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Complete A Black Comedy by nonjon - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by nonjon, Mar 3, 2007.

  1. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    Well I guess I have given up on reviewing long enough. I'll come to the points as I think of them an thus they will make no sense.

    I personally like ghost!Ginny. I guess I just don't share the same pathalogical hatred that most DLPers do for her. I can very easily read her in a story so long as she isn't made into soulmate!Ginny. The extream version of her personality works nicely. I'm not sure which was funnier her talking about Tonks and Lupin having their cycles together or Loveius Sheildius. Also the way you made her get the bar is great if a little odd... how the hell would a girl beat Dumbledore?

    The extra magical arms have got to be helpful when you need to scratch yourself in public and not want to use your own hands. I suppose you could even "Play" with yourself when in robes. But knowing Sirius' inapropriate mind I am sure he will ask Harry to itch a spot for him that no man would itch on another man.

    Are you planning on introduring other characters as you go alog. As it is you seem to add another couple ever few chapter. I just can't see how adding Hermione into the mix will do anyone any good (While I don't share the hatred for Ginny I do very much share it for Herman). Although I would find it assrippingly funny if Harry was to run into her working at the ministry one day. A complete social retard with no friends and although she would be rather learned since she would do nothing but read she would be in Arther Weasleys department since no one like her. Teach the little know it all bitch.

    I could also see Ron turning into a soccer holagan (Sp?). Rather than befriend Harry he befreinds Dean and gets introduced to soccer... the rest is history. Ahhhh this story has so many posibilities.

    Oh my idea to get into Malfoy Manor... seduce Mrs Malfoy. You just know they are game for it.

    Also... isn't the fidilus more or less unbreakable since no one knows where the house is to break it... so couldn't Harry just wait for the house to empty then cast the charm over the whole house... they didn't just take the furniture they take the whole dame house.

    I swear to god if you make Bella good or have her being under imperio I am going to rape you so bad your grandkiddies are gonna bleed.
  2. Wergan

    Wergan Third Year

    Mar 29, 2007
    Bella being good would kinda suck. I wouldn't mind Bella just being a having an insane/submissive attitude seeking out Harry to take the place of Voldie as her master. Not defiantly in a sexual way. What I'm trying to get at is she isn't good, she isn't bad. She just follows orders cause she's insane. Without Azkaban she might not be crazy to the baby speech level but still a bit insane.
  3. Azrael's Little Helper

    Azrael's Little Helper High Inquisitor

    Dec 24, 2006
    i'm guessing that there some magic in the concept of ownership, that the fidelius only works on an inhabited area with the owner's agreement. If the fidelius is cast over an inhabited area without the owner's tacit agreement some magical law i'm postulating would draw the owner to the place and let them see it in any case. If not then Grand Estate Theft would be WAY too lucrative. The "inhabited" part is just a shitty little loophole i left for my own take on this to allow them to plant the fidelius on owned real estate that isn't developed and directly inhabited upon. My theory has a lot of holes in it doesn't it?
  4. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    I figure a little distraction with a goat, and/or he wouldn't have expected a young woman to cheat so well. I mean Aberforth apparently bet the bar in a drinking contest. That's not a great sign. But after Marion Ravenwood (think the first Indiana Jones movie) it's something I can picture happening.
    There's a few we still have to meet. If my scene plans for the next chapter shake out like I expect them to, then we will see a couple pretty big names who've not crossed paths with the Lords Black yet.
    Yowzers. Carrying some Hermy hate there? But rest assured I can see where you're coming from at least in terms of not needing to add her to this fic. I still like her character, and this is kind of a future spoiler so I'll tag it (but not one that matters and I've already told this to a bunch of folks):
    Hermione will be making an appearance, but I'm not sure when, and it'll be more like an interlude than an integral part of the fic. Take some of the bashing from your opinion and it's not that far off. In this fic, she was an excellent student, did in fact have friends but they were mainly study partners and nothing like the influence Harry and Ron were in canon.

