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Entry #4

Discussion in '2023 Christmas Competition' started by Xiph0, Jan 3, 2024.

  1. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    Hermione couldn't fathom regretting anything under the roof of the Burrow more than the innocent mention of an "electric toothbrush."

    Arthur Weasley had trapped her in conversation for a solid 45 minutes, the dishes from supper long cleared. “It just doesn’t make sense,” he said, leaning eagerly across the table, his expression a sort of elated confusion. “Why on earth would it need to vibrate?”

    Ron and Harry were doing a terrible job stifling their laughter. It just sounded like two wounded animals were slowly dying in the adjacent kitchen. Hermione shot them an annoyed look through the doorway. They could have made up an excuse ages ago to pull her away. It was New Years Eve, after all. There were plenty of distractions.

    “It’s just meant to clean more thoroughly,” she replied with a weak shrug. “I’m no expert, Mr. Weasley, honestly. I’ve never used one before—they wouldn’t have worked at Hogwarts, and I had so many magical items at my last flat that an electric toothbrush would’ve been just as useless there. My parents use them, but I’m sure I have the same kind of toothbrush you do.”

    Mr. Weasley gently inquired, "Hemione, are you sure you've fully reversed the memory modification charms on your parents? If they're using toothbrushes that could violently leap out of their hands at any moment, isn't that worrisome?"

    Hermione sighed. To be honest, this kind of exchange might normally have been as amusing to her as it was to Harry and Ron, but after a week at the Burrow, she wanted to strangle nearly every Weasley in sight.

    She rose from her chair and said, “It sounds like Harry and Ron might need some help with the—oh!”

    “Argh, sorry Hermione!” Charlie Weasley said, stumbling back after he had collided directly into her and sloshed red wine down the front of her jumper. “Let me get that for you.”

    “No, no, it’s alright,” she said, barely sidestepping a too-enthusiastic charm that would’ve certainly warped the fabric. “I can take care of it.” The tail end of her sentence was drowned out by a toddler’s slowly intensifying whine from the living room, as Teddy Lupin kicked off his third temper tantrum that day.

    “It’s bedtime, Teddy,” Andromeda said, talking through a yawn. “There’ll be lots of time to play in the morning.”

    “No! I want to stay up with everyone!”

    “Let’s pick a story for us to read.”


    Mrs. Weasley poked her head out of the kitchen, her hair frizzing in the wake of the washing-up charms. "I'll tuck him in, dear. You two can stay over again tonight.” She moved through the dining room, squeezing past Hermione with a stiff “excuse me” on the way.

    Hermione also avoided Mrs. Weasley’s eyes. She’d found Hermione in Ron’s bed that morning. They’d been clothed (somewhat, at least) and dead asleep, but it didn’t matter. They’d done too poor a job concealing that they were adults, comfortable doing what two adults in a relationship do, so now things were irritatingly awkward.

    Once it finally seemed like she had a clear path, Hermione made a beeline for the kitchen, colliding directly into Ron, who was still talking to Harry.

    “Oi, careful there.” Ron grinned. “Had enough to drink today?”

    “You could say that,” Hermione said ruefully, cleaning her jumper with a swift tap of her wand. “I’ve never been so looking forward to a move-in day before.”

    “You’re counting down the days?” Harry asked, incredulous. “After the year we’ve had with the Ministry, I’m going to savor every minute of the holidays.”

    “Easy for you to say,” Hermione grumbled. “You’ve got a quiet little cottage to go home to with Ginny every night.”

    “But we still come here every morning and don’t leave till long after dark.” Harry shrugged. “What’s Christmas without a little chaos? It’s nice.”

    “I love the Burrow too,” Hermione said quickly, glancing at Ron. “It’s just that … I only mean that it would be nice to have a break, once in a while …”

    “What if,” Ron said, “you and I try to find some peace and quiet, for a bit?”

    “Well, I wouldn’t want to pull you away from everyone …”

    As Teddy’s tearful, hiccupping “nooo-oooooooo-ooo” drifted into the kitchen while Mrs. Weasley carried him to the bedroom, Ron said, “I reckon I can tear myself away.”

    Harry snorted and walked around them. “Let’s see if I’ll have any luck. He liked when I read from Beedle the Bard last time.”

