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The Office - A Mafia Game

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. fontisian

    fontisian Slug Club Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Here we go. I'm going to divide these into different people, instead of going chronologically. I included other posts that Vira responded to when they stood out to me. Some quotes will be repeated in multiple sections as needed. I strongly recommend you look at these closely and draw your own conclusions.

    1. The interactions with confirms:
    a. GH
    Lots of defense of Gh, in a tmi fashion, transitions into looking for a reason to join the wagon on him. Also leaving herself room to go after Cuth and Kalas.
    Treating him with kids gloves, asking about reads, but not pressuring.

    b. yeavoxxtalknah/Suburb/Visor
    c. Zack
    Tries to discourage me from pushing on Town!Zack.

    d. Kalas
    Several almost tmi defenses.
    This is a very chill reaction to his vote, despite him being one of the people she wanted to lynch. Compare to her reactions to .113 and Jari. Disbelieving, but not calling it the scummiest thing ever.

    e. Prophlyaxis
    Slightly more aggressive questioning, still gives the impression more of curiosity than investigating.

    f. Tom
    Questions, tone of curiosity.
    Willing to avoid giving a read on a town, but makes a big /thing/ out of it.

    g. Jan
    Is willing to doubtcast someone when people aren't suspecting him. Quoted because it's different from the defenses, and a little odd when she probably knew Jan to likely be confirmed town.

    h. SR
    Similar to Kalas and GH reads, allows herself to come around to scumreading him. Gives easy, softball questions, is very reasonable with him.

    2. Interaction with Tsaiah
    I think she picked up on the total post count thing, because dlp has a history of the mafia being on the lower end of the post count, and I think it was true here, hence her thoughts about it and her attacking the lowest mafia member (who was also had the lowest post count total). The attack is light, but it doesn't have the appeasey vibe and hedging a lot of her other attacks have. It's sort of like a quick jab.
    Quick jab, has a meme as an attack. Meme attacks only show up against Scott and .113 outside of this one.
    Quick, vicious attack.

    3. The people whose interactions with her resemble the confirms
    a. Stanari
    Similar to the way she questioned the scumreads on GH and Kalas.
    Similar to how she asked for reads from me and Newcomb.
    Genuine confusion, I think, as to why GH would seriously be voting for Stanari.
    Tmi, tmi, tmi

    b.me (yes, I know, deal with it)
    The way she asks me for reads on GH and Vaimes is remarkably similar to the way she ask Stanari for her reads and reasons for voting.
    In reference to me fighting Zack (she knows it's two town fighting in both cases).

    c. Newcomb
    Similar defense to the ones of GH, Kalas and Stanari.
    Same tmiy type feeling. She says these are scum!Newcomb things, and accuses him of doing them later, but doesn't connect the dots in this post or act like she actually think Newcomb could be mafia in any way.
    In reference to Newcomb's post count, fits with my theory of her being self conscious of most of the high posters being town, also is tmiing for Newcomb.
    Reassuring him he's not the one she's pissed with, probably not a teammate thing.
    d. Fable
    Not an accusation, just trying to correct his logic.
    Genuine. Probably belongs in scumchat if Fable is mafia?
    e. Vaimes
    Asks me and Stanari about him instead of joining the push on him. I suspect she's almost looking for permission to go after someone. Directing attention to him.
    This was about Vira's good scumgame a while back. Don't see this coming from Von is he's her partner at that time.
    Vira calls .113 townreads on Tsaiah and Vaimes bad here. Think it's much more likely she tries to link a partner and a non partner together by calling the reads equally bad than she calls townreads on two partners bad. Clearing for Von, imo.

    f. Miner
    Kind of sketch here, kind of makes me wonder if they were discussing GH's (nonexistent) Cuth vote in scumchat. >_> Probably nothing, though.
    Don't think Miner bothers to do this in the thread as her partner. The response seems like it's trying to convince him of her alignment.

    g. Yeti
    "You're overreacting" instead of something like "you're overreaching" is the important bit. Feels like she's trying to break up a town v town attack, again.
    I think this assessment is accurate. Looks good for Yeti, looks really good for Stanari, as Vira likely did expect people reading Stanari's iso to figure out that she was obviously town.

