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Fangirls discussing why they like slash

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ip82, Aug 29, 2006.

  1. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    There's been a lively discussion on my Yahoo group lately about the advantages of slash. I found it interesting... you know, see it from fangirls' point of view.


    I've read harry/lilly fics but, the thing is, what is it with insest, homosexuality, and whatnot? Sure there's people that want to make a point and bring to our attention matters that are dear to their hearts but, I'm getting a little jack of seeing more slash than het. And Harry being beaten within an inch of his life and rescued by a pretty girl has been done to death too. Mind you so have all the rest but, I ain't read em all yet


    Ah well, whatever floats your boat


    I guess it's like you say, each to there own as i ONLY read slash fanfiction preferably abused Harry stories so i'd be quite annoyed if people stopped writing it, whatever would i do with my spare time if they did?


    Yes, I do agree with Kristy, I ONLY read Slash. I mean who wants to picture one of the hottest HP Characters with a girl when you could see him with Snape or Draco? O_O I, however don't really read too much of the abused!Harry fics, UNLESS it features a Draco rescuing him ^_^

    ~*Proud H/D Shipper*~


    Here, here! While I do read more than just slash, it just wouldn't be the same without slash fics. It sort of adds extra spice to the fantasy world... mine at least. Besides even for the straight 'seeing' Harry paired up with Draco, Snape or Lucius does hold its own magic

    ~ Liz


    I read slash only, and here are two reasons:
    1) who wants the hot guys to be one of the girls on the show? Not me.
    2) I hate self-insertion fics. Slash is all that is left for me. As far as I am concerned. Besides, two hot guys together, drool worthy people.



    Exactly I agree with Anubiset and Liz. It does add extra spice to the HP World for me, because everytime I read a new HP Book, I wonder if JK is going to insert something that could cause a new Era in the HP Slash Fandom. I mean, has anyone ever thought, that maybe, just maybe, JK has read Slash before? I mean it's possible with all the hints that she gives in the books. And besides I don't want to sit here and read something about Harry and Hermione or those Draco/Hermione fics *shudders* I could never picture that really. And besides Harry and Draco were made to be slashed. You know, the whole "there's a fine line between love and hate" thing. And they are waaay too hot to be paired off with girls! *grins devilishly*. And yes! Self-insertion fics are not a fave of mine either. If they want to picture those things, keep them in their head, don't make other fangirls/fanboys who have their own ideas read them *geesh*

    ~*Proud H/D Shipper*~
  2. Fulgar

    Fulgar Second Year

    Aug 1, 2006
    Wow... their basic explanation is that they just like it for their own little reasons of liking it.

    My God... Their just like normal people! 0h N03s! 1t's t3h 3Nd 0f teh w0r1d!!11one1!

    Their reasoning? It's like that of a fanboy with an obsession for lesbian relationships of Narcissa and Bellatrix.

    Interesting find by the way IP. :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
  3. Khantael

    Khantael First Year

    Jul 16, 2006
    Yes, I do agree with Kristy, I ONLY read Slash. I mean who wants to picture one of the hottest HP Characters with a girl when you could see him with Snape or Draco?

    Each to their own opinions - as I say, I read a LOT of things and that does cover some slash - but am I the only one who's a bit disturbed at the references to book characters being hot? Because, they're book characters. And most often aren't designed to be 'hot' away... or is this people thinking the people portraying the characters in the films are hot?

    Sorry, but that's always confused me.

    It is interesting, though.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2006
  4. The Fine Balance

    The Fine Balance Headmaster

    Jun 8, 2006
    While I'm all good and normal enough to enjoy seeing lesbian , it's mainly because, females are, at general, far more aesthetically pleasing than males. But even then, I don't dislike het, and in fact, I rather enjoy it, cause not only is it much more realistic, in my little world, i don't know any openly gay person.

    That is sich utter bull shit. Not only do I despise that saying, I know it doesn't make any sense.

    Hate has nothing, simply, to do with love. The Polar opposite of Love is indifference. Hate is another phenomenon, another field of human emotions altogether. If I don't love him, I hate him. I love him and Hate him! WTF?

    So, HP just becomes a metaphorical Dildo? :banana:

    Thank you for deftly ignoring everything but corny, sexfilled realationship - better yet - arrangements.

    That statement so callously disreads the story, the notion, the whole Atmosphere that HP can carry, and reduces it to just another college drama. It's amazing, really, if they ernestly feel that way, then they should just go out and get stuffed to satisfy these overwheming urges.

    Oh, and he's got to sex with his savior, right? I can imagien it now:
    Harry: You saved me from that guy who beat and raped and beat and raped me!
    XXX: Yes I did.
    Harry: Thank YOu! let's have brutal, perverted sex so I know how it feel like with a person I love!

    Abused, abused, abused... doesn't it make them even slightly turned off by the fact a person has been betten and raped reatedly? Or are they sooo blinded by the glare of the "hate-Love" between Harry and his savior.

    Thank you. But I hope you're boat sinks, and you drown with it.
  5. Haunted Warrior

    Haunted Warrior Fifth Year

    Jul 18, 2006
    Luton, UK
    That was an interesting read.

    But only reading slash fics? Seems like only eating 1 type of food to me. But, their desicion I suppose. And I agree, considering fictional charaters to be hot, is scary. And disturbing.
  6. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    Err guys, if you haven't noticed, the first message wasn't by a fangirl, but some other poster who just started the discussion.
  7. The Fine Balance

    The Fine Balance Headmaster

    Jun 8, 2006
    The point of objection was :

    The fact that this was added, reduces emphasis on th later part, and put it on the Girl. Also the underlying assumption is that he'll fall with whoever that rescued him. Both are objectionable viewpoints.
  8. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    I always thought Slash was due to the fact Fangirls got jealous when Harry or Draco was with any other girl but them.
  9. Fuegodefuerza

    Fuegodefuerza Minister of Magic

    May 6, 2006
    I'm on that mail list, ip, and I just got absolutely blindsided with a few of those messages not too long ago. Here I am, checking to see if somebody updated their story (which Syao did) and all of a sudden this pops up.

