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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Chengar Qordath

    Chengar Qordath The Final Pony ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 12, 2008
    High Score:
    Yeah, Aerys would probably just say that Brandon must have cheated and execute them both anyway.
  2. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Fusion Crossover between Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series and Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines video game.

    While both take place in California, I feel like for simplicity's sake it would be better to just move the cast and plots of Buffy to Los Angeles and remove Sunnydale completely. It doesn't hurt the story in any way and allows for much easier integration of both settings.

    Elements of Sunnydale's history like the Hellmouth and the demon mayor work in LA just as fine as they would in Sunnydale so it isn't a problem at all.

    Now, Vampire-wise the system from VTMB works better and is more detailed and diverse with various vampire clans with different weaknesses and abilities. Of course, canon characters like Spike, Angel, Drusilla must be put in appropriate clans, but this isn't in any way difficult. In fact Drusilla immediately comes to mind as a clear Malkavian, Spike sounds like a Brujah and the Master is of course Nosferatu due to his freakish looks.

    But the real shining star of BTVS is of course the Slayer. Buffy clearly must still be way above regular humans and capable to go toe to toe with strong Vampires to make her position still make sense.

    Timeline wise, Buffy season 1 took place in 1996 while the Bloodlines game in 2004 so it is close enough that moving both to the same year doesn't create any problems. I'm going to go with 2004 since it's closer to modern times.

    The Watchers could easily replace VTMB's Society of Leopold as this world's vampire hunters.

    I think it would be interesting to see how the dynamic of various characters would change in a reality where there is the Masquerade in effect and the Camarilla strongly punishes those who recklessly turn mortals into vampires.

    We certainly wouldn't see Buffy having to patrol cemeteries for random rising vamps, instead she'd have to do a lot more spywork and training to find any vampires to slay. And then there's the question whether or not it's worth the time considering vampires already police themselves.

    Perhaps Buffy takes an interest in the Carnival of Death serial killer vampire and investigates him, which makes her cross paths with the VTMB protagonist?

    Of course, there's also the Ankaran Sarcophagus which certainly will be the goal of several factions, Watchers included.
  3. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    I wrote some 600 words in a frenzy last night for an Asoiaf/practical guide to Evil fusion.

    Its more worldbuilding than plot at this point in time

    “Named,” said Hoster as Brown’s hooves fell against the smooth, black stones of the wintersteps behind him, “are the problem, Brother. Othgar Hoare has two, three if we count the Drowned Man.”

    Brynden Tully brought his own horse to a halt beneath the shade of a Weeping Willow. It’s long, green arms draped over them, and provided ample cover from the growing drizzle. “The Lord Kraken acclaims no man out of the hundred kingdoms his king,” Brynden said. “A sennight ago, Oldstones was razed, its villages raped, and the Mudds ended. Even Father…”

    Hoster placed a comforting hand on his back. “I miss him too. The ironborn commit greater atrocities with each passing moon, and from lesser cruelties have banners been raised,” Brother said. “But the Hoares do not need us to love them so long as we fear them, and many lords do.” Hoster’s eyes roamed the river woods around them. “Even if the other lords would follow us in open defiance, and even if the Named could be overcome by a great host, that would be no guarantee of our victory.”

    “It would not,” Brynden agreed. “To war is to wager.”

    Hoster snorted. “The odds are against us.”

    “I never said this would be easy, just that it would be necessary. We must act.”

    “Then let us think this through,” Hoster said. “Suppose we raise all five thousand of our swords, and that the Blackwoods and Brackens eternal feud does see one of them betray us to Reaper or Reaver, what then? We would be facing four times that without counting Blackfyre’s sellswords and sorcerers.”

    “We cannot do it on our own,” Brynden said. “Perhaps we can turn to the other kings for help? I would rather pay fealty to Gardener or Stark. Even the Lannisters would do! At least they hold to the Gods Above on most years.”

