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Complete Life In Reverse By Lise - T - Marvel Cinematic Universe

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by Halt, Mar 24, 2019.

  1. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    Title: Life In Reverse
    Author: Lise / Min Daae
    Rating: T
    Genre: General
    Status: Complete (228,217 words)
    Library Category: General
    Pairings: None
    Summary: Home is where you make it. Or, the AU where Loki falls to Earth after Thor, wanders around trying to work out what to do with himself, and somehow ends up working for SHIELD. (Mostly because supervillains are so plebian.)

    Link: AO3 (Completed) | FFN (Up to Ch. 27/44)

    This is a Loki-centric fic, post Thor 1 going up until Avengers 1.

    It's a bit angsty as a fic, but never overbearingly so and never without a point I feel. The story is really about exploring Loki as a character (and your enjoyment of this story will depend mostly on how much you enjoy his character development).

    There's a decent mix of conflict here between interpersonal and action and what's weaved in between. Most of the story is dialogue though, and action does not strike me as being a strong suit of this piece (so for those of you expecting something akin to Roarian's story, sorry to disappoint).

    There are a few quirks I disliked about the writing style of the author, such as using (parenthesis) to signify thoughts sometimes. I'm finding it a bit hard to put to words, but they're used more for thoughts which Loki is afraid to think of, brief flashes he doesn't dwell on but probably reveal more about him than anything else. For the most part though, the writing is technically sound and does not overuse anything that makes it a no go for me.

    Ultimately, I really liked how it weaved an AU to the Avengers here, and how it took time to give Loki roots in earth and flesh him out. Progress can be a bit slow, and even reverses at times, but never without reason and never for so long that it goes nowhere. If Loki were to be a good guy, this is how Marvel would have done it.

    Rating: solid 3/5, possibly even a low 4/5.
  2. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    This fic misses a lot of the potential in Loki as a character, but comes far closer than most portrayals of him achieve. There's a gentling of his more acerbic edges, and a willingness to consider mortals his peers which is incredibly out of character, but allowable for the sheer fact that it's necessary for the story to work. It's tamer than the action-packed romp of deception and magic which I really want to see from a Loki fic, but still enjoyable.

    I would be ashamed of myself if I wrote this, but am happy to read it. I guess that's as much to do with stylistic choices as anything. It's never particularly thrilling, but the milquetoast character pieces of tumblr-based MCU authors never are.

    Probably the most coherent and canon-compliant Loki protagonist I've come across so far. I'm about two-thirds of the way through the material written so far, and am still interested - even if just to find out if this version of Loki got mounted by a horse.

  3. CH58

    CH58 Squib

    Feb 20, 2019
    I enjoyed reading this fic. The plot, while somewhat slow for the first 20 chapters, picks up quickly once the main conflict is introduced and kept me interested in continuing for the entire time I was reading. The action scenes were somewhat lackluster, but the character interactions excelled.

    Unfortunately the main character, while named Loki, never read like Loki to me. The Loki in the MCU is a goal driven character. It's not always clear to the audience what his goal is, but he is always working towards it, and will use every trick in the book to reach it. He avoids straight fights, and his go-to option is an illusion in front of you and a knife in the back. He is an extremely skilled liar, to the point of being able to fool all of Asgard into believing that he was Odin. He also has a tendency to boast, and the Black Widow was able to exploit that to get him to reveal his plans in Avengers. In addition, he is extremely proud and has a tendency to view those who are not as powerful as him as worthless.

    The Loki in this fic has almost none of that. He is without purpose for most of the fic, and even when he gains purpose he goes about accomplishing it in a disappointingly direct manner. He uses two illusions that I can remember while fighting, and one of them is of an animal. Almost every character he comes into contact with sees through his lies immediately, and he is humble to a fault. There is even a point, where a villain got one over on him, and he turns his back and walks away on the orders of a superior.

    The main character is not Loki, but the character the author wrote was well developed and I was able to connect emotionally with the story. The problems with OOCness do not extend to the rest of the characters.
