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Apparition the body rendering weapon?

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Raijin, Jul 28, 2006.

  1. Thrawn Wannabe

    Thrawn Wannabe Second Year

    Dec 27, 2006
    Aw, hell...

    Sorry guys, this thread was in the 'Similar Threads' toolbar and I very stupidly forgot to check the last post date.

    Sorry all
  2. Aries the Dog

    Aries the Dog First Year DLP Supporter

    Feb 29, 2008
    Oh garsh, I just lurked this thread, and was about to yell at the creators they're retarded for not remembering the DH scene where the Death Eater grabs an arm and gets taken inside Grimmauld Place voiding the Fideulus(sp) Charm.

    So anyone that read through this thread, in terms of cannon Side-Along-Splinching is impossible, or else Harry and Hermione would have arrived with only an arm of a Death Eater, not the whole breathing person.
  3. Reyhkt

    Reyhkt Groundskeeper

    Feb 16, 2008
    Round Rock, TX
    No it isn't, the Death Eater had the intent to side-along-apparate with them. He didn't get grabbed by Hermione and dragged along reluctantly.
    Oh and be thankful you didn't get the chance to call the creators of this thread retarded, since it's you who is clearly the retarded one.
    You might also want to add a comma somewhere in the middle of your run-on sentence, and a that before the word they're would be helpful too. However I think you can be excused, seeing as you clearly are retarded.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2008
  4. Aries the Dog

    Aries the Dog First Year DLP Supporter

    Feb 29, 2008
    No you miss the point, he grabbed them while they were escaping, they did not want to bring him along. So if your apparating away, someone grabs you, you can't shake them off mid-apparation, splinching them.

    This topic was valid when it was created, as some cannon facts, i.e. apparation technicalities. Were not taken into consideration, I was just trying to express my frustration as to why no one brought up this scene as it would be of significance in a thread talking about the mechanics involved with apparating.

    I wasn't implying anyone was actually retarded, mental illness isn't something I usually like to joke about, but I was a bit impulsive and it slipped out. Whatever.

    Anywho, if your going to come in here and start insulting me, by umm- picking apart two grammer mistake and umm restating my insult at me (even though I wasn't really insulting anyone, notice the 'about to yell' in thar). Oh no wait you said I'm clearly retarded twice! Have fun with that, you just trumped me with your array of coloful and might I add original insults.

    That clearly retarded guy
  5. Reyhkt

    Reyhkt Groundskeeper

    Feb 16, 2008
    Round Rock, TX
    Yes, you have to love my original insults. Seriously though, it doesn't matter that Hermione didn't mean to bring the Death Eater along, if it was his intent to come with them. As long as he has the willpower to apparate with them without splinching himself, then I don't see how that could be a problem.

    However if someone grabs a hold of you and apparates you away with the intent to hurt you, then I would think it would depend on the level of skill of the person who does so. For example if a random Death Eater grabbed onto Dumbledore's arm and disapparated away, Dumbledore would most likely be able to fend off the apparation spell, and stay put in the same place he originally was, with his body intact.

    On the other hand, if it were a less magically skilled person who was partially dissapparated away by a person with a higher magical skill; then the body part would most likely come off.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2008
  6. Aries the Dog

    Aries the Dog First Year DLP Supporter

    Feb 29, 2008
    Yeah but there's thing I didn't really think about, the canon scene was pretty one-sided, and we have very little cannon evidence of apparating used with the intent to drag along an unwilling particpant.

    Also, I might be wrong, but Harry was side-along apparating Hermione, and Hermione got grabbed by a Death Eater who hitchiked. So there's the chance that throwing someone off depends solely on the person who intiated the apparation, thus side-alongs and anyone contected to them would not be able to decide who stays on or off. Or that Hermione is just pathetic, and she got over-powered by your random-run-of-the-mill Death Eater. Which means he could get thrown off (splinched) but didn't because Hermione lacked the ability.

    Now that I think about it my money is on the latter.

    You got to admit the idea of just popping up behind someone and grabbing an arm before disapparating, pulling off half the guy's body does sound really badass.

    Alright I guess my vote is officaly for "Possible, since it's pretty cool"

    P.S. I think there was a moment in Cannon where Dobby grabbed Harry's hand while they were apparating and put them down in the right spot. Don't know how it ties in, but I remember Dobby died right after and I laughed pretty hard.