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I need some help.

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Nova, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. Nova

    Nova Squib

    Jul 25, 2007
    I have had a plot bunny jumping around my head for a couple of days now and today was the first day that I was actually able to start planning it out. And then I reached a snag.

    Basically I need help with a location for the prison that Grindelwald built and was later imprisoned into. Now from what i've read on the HP-lexicon website the prison was 'towering and jet black' as well as 'forbidding' but nothing else was mentioned about where it was except it was in europe, now I already have a picture of what it would look like but i need somewhere for it to be.

    I had originally thought about Poland or Austria as it says Grindelwald was the one to build it and if we tie that into Rowling (despite the fact she likes to fuck with things she's said in previous interviews) said about Dumbledore ending WW2 i thought maybe it would be located in or around Germany (it's called Nurmengard).

    My problem with putting Nurmengard in Poland/Austria/Germany is that im pretty sure that even with charms like the unplottable charm and the fidelius charm that the Muggles would notice a great big tower (plane crashes anyone?) stuck in the middle of the country. It could be an island but it says Grindelwald put his enemies in there so it would have to be fairly accessible to him and easy to ship his enemies way (as I assume being a dark lord you would have a lot of enemies).

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Niffler Lord

    Niffler Lord Headmaster

    Feb 19, 2006
    Sri Lanka
    Why not make it hidden in a mountainous region? You can make it look like another mountain or something and then have a powerful charm that no one wants to be near it.
  3. The-Hyphenated-One

    The-Hyphenated-One Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Sep 5, 2006
    That reminds me of the Guy Gavrial Kay series with Rakoth Magrim.........
  4. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Or you could use the same charm Hogwarts uses that shows a derelict castle to any muggles who look at it. Add in the muggle repelling charm and you're sorted. Of course it would need other wards (what self-respecting Dark Lord wouldn't have them) but those two are the only ones absolutely needed to hide a large fortress from the muggles.

    Either way I always pictured it somewhere up in the Urals, positioned on a cliff edge and with jagged rocks surrounding the area for miles. Something that not even a wizard can escape from (assuming there are anti-disapparition wards around it for a distance).