    4. The weird ones
    I think Scott might have been sharing his genuine perspective on why he decided not to scumread his teammate. Like, as scum he's thinking "oh man, this is scummy from Vira, but wait, I've said I think Stanari is scummy, and that perspective only makes sense if I think Stanari is town, so I have to not say that Vira's suspicious." And then he tmi'd anyway.

    I think Vira picked up on it, and thought someone else would catch the slip and link them, and that's why she tried to distance from Scott.

    Bolded seems like common newer scum wording for a partner.
    #the meme read. Memes are for partners.

    Same feeling of excess venom she has with Tsaiah, .113 and Jari.
    Willing to let Scott drop as a potential lynch just because he was gone.

    I don't really know on Scott, but I think my townread is gone and I would like to talk to Newcomb about it.

    b. .113
    Feels like she's trying to fake unalignment with him. Note that Vira definitely intentionally left scum out of her readwall after this, as it didn't include Tsaiah, so trying to look unaligned by "forgetting teammates" is something that was on her mind.
    Unusual harshness towards .113. Takes his scumread super seriously and reacts very differently than she did to Kalas' scumread on her.
    I kind of think she genuinely knew .113 wasn't reading her posts fairly, because they were trying to find reasons to fight each other. Contains one of the meme attack trifecta.
    Quick jabs, the second part is meant to cover up the weakness of the first post, indicates extra worry on her part over how the attack will be perceived. She also changes to address everyone explicitly, when previously she would focus more on the person and make open statements.
    More unusually harsh, short attacks.
    c. Cuthalion
    Kind of an out there question to Cuth, didn't follow a progression. Clearly wants people to know she's talking to him.
    This was about Cuth's quintuple bird post. Kind of like it for Cuth, as a potential genuine reaction from Vira, but eh.
    It's kind of weird for Vira to not be aware of someone not voting her partner and also this is definitely a defense of Cuth here, in a chainsaw way, which breaks the other patterns.
    Same kind of curious questions addressed to a lot of town.

    d. Jari
    Unusual harshness towards Jari. The second one feels more like an appeal, similar to the things to town.
    The "Hey Vira" specifically feels off, like a forced joviality.
    Forced bravado from Vira when responding to Jari.
    Either a last minute bus or a last minute attempt to make this look like a bus. It's also kind of notable how little Vira quotes Jari.

    Jari actually picked up on the Vira thing because of the Kalas v. GH being comparable to Zack v. me thing, which is pretty good.

    5. Everything else
    Here's her readwall again.
    I'm certain the first four reads are actually all town. The Newcomb scum read is there, but there's no bravado or fight centered around it, and an earlier comment about Newcomb felt like she knew he was town. She intentionally left at least one partner out, in Tsaiah. The Stanari and Vaimes (who I think are town) reads are very detailed, while the Jari, Cuth and Scott reads noticeably aren't. The stronger townreads are also less detailed, but contain multiple lines of thought, where the Jari, Cuth and Scott reads each follow one line.

    6. The tldr
    There is likely two to three mafia between Owner, Jari, .113 and Cuth, based on the way Vira aggro-ed them. I think calculated distancing has been an overall mafia team strategy. Of them, I think Cuth looks the best purely on the interactions.

    "But fonti, you don't know that Vira's is unnecessarily aggro towards her teammates! She didn't do that with Tsaiah."

    Well, no, she did, just in short bursts and Tsaiah couldn't really reciprocate and make it a full fight. I think there's a pretty clear pattern of her avoiding confrontation with basically every single dead town. The other people she's acted the same way with are also people I'm independently townreading, and I think the overall idea makes sense with who Vira is as a person. I think the way she pushed these reads while leaving room for herself to drop off and vote people like kalas and SR (while giving tmi townread on them) was done because she didn't really want to lynch .113 or Tsaiah, but wanted the illusion of that fight between them. I don't think that every single person she was aggro with was mafia. In fact, I think she probably would have noticed some of the pattern and thrown a town into that grouping. But, I think the way she treats Newcomb, Stanari, Fable, Vaimes and myself is close to the way she treated dead town (in a variety of ways) whereas the way she treated Scott/Owner, Jari, .113 and Cuth is completely different. Miner and Yeti have smaller things in the their favor, but they're definitely there. I am fully convinced that Newcomb and Stanari are town off of this. Was already convinced on Von, am more convinced now. I need someone to look at the Fable things.

