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Feature Request Something new

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Fic_reader, Jan 26, 2025.

  1. Fic_reader

    Fic_reader Squib

    Dec 27, 2023
    I think I’ve read everything I can find. I even resorted to sorting through FFN filtered by favourites and reading whatever caught my eye. Control by Anonoymous58 is probably one of my favourites but alas it is unfinished. I’ve been reading for a while but I think I’ve exhausted of what I can find by myself, so I humbly ask for your recommendations. I’ve read mostly everything reviewed here. I guess I’m looking for some hidden gems or so. Apologies if this is a bit ambiguous.
  2. PagaalInsaan

    PagaalInsaan Squib

    Oct 16, 2021
    Stepping into the sky(Raul Fictious, HP/Firefly): Voldemort seals hocrux harry to ensure immortality. Centuries later, Harry wakes in the firefly ship. The author has a talent for putting original surprising spins in his work, and I like his sense of humor a lot. But the fiction gets weird when Voldemort reawakens.

    Weary Hands, Warriors Heart(Android Rainbow, HP/Inheritance Cycle): Harry goes on the train, instead of returning to hogwarts battle. The characters are well written, and hp magic is not nerfed. But it meanders a lot. I think there were 4-5 chapters where harry was doing nothing but building his house.

    Everything Everywhere One Thing at a Time(Karmic Acumen, HP/Stargate): Harry is a seer, and can peer into alternate realities. Good dialogue, and nice prose. But the plot is lacking, and things can sometimes be too easy for harry and feel unearned.

    Road To Hell(ACI100): After losing war against Voldemort, Harry is stranded in an ambiguous 1970s ruled by Dumbledore and Grindewald. Harry is powerful, but below the top three, Good worldbuilding. However, the story heavily focuses on Dumbledore, which, will not appeal to all readers, reversing the usual Dumbledore-bashing trope.

    None of them are library worthy yet, but still entertaining enough.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2025
  3. Dubious Destiny

    Dubious Destiny Seventh Year

    May 3, 2018
    I read the first two on the list. I haven't watched Firefly, so the first one had me a little lost in the beginning. I've tried multiple Firefly crossovers and this one didn't change my opinion - they are all substandard and can't capture whatever the show must have had. This also feels familiar, maybe it is a rewrite.

    The second one is too long winded. Every chapter has Harry wondering how modern Britain thinks or does things, and it snaps my attention. It is also a bit of an angst fest.

    I wouldn't ever rate them into the library.
  4. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    No comment on the fics, but you really should watch Firefly and Serenity.