    “The Starks will never venture south of the Neck in force. It is not their way to cross ancient boundaries save to face ancient foes,” Hoster said.

    Brynden turned his gaze north, from where the wintersteps came. The maesters claimed the North as a land without equal. Roads finer and wider than those of Old Valyria criss-cross through it like veins and with Winterfell as its beating heart. “They crossed to strike at the Vale when the Andals came in honor of the Seven Choirs.”

    “You know the stories as well as I do, Brother. Even Evil is beholden to some rules, and the clansmen broke faith during the Long Night,” Hoster said. “As for the westerlands and the Reach, they are at odds again.”

    “Another difference in interpretations over the Book of All Things?”

    Hoster shrugged. “The Septs Starry and Golden take pride in the Scriptures. We are left with the Eyrie, Storm’s End, and Dragonstone.”

    Brynden’s face twisted into a grimace. “Good, evil, and something in between. Never an easy choice.”

    “If the choice were easy, it would be done with already,” Hoster said. “I need not say why King Arryn will not ride to our aid.”

    The poor roads of the Vale were ever beset with danger from the evil men of the mountains. “The Targaryens have not dared assault Harrenhal again after their first victory cost them Vhagar two and a half centuries ago,” Brynden said. “The Durrandon Kings would be poor rulers, but even I will not deny that the blood of Godsgrief are fierce warriors.”

    “Nameseekers do little good if they die in search of hopeless battles,” Hoster said, though there was a glint of naked ambition in his eye, “but perhaps that would not be such a terrible thing for us.”
  4. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Game of Thrones and Revenge of the Sith crossover.

    Palpatine is too late and Anakin Skywalker dies on Mustafar after his duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi.

    ...only to be reborn as Danyerys Targaryen.

  5. Nazgoose

    Nazgoose The Honky-tonk ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter DLP Gold Supporter

    Mar 16, 2011
    High Score:
    @Arthellion your idea is being stolen
  6. Garden

    Garden Supreme Mugwump

    Apr 25, 2010
    As long Team Dany wins instead of doing something stupid, I'm all-in!
  7. Arthellion

    Arthellion Lord of the Banned ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2017
    Georgia, USA
    High Score:
    There is nothing new under the Sun...

    ...but I expect copyright dues for the use of my idea. :)
  8. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    EDIT: Or not.
    Last edited: May 26, 2019
  9. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    Somehow I've begun plotting an ASoIaF fic. Clegane mentors Jon, titled "The Cunt Beyond The Wall". Basically Clegane ends up following Jon to the Wall, is a bad influence, and leads to his desertion.

    Instead of Tyrion, Jon and Clegane have a warm, deeply emotional connection on the night of the feast at Winterfell. Only because Jon is a surly bastard and Clegane is a cunty bastard, it consists of them being horrible to each other, Clegane hiding envy over Ghost (do I remember him extolling the virtues of dogs, or is that just his helmet confusing me) and accusing Jon of being unable to appreciate what he has because he’s never had a dog so can't really understand what it means to have a tame direwolf / cares for his family / etc. Jon argues that he’s not defined by his family and is his own man, making his own future by joining the Night’s Watch.

    When Bran is thrown from the tower, everybody knows it wasn’t an accident. Having witnessed his actual father commit the deed, Joffrey attempts to pin it on the likeliest murderer around: Sandor Clegane.

    Clegane throws Jon’s words from their first conversation back in his face claiming he’s just retreating to a different family member under Benjen’s wing. Jon argues that directly avoiding his family to prevent being overshadowed/defined by them makes them in control of his fate every bit as much as if he was following in their shadow. Sandor thinks he’s referring to Gregor and gets all huffy and murderous. Potential scuffle which largely consists of him kicking the shit out of Jon.