    I don't think there was any thing alignment indicative /from vira's end/ towards dya or wei.

    I'm probably missing some things I wanted in here (I remember a Jari quote that I can't find), becuase it turned out to be so long and unwieldy to work with. Will work on filling in any important gaps tomorrow.
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    If he's scum, he's consciously imitating what Newcomb and Stanari did yesterDay in order to look town.
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    I.e. I don't believe he would genuinely want to take back a townread on Stanari, and that doesn't fit at all with the rest of his attitude this game.
  2. Yeti

    Yeti Muggle

    Oct 28, 2017
    Do you believe Vira treated all of her scumbuddies in the same way (as she treated Tsaiah)? Or would she have treated them differently?

    It suits fonti super well to say all of Vira's top TRs were actually town especially if she's scum with Miner and .113 is town. It's also very easy for a teammate to know what Vira was doing wrt teammates and spin it conveniently (Vira treated all of them with venom when the truth is she didn't).

    Vague shades of Yraelz saying he buried/drowned with long dense posts and ISOs. I read it and see her points.

    I'm just not sure I believe the "Vira treated all her partners the same" angle, nor that it would be what town!fonti pushes without discussing what if Vira WASN'T going for only-distancing.
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    I'm gonna sleep and then reread fonti's ISO and see what I think in the morning. I think she makes a lot of compelling points - which could either be right from town!fonti or all the wrong points that Vira set up for her (or another buddy) to make from scum!fonti. I guess I'm just skeptical that Vira would have one specific way of interacting with her teammates and that town!fonti would completely gloss over even discussing "what if Vira mixed it up" (unless I missed it in the post in which case sorry).

    Like the "Hey Vira!" point about Jari feels so forced? That quote feels like it's just in there, near the end, in the hopes you aren't still reading closely at this point and just see numerous quotes in the Jari = scumbuddy section and sheep it. To help discredit Jari who is probably (certainly?) the biggest proponent of scum!fonti.
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    I don't wanna tilt town!fonti though if she put in all this effort to comb through how Vira interacted with everyone (and is right) and I'm over here being dubious cause of some Yraelz busywork-to-look-townie PTSD. So I appreciate the effort and will reassess tomorrow.

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    Ok gn after this post but if you were speccing finals recall Dixie's massive Nacho ISO that was an absolute failure of an attempt at finding scum (I don't think she had any of the scum in her like, 8 most likely scumbuddies out of only 11 total...) and then how she townread Yraelz when he did his busywork math "Nacho pressure index" to chart how much pressure everyone added or subtracted to Nacho that was also A Failure at finding scum but was done by scum. fonti's work here is probably much more similar to Dixie's than Yraelz's but it also caused Dixie to drop in my town reads because it felt like she was pushing these bad reads while knowing what Nacho had done to frame or clear certain people. So I've seen this kind of effort/analysis as coming from both town and scum but it was ultimately useless and misdirected (because scum were bussing and NONE OF THESE IDIOTS LISTENED TO ME EXCEPT THE ONES IN MY TOWN BLOCK YEAH IM TALKING TO YOU RYKER YOU USELESS DICK). Which is why I'm so dubious of the "Vira distanced in the same aggro manner to all her buddies" claim.
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    At least Dixie got it right in the end she still owes me an apology for her continued failread on me when I was Right.
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    Meh I don't like calling Halima an idiot either she was nice just very easily swayed by in-thread events and other peoples' posts.

    But Ry "you guys should lynch me I've barely read the thread but for whatever reason didn't sub out I'll throw in LYLO like I threw on Yeti's lynch because I was butthurt I wasn't in the town block and hate women" ker now that guy can stuff it.

