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Mountainous Mafia #3: Desperate times, desperate measures

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Vaimes, Mar 24, 2020.

  1. GeneralHankerchief

    GeneralHankerchief Muggle

    Sep 6, 2017
    East Coast (US)
    You didn't even ask me which of your possible responses corresponded to which alignment read I would have made for them, for shame.

    Anyway, glad to hear you're on the other end of all that now, doubly so since it (apparently) isn't COVID-19 related!
  2. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    I figure if you want to tell me, you will.

    Oh yeah, for sure, I have been virtually instructing for a few weeks now, which was weird at first but overall I am really grateful for the university's foresight there.
  3. GeneralHankerchief

    GeneralHankerchief Muggle

    Sep 6, 2017
    East Coast (US)
    See, I wasn't hoping you'd ask me just for vanity reasons, it would have demonstrated inquisitiveness and you trying to get into my head. But I'll put that line of thought aside in the name of friendly conversation and indulge you:

    Had you gone the full "rrrrr 2018 finale #neverforget" route, I would have immediately been suspicious of you, because I think town!MP7's first instinct would be to just greet and dive into the game rather than immediately bring up old history. I thought you would have been forcing it somewhat, essentially.

    Had you gone the full standard greeting route, I wouldn't necessarily have townread you for it, but we would have started off on a more standard footing, so think of it more as you avoiding getting wolfread.

    But, we meet in the middle, and thus get to have this delightful exchange where everyone else in the game reading later on is wondering what the fuck I'm even doing.
  4. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    I think that makes sense, but at the same time I find that I surprisingly fully understand half of that dynamic (the town part) but not quite he other half (the scum part) so if that makes sense I have a follow-up question:

    I do love reminiscing about old games for fun (and revenge), so why did you think that me saying anything about it would be forcing it in an alignment indicative way?
  5. GeneralHankerchief

    GeneralHankerchief Muggle

    Sep 6, 2017
    East Coast (US)
    Personality read, mostly. I played a hydra game with hey_monkey (we were in different hydras) a few months back, and she immediately went the "rrrrr 2018 finale #neverforget" route, but I didn't really scumread her for it because I know that's just who she is as a person - though I suppose another part of it was because I was mafia and she was town in that one. :p

    You're not Monkey though, so you get a different treatment.
  6. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    Holy shit I need to speed this up, I am going way too slowly.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Consider me still very intrigued with this line of thinking and wanting to townread you for it.
  7. Keldeo

    Keldeo Muggle

    Oct 14, 2019
    Could you tell me more about why? Also, what makes you like Grape?
  8. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    M+7 treating GH like a nervous promdate talking to a protective parent.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Yes tell me more about your collection of antique but fully functional pistols
  9. GeneralHankerchief

    GeneralHankerchief Muggle

    Sep 6, 2017
    East Coast (US)
    I resemble that remark.

    I've never been nervous about anything in my life ever since I discovered alcohol.
  10. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    I'm confused. What do you mean?
  11. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Its cool youre the parent
  12. Keldeo

    Keldeo Muggle

    Oct 14, 2019
    Hey GH, could I ask you for like a sentence each on: grapefruit, Waco, Sloth, the thread atmosphere around fire's early posting, the composition of the current wagons/Miner wagon specifically?

    If you don't really have a read or it's more like observations or something, that's fine - just wondering what your takes are since you didn't really touch on them.
  13. GeneralHankerchief

    GeneralHankerchief Muggle

    Sep 6, 2017
    East Coast (US)
    I didn't touch on them for a reason, really. None of them particularly stuck out at me during my catchup. The only real thing I can give you from that list is that I want to say that Fire might be town just from how the thread reacted around his first post - this is more of a "feels" read than anything else seeing as the flow after he posted felt natural and devoid of any possible wolves doing a defense or bus, etc. Just felt like a genuine feeling out of his post.

    I'll take a look at Waco and Sloth a little later on tonight, but don't really care about wagon composition at this stage. Not on D1, with no flips, with 24 hours to go.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Addendum to above take on Fire post: "genuine feeling out of his post" *without any wolves trying to throw a monkey wrench in there.
  14. Keldeo

    Keldeo Muggle

    Oct 14, 2019
    Alright, I figured the not sticking out was why.

    I've got a decent townread on Sloth for ~seeming genuinely solvy~ and a general breadth of focus/perspective in a bit of a slower game. Not really sure about Waco, haven't taken a close look at him, but he's also felt fairly inquisitive. Let me know what you think of them when you get to them?
  15. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    I just want to separate this from my catch-up post to emphatically third this sentiment.
    --- Post automerged ---
    My head hurts now. But catch-up is done, wooo!!

    Responses to various things:

    Well, I was going to ask Gemma about this because I wanted her to elaborate on the thread atmosphere, but c'est la vie. If anyone does have any comments about this because they have an opinion, that would be great. I didn't feel like the atmosphere felt off in my catch-up personally.

    This post is player salad continued from their entrance the post before, and so I am tempted to hate it, but also it makes no sense (like why am I and Cuth town? especially since Cuth has been thread-present despite not very posty and I have not?) and so I am just confused.