    He resists the fuck outta arrest, killing some of the king’s guards and Stark’s, including a landed knight with connections before he’s subdued. Amidst cursing everyone out and trying to escape, Clegane demands to be allowed to take the black instead of being executed. The Lannisters refuse, Ned very very very reluctantly insists that it’s his right, and Robert deliberates over the final decision

    Jon says he’d love to see Clegane’s head roll, but he’s not going to compromise his honour just for the satisfaction of that. Clegane sneers, not just at Jon but also mouthing off at all the knights nearby to say that this bastard boy was shaming them. He admits that he was fighting with Clegane when Bran got thrown out of the tower, and is covered in enough bruises to prove it. Clegane takes the piss out of him for daring to call something so one-sided a fight.

    Robert accepts Jon’s story, demands the farce be put to an end. Clegane is told to go back to serving Joffrey, and promptly tells everyone to fuck off, that after they tried to have him killed he’s not bowing to any Lannisters. Robert is enraged, already at the end of his temper by events, and tells Clegane he can serve Joffrey or no one at all to threaten him into compliance. Clegane doubles down and declares he’ll go to the Night’s Watch after all. They mock him, saying it’s an awful decision, and he just shrugs and says if he wants to he’ll just leave again and nobody will be able to stop him. Maybe he’ll go beyond the Wall and join a band of wildlings, or maybe he’ll just kill all the fucking crows so there’s nobody left to come after him when he deserts.

    Clegane joins Jon as he heads to the Wall. He starts mentoring Jon in his own awful fashion, beating him senseless so he doesn’t need to be ‘embarrassed’ by Jon’s terrible ability in a fight. Jon gets disheartened, beginning to believe Clegane’s words that he and all the Stark boys are terrible fighters, and he’s just never met a real warrior before. And then they get to the Wall, Jon spars with the other recruits and destroys them even harder than he did in canon. He does the same against some older crows, and inadvertently uses some of Clegane’s underhanded methods against them, winning at least one serious enemy.

    When it comes to time to say their vows, Clegane refuses to say an oath in the sept to gods he doesn’t believe in. He insists he be allowed to just say them there and then and get it over with. He’s told that the oath is sacred and must be sworn before the gods. Clegane spits, refuses, and decides to go with Jon to say it in the weirwood grove.

    At the grove, as Jon is saying/is about to say his oath, Clegane’s shitty behaviour causes him to snap because Clegane is ruining what was supposed to be an important moment for him. They end up fighting. Blood is drawn. When they get back to Castle Black everyone thinks that the wounds mean they were making blood sacrifices to the old gods and calls them barbarians as bad as the wildlings.

    As in canon, Mormont takes Jon as his steward, now also in hopes of separating him from the bad influence of Clegane. Unfortunately they now begin to spend some time together out of choice because everyone else hates them more than they hate each other. Both prefer to be alone, but on occasions where they can’t be left alone, i.e. meals, end up eating together with a gap separating them from the rest of the men who’re avoiding them.

    When news arrives that Robb is marching south to avenge Ned, Jon tries to desert. Clegane stops him, calling him an idiot for being so obvious, and counsels him to wait.

    Aaaaand at this stage I'm undecided. Either Jon deserts a few days later as the watch head out for the great ranging and joins up with Robb or he deserts during the great ranging - sorta like canon, only deliberately and with Clegane following along. I'm inclined towards deserting north of the Wall so Jon can do his own thing while events down south move forward a bit.

    Thus ends Act One of The Cunt Beyond The Wall.
  10. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    So I was thinking about the "Harry escapes from abusive relatives" trope. So imagine he escapes, the Dursley's go to jail etc, only for the Malfoys to use their political connections to adopt Harry at whoch point everything goes disastrously wrong. Like a contrast to the "everything gets better" fic.
  11. Majube

    Majube Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 2, 2016
    High Score:
    I've seen a couple of fics where the Malfoys are set to adopt Harry, either their nice people or Harry marries Snape to get out of being adopted by the evil Malfoys. Either way you have a really low bar to pass.
  12. harryphoenix

    harryphoenix Squib

    Apr 7, 2009
    I woke up the other night and furiously wrote out a ~400 word summary of a Pokemon story before passing out. I think my fevered sleep brain was partially inspired by the first season of Food Wars! and Detective Pikachu but here we go.

