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DLP Minecraft Server 2016

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Jon, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Captain's Log
    Day 462

    [storybody]I've stared out into the great blue so long that I fear I've begun to lose my mind. I see the world flicker into and out of existence every time I turn my head.

    Is this volcanic island real? Am I real?

    This all started when my compatriot Drome and I set out in search of the fabled Fabric of Reality.

    If I had one regret it would be... that we succeeded in finding it.

    [img2=right]http://i.imgur.com/YuU9pWr.png[/img2]We found a doorway in, out of all the places it could be, up a tree. We flew up with our Electric Jetpacks and saw beyond it; a shimmering blue void of energy.

    I stepped around the door suspended in midair, only to find that it didn't exist from the other side, and yet, my eyes deceived me as I ventured the full way around and found myself once more staring into the ominous blue glow of the way.

    We both stared into it for a while, wondering where it would take us; if we entered would we be able to return home?

    [img2=left]http://i.imgur.com/tovR2lT.png[/img2]There was no point wasting time. I divested myself of my valuables and handed them to Drome.

    "Hold this," I said to her as I handed over my Laser Rifle.

    With a moment of hesitation I stepped forward and past beyond the event horizon of the door.

    Everything went dark, and then I found myself standing in a hallway made of stone, brightly lit by a light that didn't exist.

    At the far end I could see another door, much like the one I had stepped through moments prior.

    I gingerly made my way forward, and as I did I found two more hallways branches out left and right, each containing a door of its own.

    "Are you alright in there?" I heard Drome's voice echo from beyond the portal behind me.

    "Yeah, I'm fine," I said after a moment as I debated which door to take.

    In a spurr of the moment I took the left one.

    As I entered I heard behind me.

    "Okay, I'm coming in!"

    "No wai—"

    My voice never did reach Drome as I was sucked into the portal and found myself in a strange non-world.

    I stood upon the fragmented ruins of a stone brick castle surrounded by utter emptiness and darkness.

    My eyes widened as I realized, this was what we'd been searching for!

    The Fabric of Reality.

    Except, it was impossible to touch and impossible to hold. The only way to collect it was to find it in its benign unplaced form.

    The only place we could collect it was from the chests scattered across forever.

    I cast my gaze further, and as I looked out into the empty, my eyes found something: another fragment of a fortress, but unlike the one I stood in, this one wasn't of earthly material. The bricks that comprised it were a burnish red, comprised of a material like congealed blood.

    What's more, I spied the top of a chest.

    With a smirk I engaged my Electric Jetpack and traversed the gap between the castle fragments, easily landing on the other one after several long seconds of flight.

    I made my way down the stairs of the battlement that I had landed on toward the innocuous chest.


    My eyes widened as large cubic blocks of Trinitrotoluene landed , the fuses attached to them sizzling menacingly.

    There was no time to react.

    They exploded, and I died.[img2=right]http://i.imgur.com/3AHjHXU.png[/img2]

    And yet, when I opened my eyes I found myself whole and unarmed, in a void as empty as the Fabric of Reality, yet somehow not quite as empty.

    I heard a whistling in my ears, and it took me too long to realize that it was the wind, and that I was falling.

    A black shape beneath me rose rapidly and I flailed in panic, attempting to engage my Electric Jetpack. I hit the ground hard, far too hard to survive, and yet to my shock, survive I did.

    I found myself on my ass, staring blankly into the strange world around me, filled with mottled grey landscapes, some of which floated over head, both impossibly high and large.

    I had been to The Nether I had also been to The End. This was something else, this was something elsewhere. This was The Limbo, and I was at a loss for how to get out. There was no giant glowing purple portal surrounded by a ring of obsidian, no magical hole in the ground leading the way home.

    There was nothing but the Unraveled Fabric of Reality as far as the eye could see.

    I could have just given up, slumped down and let the end eventually come for me. I had a few pieces of bread left from Drome, but they wouldn't last long, especially if there was something else here with me. My Electric Jetpack wouldn't last forever either. A glance at the gauge told me that it was barely at half capacity after the journey from home to the first portal.

    I chewed on the inside of my cheek for a moment—a nasty habit I was trying to break, and yet one that I couldn't be bothered to at that very moment.

    It was pointless saving the energy in it. If I didn't use it I was a dead man. There was no other way to get between the floating islands.

    With a resigned sigh I kicked my Electric Jetpack from hover mode into full burst and began the arduous task of exploring the floating islands comprised of Unraveled Fabric of Reality.

    I lost count of how many islands I visited.

    Less than a hundred, more than fifty.

    I heard the power cut out moments before it actually did.

    There was a weird moment of virtgo where I suddenly stopped climbing, and then started slowly falling, and then faster and faster.

    By some strange twist of fate at that very moment I was between the islands, and all I could see below was an endless abyss.

    As I got closer and closer to the dark, I realized that it wasn't empty and in fact looked quite solid.

    A girlish scream escaped me as I plummeted and I covered my face, bracing myself for the impact.

    There was a surreal moment, as if I was being pushed through a marshmellow.

    And then everything went cold, and wet—and blue.

    My next attempt at breathing filled my mouth with salt water and my mind with a fresh surge of panic as I realized I was underwater and that I could see light above me.

    Except, I was sinking.[img2=left]http://i.imgur.com/cQABbw0.png[/img2]

    My dead jetpack strapped to my back was weighing me down, and every second it was on was another meter between me and the surface.

    My hands tore at the leather straps wrapped around my chest and the moment I slipped free I put my rusty swimming skills to work. My chest burned painfully as I struggled to the surface, and when all seemed loss I managed to break the surface.

    The first lung full of air was accompanied by a delight infusion of salt water that sent me into a coughing fit as I tried to splutter it up. It continued like that for far too long, but as the fit subsided, I managed to get my first look around to where I was.

    That was four hundred and sixty two days ago.

    I'm still waiting for my rescue.

    [stare]Seriously someone yell at Imp and get him to teleport me back to civilization.[/stare]

  2. Xepheria

    Xepheria The Benefactor

    Apr 9, 2016
    High Score:
    We must embark on a mission to recover comrade Jon!

    He's too fragile to be out in the world all by himself. Even the slightest tap could make him burst.

    Seriously though, I loved this. Will we see more excerpts from Captain Jon's log in the future?
  3. Plotless

    Plotless High Inquisitor

    Jan 8, 2015
    We're all too busy building mansions eight times too big for one person.

    Sorry Jon.
  4. Mestre

    Mestre Professor

    Aug 7, 2015
    Quest rewards? We can't ever have enough gold.