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Far Cry 3

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Deadsomeone, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. Deadsomeone

    Deadsomeone Third Year

    Nov 28, 2011
    I'm right here
    Hey guys, just finished playing Far Cry 3. Couldn't find an existing thread, so here it is.

    I liked it. A lot.

    The first half of the story was good and cool, the second half less so, but the overarching character development for the main guy was enough to keep me glued. Each character you meet through out the story is interesting and horrifying in equal measure, though some of them don't quite get as much screen time as you'd expect. The voice acting makes up for it and seemed to flesh out the characters in ways I didn't notice until later and was overall phenomenal, along with the motion capture. Except for the main character's, Jason Brody, voice acting which I felt was kind of hit and miss. The two islands you play on are varied in terrain and full of little side things like collectibles and side missions that give interesting touches of style and character to the world. The weapons are varied enough, though the recurve bow by far the most difficult, but satisfying weapon to master. Especially when you start destroying entire enemy bases through liberal use of sneaky-arrow-machete-ninja powers. The leveling system has enough variety to suit just about any play style, though some of the skills seem rather pointless. Several people have told me they felt the difficulty was rather lacking after a while, but I played on normal and I felt it was fine. It fit the perfect balance of challenging but not infuriatingly so, which forced me to do things like actually scout out enemy locations and routes in preparation of an assault or infiltration, lest I be shoot by a Sniper I missed or turned into charred meat by a charging Heavy.

    Overall the game was fun and worth my sixty bucks.
  2. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:

    Excellent game, well worth the money. Storytelling suffered at points, but was good more often than bad. FC3 voice acting is to New Zealand as Dead Island was to Australia. Weapon variety and upgradability was nice with options for all playstyles.

    I got my hands on a shitty sniper rifle at the first base I liberated and never looked back. Clearing an area without being seen is incredibly satisfying and a great deal of fun. This is also the first game I've ever played that has had me enjoying a grind for materials.

    The native wildlife are also a great touch--90% of the time. I was less than pleased when, during the very first segment of gameplay, in an action sequence that is more cinematic than actual play, a goddam bear jumped out of nowhere and killed me. There was a point where I walked through what could charitably be called a small pond and had a crocodile lunge out at me. Also, fuck komodo dragons.

    Co-op is also entertaining, but much more linear--no free roaming through the jungles hoisting flame throwers with your mates in this game. At various interludes between missions however, the game does endeavour to set you up for ridiculosity--think RPG contests to see who can blow up the most enemy boats or grenade throwing competitions to see who can kill the most foes.

    If you haven't already bought this game, do so. I'd recommend PC, purely for the beauty of the world around you.
  3. Deadsomeone

    Deadsomeone Third Year

    Nov 28, 2011
    I'm right here

    Yeah, even on a console it's a really rather idyllic looking place, if it weren't for, you know, the crazy, psychopathic pirates, the fucking tigers, komodo dragons, and the two sociopathic warlords. Hell, it's downright utopian.
  4. Idiot Rocker

    Idiot Rocker Auror

    Jun 9, 2011
    I skipped the first couple of posts because I have the game but haven't played it yet. Jesus I'm excited though. I just have to get back home and fix my damn system first. I'm guessing by the amount of all-caps up there that it's going to be as great as I hoped?
  5. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    Very fun but I wish there was a way of silenting overrunning posts without going in and manually turning the alarm off. Like sniping out the alarm or something. But yeah, I beat it, did all the hunts, all that. Great time, great game, worth money.
  6. Iztiak

    Iztiak Prisoner DLP Supporter

    Dec 4, 2006
    What do you mean? If you snipe all the enemies without being seen at all then they never even try to activate the alarm. Pretty sure I got undetected award for nearly every camp without bothering to turn the alarm off.

    Or did you mean you just didn't want the alarm to go off when you ran in guns blazing, so you could still get at least the silent award, if not the undetected one.

    Which would make sense, if you're not overly fond of sniper rifles.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2013
  7. Solomon

    Solomon Heir

    Jul 11, 2007
    I've been turning off the alarms with a shotgun, so I'm not sure what you mean.
  8. TSN

    TSN Auror

    Nov 7, 2008
    Made in montreal FTW. love the game sofar.
  9. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    You can snipe the alarm out, but there are two alarm points in each outpost. Most times sniping one can cause someone to go and activate the other.

    Then there's the occasional caged animal at outposts. One memorable time, I released two komodo dragons and they did all the work for me. Was grandly hilarious.
  10. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    MFW I didn't know that but already cleared all the outposts -.-
  11. The Arid Legion

    The Arid Legion Professor

    Oct 6, 2010
    Right now the combat in the game is either annoyingly frequent - where enemies in Bad Town can hear you shooting goats on the other side of the map, leading to everyone and their mum showing up at you location with an undying hatred for everything you represent.

    Or annoyingly infrequent - where you liberated all the outposts, done all the wanted dead quests, finished the story and you'll maybe find two or three people having a shoot-out with some Rakyat warriors every few hours.

    This needs to be fixed somehow.

    Other than that and a few other minor complaints - you can't progress in skills unless you do story missions, Vaas dies too soon, there's a whole other island you can't get to until over half-way through the game - it was fucking amazing.
  12. Iztiak

    Iztiak Prisoner DLP Supporter

    Dec 4, 2006
    You haven't seen annoyingly frequent until you've played Far Cry 2. Jesus Christ that shit was the most irritating I've played in a while.

    As for Far Cry 3... Well, I agree with you about there not being much to do after you've liberated all the outposts. I can't say I've noticed anyone in FC3 noticing me early, though that might be because I attached a silencer to nearly every gun that I planned on using.