    -Champion Red is around 40 now
    -He gained the title at 15, taking it from Blue very soon after he wrestled it from Lance
    -He reigned for about 15 years, implementing welcome change to the league and generally being seen as a good, if slightly aloof champion.
    -He was responsible for the capture and rehabilitation of Mewtwo, banishment of Zapdos, rebuilding of the Brass Tower, etc.

    -Married to someone (Misty? Leaf? OC?) at 23, married for about 6-10 years before the birth of his son.
    -His wife dies when the kid is very young, leaving him a single dad, which is when he choose to retire and disappear from the public eye.

    -He opens up a pokemon ranch in a suburb on the outskirts of one of the major cities to care for injured/disabled/abandoned/old Pokémon.

    -Uses the space and time to raise his son and teach him everything about Pokémon without really talking about the past. The kid is a prodigy, just like his dad, learning everything.

    -a storm starts to come in one evening. Red could see it brewing on the horizon and all of the Pokémon were extremely agitated.

    -he sends the kid back to the house while he works on the ranch to calm everyone down.

    -storm turns out to be Zapdos, and it begins wrecking havoc in the suburb and surrounding area

    -Red is preparing to have one last big fight against zapdos when Mewtwo shows up, fighting the bird

    -Mewtwo scares it off but not without taking a big hit from Thunder and crashing through the front of the house.

    -Red rushes to the house to see his kid carefully siphoning off the electricity clinging to Mewtwo through several electric Pokémon (including a very very old Pikachu) to the tires of his bike.

    -Mewtwo rises instantly upon seeing Red, still twitching, and his son is scared until Mewtwo offers Red his hand, apologizing for damaging the store but grateful he was able to protect his old trainer from Zapdos’s wrath

    -Blue shows up the next day, Champion once again, and insults Red’s quiet life before unexpectedly being introduced to red’s son by the son turning Aerodactyl into a pile of jelly by scratching in the right spot.

    -Blue admits he’s wrong, and volunteers to take the son to Oak Ranch when the time comes, to start his Pokémon journey.

    -Red smiles and accepts, but only if he gets to come too.


    That’s about as far as I got. It’s very rough right now and needs a lot of refinement (and actual writing) but I like how it plays out in my head.
  13. Garden

    Garden Supreme Mugwump

    Apr 25, 2010

    Jaime saves Princess Elia and her children

    Kingsguard Jaime Lannister finds his time in King's Landing to be extremely unpleasant, as he witnesses the mad King descend further and further into madness and paranoia. Assigned to guard Princess Elia and her children, because Aerys doesn't trust him yet, he grows to view Elia and her children as surrogate family. He's lonely and slowly realizing that Cersei's plan will never happen, that's he's consigned himself to a life he never wanted, and his vows of Kingsguard versus vows of knighthood are conflicting with how evil Aerys is. So he kind of latches on to Elia and her children as surrogate family.

    There's a few moments of inappropriate affection on Jaime's part, a bit of lingering hands when he helps Elia with her kids, etc. that Varys and a few of the Kingsguard pick up on, and after Elia hears of Rhaegar's kidnapping of Lyanna, she reciprocates a little bit. They kiss, they talk about heartbreak, Jaime alluding to a girl but not saying who it is.

    After news of Rhaegar's death/defeat, Varys approaches Jaime with a plan-- he's witnessed Jaime's affection for Elia, and wants to use it: he wants Jaime to help sneak Elia and her kids to safety in case Tywin is approaching to sack the city instead of help. He rounds up a few of the most loyalist Targaryen guard with fake orders from the king and dyes the hair, paints the skin of Jaime, Princess, and the kids.