    I agree that the first and third quotes are contradictory and the third quote particularly felt like backpedaling, which seems at least mildly suspicious to me. Unfortunately, I had a lot of questions I wanted to ask Gemma that I had to subsequently remove, so instead I hope to get a lot out of Miner going forward.

    @Umami Unless I missed it, no one asked about this. What did you like about the rebuttal specifically?

    @Seratin Talk to me more about your read of tom.

    @Grapefruit21 Can you explain more about why you think the evolution is pure?

    @tom Talk to me more about your Cuth and Keldeo reads.


    @Cuthalion I'm trying to think of a better way to ask this so that it doesn't sound rude, but I cannot... What's your point?

    @Fluffiness Talk to me about this.

    This -- her verbosity as you state it here (@Keldeo) -- would actually make me think she is more townie than not, especially since I can relate to that "style" of play, but I am not entirely sure what to make of it either. Did you have more thoughts on this? (Added later: I see you elaborated on this in posts most notably in #383, but I feel inclined to keep this response anyway as I still would like to engage in a discussion about Umami at some point I think. Thinking way too future-oriented (because that's how I roll), I feel like she will be a key read at some pivotal point in this game.


    Lol, I am betting my post here answers your question, but by all means I encourage you to engage me on any of the thoughts and feelings in here, or anything else for that matter.

    I am not entirely sure what you mean by how forced my reads are, but I always prefer to be as obnoxiously transparent as possible, and it comes naturally to me as in text especially I am a particularly verbose person. I especially abide by a goal of ultimate transparency whenever I am actually engaged in a game enough to be able to do so, and I actively encourage the thread to do so as well because I strongly believe it generally speaking leads to a more town-favorable thread environment. I am curious what you are looking for in terms of what it stems from, so let me know if you would like to talk further here.

    All I have to say to that last paragraph is: Fuck yeah. Ahead of the curve.


    Updated reads list and explanations:


    fonti / GH



    Raine / Osieorb


    Gemma / Miner

    Players are sorted across and within tiers (except for the yellow folk).

    Keldeo -- alright, I'm there. This person is town. It took me a little while because I have continuously felt some sort of kinship to Keldeo's play as it somewhat reminds me of the way I play in general approach even if methods can differ (and I am playing differently right now as I am behind), but especially in this catch-up pretty much every single post I see I keep thinking that this person is town. I liked the follow-up in #230; continuous mindmelds with respect to many questions I wanted to ask throughout catch-up that Keldeo already did; posts about Gemma #257 and #261 felt particularly honest and organic; posts like #283 were exactly the kind of posts I felt I needed to see as the output of his questions so to speak. I also mindmeld with the thoughts on Sloth in #379 (and I appreciate the comparison to his scum game, which I am unaware of, so thanks for that). I am aware that it is Day 1; considering that, Keldeo warrants a strong town read emphatically. Absolutely the towniest person in the game right now IMO.

    fonti / GH -- continued soul read. Explanations for Gemma vote, particularly in #242 and #245, are detailed and very believable. #395 was a solid catch-up post; it holds up to the expectations I would have for someone town entering the game and trying to crack it open. Even with high standards for GH's game, I think the tone and content here pass muster. Seriously nice mindmeld on Seratin too. Also, it certainly doesn't hurt that I liked my little weird interaction with GH.

    tom -- #mythbustersreads is amazing (huge fan of that show). But seriously, I continue to like tom's posts for the most part, although I find I'm mindmelding with him less on this run-through than the preceding one, and subsequently I am losing faith in the town read just a bit. (And he wants to be townread less so I will oblige.) there. I liked the succinct summary of perspective of Gemma's POV in #249 and the subsequent articulation in #267 -- especially liked the accompanying read self-awareness that reads townie. #294 thinking out loud and talking about Gemma further proof of townieness. Reads post in #331 is believable and solid. Overall pretty transparent (too many examples to cite), which I encourage him to continue.

    Grape -- increasingly seems honest even if approach and reads are unconventional (torn at times between this being NAI and town indicative and currently leaning the latter) especially in #183 (to which my notes just said WTF?). That said, #216 and #224 particularly feel genuine to me, and I really like the unique read about Umami in #376 even if I don't fully understand and agree with it. #380 sounds like a townie thought as well, particularly because it continues exploring a train of thought that others have not been.

    Sloth -- I liked lines of questioning in #178 re: Gemma and in #251 re: Cuth and Keldeo; I literally shouted I LOVE YOU in real time at post #254; mindmeld in post #262; #319 is a wall post that I really like that falls along the same lines of posts Sloth made during my first catch-up, including various lines of questioning that push the game forward in organic ways. (I also appreciated the statement that D1 is NOT in a shot in the dark, which is a sentiment I hold strongly, to say the least). I like the line of questioning with Cuth in #345. With all of that said, I have a bit of paranoia with this read which I cannot resolve or trace to any specific post or sentiment, hence the read placement, so perhaps of my towniest reads I should ISO Sloth sooner rather than later whenever I do that.

