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WTF is wrong with the Ministry of Magic building?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ip82, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    I’ve been doing some canon research for the new chapter of Potter’s Resistance and I couldn’t help but notice the sheer idiocy of the way JKR had designed the ministry building.

    Now, we all know that the building is underground, right? So, it’s logical to assume that the Atrium is the topmost level (Level 1) and all the other levels are accessed by descending elevators, right?

    Wrong. The Atrium is actually 8th (eight!) level underground! At first I thought the Lexicon was wrong, but then I reread the Ministry description in OOTP and there was no mistake. Apparently, JKR found it perfectly logical to have people who are going to the Auror headquarters for example (2nd level), having to first descend 100m in the phone booth, go through the security check and then enter another elevator and ascend some 80m to their destination. Good for her she’s such a good writer, because otherwise she would have starved as a construction engineer.

    Now what I want to ask you is what should I do about my story. Because, I’m not leaving this idiocy untouched. There are two choices, really.

    1) Move the atrium to the 1st level. Requires some imagination with the part in OOTP where Harry and Arthur are ascending to 7th, 6th etc level after leaving the atrium, but this is what most authors do anyway, so it won’t create much of a stir.

    2) Leave the Atrium on the 8th level, but make that level actually just a basement (1st level underground). So the Ministry building would then have 7 floors above ground and 2 underground levels (DOM). This is much more logical to me, but then I’ll have to think of some sort of conspiracy explaining how come everyone believes the building is underground... Something about designers of animated windows pushing the proposition to make this sort of deception, on grounds of greater security from Dragon-rider attacks or something (they had kept showing storms for two weeks to get a pay raise... seems they have a strong union)... Or to use something else, it doesn’t matter really.

    So, what do you think?
  2. Soulforger

    Soulforger First Year

    Jul 19, 2006
    A place too hot.
    You know, I never even noticed that, I just kept thinking I'd never work in that place (I'm claustrophobic). Anyway, just another plot hole, we're used to it by now.

    But I liked your idea of it being actually above ground, I'd personally go for option 2.

    Keep up the good work!
  3. KANE

    KANE Groundskeeper

    May 11, 2006
    Alright, i'll admit I never noticed this before, but i would have thought it made sense to have only one entrance to the entire building for security. It's easier to moniter one entrance than it is to monitor 8, isn't it. But if you're talking about why she didn't just make the atrium at the topmost floor, then i don't know. Maybe it's just one of those things about wizards, like the moving staircases in Hogwarts or the reason that they have an alley considered evil right beside one that every member of the wizarding community, whether it be men, women or children, right beside it.

    As for your story problem, I'd go with number two, it does seem more logical overall. But, to be honest with you, it wouldn't really matter overall, IMO, your fics are brilliant either way and not a lot of people are reading them for your architect talents (although i have noticed that you like to make your stories as accurate as possible).
  4. Stalicon

    Stalicon High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
    That one place
    Aye, it depends on how much work you want to do, but I personaly would like to see number 2 done.
  5. Brooklynight

    Brooklynight Seventh Year

    Jul 1, 2006
    New York
    I also never noticed this before. For your fic I would go with the first option. Just that I would have Auror HQ as the first level since they would be in greatest need of being able to get out of the building quickly in case of an attack. The second level should be the atrium but the elevator should stop at the first floor for secuirty then visitors could simply walk down a grand stair case right into the oppulent attrium. From the atrium there should be a second elevators that carries MoM employies to their offices, these should be arranged with the one needing least security on the third level and decend all the way to the most secure the DoM on the eight.
  6. Niffler Lord

    Niffler Lord Headmaster

    Feb 19, 2006
    Sri Lanka
    I too didn't notice this little hic up on JKR's part. It is illogical the way its set up.
    I like this idea. To me that would be more appropriate structuring. By having the Aurors on the entrance floor (with hidden doors and fake panels) they can respond much faster to any threat. Plus they are the ones who need to move around a lot in case of criminal activity in the wizarding world so giving them easy access to transportation systems is logical.
  7. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    You forget that aurors wouldn't use the phone booth when going out on emergencies (although that would make for one funny scene). They probably just apparate out or portkey or eventually use the floo.
  8. CGB

    CGB Auror

    May 7, 2006
    I would use your 2nd option. I just seems more logical.
  9. Chilli

    Chilli Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    May 27, 2006
    I think it would make more sense to use the more illogical option. Wizards aren't supposed to be very logical, after all.
  10. Lightning89

    Lightning89 First Year

    Aug 4, 2006
    wonderful... and here I wanted to write the destruction of the ministry today. Thanks IP, without you I would have made an error...

    I will go after the book, so that the atrium is on the 8th level. The first level could be an second entrance, maybe to the underground train. This entrance would be closed most of the time, and only open for emergencies or things too big which can't be moved with magic (portkey etc.)
    So the biggest danger of an attack would be on the first floor. It is logical that the Aurors are on the second floor, so they can respond quickly to any danger.

    Personally IP I would like to see the second option. I never seen it done before and think, what you can do on the roof.
  11. Lord Apophis

    Lord Apophis Professor

    Jun 16, 2006
    I would go with the second option. It also gives you the option of placing the Ministry building anywere in England. Simply have the phonebooth as some kind of portal that transports the people to the Ministry. It would also provide security as everyone would belive the Ministry was located in London but it really was located in some other location.