    The original plan is disrupted when the king appoints Rossart the Pyromancer and the plan to burn King's Landing starts to happen. Varys, distracted by his preparations for the escape, has Jaime take care of it. Jaime kills Rossart and the rest, but Varys's detailed plans to have guards witness an apparent Jaime burning with the King and Princess, to solidify their escape, doesn't work because of timing issues, so they make a hasty pile of armor and clothes in the throne room and burn Aerys and a few craven guards as bodies to distract Tywin, Robert, etc. They leave Jaime's sword there to push Tywin to think he's dead and distract him.

    Jaime escapes the Sack of King's Landing with Princess Elia, Rhaenys, and Aegon and they have to pretend to be a family to sneak their way into Dorne.

    Robert sort of buys it. Tywin is so impacted by Jaime's death that it takes him a few days to get suspicious, which is a key head start. Jon and Tywin are suspicious because Varys was known to be loyal to the king so they imprison him with loyal Lannister guards instead of royal guards, to ensure his spy network can't get him out, and keep an eye on him.

    Tywin, Robert, and Jon decide to act like the heirs are dead, but as a precaution, Jon and Tywin send a few dozen of their best soldiers out to keep an eye out.

    Basic outline of the fic would be the escape to Dorne, which comes pretty close to failing a few times but eventually succeeding in getting to Dorne.

    Plot points/themes I want to hit along the way:

    -conflict of what Jaime feels is right (helping Elia) with having to kill Lannister men to get away, a scene where Jaime betrays a trusted childhood friend and kills him to get away

    -Lannister men trying to convince Jaime that handing Elia would lead to less bloodshed because it would end the war faster

    -using their reluctance to kill Jaime to win, in contrast to Jaime always winning because of skill in the past

    -guilt over killing Aerys; guilt over not killing Aerys faster

    -shame of feelings for Elia because of the promises he's made to Cersei

    -being in conflict with his father, learning that Tywin brutally sacked the city

    -Jaime, super sleep deprived and tired, starts to regret the escape, starts to wish he hadn't done any of this because he's so exhausted

    -glorious success in Dorne,
  14. Paradise

    Paradise Paraplegic Dice DLP Supporter

    Jun 21, 2015
    Pine Tree State
    Addam Marband could work here, was a childhood friend of Jaimes and was most definitely at the sack.
  15. Garden

    Garden Supreme Mugwump

    Apr 25, 2010
    Great idea. Would really cement Jaime choosing Elia over family.
  16. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    ASOIAF - But Whose Bastard Is He Anyway?

    Point of divergence: Rather than tell everyone Jon is his son, Ned claims that he's Lyanna's bastard by Robert. The timing makes everyone suspicious, but the lie is plausible because Bobby B fucks. For fear that he's Rhaegar's, Robert refuses to have anything to do with him, but for fear that Jon is his, he doesn't kill him. Jon is raised by Ned in Winterfell as in canon, now with the certainty that he's the son of a king.

    Nobody knows for sure which king he's the son of, but everyone has an opinion. The world eagerly waits for Jon to grow up so they can examine him for resemblance to his father. Out of pure spite, he takes after his mother, keeping everyone uncertain. He's largely forgotten about until Robert's visit to Winterfell. Robert, overcome with distaste for his current life and family, and longing for the potential future with Lyanna which he lost, deludes himself into believing that Jon is his son. When he takes Ned south to be his Hand, Jon is dragged along. Robert tries mentoring him as a resentful Joffrey watches.

    Incited by the threat to their power, Lannisters do stupid and murderous things. Varys is suspiciously helpful this time around, resulting in the incest becoming known, Robert murdered by Lannisters, and Ned surviving to rule as regent for Jon. Ned confesses the truth of Jon's parentage, but only to Jon, making the poor bastard incredibly uncomfortable as he's illegitimately crowned King Baratheon the Second.

