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Complete For Love of Magic by Noodlehammer - M

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by Jon, Dec 25, 2015.

  1. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    Must be a language barrier in how you use the word lying.

    There was a question mark in my sentence and in most languages that reflects a question. I can see you've went full retard however and now I regret engaging you. Your reasoning for liking a shit story is pretty solid I'll give you that, but that still doesn't mean it's not total garbage. That's not a lie, that's an observation made from having read thousands of stories of various quality. Perfect Lion hearts work, as well as this, falls well below my tolerance of complete garbage and I only subject myself to it when I want to punish myself.

    Also lol projection. You care way more about this than anyone that's posted in this thread. I have nothing to lose in this argument, you're never going to prove to me that steaming sack of dogshit is remotely approaching a good story with 'flaws' , if you respond to this I know it will be full of crazy and I will be entertained for ~5min.
  2. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:

    He's hurting me.

    Look man, I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume Zombie was utilising hyperbole for effect when he accused you of being less than 11 years old. But given how offensive you seemed to find this...
  3. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    Congrats. You remained brave with the perfect heart of a lion in the face of our traditional hazing and have therefore won our respect. You may now add a picture to your avatar, select a weapon from the armoury, and a woman from the stable.
  4. Myduraz

    Myduraz Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Mar 2, 2009
    What if my projection is actually you projecting me projecting? monkaS
  5. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    One does wonder whether trying to slice hairs between two pretty garbage stories is even worth discussing.
  6. Inayeth Ali

    Inayeth Ali Second Year DLP Supporter

    Apr 17, 2019
    This is garbage.

    How do people come up with shit like this? How did this even get over 2 stars?

    So many cliches that I don't even know where to begin, and there seems to quite a lot of authorial bias where the author is expressing his own personal beliefs using the protagonist as his mouth piece.

    And the amount of smut in there is just ridiculous.

    This reads more like a Veela!Harry smut fic, and in my personal opinion, they never make for a good read.
  7. Othalan

    Othalan Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Oct 4, 2007
    I tend to agree. In general, the writing quality is technically pretty good, but the execution is pretty bad, and only gets worse the longer the story goes. I'll admit, though, that it's become something of a guilty pleasure for me to peek at from time to time, and it does have its moments. The smut is usually reasonably well done by fanfic standards, if you're into that sort of thing. There's just too much of it from a plot perspective, and it pretty heavily distracts/detracts from the story after the first couple of times.

    Basically if you're someone who doesn't mind a story occasionally riddled with Powerful!Harry, Independent!Harry and Harry/Harem cliches, so long as it's sort of well written, then you'll probably get some enjoyment out of this one. For everyone else, YMMV.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2020
  8. mrttao

    mrttao First Year

    Mar 2, 2019
    Noodlehammer has very thin skin. When people complained that there was too much smut and not enough plot (IIRC it was about one smut chapter per 2 content chapters) the author threw a tantrum in the comment section and vastly increased the amount of smut compared to plot. Because making your story worse on purpose is exactly how you "punish" critics for daring to criticize your story
    --- Post automerged ---
    on amazon, twilight saga book 1 has 4.6 stars out of 5. From 7288 reviewers.
  9. Genghiz Khan

    Genghiz Khan Headmaster

    Mar 21, 2011
    Tried reading this fic. Failed. Just couldn't stomach it after rune-enhanced libido came into play. It's a pig in a wig. Doesn't matter how elegantly the author writes you just cannot like this fic.

    Then I found this thread and read the whole thread. And the last three chapters with the Muslim-hate. 1/5 for the fic, 5/5 for this thread and the justifications made by people who followed this story to the bitter end.
  10. Peter North

    Peter North Dark Lord

    Jul 10, 2013
    New Hampshire
    Noodlehammer has posted a new fic a SI https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13874258/1/Shadow-Play as with all his fics they have a fairly interesting beginning before they turn into his polictical world views or lack there of.

    Also he has decided to enter the world of publishing his own book as a female author. "Jennifer Haze"
  11. TMD

    TMD High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jan 4, 2015
    Ladies and Gentlemen, it's been a while since my last foray into Harry Potter fanfiction because I honestly thought I had read everything good that meets my general interest criteria.

    Imagine my surprise then when the other day some new poster to the forums makes one of those generic banal threads, "Looking for Cool Harry" or some such - and he's linked several fics of which this is one. Having just finished a run of 5 night shifts, and with a week off work, imagine my excitement when I see this. A competent MC, 800k words, and - let me just fan myself - complete. I was excited, and dived in immediately. 5 days later of pretty much straight reading and I have completed the entire thing. I came here to make a review thread, but lo and behold we already have 18 pages of one. Without further ado:

    I quite enjoyed elements of this work. It was obvious from the beginning that it was going to be indy!Harry and not push the envelope of literature very far, so I turned my brain off and went along for the ride. Cliches were present in spades, but there were some interesting elements to the magic with the rituals and what not. It was technically proficient with acceptable spelling and grammar - although not in itself a pleasure to read like my favs in the fandom. The porn didn't take long to arrive, with Harry chain fucking his way through older women, and while not fantastic, wasn't terribly problematic. In many ways, it was like seeing a favorite old snack from your childhood in the supermarket and indulgently enjoying the nostalgia.