    So its going to be a mildly depressed Hermione drinking zimas in a bar, complaining how she doesn't have any wild stories or have been on any adventures (basically the opposite of canon!Hermione who got PLENTY as a best friend of Harry). Sirius will overhear and then Harry and Sirius will take her on a day of adventure. Of course one day with the Lord Blacks will be fun intermixed with horrifically frightening, and then leaving her very appreciative of the simple quiet life she's made for herself. And unless my muse has other ideas, that little interlude day for Hermione is probably all we're going to see of her in this fic.
    Well, I'd think you all would have caught on to the fact that the characters in this dimension are not all necessarily even remotely similar to those in canon (or this fic's original dimension). Rest assured Bella is not under imperio (in my mind anyone under imperio = weak in the scheme of things). But she's not going to resemble the endearing aspects of Bellatrix Lestrange in the original world either (sorry Bella fans). No Azkaban, doesn't seem crazy batshit, and I'll even tell you in this world, she's never been a Lestrange. But good? Believing in the side of the light? Hell, Harry and Sirius aren't even sold on that one. She is definitely a catalyst for... something. And by something I mean the next chapter. And maybe... something else.

    As for the Fidelius Charm, just trust me and accept that anything you want to make up about it, or however you want to interpret it, you can if you want. It's vague and unexplained and raises tons of questions about loopholes or interpretations in canon. I'm sticking with the idea that there are several different ways to use, variations on it, ways to invoke it, so I'm not limited by how I've used it in other areas of the fic, but I'm also avoiding giving them a be-all end-all solution to everything.
  5. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    I was under the impression that this universe was the same as Harrys original up until the time he died in this one. If that is the case Bells was a Lestrange at the time Harry died. You could make it so that there were differences between the worlds before the time but I quite liked the idea of this being a branch of the other dimension.

    I whole idea of everytime we make a decision another universe gets created with the other option(s). This is mearly a universe that is the same as the original up until the night of Harrys death and all the other differences stem from that point onwards.
  6. Stalicon

    Stalicon High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
    That one place
    I thought it was Tonks mom, at the end. I got that they look alike.

    Anyway, Thanks for the update Nonjon. Very much appreciated.
  7. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    Are things totally different in this new universe then? What I mean is that even though Harry and Sirius may not be out there fighting Voldemort, Harry atleast has made his opinion of pureblood fanatics clear with his baby-rapist thing. Given that this happened in a very public arena I would expect that Bellatrix would know that the new Lords Black are very pro-muggle.

    So, is she not a follower of Voldemorts in the new universe then? And not a believer in the pureblood supremacy thing? Or does she simply think that Harry and Sirius will have no problems with her despite their completely opposed beliefs.

    But if she never had such beliefs then would that not have changed things? So far atleast things in the new universe are very much like in the old one, atleast until Harry's death and Voldemort not being defeated.
  8. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    It's not identical up until 1981 at all. In canon (the original world) by 1981 Voldemort had very nearly won if I recall. Not true in the new dimension. It wasn't like they chose this dimension or the decision was based on some changed event. They fell through and this is where they came out.

    It's no fun if everything you know pre-1981 is guaranteed to be true. For the most part things are going to be the same. And for the most part things post-1981 are going to be the same, aside from a few obvious changes of course.

    And the Lords Black haven't taken a pro-muggle stance publicly. They've taken an anti-traditionalist stance. But don't forget also that not all those concerned with blood purity support Voldemort. As for Bella, well, like I said. She doesn't have canon!Bella's good qualities nor necessarily her crazy batshit ideology. Although come to think of it, I always thought canon!Bella was more psychotic than politically motivated. Thought that about Voldemort frequently too.
  9. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    Just read your latest chapter. While there was perhaps less humour in it than usual I still enjoyed it even though the cliffhanger was just plain cruel!

    I wonder though, why is Harry so afraid of facing Voldemort. I mean he did defeat the Voldemort of his own world who was arguably more powerfull and he has those magical arms which should make it easy for him to take Voldemort out. I mean what is stopping him from simply reaching out and snapping Voldemorts neck?