    “C’mon,” Ron said, taking Hermione by the hand and leading her through the house and up several flights of stairs.

    As they reached the landing where Ron’s room was, Hermione pulled back. “Oh, I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, not after your mum found us this morning.”

    Ron shook his head. “She won’t find us here.”

    He led her into his room, and Ron shut the door behind him, before walking to the bed.

    “Ron,” Hermione said, trying to hide her amusement with a look of exasperation.

    But instead of turning toward her, he wrenched open the window above his bedframe with a grunt and hoisted himself outside and onto the roof. When he motioned for her to follow him, her expression fell.

    “Don’t worry,” he said, “it’s safe, I promise. We won’t go anywhere near the edge.”

    Hermione approached him, timidly looking past his shoulder out at the garden below. She could barely make it out in the dark. “Is there anywhere else we can go?” she squeaked.

    He smiled apologetically. “When it comes to the Burrow, you have to get creative to find spots where no one will bother you, I’m afraid.”

    She knelt onto the bed and, hesitating, stuck her head out the window, both her hands resting on the window ledge. “How broad are the Extension Charms at your house?”

    “Er … I’ll have to fetch you the blueprints later, Hermione,” Ron said, holding out his hand.

    “I’m just confirming,” she said, taking it, as she moved one leg onto the windowsill, “that I’m not about to step onto a tiny little roof that will barely fit the two of us.”

    “I can’t have my future housemate falling to her death,” Ron said. “How would I manage the rent?”

    “Very funny.” She eased her feet slowly, slowly onto the shingles, and she hugged Ron tightly as she left the window and stood next to him. “Oh,” she said, relief flooding her, “this is actually quite nice.”

    This section of the roof seemed larger, in fact, than it had ever looked from the ground. Instead of slanting, the roof jutted out at a 90 degree angle from the wall, making it easy for the two of them to slide into a sitting position under the window. Ron kept his arm around her shoulders. Hermione could hear the giggles of lawn gnomes as they scurried through the garden, and the whoops of Charlie and Ginny as they set off fireworks below. The sky seemed so vast out here, drenched in stars.

    “How curious,” she said. “It’s as if your roof adjusted to accommodate us. It’s just like the Room of Requirement.”

    “Huh,” Ron said. "Never crossed my mind. You're spot on, though. The house does seem to shift around for us, all the time.”

    Hermione chewed her bottom lip. “I don’t know if our new place will do anything like that. I’m afraid it won’t be much like the Burrow at all. A lot quieter, most likely. I’ll probably have to spend a lot of nights poring over documents in front of the fire.”

    Ron sighed. Hermione felt tears spring to her eyes. She was about to mention that they’d still only be a Floo away from everyone, when she realized with a start that he had a look of utter peace on his face.

    “It’ll be perfect,” he said.

    From the ground below, a jet of pink sparks sizzled up into the sky and burst into the outline of an enormous glittering dragon. It beat its wings, circling high above them.

    Ron glanced down at his watch. “Nearly midnight,” he said.

    “Are you sure you don’t want to be with the others?” She meant for it to sound coy and flirtatious, but instead it just came out apprehensive, uncertain of his answer.

    “Later.” Hermione felt him smile slightly as he kissed her. “Much later.” The shouts below them seemed pleasantly far away, as people chanted, “Ten! … Nine! … Eight! ...
  2. haphnepls

    haphnepls Groundskeeper

    Mar 26, 2019
    Nice, cute story that goes from the usual chaos of Weasley family to a nice private moment between Ron and Hermione. Short and sweet, and that's about all I've got to say about it. I don't think it needs more words or fleshing out, just that it's really headstrong about what it does, and that's completely fine.
  3. Shinysavage

    Shinysavage Madman With A Box ~ Prestige ~

    Nov 16, 2009
    High Score:
    I don't really have much to say about this, but I liked it a lot. Very cute character piece, everyone feeling in character - love the idea of Arthur being worried about Hermione's parents because of the vibrating toothbrush. It's a straightforward, no frills approach to a magical new year, but that works well for the story, so fair enough.
  4. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Getting trapped by an electric toothbrush conversation was amusing and so very much Arthur. Molly being irate with her, on the other hand, felt out of place. This seems to be set at least a couple of years post-Hogwarts, so what exactly is Molly's ire about?

