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Complete A Second Chance at Life Series by Miranda Flairgold - T/M

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by ChuckDaTruck, Aug 3, 2005.

  1. Darius

    Darius 13/m/box

    Aug 23, 2006
    The Octagon - Say that to my face and not online m
    Excellent update as always, love how action was worked into the political scenes.

  2. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    I was just reading the beginning of Changes in a Time of War, and I was wondering what the fuck Draco has to do with anything.

    Harry (or Rahkesh, I suppose) keeps careful watch over how long it'll take for Draco to snap under Daray's advances. He notes that Daray will eventually buttrape Draco, and discusses it with other characters.

    The way the author wrote it, it's a significant sideplot, and I prefer ferrets staying out of those.
  3. Lyndon Eye

    Lyndon Eye Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jul 4, 2007
    Washington, DC
    Andromalius: rest assured. Draco plays a very minimal part in the series, and is really only there for comic relief.
  4. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Stfu Dranco. Tinn wants to castrate you with her scalpel because you like this train wreck of a fic, you know.
  5. Severus Snape

    Severus Snape Squib

    Apr 2, 2005
    Medicore start which quickly spirials out of control faster than a potion attempted by that blithering imbeciel Longbottom, with far worse results, if that were even possible.

    The author, revealing in her fame like a certain Potter, completely destroys one universe to create another. Harry Potter was just a launching pad, no more, no less.

  6. vinais

    vinais Second Year

    Dec 21, 2007
    Mumbai, India
    Loved the fight scenes. I think this series and Bungle in the Jungle has the best fight scenes i've seen in fanfics till date.

    Cant wait to see what the second change in Rahkesh will be. Anyone else thinks that it'll happen when he tries out his plan with Voldy??
  7. Banner

    Banner Dark Lady

    Nov 23, 2006
    Virginia, USA

    Well, also to demonstrate just how far Rahkesh has evolved from Dumbledore's Golden Boy and All-Around Hero, just waiting for someone to save. Once upon a time, The Boy Who Lived would have thrown himself into protecting Draco (probably by kidnapping him,) no matter how dangerous such an action would be. Young Harry wouldn't have taken even a moment to consider how that would effect his long-term goals.

    Rahkesh is smart, tough, and much colder.
  8. bob eddy

    bob eddy First Year

    Jan 26, 2008
    Yeah I almost thouth that he was going to get into a big fight with old Voldy right then and the dragon blood was going to have to change himn more to keep him alive. But hey, what can you do. Maybe that will happen when he really fights old Voldy.
  9. Diviniti

    Diviniti Squib

    Jan 13, 2008
    I with whoever said it quickly gets out of hand, but the unique nature of the fic makes it worth reading in my opinion. The slash can be ignored, as can the super muscular!harry. It is quite au, but well-planned, making it better than your average "harry with a ton of powers" fic. 3.75/5.
  10. Oujou Akaash

    Oujou Akaash Unspeakable

    Nov 30, 2006
    You know, there are allot of people who love and hate this fic for there own reasons. I perticuler don't care either way because as long as the fic is enjoyable and readable, i'll read it.

    This fic here, i like it but there are times where you easily get fed up with it because there are so many things that goes on from plots to side plots to even more side plots it's not even funny.

    Not to mention the fact that the Dark Lord is a push over comapred to the master vampires and Elves especially. Hell, from the looks of it, the direction Harry is going could be anywhere and i love/hate it at the same time.

    But, i'm bored so fuck this and i'm gonna read.
  11. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Harry is in this story? Where!? ;)
  12. uriel

    uriel Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Aug 1, 2006
    He's not that weak.. it just seems that way because the author doesn't seem to be able to recall what she's written more then a chapter or so back and ends up contradicting herself. :p
    One second you'll have Voldemort striking down everyone left , right, and center and generally being a bad ass, then next thing you read is Harry stating he'll "deal with" Voldemort within a week or too as if suddenly Voldemort is trash to be taken out.