    Or initiating that brother-wand thing effect to neutralise Voldemorts ability to cast spells while Sirius finishes him off. Just seems like to me that their unique situation and abilities should make it relatively easy to win.

    Well, I am looking forward to finding out what happens. Please hurry with the next chapter! :) Pretty please?
  10. Dr. Strange Lulz

    Dr. Strange Lulz Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Dec 26, 2006
    On Melancholy Hill
    Holy shit, this story is climbing my ranks with every chapter. A full review will follow when I'm done. This story has made me laugh out loud more often than the last 15 stories I've read combined.

    The following line made me laugh my ass off.

    “Not a problem,” Sirius nodded immediately. “Magic is Harry’s bitch. "
  11. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    Did you add this just for us slow guys who didn't get that by ourselfs?
    Yeah I have to agree with Datakim, shouldn't Harry be able to beat Voldemort in this dimension. It wouldn't be "Easy" but if he's done it before he could do it again. This one doesnt know about his arms the other one did... kinda. This one is weaker... and this one is facing Sirius aswell... kinda seems like a done deal. Also if they beat him wouldnt they just kill him outright?
  12. Kiyoshi

    Kiyoshi First Year

    Jun 18, 2007
    I personally loved the new chapter, and have been following it since you posted it up to be honest. Basically, I've read probably all of your fics, but I am seriously loving this fic.

    Thanks for the update.
  13. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    Well, I heard the same complaint from several folks not just here and figured I'd address it. It's also why I felt like changing the Dark Mark (to be animated rather than simply burn), to illustrate another difference.

    As for the Black and Black versus Voldemort duel, while yes, Harry did defeat Voldemort in the original world, that doesn't change the fact that this is freaking Voldemort. Hell, canon!Harry killed Quirrellmort in the first book and forced the spell back in the graveyard in 4th year. You really wanna hedge your bets that canon!Harry could take 'relatively' easily take on Voldemort?

    I'm not going to belittle the Dark Lord too much (angering him to get him to accept the duel was part of the plan, not a sign of their confidence). But two against one, especially with how much they know of Voldemort's flipside, versus how little Voldemort knows of them.

    If winning were that easy, that likely, or that certain for the Black boys then Voldemort wouldn't be much of a Dark Lord, now would he.

    And just in case anyone's wondering, no, we're not near the end of this fic. But the plot is taking a few clearer steps forward now.
  14. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    The "problem" I have with this is that I wonder how you could make the battle exciting to read while still having Harry take the battle seriously and fight to the best of his ability.

    Correct me if I am wrong but I have the impression that Harry essentially has the ability to manifest these magical hands which are physical, invisible and can be used to manipulate things just like human hands. They are also quite strong apparently, since Harry was able to use them to hold himself from being pulled into the veil in the prologue.

    It seems unlikely that Voldemort could see these things. Harry used them in that sword fight and Dumbledore gave no sign that he had seen them so it does not really make much sense to have Voldemort somehow perceive them when virtually everyone else (including those of equal power) do not.

    So why cannot Harry simply look at Voldemort, extend one of his arms to grab hold of Voldemorts head and TWIST. By the time Voldemort realised that something was off it would be far too late. Harry's magical arms should give him a massive advantage and essentially make the traditional sort of duel obsolete with him.

    Hopefully you have thought of this. Not having Harry try it (especially since he did with Gin) would make him look rather foolish. I wish the next chapter would come already so I could see what happens!! ;)

    Huzzah! This has become one of my favorite stories and I hope there will be plenty more chapters to enjoy :D
  15. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    It lacks Daphne.

    Otherwise Grade-A material.
  16. rj_stone2

    rj_stone2 Seventh Year

    Feb 26, 2006
    New York
    Ferrovax, I think you said the quiet part loud and the loud part quietly.