    There is massive uncertainty as to his parentage. Targaryan loyalists and all sorts of other awful people come currying up for favour. The powers that be end up deciding that no matter which man fathered Jon, he'd still have the right to rule. Stannis disagrees, and comes to meet Jon to decide for himself - with the intention of seizing the throne if he thinks Jon is Rhaegar's. Jon just wants to go join the Night's Watch and live in peace, but Ned keeps insisting that the king can't take the black.

    As to what's going on elsewhere:

    Bran dies in his fall because fuck King Bran the Broken (although I love the eldritch horror Weirwood King theory)
    Tywin drags Cersei and Tyrion home. Jaime tries to stay on as KIngsguard, to everyone's confusion, and is told to fuck off.
    Dany's reaction to the rumours that Jon is a Targ is just to think that the Usurper is now trying to take the one thing she has left from her - her name. She is not a believer. Ironically, Jon holds out hope he can pass the throne off to her and get out of being king.
    Winter continues to come. The Winds of Winter do not.

    Potential second arc:

    Dany arrives in Westeros much sooner than canon, bolstered by the rumours of a Targ king and the threat it has to her legitimacy.

    The realm is held stable, more or less, for a while. The Greyjoys try for independence again. Stannis whips them, killing Balon. Damphair ends up in command of an increasingly rabid and fanatical population. The threat of undead from the north is taken seriously, so Ned as regent issues a muster for all the realms to empty their prisons, conscript peasants, and contribute to the Watch. Most are reluctant and give the bare minimum. Tywin, allegedly as a wergild/gesture of loyalty to the king despite their fractious history, hires a large mercenary company and sends it along with his bannermen. When they arrive they seize control of the Wall.

    This next part may or may not work. It'd be fun for me to write, but may not add value to the story. If I decide to have fun and play up the magic side of GoT, I'd go heavy down the Jon as warg route - escalate from Ghost to warging into the entire litter of direwolves simultaneously, to skimming the minds of the smallfolk as an omniscient king. Jon Assumes Direct Control of the dragons when Dany lands in Westeros. Her spirit fucking breaks.
  17. Methos

    Methos High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Sep 24, 2016
    High Score:
    Fandon Percy Jackson.

    During the Titan Curse, Location Mt Orthys
    Quick Recall, the Goddess Artemis trapped under the skies, while the Titans general Atlas is freed.
    A quest is formed to free the goddess and Annabeth who was kidnapped prior to it.

    Mt Orthys beside being the Stronghold of the Titans, and as we saw in the fifth book, last Olympian if you destroy your enemy place of power you will weaken by much.

    When the quest members arrive at the top to free Annabeth and Artemis. Atlas is there and Battle ensure, the Curse of Ares, Percy earned in the first book kicks in, and his fighting skills are reduced to 0.
    In order for them to have a chance in winning, Percy against Artemis judgement (if i recall correctly) take the burden of the skies and push her to fight Atlas.

    An important note: Atlas is the son of Iapetus, Titan of the West and personification of the Pillar of the West.
    One of the four pillars that hold the heavens above the Earth.
    When Kronos killed his father, four of his brothers held their father in four points.
    Iapteous later bequeathed the role to his son.

    The divergent point, the battle between Artemis and Atlas is longer than canon, and Percy he is still only a demigod incapable to fully take the burden on himself for long period.
    In order to help elevate some of the pressure Percy tries to summon water drops in the air to strengthen him.
    The process is half conscious, what happens is Percy summon a storm.

    Giving Oranos finally a chance to interact with the current carrier of the burden, and he slowly start to fuel his own power to raise a mighty storm.
    By the time Artemis and Atlas pay attention to what happened, Percy is pretty much in the eye of a massive storm.

    Atlas escape, Artemis effort to reach Percy to quell the storm is futile.

    The end result as the storm power continue to build up, until it reach its pick and all the power above is direct to the earth beneath.

    Resulting in Percy as a conduit to Oranos power, shatters Mt Orthys and destroying the current version of the Titans Stronghold.