    Umami -- really could not get a handle on Umami for the longest time, but I liked #269 and #282 which seemed like genuine expressions of thoughts. #344 felt genuine and frustrated in a more townie way than not if I had to guess. However, I am torn on the constant focus on post #6 between two perspectives: (1) scum fabricating a suspicion or (2) town uber fixated on a specific post and unable to get past.

    Waco -- I like the prodding he has been doing even if I would love to see more. I like #378 where Waco outright states his disagreement and explores reads. With that said, I do not really have any specific thoughts otherwise which means I need to ISO with second highest priority. As such,this is the read that is not null that I feel the least confident in.

    the yellows -- a bunch of people I am still sorting through because I am confused by them and/or do not know what to make of their posts and/or do not remember enough of their reads and posts -- IDK, need to ISO with highest priority and resolve ASAP

    Seratin -- I did not like their entrance (well, second technically but yeah) post, as I found it underwhelming, and I found his read of Gemma without any reads or opinions on anything else game-related to be... bizarre. Also, I noted my dislike of #235 above, but also how I am torn by it. Shakes out on the scum side of things, but not by a ton because overall I am not really sure what to make of them. Along with Waco, this falls into second highest priority in terms of ISO.

    Gemma / Miner -- I do not think Gemma came out of the interactions with fonti very well but I echo what others have said with respect to not believing Gemma meant to ramp up that manipulation that high, even if I could see the possibility for it. I also realize how things escalated to... emotional quickly and so since I had no read of Gemma other than that exchange I am not sure how to feel about Gemma overall. That said, while she was in the game, I would say she did not seem similar at all to me to how town!Gemma was when we last played at all, and it was increasingly bothersome. I was hesitant to scumread her for it, but she contributed very little to the game while she was here other than getting into the back and forth with fonti, and I still never quite understood at all why she reacted that way. Even without any standards of how her town game is otherwise, I can't really like it in any way. Also, even if GH was biased going into it, I like what he had to say about this slot as well.

    Cuth -- for the most part his activity is centered around asking questions that from my perspective do not have any apparent result with respect to developing reads, so I would like to better understand this and I inherently find it suspicious. That said, I concede that not all posts are like this and as such I at least appreciate posts like #295 which do not fit that description. I nonetheless think there is still engaging in too much other talk (see: post #311 and how it does not develop into a read that has anything to do with this game, like he explores other game content which is fine, but then just leaves it) considering his ratio of reads content to otherwise. I get the feeling that maybe we just need to bridge a gap to better understand each other, but I still think his posts have been uninspiring at best, especially for someone who actually seems to be in the thread often enough to push it forward without really doing that at all. (I realize "uninspiring" could sound offensive, so I want to be clear this is with no offense intended, only a commentary on inspiring a town spark for my read purposes).

    Due to the above reasons, I could be down with the Gemma / Miner wagon at this moment, but I want to express my equal suspicion and encourage discussion along another avenue:


    --- Post automerged ---
    The TL;DR version of that post:

    or, in other words, I AM TOWN, COME AT ME
  16. GeneralHankerchief

    GeneralHankerchief Muggle

    Sep 6, 2017
    East Coast (US)
    Sloth can be town. Decent insight and questioning, but I want to point out this one post in particular from early on in the game:

    This is the same Sloth who gleefully PM'd Eido that he wasn't immediately mislynched in a game offsite a few months ago. Not even "not mislynched", just "not mislynched on D1". This same guy suddenly racks up the nerve to bring this level of snark this early into the game when he randed wolf, on a site where (IIRC) the mafia have a notoriously difficult time? Nope. Don't buy it.

    Waco next.
  17. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    Despite the nature of it, this is a fairly compelling point, thanks for bringing it up.

    I am looking forward to hearing what you find on Waco, as I need to better solidify that read.
  18. GeneralHankerchief

    GeneralHankerchief Muggle

    Sep 6, 2017
    East Coast (US)
    Waco is a "shrug, seems fine" read for me today. He's following the game, asking questions, and isn't doing anything I detect that's overtly wolfy. That's enough to put him in the "don't touch" pile for D1.

    I don't have him as high as, say, Sloth or Keldeo, but I do think I have him as above null.
    --- Post automerged ---
    MP7 I have Some Thoughts on your Cuth take, but want to hold off on voicing them for the time being, at least until Cuth makes another appearance.
  19. M Plus 7

    M Plus 7 Squib

    Jul 2, 2018
    I’m pretty much with you there.

    Mind posting a rainbow or non-rainbow reads list at some point? I wouldn’t mind comparing and trying to resolve any disagreements.
    --- Post automerged ---
    Noted re: Cuth, appreciated. I’m anxiously hoping to hear more from him myself.
  20. GeneralHankerchief

    GeneralHankerchief Muggle

    Sep 6, 2017
    East Coast (US)
    I will at some point, yes, but I want to get a better handle on the entire game + see how things develop some more before I drop a full one that I feel somewhat good about.

    I'll probably have one before EOD, but not tonight.