are probably going to see it as a bit too weird or out-there.

    If you focus mostly on Harry though, and bring all of that backstory out slowly, then I think it could work really well.

    Might want to read (or re-read) some of Joe's stuff if you haven't already, since he tends to do this "overly epic/powerful" stuff really well. Seems to me like if Harry can access this Anima Mundi thing he's going to be on par with some of Joe's Harry's in terms of world-breaking power.

    Something I'm curious about -- who is going to be "in charge" when Harry ends up in the future? I assume Dumbledore is dead? Because obviously Harry is going to be taking a role in things and I'm curious what the state of things will be like.

    Cheers dude. I think this has potential, but it's going to be "difficult" to do it justice, so I hope your writing chops are up to the task. WbA is your friend.
  3. melior

    melior Seventh Year

    Oct 25, 2011
    Just a few questions to hopefully help, take them as you will.

    I'm also curious about the six year jump. Is it to make certain characters older that would otherwise be Harry's age? For that matter, why bother starting where you are? Why not start when he's older, and fill in the backstory as you go? It seems like you could still use canon as a shortcut if you wrote it right.

    I was actually confused about this at first, because at first I thought you were once again referring to the war between Order and Chaos (with Judgement in there somewhere), or the war between the Prometheans (I'm playing Mass Effect, so I keep wanting to see Protheans). For that matter, is Light and Dark a typo? If both sides are fighting ruthlessly, what makes one side Light and the other Dark?

    And perhaps my main issue:

    You use (lowercase) chaos and order in the summary. You said that the world fell to chaos when Merlin joined the fight between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Does that mean that Chaos became more powerful? Then later on, the Prometheans create a prophecy that someone would come and restore order to the universe. Does that mean they want Order to win? Or does Order not desire order anymore? I know you said that power corrupts, so I assume that Horae (or is it The Horae, since it is a collective name in Greek mythology?) has been corrupted.

    In other words, Order is misnamed, in my opinion. More generally, it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense for a race as (presumably) intelligent as the Prometheans to create two beings that are so diametrically opposed to one another and expect them to cooperate. The three beings actually reminded me of the three Fates - Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. Or perhaps their sisters: Eunomia (order), Eirene (peace), and Dike (justice). I personally like that because the disagreements between order and peace can be much more subtle and interesting.

    Well, anyway, just food for thought. Good luck!
  4. Prometheus VII

    Prometheus VII First Year

    Jan 11, 2013
    That is a really, really good idea. It would give some cohesion to the whole thing, and give them relation in some way. I am probably going to change the history (as far as the founders and merlin goes).

    That is my mistake and I apologize. It was mainly a grammatical error and I shall attempt to rectify that in my outline. Since I wrote that, I have changed my ideas slightly and am 1/3 of the way through writing the outline. Much has changed (as far as the history of such things go). Many people on IRC pointed out the cannonical inconsistencies (as far as The Founders/Merlin/Peveral Brothers go) and I shall mend that soon, also.

    I was referring to fractions in the wizarding world (as far as Dumbledore VS Voldemort goes). It is through the wizard that the fate sisters (I love that idea) are acting warring with each other. So when wizards fight, it is wizards fighting, embodying their own ideals. But on a metaphysical level, it is Order, Peace, and Justice acting.

    Because a large part of this story is going to revovle around Harry /growing up/ in a society which has been destroyed by war. The amount of time is because I wanted to give a sufficient amount of time after Harry dissapeared for the war to happen before I reintroduced him back into the story.

    Thank you so much for all the feedback!
  5. Nocturnesthesia

    Nocturnesthesia Fourth Year

    May 10, 2012
    This sounds kind of like HP with a Legend of Zelda mythos behind it, and I'd read the hell out of that. I had a similar idea, at least as far as the back story is concerned, but lack the talent and motivation to attempt something this ambitious.

    I hope that you're not getting too wrapped up in the "Light vs Dark" stuff, since too many characters being evil for the sake of evil is just lazy and cliche in my opinion. One aspect I think would be interesting to expand on is the role of different races in the HP verse, I don't know if you have any plans for elves, goblins, harpies/veela, merpeople, centaurs etc. but wizards sniping at each other gets boring fairly quickly. One of the ideas I'd kicked around was a "dystopian" future where the wizards have weakened themselves to the point where the other races had risen in power and importance, with a major theme being that basically everyone except the wizards are happier that way. So there is some moral ambiguity if the wizards only want to end the war to regain their privileged status among the magical races.

    (obviously if you have this planned out already just ignore me, but I'd love to see what a talented writer could do with this.)
  6. Prometheus VII

    Prometheus VII First Year

    Jan 11, 2013
    I totally agree with you. The point I'm trying to make is the "child of three" truly beleive that what he is doing is right. The reason that Voldemort is so powerful is due to the influence that they had in his creation. The Psycology he is born with is still inherently the same, but the Fates manipulates his life (just as the Promethean's manipulated Harry's) to shape his ideals into one which would help them achieve their own end. For example, they were the who caused Tom's obsession for immortality - knowing that it would eventually lead him to the Hallows which would, in turn, eventually lead him to the Anima Mundi.

    This where the part of the war is going to come in. Magical Creatures will play a HUGE part in the war (that is apparent from the first scene), but as far as having greater significance...I am not sure at this point yet. This will be, in some parts, heavily influenced by mythology and the such but that's as much as I can say atm.

    Remember that at the core, this is still a story about Harry VS Voldemort, and a coming of age story for Harry. This is all playing in the background during their conflict, giving it a reason other than "DARK AND LIGHT WIZARD DON LIKE EACH OTHER AND ARE GUNNA FIGHT!" Everything is coming down to one final conflict. At the end of the Second Wizarding war, either The Prometheans or The Fates will be in control. This is what is caused it in the first place.