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Books like Twelfth Night

Discussion in 'Books and Anime Discussion' started by disposablehead, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. disposablehead

    disposablehead Seventh Year

    Apr 5, 2011
    I don't know why, but books about women dressing up as men satisfies some strange Freudian part of my brain. I've found a handful: Shakespeare, Harry Turtledove's The Guns of the South, Scott Westerfield's Leviathan series, but I need more. Anything barely-readable or better is greatly appreciated.
  2. LostInThought

    LostInThought First Year

    Sep 10, 2011
    I'm not sure how much I can recommend it, as I didn't read it recently, but there is Katia Fox's The Copper Sign.

    It has a girl pretending to be a boy to learn how to become blackmith.
    There are also sequels, but I only read one of them which concentrated on the woman's son. It can easily be seen as a stand-alone, too.