    Anyway, for the most part this was good. I quite liked the two of them getting out onto the roof to relax and watch the fireworks.

    The prompt was certainly at the basis of the story.

    Not a bad little entry, but nothing exactly spectacular about it, either.
  5. BTT

    BTT Viol̀e͜n̛t͝ D̶e͡li͡g҉h̛t҉s̀ ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 31, 2011
    Cyber City Oedo
    High Score:
    Alright, Hermione's the daughter of two dentists. She doesn't know what the point is of an electric toothbrush? Bit odd.

    No, other than that, I don't think there's much I need to say here. It's a cute little moment, a frazzled Hermione finding some peace with Ron. You knew what you wanted from the piece, you accomplished it, and that's what there is to it. That's respectable.

    That said, one little niggle I do have (because I need to have at least one) - you could've done a bit more with comparing the Burrow and the new house, maybe. Hermione seems like the type to have figured out exactly how she wants her first house to be to near-millimeter precision (and then tries to add more things in mid-construction, probably). I'll admit that that probably would've felt like extra fat on a piece that otherwise doesn't have much of it, though.
  6. Mr. Mixed Bag

    Mr. Mixed Bag Seventh Year

    Jun 18, 2021
    The prose here is really good. No obvious typos, characterizations on point, and really good turns of phrase that go above and beyond. I confess I’m really not the target demographic. I’ll get into slice of life as much as the next guy, but Hermione and Ron have never interested me as characters really at all. So when even I say this is well done, that should go to show something.

    There are nitpicks, of course, if I want to go there. Hermione definitely seems the type to know more about electric toothbrushes and why they’re effective, and I think you could do with a bit more physical description before they get onto the roof (you do a lot with collisions and people to build an atmosphere of clutter, but more about items and furniture would only help that).

    This joke was really good, which I point out because usually one-liners like this are mediocre at best.

    Nice work.
  7. LucyInTheSkye

    LucyInTheSkye Competition Winner CHAMPION ⭐⭐

    May 29, 2020
    Away with the fairies
    This was a nice, fast, immersive read. Characterization is great and I’m immediately sure I'm in the right universe. I get the feeling most every word is thought through, you’ve done exactly what you set out to do with this story and it feels properly edited. If it was mine I might have wanted to add a fun magical item or tradition, preferably tied to New Year’s, but maybe that would feel forced. Maybe a counterpoint to the electrical toothbrush? Maybe the wizards use something absolutely vile for toothpaste. Either that or a little more introspection on Hermione’s part, she does have some insecurities that could be tucked into. But the more explicit the more the risk of making it feel less like a canon outtake.

    Great job!
  8. Dubious Destiny

    Dubious Destiny Seventh Year

    May 3, 2018
    The Burrow is whimsical, with the canon describing it as crooked and uneven. Imagine wizards starting out with a simple base and slapping rooms in like it is lego. You've made it change itself according to the Weasleys' desires. Blueprints does not fit the theme. You could have a magical blueprint, but the Wealeys are not the people I would expect it from.

    Hermione's behaviour around Ron is different from from her normal bossy self. The plot seems to be set 2-3 years after the fall of Voldemort (no tells of it being an AU, Hermione is out of Hogwarts and Teddy is talking). I'm a bit puzzled as to why she's uncertain after being in a relationship for multiple years. It might just be her way of trying to be considerate?

    We don't see enough of Ron to go beyond confident and content.

    The story is perfectly fine, but there's nothing really drawing me in. Too simple, perhaps? Or it could just be me.
  9. Niez

    Niez Seventh Year ⭐⭐

    Jun 26, 2018
    Behind you
    No notes.
  10. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    What a lovely little slice of life, and a good Ron and Hermione story.

    I will say, the beginning was a little weak for me, and I'm not exactly sure why. But once we skip past the talk of the toothbrushes, things fall into place. The weasley's are characterized well, Harry too, and Hermione is pretty accurate as well (though I do think she should have been a little more bossy).

    Where the story goes from decent to good is the parts with her and Ron. It's sweet, touching and very much them. I loved the joke Ron made and his desire to make Hermione feel secure and relaxed.

    I also have a soft spot for magical houses and them adapting to their owners. It's just fun and whimsical.