  3. dyachei

    dyachei Squib

    Jun 30, 2017
    High Score:
    I also don't think it's towny. I think it's awkward as he'll but could easily be that Scott was trying to find a way "out" of his vira read. I'll probably look at him later, but I really don't find any of the quotes from Newcomb compelling as too newb and pure to be a wolf.
  4. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    I didn't take back my entire townread on stanari, I just felt uneasy saying /never/ lynch her right after I did.
  5. dyachei

    dyachei Squib

    Jun 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Are you guys prepared? I mean, really, really prepared?

    Get hyped. Scott/Owner ISO (with every fucking one of their posts) incoming.
  6. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    I don't really recall stanari's reasoning for her read on tsaiah. Was it just a gut read with no reasoning or a meta read?
  7. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    I'm ready to be blown away.
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    Quick, before Dya drops the bomb, is she going to end on town or scum Owner?
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    I'm going to say town.
  8. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    That's really not the answer I was looking for.
  9. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    This isn't either. I'll trade ya. Stanari's tsaiah read was meta based.
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    Don't leave me with all this hype and nowhere to go Dya, that would be cruel.
  10. dyachei

    dyachei Squib

    Jun 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Ok, so we've been over this a few times. I think this is the perfect "noob" question. It makes it look like you're paying attention and hows how new you are to the game, but also has no real importance. I find that noob wolves are more likely to do this. Possibly because seasoned wolves tell newer players to ask stuff in the thread. In a vacuum, it's maybe NAI. We're not in a vacuum, so let's keep going.

    Completely off topic post.

    This is not a town thing to do. Like, at all. He's basically admitting to sheeping because it's a popular wagon. He might be trying for TWTBAW, but, honestly, it's just coming across wolfy. Also, the wagon he chose is likely 3 townies (suburb/visor, tom, and vaimes).

    This question is a little nebulous. It's probably NAI, but the paranoid part of me thinks that he's trying to figure out if people are picking up on scummy things or what he's doing that's towny so he can keep doing it.

    I really hate this post. Tom called someone out for reaching nad this was his response. It just feels like a...somewhat unimportant question that ignores the actual point Tom was making. It might just be that he's new to mafia, but it's pinging me.

    This is regarding Stan's vote on Vaimes. It's questions like these that pretty much skirt around asking a real question but don't that are bothering me. Like, he doesn't ask why she's voting. He says he can't tell. It's like he's not actually interested in the "why".


    This is slightly better. Now he wants to know why.

    Note: he's talking about Miner but she voted Vaimes and said Miner was in the snuggling campaign. The way he's explained the vote here is ok. However, I think he's overlooked the fact she voted Vaimes instead of Miner. The vote wasn't empty, just not completely explained. This post isn't very alignment-indicative. I can see both alignments making it.

    Zack called out the other post as overblown and he responded with this. It's weird. Like, it's not defensive at all, really feels almost academic. Zack is essentially calling the post possibly wolfy and it's all he has to say. It may be NAI, but gut says it isn't.

    I really don't like this post. It feels over-explanatory for a vote. It feels like he's trying to downplay vira's possibility as scum. I don't see it as noob-y. I see it as a wolf overexplaining.

    Why is he agreeing the vote was trivial when he thought it wasn't (pretty clearly)? He clearly thinks it's alignment indicative.

    Look how concerned he is with appearing defensive here. And his explanation is really, really awkward. It doesn't feel real. It's clear he thinks the post is towny, but still is scum reading Stanari for the "empty" vote.

    This might be a bit harsh, but the bolded feels like "if I just throw terms out there, it will look towny" to me.


    Look how self-aware he is here. Is that something you expect from town or scum?

    But now he takes the chance to say that his Stan scumread has weakened. And to push shade onto Vira. I think this is an attempt at distancing.

    Shouldn't he want more info on Stanari's preferences? It's not anal, anyway. It's a real difference and I don't find it nitpicky.

    The second bit is to Vira. She tells him he can talk to her. Does that not feel w/w to anyone else? Also, no, it's not a given anyone will ISO anyone.

    But hadn't it weakened a little bit ago? Also, letting Vaimes answer why it's not anal is fine as he's the one asking the question. I don't get why Scott is pushing Stanari for saying it's not anal. Unless he forgot that he wasn't asking her about her vote. But to strengthen a read based on that? That's not confused town.

