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How would this idea fare? - PART II A Harry Potter Anthology based on Sherlock.

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Rico Rodriguez, Sep 8, 2018.


Do you like the idea?

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  2. No

  1. Rico Rodriguez

    Rico Rodriguez Banned

    Jul 31, 2018
    No.13 Grimmauld Place
    Welcome, this is the second thread of my ideas which are a lot. I post to people how many people like it. So here's the idea-
    Voldemort didn't rise, he instead took a different to banish the MBs (muggleborns or mud bloods). This changes the whole world.

    In the idea, Ron Weasley is an 35 year old aurora who is currently celebrating his last day at work. He was hit by a dark curse during a fight that caused him to be medically unfit for work. He can work, but the rules don't permit him. In his last day, he receives a case, multiple homicides. Throughout Britain, there have been several murders of wizards, mostly pure bloods who don't have that much wealth or influence. All of them have been killed by gun shots, and the bodies are found to be completely devoid of all magic, as if they had been stolen from them. The ministry suspects Muggles and Muggleborns, naturally. In the midst, Lord Black, not Sirius, and Lord Malfoy push the Wizengamot to accept a new law which prevents Muggleborns from entering the WW. Ronald is unable to complete the case, as he believes it was not the work of Muggleborns but is unable to find any other evidence suggesting otherwise. Caught in the midst IS Hermione whose parents are suspected.

    Even after he leaves work, he decides to investigate the case, and in that moment, his mentor Auror James Potter, suggests that he seek the help of his distant son, Harry.

    Ron meets Harry, who is highly intelligent, observant and has no little to no value for wizards or witches or muggles. The only people he has any respect for is people who study magic deeply, or use it to its full purpose, meaning the only people he values are the unspeakables, his mother who is one of them, and Dumbledore.

    Harry has a deep understanding of magic, like it speaks to him. It doesn't mean he is a superhero, just able to understand magic on a higher level
    Okay, this is the idea, how is it? Will it work or will it flop?
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2018
  2. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    Do you not know how to use a fucking paragraph? Enter key. Do you have it?

    I'm not reading this shit until you learn how to format and stop wasting everyone's fucking time.
  3. Plotless

    Plotless High Inquisitor

    Jan 8, 2015
    Real shame we don't have a plot ideas thread that you could post this in.
  4. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    We do but Rico hasn't learned to use the forums yet and thinks everyone one of his aborted ideas needs a new thread.
  5. Rico Rodriguez

    Rico Rodriguez Banned

    Jul 31, 2018
    No.13 Grimmauld Place
    You know I was reminded of me and my friends when I read. They say the same thing to me, and I say the same to them when they do this too.

    I would say thank you, but I don't really have the energy to do it. And where is that thread. Don't know which so I couldn't find it.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2018
  6. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    It's the Plot Bunnies thread. If you can't be fucked to PM someone and ask or use the search function, you won't prosper on DLP.
  7. Rico Rodriguez

    Rico Rodriguez Banned

    Jul 31, 2018
    No.13 Grimmauld Place
    Why, it is the same thing my friends said to me when I first joined my school and started behaving really irritating, but I survived and even at my most irritating, they just act normal as they are used to it. So, Kudos.
    --- Post automerged ---
    By the way, can you delete a thread.
  8. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    If you stomp your way into a social group and behave like a prick, you don't have friends, you have people that tolerate you. You're going to cop a ban before that happens here. Tidy yourself up, goddam.
  9. Horton

    Horton Second Year

    Feb 26, 2012
    Am I the only one who didn't read the OP before voting no?
  10. Blorcyn

    Blorcyn Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Oct 16, 2010
    Translation generously provided by REE languages global:

    'Welcome, this is the second thread of my ideas.

    I'm posting to see how many people like it. So here's the idea:

    Voldemort didn't rise as in canon. He instead took a different route to banish the impure and this has changed the whole world (but what that is for the sixty years before the below, we don't know).

    Ron Weasley is a 35 year old auror who is currently celebrating his last day at work (can you say: I was one day from retirement, god damn it). And He's a desk jockey anyway, suffering through every day with magical injuries from an old battle gone wrong. Ron feels this is unfair, as he can do the field work but the damn bureaucracy/man are holding him back.

    Anyway, last day, he receives a case, multiple homicides. Throughout Britain, there have been several murders, mostly pure bloods who are neither wealthy nor influential.

    All of them have been killed by gun shots, and the bodies are found to be completely devoid of all magic, as if they had been stolen from them.

    The ministry suspects Muggles and Muggleborns, for some reason (some sort of ethnic conspiracy?).

    In the midst of this hysteria, Lord Black, not Sirius, and Lord Malfoy push the Wizengamot to accept a new law which prevents Muggleborns from entering the Wizarding world (and presumably to reaffirm they're happy for muggles to continue not being part of it).

    Ron is unable to progress the case due to political considerations, as he believes it was not the work of Muggleborns but can't back it up.

    Caught in the midst is Hermione whose parents are suspects. (Is she Rons wife, is she not? No idea)

    Even after he retires, he can't let the case go, and in that moment, his mentor Auror James Potter, suggests that he seek the help of his distant son, Harry.

    Ron meets Harry, who is highly intelligent, observant and has no little to no value for wizards or witches or muggles (I guess didn't go to hogwarts in the same year group). The only people he has any respect for is people who study magic deeply, or use it to its full purpose, meaning the only people he values are the unspeakables, his mother who is one of them, and Dumbledore.

    Harry has a deep understanding of magic, like it speaks to him. It doesn't mean he is a superhero, just able to understand magic on a level few can.

    Okay, this is the idea, how is it? Will it work or flop'

    Good ideas are ten a penny. Ideas are ten thousands a penny. This is firmly in the latter camp.

    It will flop.

    Here you've not mentioned what happens with the murder case - after it compels sad Ron to meet Autistic Harry. If you've lost interest in your own plot hook in a thread explaining your plot idea, it's not a goer.

    Edit: however, in general, a remake where Ron is the tired, by the rules Murtaugh and Harry some manic Maverick partner in a wizarding version of Lethal Weapon? That I'd read, actually.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2018
  11. Plotless

    Plotless High Inquisitor

    Jan 8, 2015
    Yeah I knew that, I probably should have linked it instead of being a sarcastic twat in retrospect.
  12. Rico Rodriguez

    Rico Rodriguez Banned

    Jul 31, 2018
    No.13 Grimmauld Place
    WOW! I am touched, by all this response. My heart is about to burst with happiness and my eyes are filled with tears of happiness. Thank you, thank you.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Scratch my previous replies. Seriously thanks, it was because of you people that I confirmed that my idea was crap. In fact, I think I realized it too, but was reluctant to accept it. So, thank you.