Sea of Solitude looks intriguing. Anthem looks like it'll do what it's doing pretty well, I'm just not sure I'm interested in what it's doing, largely because they don't seem to be willing to pin it down as far as single player goes.
I can tell you right now that EA will not, under any circumstances, let them make an actual narrative with definitive start and end points, as that would, in their eyes anyway, detract from the infinite-money-box it's supposed to be. I would set your expectations for the single player to right around where Destiny 2 is at, but possibly with more inter-personal dialogue with the characters in the HQ/Tower-equivalent. To be fair, Mass Effect kinda killed itself.
ME could've ended with ME3 and gone out on the extremely beloved high note of Citadel and used the goodwill generated (and this after the fucking ending shitstorm) to build hype for Anthem, tie it off with a nice bow, "Shepard's story is over, time to move on to the next great one". They could've even connected Anthem tangentially somehow, like Anthem was set X years after the Reaper War. Then insert Brogarrus easter eggs for easy endearment points. Buuut they chose to do a soft reboot instead, complete with retcons.
BF V clip from conference @2:50 -- "no lootboxes, no premium packs" Suuuuure. @3:10 "something a lot of you have been asking for. It's... Royale" *crowd... boos?* holy shit, but I think that's actually booing. Who exactly has been asking for it when they can get it for free in Fortnite? Top kek, Dice. BF2 clip Begins with Napoleon Dynamite giving as close to a straight-up admission of fuckery as non-shareholders will ever get out of EA and the crowd is fucking dead. Aside from that, footage shows Solo-related content, including the same 3 new heroes that have just been released in the mobile game SW: Galaxy of Heroes. Even the models are the same, down to the color of Lando's shirt. Lol, I wouldn't be surprised if Dice copied character abilities from the mobile game. Copy-paste money-printing moneybox tactics are alive and well. Oh, and Anthem won't have lootboxes. *inhales* BWAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA
I could actually buy Anthem not having lootboxes, even if it's not very likely. EA got burned hard by BF2's shenanigans, and it's soon enough after that I could honestly see them trying to avoid the stigma in a naked, poorly timed, and hard-to-believe PR maneuver (which is the only kind of PR maneuver EA seems capable of). But even if it doesn't have lootboxes (which is far from guaranteed at all), there is negative chance it's not going to be stuffed to bursting with microtransaction bollocks
They'd said you'll be able to purchase cosmetics if you want already. The only thing I cared about at the EA conference was Anthem. It looked great, flying around as Ironman and blowing shit up sounds like real fun. It'll be very hard from here for the game to be anything but fun and good. Whether the story makes it 'great' remains to be seen - it all depends on whether they've gotten rid of the fourteen year old fanfic authors as writers.
I don't know. Anthem isn't really my cup of tea, but I can admit it looks damned decent. EA's conference was trash, though. None of their presenters were good and the only other game that got me interested was Unravel 2. It just seemed like they aren't doing that much.
OH SNAP, Anthem no PvP (at launch at least). Best thing I've heard about the game. PvP ruins these games for me, whether it's in terms of balance or forcing me to pvp for pve loot. This game will go up HUGELY in my estimation if it goes with a more Monster Hunter World vibe than Destiny. --- Post automerged --- Nomura: I am sorry, we'll be delaying another one of my games. Kingdom Hearts 'release' is January 29 2019
You don't game much do you? You'd be mostly right, if only we could trust an E3 demo to be representative of the final product. But we can't. It's all bullshit on top of buzzwords on top of bullshit, taking the actual game and distorting it in every possible way to make it more marketable. In all honesty, I'd be mildly surprised if even screenshots of the final product look as high fidelity as the "gameplay" trailer they showed, let alone it running decently and having all the features they love to tout. Don't buy into the hype man, it just enables their continued and incessant bullshit.
LOL, you're right, you got me. I don't game much at all. Take your childish hatred elsewhere. I base my impressions on what I like, not what the internet mob tells me to hate.
/shrug Go right ahead, it's your money. But you're delusional if you think E3 footage is actually representative of the final product. It's been well over a decade since that was last the case, and acting like it is just means they can continue to shovel the same naked lies year after year. If you enjoy getting hyped up by lies and then inevitably disappointed (see: Battlefronts, Destiny 2, Watch Dogs, etc, etc), then by all means, continue to do so. But at least acknowledge the basic pattern and know what you're signing yourself up for.
You're right, I got excited about Anthem because of the graphics. It had nothing to do with the flying around like Ironman part.
They're still going full steam ahead on lootboxes for Fifa, despite the possibility of legal repercussions down the line. There were a few years there where EA's scummy nature kinda fell into the background, but it's once again front and center in the minds of most of the gamers on the planet. Lootboxes not being included in Anthem is purely a PR move to encourage good will, while hoping to run the year out without further controversy. Of course! You know you need to buy the Gold Camo skin for your gun to go along with the Javelin skin you bought yesterday. Now that lootboxes might be denied to them I fully expect they'll try to develop/implement a MTX scheme as insidious as the one Activision came up with a while back. Exact opposite for me. I'm a PvP guy at heart, so that turned Anthem from a probable skip into a hard no. As for the actual event, I'll give the presenter some credit. She did an admirable job of getting some enthusiasm from what was probably the least enthusiastic crowd I've ever seen at an EA conference. But hey, at least we didn't get some ridiculous band playing this year.
Who said anything about graphics? Just to run with the perfect example, let's look back at Battlefront 1 and the lead up to its launch. The game looked great; fantastic visual with exciting gameplay and all kinds of promised features. In point of fact, the hype and build up was remarkably similar to Anthem's, if even larger due to the Star Wars brand. Then the game came out and it was an empty shell of a game that looked pretty, but ran poorly and was missing half the content. Anthem is very likely to be the same story. You'll get to fly around, land, fight some dudes, and... That's it. You'll have seen the entire game in the first hour, and be utterly bored by the fifth, just like Destiny 2, the game EA is so desperate to ape. Anthem most definitely has promise, and it could be something great. I honestly hope it is, but given EA's track record, as well as the... troubles the development has seen, that's rather excessively unlikely.
I just don’t buy EA games anymore. I loved bioware but that ship has sailed. CD Project Red can take all my money.
Only interested in Square Enix, Bethesda, Sony and Nintendo. I don't buy as many Bethesda games as I used to (I have the worst motion sickness when playing first person shooters) but I still think they'll have the best of E3 alongside Sony. All Square Enix has to do is show the remake in any capacity and I'll be good. Fingers crossed SMT4 will be mentioned during Nintendo's conference?
What can Bethesda show? I haven't heard anything about TES6 and Vault 76 is rumored to be Rust with a Fallout skin. Are they porting Skyrim to Android?
I have zero hopes for Anthem, and no interest in MMOs. I just want it to disappear so BioWare can work properly on DA4.