    I noticed the history and background of Daray and Silas seem to have changed since the part 1 as well.. but hey despite the author seemingly not remembering what she's written.. I still like it the story :p
  13. IBG

    IBG Seventh Year

    Nov 11, 2007
    Harry Potter was just a launcher for this.
    The author has given him a new, easier, better way to go invisible (Which he never uses when he should)
    A different broom (Nimbus 2000)
    Different dragons
    Different friends
    Different allies
    More powerful enemies
    Different School
    Different spells and spell types (He hasnt even cast a fickle stunner the whole fic)
    New creatures - Demons, fae, etc
    New potions ingredients - Yeck fur, etc
    New steeds - Fire horse opposed to Hippogriff's and Thestrals of canon
    Aswell as new plants etc
    New DNA
    New blood (Dragon)
    New Animagus form
    New familiar
    New wand
    New allies


    Also, the constant use of "the cruciatus curse was nothing compared to this" has also degraded the fic.
  14. Erotic Adventures of S

    Erotic Adventures of S Denarii Host

    Aug 21, 2006
    New Zealand
    That was only said once by the most powerful creature on earth.
  15. Banner

    Banner Dark Lady

    Nov 23, 2006
    Virginia, USA
    Actually, I just spent the last two days rereading it from the beginning, and Harry had that thought often enough that it got irritating. I remember At Least three occurences - I think it was more like five.

    Otherwise I enjoy the hell out of the story. Every time Harry makes a major development in power or ability, it has its own large sub-story. None of that "pick up a book and teach himself over the summer at the Dursley's while being overworked and starved." There are No Pairings, which means I don't have to wade through adolescent heart-dribblings. The fight scenes (as I mentioned before) are awesomely exciting and creative. Harry is strong and tough, the characters have depth and mystery, the story is FULL of nifty new ideas.

    Flairgold uses a huge canvas for our story about Harry and his path. Unlike JKR, she shows us world-wide implications and progressive developments. I'm always involved, whether excited, intrigued, or emotionally wrung-out. The pace is always perfect.

    The BIG downside is that she has announced that the story (which I'd hoped would continue into the indefinite future) is actually a trilogy. She's already nearly halfway though. I'm already dreading completion.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2008
  16. Cosmo4

    Cosmo4 Third Year

    Sep 29, 2007
    The dragon blood scene and then the mind/soul battle with the fae council. It may have been mentioned when Daray's demon form got out of control as well. There were two other mentions of the cruciatis curse but it was more of a direct comparison.

    In any event I agree that the comparison was used far too frequently. Referencing the other moments of intense pain would have been just as effective if not more. However, this hardly detracts from the story that much. There are a couple grammar and spelling errors present but they too can be overlooked because the story is interesting. Contrary to what some of the naysayers have claimed, this fic expands the Harry Potter universe in a rather nice progression.

    In any event I'll agree with Banner that it is unfortunate that Miranda is only going to write three books. Also, in an authors note at the end of the last chapter she says that she is going to be absent for around four months and is unlikely to get any writing done in that time.
  17. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    She does this every year. She leaves for a few months. When i first started the fic, I read all the way through what she had done at the time like through 24 chapters of A Second Chance at Life. She posted chapter 25 and said Ill be gone for a few months. GAH!
  18. HSRTG

    HSRTG First Year

    Sep 30, 2007
    Southwest U.S.
    I like this series when I ignore that Rakhesh is supposed to be Potter, and think of it as a crossover between Harry Potter and another universe entirely. When I try to think of Rakhesh as Potter, my trash-filters engage and I almost automatically ctrl-t, then click the small red x in the tab window. The monolithic chapters are a bit of a turn off, as is the lack of plot movement. Yeah, yeah, the world is going to see an invasion involving tens of millions of demons. In six months in story-time; IRL that translates to forty or so chapters, so its not really an urgent thing.

    2/5, mostly for the sheer stubborness of the author in continuing to write this monstrosity.

    EDIT: This is one of my guilty-pleasure fics. Extremely guilty pleasure.
  19. uriel

    uriel Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Aug 1, 2006
    Changes in a time of War was just updated to chapter 20 Here
  20. Ragon

    Ragon Dark Lord

    Nov 8, 2005
    I lived in my mind but I lost my key.
    And Sree has yet to start bitching about how horrible this fic is.