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Wizarding Cuisine

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BTT, Jan 30, 2020.

  1. BTT

    BTT Viol̀e͜n̛t͝ D̶e͡li͡g҉h̛t҉s̀ ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 31, 2011
    Cyber City Oedo
    High Score:
    Inspired by this informative reddit post on British recipes (and why it's all pretty bland).

    Basically, what would wizarding meals look like? What we see in canon is restricted to mostly muggle stuff and a few things that differentiate - pumpkin juice, those weird hors-d'oeuvres from HBP. I feel like this is an easy, simple way of showing some worldbuilding.

    So what else would there be? Keep in mind that there's both different ingredients and different ways of preparing stuff compared to muggles.
  2. Gengar

    Gengar Degenerate Shrimp –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Feb 3, 2009
    High Score:
    Self buttering potatoes.


    I kind of like the idea of Dragon Meat being super spicy. Maybe it even makes you belch fire, lol...
  3. Silirt

    Silirt Chief Warlock DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Sep 19, 2018
    Part of the reason magical creatures are hunted is to keep their numbers down, but at some point wizard chefs would have started to put them into the ingredient palette. You also have magical plants that muggles can't seem to find anywhere, and those are mostly potion ingredients. I feel like whatever you do for your dish, whether it's a kappa liver or asphodel salad, you make the sauce with much the same techniques you learn in potions class.
  4. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    What I wanna know is if there's black pudding made from magical animal blood and if so where I could obtain some.
  5. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    When I needed fancy dishes once, I looked up some magical beings that seemed eadible. There weren't that many, actually. A Re'em is a really rare magical ox, so that is sufficiently exclusive, and then there is the Diricawl (the apparating dodo), which sounded like it's hard to catch and I figured could taste like chicken.
  6. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Within the books, food seems to be limited to classic British fare, although we don't see much information on the actual cooking steps, or the ingredients.

    Potions/Ingredients could be used to 'spice things up':

    The difference between the 'Tonic of Good Cheer', and braised goat a la Zosimos is merely how long you leave the meat in to stew, after all. The best dishes, generally agreed upon to be served in Khemmis, by restaurants who've had centuries to perfect the recipe, might use the most choice cuts from the chimeric goat herds bred for the purpose; but even a maggot-infested scrap of hoof, fished out of an offal pile, will be an almost religious experience if the holly leaves were properly suspended within the gingered pine-sap before brewing.

    On the other hand, it's a frequent sight in Saint Mungo's Hospital to see groups of young man with severely burned faces (if they're lucky), from having attempted to outdo each other over amount of jellified-dragon-flame hot sauce they could ingest in a single sitting. Purists insist it can only be served on a dragon steak, but there's growing demand for it to be present for all meals, alongside the pepper mill and garum jar.

    It is, at least, a reprieve from the bezoar challenge, in that it usually isn't fatal. Chefs competing to use the least amount of powdered bezoar within their, otherwise lethal, dishes. Made illegal under Bagnold, when an unsuspecting muggle-born forget that bezoars, like most potion ingredients, only confer their benefit to the magical.

    Another aspect to be considered is the growth of foods. Hagrid grows massive pumpkins, and whilst I don't have the book to hand, I vaguely remember the trio hiding behind one? It could be quite a change to have some foods that are normally too much effort for easy fare- dormice, truffles, quail eggs, and so on, all engorged to produce a significantly more bountiful harvest; or harvested more easily through magic.

    Magic's assistance might also have helped in farming or foraging for crops that grow in less hospitable areas - thin mountain air isn't much of a challenge to overcome with a bubblehead charm; and getting inside a volcano to gather scrapings of rather determined lichen.