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WIP The Lion, the Witch and the Vanishing Cabinet (HP/Skyrim) - FiendLurcher

Discussion in 'Review Board' started by Mestre, Oct 12, 2021.

  1. Mestre

    Mestre Professor

    Aug 7, 2015
    Title: The Lion, the Witch and the Vanishing Cabinet
    Author: FiendLurcher
    Rating: T
    Genre: Adventure/Supernatural
    Status: Work in Progress
    Library Category: Alternatives
    Pairings: None currently but Harry/Luna is likely
    Summary: Listening to Luna usually yielded results. It might not be the results he usually wanted or expected, but results all the same. Though falling into another world when all he had wanted was to find out what Malfoy was up to was beyond even Harry's wildest dreams.


    The name may trick you but the story is not actually an HP/Nania crossover but an HP/Skyrim Crossover.
    This story features Harry and Luna dropped in Skyrim where they learn to live in medieval society and perhaps return home. The characterization of Harry and Luna is on point, the fic currently has the whimsical feeling of canon, and Luna helps to elevate Harry's character by not stealing his agency, their interactions are also really fun to read. The author is also not afraid to really shit on Harry to give him some character development and make him shine.

    Pacing, like any FiendLurcher fic, is too slow but I will give it a 4/5.
  2. Sauce Bauss

    Sauce Bauss Second Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 4, 2008
    High Score:
    @Dark Syaoran and I have been reading this for a while and it's got some of the best Luna characterization in the fandom. The power scaling, at least what we've seen of it, is very deftly handled and the two of them going there together creates a dynamic you don't usually see in most crossovers/isekai. Harry's main concern is getting back home, and taking care of Luna; the latter of which really derails the usual autismo power gaming you see in this kind of story.

    It's whimsical, fun, and light. A good palate cleanser of a story that makes me smile.

    Easy 4/5.

    By the by, there are more chapters released on the AO3 version, plus minor editing changes.
  3. haphnepls

    haphnepls Groundskeeper

    Mar 26, 2019
    Read it last night and it's pleasantly well written. Luna is top tier and Harry's up there too. Her character provides curiosity for the new world and someone Harry can always talk to so the exposition of the new world isn't as dreary as I've thought it would be. Harry, on the other side, is more practical-minded and determined to get them back home/safe and sound while here and it's all done pretty much in character.

    As far as I can see it's an adventure/progression fic (the last chapters' happenings have been pointing even more in that direction) and I'm kinda glad it is. I wanted to say that with only going back home as a clear goal, the fic somehow lacks depth and a clear progression path, but neither is true. Depth, as it is, is achieved through Harry's development (as it is), and progression is natural, logical, what you would expect from Harry landing in another world, and yet it's not dry and full of technicalities.

    The pace is a bit slow, but I found out it fits this fic and the author's writing style. It goes well with the lightness of the read and I do want to find out more, even if there's nothing substantial happening. It's a good old adventure, but whenever action takes place, the author doesn't stay on it for too long, but just enough to bring some dynamic to the chapter.

    I'm really interested to see how magic mashup will go on, and I'm hopeful that the author won't dangle too much across all the Skyrim as it really isn't necessary. There's something really attractive about how easily the author translates his narrative from everyday worries such as food and gold to a more personal agenda of finding the way to get back home while still being in Harry's character - tendencies to help/save people, his proactive stance in life etc.

    Excellent read, all in all, and it's fat 4.4/5 that I would love to see to veer into that 5/5 area but we shall see. 4/5 as it is.
  4. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    What's the link for Ao3? I checked out ObeyingTheMuse, and couldn't find it there, so I'm assuming it's another pseud?
  5. DeathShade

    DeathShade Fourth Year

    Mar 7, 2011
    The icy north
  6. Mestre

    Mestre Professor

    Aug 7, 2015
  7. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    Searching using the story ID is much more effective than searching by title, so try that in the future. In this case it's '13424561'.
  8. makeshiftcraftsman

    makeshiftcraftsman First Year

    May 12, 2013
    I read it the other day and am enjoying it. I think the end quality will depend on where he goes with the Skyrim plotline. Trying to do everything would be way too long but he's got to hit the high points.
  9. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    I can't find it. I did a google search and even checked the Authors profile bu it is not there. Can I get a link.
  10. Sauce Bauss

    Sauce Bauss Second Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 4, 2008
    High Score:
    And now I think I'm crazy, because I can't find it now. I might have been thinking of another story, maybe? Weird.
  11. valrie

    valrie Fifth Year

    Jan 1, 2018
    Finished it in a day. Considering that I barely read any HP fanfiction anymore, this is a pretty good sign.