    Now my eyes hurt. A word to the wise - putting bleach in your eyeballs hurts like fuck!
  10. Stalicon

    Stalicon High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
    That one place

    Is it me or did those posts come out sounding rather retarded? Talk about tunnel vison people.
  11. mcatrage

    mcatrage Raptured to Hell

    May 16, 2006
    I don't even understand their reasoning at all about why they like slash.

    Is it basically that they think harry and draco are hot so they want them together?

    Is it because in real life they are very ugly girls and they don't relate to any of the girls in potter universe so they have wet dreams about gay guys that can be their friends and go shopping with them?
  12. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    I agree Stal.

    It's as if they have canon proof that Harry swings that way. Weird.
  13. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Bit graphic so I stuck it in a spoiler box

    I'd love to force the slash fans to sit down and watch some realistic gay sex. Not where the guys do enemas and prepare, and both are ultra buff, and use only spit for lube, and to end if they do ass to mouth, with no shit anywhere, the partner getting the load dropped on his face/mouth doesnt mind the taste of shit+KY.

    Nope, I'd like to force them to watch two normal looking stick thin dudes, use a tube of KY, and afterwards have to clean up shit stained sheets, and let them see the catcher walking funny, and dribbling anal grease for a day or so.

    There's nothing fucking even close to romantic/magical/decent about homo sex, sorry. Oral I could see, a mouth's a mouth I guess, but these slash freaks seem to get off on Harry being a royal pussy and being abused by his new man, or being ultra pussified. What they really want if for the main character to be a girl, and they want the secondary characters to bang her.
  14. DemonDream

    DemonDream Professor

    Jun 20, 2006
    Your closet. Please clean it, I can't move.
    Midknight, that hurts. It really does.

    When I saw the posts that IP82 listed, I thought it was a joke, some sort of prank that he put together. But now that I realize that they were serious...wow. Thats really all I can say.
  15. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    ^Agreed with Mid.

    I once had the misfortune of stumbling on 'amateur' gay porn when I was 10.

    I knew it was disgusting, but I had this overwhelming sense of morbid curiousity.

    Needless to say, the skinny guy on the bottom was nearly crushed by the fat guy on top, and screamed out in pain a couple times because the fat guy forgot to use enough lube.

    And then there was oral...*shudder*, I think there was a comment that went like, "...it smells...".

    Even though I recognize that the male G-Spot is actually in the asshole, (prostate) the whole process is so dehumanizing, messy, and awkward that I can't imagine what is sexy about it.
  16. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Did we really need to know about that video? Heh.

    Despite its graphic nature, that was a good quote.
  17. Spacks

    Spacks Order Member DLP Supporter

    Dec 17, 2005
    Queensland, Australia
    A part of me just died, Amerison.

    I, being the pr0nmast3h, have seen lots of porn.

    But never gay porn.

    Even describing it has scarred me for life.
  18. Niffler Lord

    Niffler Lord Headmaster

    Feb 19, 2006
    Sri Lanka
    Holy Son of a bitch..... That was discussion was probably the most retarded I ever seen.

    [fake girly voice] I mean who wants to picture one of the hottest HP Characters with a girl when you could see him with Snape or Draco? [/fake girly voice]

    I have to agree with Erotic Adventures of S. From the way they write, one can infer that they want to read slash because they are jealous of seeing the guys with other girls. I don't think they even know what a guy's body looks like. What these girls need is an introduction to gay porno. Then maybe they can get in touch with reality.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2006
  19. Mage

    Mage Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2006
    Washington, DC
    well.... i guess they have there reasons... nobody ever said they had to be good did they. I agree with whoever said that it was a bit disturbing to find that people think of fictional characters from books as being sexy, but maybe there using the movies. anyway im going to try and forget all about this conversation
  20. Litha Riddle

    Litha Riddle Banned DLP Supporter

    May 17, 2006
    Nottingham, England
    I've tried to avoid posting in this thread, but here goes so don't be too rough with me.

    I'm one of those that likes to immerse themselves in literature, sort of like most people do with films. So to some extent I can see how reading fiction can have an effect, I mean in most porn magazines you'll find an articles section.

    It's also somewhat similar to fantasies, in that you'll imagine you're dream woman/man. Thus allowing you to feel free to play with them, as you wouldn't be allowed due to societies objections. This is not different to building your fantasy from scratch, it's just using a description you like and adding the rest.

    Plus how many of us here had certain impressions of the characters, how many of us complained how disappointing the movies were. Just because Bella or Fleur didn't look how we imagined them.

    Or even that Snape didn't look like Alan Rickman, and that the first Dumbledore was better etc.

    Also for some people it's difficult to discuss sex, for girls it's the stigma of being called a slag and with boys it's the label of being gay.

    The problem these girls or boys seem to have, is that they have questions but no one to give realistic answers. In a perfect world they could ask their parents or talk to friends. Instead they are left to imagine without actually being given information on what is physically possible.

    In conclusion I'd say let them get on with it, as long as it's not physically hurting anyone, what's the harm.
    If they want to discuss their fantasies with each other, then that's up to them.

    It's when they post their fic's without labelling them, that's the only problem I have. Because I like to know what's in a bottle before I drink, this applies to fanfiction too.