    She quoted it. In her post. When she replied.

    This has the possibility of w/w written all over it.

    He basically ignored Zack's read before he voted. And got on Zack for not giving reasoning in the post. Can that be new player-itis? I guess. But it can also be wolf trying to find things to push and latch onto.

    Here we have some filler.

    He's scrambling for an answer in the first part. First Stanari/Vira are w/v but now he's trying to suggest w/w.

    Again, taking the opportunity to shade Vira without doing anything.

    Look at the hedging. Just look at it. It's beautiful. And wolfy as hell.

    The first is about his scumread and that's what he came up with.

    And the second to the vote from Zack onto Vira. It feels a little defensive.

    Bolded is his reason for wolf-reading someone. Legitimately.

    Bolded pings me. And the scrambling continues (he doesn't know why, it was really gut, etc).

    Still feels w/w. Like nothing about this is something that couldn't be said to a bro.

    I have more to go. And it *will* happen. I just have an appointment to go to first. Pepper your anguses for part 2 when I get back.
  11. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
  12. dyachei

    dyachei Squib

    Jun 30, 2017
    High Score:
    I can't see it. Maybe it's just my phone.
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    No, I'm in the waiting room. I don't do ISOs on my phone.
  13. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    You did. You said "all of their posts" and then promptly skipped the first one.
  14. dyachei

    dyachei Squib

    Jun 30, 2017
    High Score:
    If I did its because I used the search technique. And went back to Oct. 23. So maybe I clicked and unclicked the mq option?
  15. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    I dunno. It's obvious too, because your second quote has an unvote, but you missed the vote that's being unvoted.
  16. .113

    .113 Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    So, you still think I'm scum dyachei?
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    after the scottread i mean
  17. dyachei

    dyachei Squib

    Jun 30, 2017
    High Score:
    I actually cut it off copy pasting ;-;.
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    Still have half an iso to look at.
  18. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    Lynch: Jarizok

    Taste your punishment.
  19. .113

    .113 Squib

    Oct 22, 2017
    ok, fair enough
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    The first bolded part was what struck me as worst, it feels like it came kinda out of the blue here, especially in combination with the later play. I'm VERY sure this is just newcombscum bussing another scum because he knows Vira is scum.
    Also, like I said sometime later, there's no reason newb town can't be wolf and while stating that he didn't say that later on I feel like this sentence pretty much says "i thought he was noob town not scum". Why else put the newb part there?

    As for the other part with me and cuth, i'm not sure it's AI for cuth but the part on me feels pretty much like building up for wanting to mislynch me, which isn't a far fetched thought in scumland right now since I've played bad so far. But saying I'm PILING ON when I have the first vote on Vira is a bit far fetched on the other hand, even if someone might have had a vote that didn't register before (i think someone mentioned something like that) as the 2nd vote is hardly piling on especially in a time of the phase where basically no one is really scumreading Vira... I could easily have moved my vote anytime and even if I was busing you can't call it piling on.
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    This could be interesting but I guess we should wait until the new person subbed in. "fairly decent" is either leaving it open because newcomb is scum and doesn't want to sacrifice a possible mislynch, OR because weiaoli is town. I'm kinda leaning the later.
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    Vira has 7 votes at this time and newcomb knows where it's going.

    Not sure what it says about miner, is newcomb bussing here or not is the question... On the later it's more likely fonti that's being saved instead if anyone is scum of those 3. I think he likes the dya/yeti fights. He's very sure of 1 scum in me and miner though, and I know it's not me so it just might be.

    Note that Regfan isn't as sure (0-1 scum betwen us) but newcomb is, there IS one scum betwen me and miner. The way he's sure of Vira as well and wants to leave out fonti (while saying dya and yeti who are clearly NOT w/w with all their fighting) which means protection of fonti and miner looks really bad here. I understand this part about miner isn't as clear to anyone else so just keep it for later, but note the other stuff at least.
  20. Jarizok

    Jarizok Auror DLP Supporter

    Sep 22, 2015
    What am I being punished for again? I forget.