    It's pretty realistic in terms of how Harry and Luna act and react to the circumstances I think. That can be annoying at times since Harry sometimes acts a bit reckless and without actually planning anything, but that's just my preference.

    Magic works a bit different than in canon and it seems that this is an attempt of the author to connect HP magic to Skyrim magic. They are not the same, but the latest chapter indicates that they are not completely separate either. Harry's personality should also develop based on the most recent events.

    I'd recommend checking this out. It's no masterpiece (yet?), but it's a pretty good read in my opinion. I guess one point of criticism is that I can't really see the overarching plot yet. They want to go home, but nothing really happens with that. They start to integrate into Skyrim, but not the actual plot of Skyrim so far. It feels like we're still in the beginning of the story but it's been 100k words already.
  12. Drachna

    Drachna Professor

    Jun 22, 2016
    High Score:
    I quite enjoyed this, even if most of the plot points are incredibly contrived, and the characters are more or less caricatures of their book and game selves. There isn't much Elder Scrolls fanfiction out there, and barely any well written stuff... so, for bucking at least that expectation I'd give The Lion the Witch and the Vanishing Cabinet a 3.5/5, although I'd only recommend it to a fan of both series who takes neither one all that seriously.
  13. KGB

    KGB Headmaster

    Jan 18, 2011
    I rage quit this story the second Harry lost his wand. I just hate when authors bury the lead on suck a major plot point.

    Did he ever get it back?
  14. ztak

    ztak First Year

    Feb 17, 2018
    The story has only updated with a single chapter since he lost his wand. It is still broken. He has however made some minor progress on learning Skyrim-style magic, and he has possession of an electroshock staff, so he is not entirely without magic. Though obviously, he is much reduced.
  15. Drachna

    Drachna Professor

    Jun 22, 2016
    High Score:
    Wandless magic is better bro, trust me bro, don't use a crutch bro
  16. Gaius

    Gaius Fifth Year

    Apr 25, 2018
    This was pretty fun! I have never played Skyrim, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. the crossover is done pretty well though. I think the broken wand is an important moment in the narrative so I didn’t mind it. Harry has to struggle for magical knowledge now. The setup of being in a different world and now being wandless reminds me a bit of Steelbadger’s HP/LotR crossover fic. I like that the brutality of this world is forcing Harry to look more deeply at himself and the violence he has experienced thus far in his life.

  17. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    I can't believe I never recommended this way back when I originally found it. Probably one of the only HP stories I've read in recent times, it easily has the best canon compliant characterization of Luna Lovegood of anything I've read in the fandom. Period. Harry's characterization is also very, very close to being perfect. Seeing these two interacting as they are, as close as they to their canon counterparts, is honestly a treat. It is easily my favourite part of the story.

    I will agree that I wasn't a fan of Harry losing his wand. Perhaps the worst thing that has happened thus far, though it wasn't enough to rage quit a genuinely good story. I would have much rather it not have happened but I will trust in the author to make it work.

    4/5 easily.
  18. Hakairyu

    Hakairyu Seventh Year

    Jan 8, 2015
    I can only echo most of the praise about Harry and Luna's characterization, their reactions to how Tamriel operates, and the criticism about the wand stuff as well as being more open minded to it after the last chapter. But for fuck's sake, and I don't know if this is common in Skyrim fics because I rarely read them, I can't stand how all the goddamn NPCs in the college talk and behave like they do in the actual game. It feels lazy, completely breaks my immersion, and feels more like Harry's playing Skyrim VR than as if he's actually stuck in Nirn. Add to that how slow the story is going, how much more could have been done in the 100 thousand words the author wrote, with the College characters he lobotomized and before Harry broke his wand... so far this is a 2/5.

    PWIZDUO Fourth Year

    Dec 21, 2011
    I am really enjoying this.

    but unlike everyone else, I’m enjoying this despite Luna rather than because of her. The author has seemed to make her go full retard just to handicap Harry so he’s not OP in the Skyrim universe. Hopefully now that his handicapped due to [spoilerz] Luna can be less annoying.

  20. invinoveri

    invinoveri Fourth Year

    Aug 29, 2012
    This is good. HP is not quite right about 81%. Luna is good. The dynamic between the two is really well done.