    How it will change the Percyverse, with Zeus decree is broken (by his decree the trap to Atlas was made according to the myths), with a pillar gone (are the other pillars still hold ?)
    What will happen to the great Prophecy and Percy in general.

    Further, what effects it will have on Percy.

    Suggested continuation, Percy keeps on suffering Gaea revenge is to drag Percy into Tartarus earlier than canon.

    It can be expanded, with more backstory, altering the Titan curse even more.
    Phoebe manage to avoid the Stoll brothers prank, so Percy can't join officially the quest, forced to tag along unofficially (more conflict), and he pretty much wreck the book prophecy, examining how much control the fates truly have over the gods and nature it self.
    Do they have limits and so on.

    Personal favorite opinion, the Fates and Zeus collude to maintain their preferred version of Order in the world, and the Prophecies are one among the tools Zeus use.
    Zeus isn't one dimensional character, it is more complex than that.
    Which Put Poseidon a lot in odds with them, as the god of natural disasters in his core, Poseidon has chaotic elements (the sea can't be restrain is one example).
    Note: Zeus preferred version, isn't necessary the best one, or the only one.
    Zeus domains of Law, Justice and other abstract structures (marriage) ties quite well into this.
    It also ties to the later rise of their Roman version.

    More details can be added and backstory of the first rebellions of the Olympians against the Titans, why Kronos replaced his father (expanding on the information in the myths to suit the story)
    Expanding the world of the Olympians to give it more substance.

    More ideas:
    Gaea and Zeus each benefit from Oranos prison, by draining/gaining power from it.
    Gaea use the power to fuel Typhon the Storm giant, and later the king of the Giants.
    Zeus use it, to impose his supremacy over his siblings and other gods.
  18. Sey

    Sey Not Worth the Notice DLP Supporter

    Aug 9, 2016
    High Score:
    This was incoherently written but the concept gave me an erection.
  19. TheTycat

    TheTycat Third Year

    Jun 10, 2016
    High Score:
    After watching Person of Interest on Netflix, I thought of another detective series with some similarities. Harry Dresden is a magical detective who prioritizes helping people before helping himself, but he often falls on hard times as good will doesn't pay the bills. Enter a practitioner with a gift for prophecy that has earned riches, but left him discontent when he is still powerless to stop heinous crimes he knew were coming. This Finch expy seeks out Harry to act as his Reese, a badass willing to willing to help others in dire situations. Finch may solve Harry's money trouble, but he leads to him frequent trouble with criminals, both supernatural and mortal. Chicago is full of monsters, fae, vampires, and mobsters. Harry will have to balance saving innocents, stopping perpetrators, and avoiding Detective Murphy's unrelenting investigation. Of course, Harry's luck never holds for long.

    So I realized there's a lot of parallels between the characters. Murphy and Carter are both detectives who are trying to figure out Dresden and Reese, respectively. Each eventually are let into the fold and start to help save the day after having to take a leap of faith. Carmichael can be a less corrupt Fusco stand in. Elias and Marcone are both mob bosses with the same drive to control and order criminal activities. Honestly, Finch is the odd man out. He could be a copy of the original: paranoid, reclusive, wealthy, and hyper competent within his specialty for technology. Or he could be the exact opposite: a young teenager who barely understands their power and is so misunderstood that people consider him crazy, so he seeks out Harry, who openly advertises as a wizard. Two very different approaches that would have different plots and character dynamics. His power is also easy to play with. Does he just get a person's identity like in Person of Interest, or does he foresee events, or does it vary as the plot demands?
  20. 9th Doctor

    9th Doctor Groundskeeper

    Nov 25, 2013
    Shamelessly ripped off from a friend:

    King Scar and Shera Kahn team up to take over Europe, forcing the Great Mouse Detective and Ratigan to put aside their differences to stop the biggest, meanest cats from taking over.