    Unfortunately the middle of this fic is where the problems arise. The meandering travels of Harry and his companions added a lot of bloat to the story, without much pay off. The worldbuilding had interesting elements at times, but largely felt tedious and I found myself wishing for it to be over sooner rather than later. Mainly, this was a time for the author to consolidate his MC as the big powerful power wank chad for the later parts of the story. Things get quite a bit better when the central conflict of Harry vs Voldemort resumes, especially because it's not a total curb stomp one way or the other. The forays into the failing of the statue of secrecy and the impacts subsequently, as well as elements of the civilisation management all had some strong moments.

    Going into this story, I had no idea about who the author was, nor had I read any of their previous works. There was the odd rant about religion here and there from the main character, but in a very self aware fashion his mistresses would in character roll their eyes and say "there goes Harry again, ranting about religion". It was a little odd, but no worse than Terry Goodkind preaching his weird individualistic philosophy in the Sword of Truth series. Unfortunately this gets rather more egregious later in the story, with several rather long sections of chapters suddenly dedicated to shitting on the non-white majority parts of the world. Africa and the Middle East, and the religious (especially Muslims) are the main targets, with our protagonist even taking the time to visit several mosques in Europe to cast nasty blood curses on the worshippers. Ethnic minorities from those regions are lambasted for being "less-evolved barbarians". It was all very strange with how suddenly it came on, and the political views of the main character quickly ratcheted from a UKIP voting r/atheism teenager to heavily Neo-Nazi. One doesn't miss the irony that of Harry's harem, Luna and Fleur are both blonde and blue eyed, with Tonks being white; and of his mistresses, Narcissa is again rather Aryan, and Arianne is the only ethnic minority, the black skinned seductress turned slave bound to loyalty by a blood curse.

    The ending wraps things up for the characters in fairly non controversial fashion, with the family and pursuit of magics and interests. However, the author had spent such a long time building up the unfalteringly horrible nature of the human race and their propensity for self destruction, combined with the muggle vs wizard elements, that I felt he struggled to tie up that plot thread easily. Even though his MC was all powerful, the author himself (likely lacking advanced education) simply couldn't come up with the ideas to make it work. Instead he presents the progression of events as a cynicists wet dream, complete with global genocide to wrap things up neatly.

    Overall, this was an indy!Harry story that started with some promise but fell victim to a lack of tight plotting, and an overly indulgent author who, by his own admission, is a neckbeard that never leaves his house. Thick skinned as I am, even I found the Nazi elements annoying, although in an eye-roll fashion more than anger, and it didn't stop me reading on. The smut was mediocre at best, which is rather a shame if one is going to include so much of it in the story. However, credit is given for some interesting worldbuilding elements and for completing a lengthy work, in a fandom where sadly too man fics are abandoned.

  12. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Okay, now read the sequels. >=)
  13. BobSmithian

    BobSmithian Squib

    Mar 13, 2021
    I agree with some of your points however where did the 'nazis' come from? Never invoke 'Godwin's law', otherwise it will make the argument void at least in my point of view.
  14. TMD

    TMD High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jan 4, 2015
    The literal fascist rants...?
  15. BobSmithian

    BobSmithian Squib

    Mar 13, 2021
    Oh god....
    Why did you have to insult me?
    That author's views are very traditional like from the 1930s and you calling every xenophobe a nazi/fascist is normalising actual nazis. Or worse making their ideology confusing. Many traditionalists and xenophobes share certain similar views but they are not nazis. By your definition, in the 1930s every person in the western world was a nazi/fascist.

    In fact, the word fascist lost its meaning.

    Anyway, I as an Eastern European feel insulted by you calling me a fascist and I won't talk to you anymore.
  16. Testamentary

    Testamentary First Year

    Feb 8, 2017
    High Score:
    TMD didn’t insult you, he just drew attention to the parts of the fic where the author’s fascistic worldview bleed through quite clearly. Fascism is pretty much inextricably linked to the desire to eradicate non-in-group people from a society, the Nazis were the most notorious of the European fascists, and the fic definitely makes reference to those same ideals, so it’s hard to understand what you’re upset about.

    Also nobody is calling you a fascist, so saying it does feel a bit like telling on yourself. Oh, and I do have bad news about those “traditional 1930s views”
  17. TMD

    TMD High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jan 4, 2015
    Let this be evidence forevermore that engaging with trolls and retards isn't always a pointless thing. Thanks for the laugh and my new signature doggy.
  18. Blorcyn

    Blorcyn Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Oct 16, 2010
    Lmao. Picture perfect.

  19. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
  20. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    I've temp thread banned him from this thread. Drop the topic, or go back to talking about the story.