    I like the fic, I'm just disappointed that we're fourteen chapters in and have not yet heard the "once you go Black, you don't go back" line...
  17. Hadoren

    Hadoren High Inquisitor

    Aug 21, 2006
    He isn't. Not in this story. So I presume that Harry will easily win, especially since he knows some things about Voldemort (i.e. his fighting style) while Voldemort knows shit about Harry.

    It's always been my opinion that when dueling, it's not skill or luck or power that counts. It's surprise and foreknowledge of your opponent's surprises. Each person has their own special trump card(s) when dueling, like Harry's magical arms. When your trump card hasn't worked, you're screwed. Each person also has a unique fighting style, and the more you've watched them duel (presumably in a Pensieve), or the more you've actually dueled them and survived, the higher your chances for victory.

    This view of dueling comes from watching too much anime.
  18. Datakim

    Datakim Chief Warlock

    Apr 18, 2007
    Cool new chapter! :)

    I was rather surprised how superiour Voldemort was to Harry. I had assumed that Harry while not super-Harry would atleast be easily above average. However without the advantage of his magical hands he and Sirius would have been crushed easily. Harry should be rather worried since after losing this battle Voldemort will no doubt be after revenge. I wonder how that will impact their lifestyle of sex and alcohol. This is assuming ofcourse that magic can fully heal broken necks. Now that I think of it, I kinda hope that Voldemort too would suffer some permanent hurt from this battle since Harry permanently lost his first wand.

    In any case, the battle was very exciting to read. I especially liked your descriptions of the Priori Incantatem effect and the battle of wills between the two of them. Also having Harry trick Voldemort by walking close enough to snap his neck was a nice touch. Too bad Voldemort survived but I suppose its too early to kill him. Harry now knows the password to the portkey however. Will he be able to send Voldemort away in the future by yelling "return" in parseltongue? :)

    One thing that I wondered about was this: How was Harry able to expel Voldemort out of his mind? I found it odd that Harry could violently expel Voldemorts attack when earlier you mentioned that his occlumency shields were very weak? (in the chapter with Dumbledore)

    Too bad about Harry losing his wand. I wonder where the wand in this universe is? With Neville I guess, since if Voldemort had it he would no doubt have realized that Harry had a brother wand and remarked on it. I wonder if that means that it will be Neville who will be the hero of the story in the end? On one hand I would prefer that Harry be the hero but on the other hand he already finished his Voldemort so maybe it is Neville's turn.

    Anyway, I enjoyed this chapter(as usual) and am already looking forward to the next one. The reactions from everyone to this battle should be most interesting. I wonder if Fawkes could be convinced to give a new feather. Or maybe Harry and Sirius should just sneak behind Fawkes and steal one! :)
  19. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    I see Occlumency "shields" (which may be a fanon concept now that I think about it) as the sort of thing a 'Master Occlumens' can always keep up. Like a fence, keeping out Legilimency. The ability to kick someone out when they get in, is a completely different thing. That's more like a good bouncer tossing the bad apples out of the bar. Anyone could attack Harry and grab something. He's not great at masking his emotions or acting like a tool, err, excuse me, a Slytherin. But when he catches someone who doesn't belong, he can kick him out painfully and stay alert, waiting to kick them out again even more painfully. He's just not the type who can build a fence or maintain one.
    A lot of people seem to wonder this and forget a certain visit to a wandmaker who discovered he'd been memory-charmed back in CHAPTER FOUR. Rest assured the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot will want to ask Harry about that.
  20. The Silent Knight

    The Silent Knight Seventh Year

    Jun 8, 2006
    I didn't really enjoy the latest chapter. I've been following this fic eagerly and I think you've got some great ideas with it, but the way in which Voldemort almost completely crushed them just seemed a bit strange. How did Harry beat the original Voldemort on his own when he almost couldn't beat this one with help, when this Voldemort had never even seen him fight before and had no idea of his skills. It just seemed a bit wrong to me.

    Apart from that I think this fic is brilliant so far and I'm really looking forward to what you're going to do with it.