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Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles

Discussion in 'Movies, Music and TV shows' started by Midknight, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. Murton

    Murton DJ OEM DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2006
    Newcastle, NSW, Australia
    Basically Sarah communicates with John through the priest telling them to GTFO. They don't listen, Cameron fucks up the prison and breaks Sarah free but sustains huge damage, her left eye is showing red. They meet up with Ellison who takes them to Weaver, when they are talking, the HK of SkyNets crashes into the building, Weaver expands to shield them from the damage whislt Cameron goes to kill John Henry. They find Cameron's body without her chip, John Henry's body is missing, gone through time, Weaver and John Conner go and folow to find Derek and Kyle in the future aswell as Cameron in the future.

    We also get so close to John/Cameron.
  2. Dethklok

    Dethklok Order Member

    Apr 16, 2008
    The power of Christ compels him not to tell you.
    Fucking EPIC.

    There were a couple weak episodes in the bunch, but this brings it all back.

    Spoiler alert:

    John Henry apparently is the Resistance's answer to Skynet, built in the past.

    Catherine Weaver is either a double/triple agent, but was sent to make sure John Henry was built in the past so the Resistance could use him in the future.

    John Connor was sent to the future, but not the same time period as John Henry. He was sent to a part of the timeline before John Connor the legendary leader of Tech-Com came to power.

    Trying to think through this logically, and with the idea of diverging timelines in place, John Connor being sent to the future creates a 3rd or 4th alternate timeline, as John Connor in the past is now in the future and has to become the resistance leader.

    Cameron's chip is in the future with John Henry, while Cameron is alive and well in John Connor's future timeline, but right now she is still Allison Young, the human resistance fighter and close friend of John Connor, before she was killed and replaced by Cameron the terminator.

    Confusing as hell, but I LOVED it. Better finale that Battlestar Galactica, at any rate.

    Copied this from the Terminator wiki:

    Q: Why did Catherine Weaver take John to the future?

    John went to the future of his own accord. He knew that the time displacement equipment was activating (it was evident from the sparks on the wall).

    Q: But what was the purpose of taking him there?

    She didn't take him there. He hitchhiked with her in a sense to the future to search for Cameron.

    Was Weaver working for the resistance?

    Weaver was working for another faction - possibly the rumored grouping of machines that wanted peace, like the one mentioned in "Allison from Palmdale"

    Q: What was Weaver's purpose then? Just to get John to the future?

    Weaver was building an AI designed to counter Skynet in the future.

    Q: Who sent the drone to crash into ZeiraCorp?

    Most likely Skynet.

    Q: Did Sarah Connor actually go through the portal? If not, how come Sarah Connor chose to leave her son behind, and whose voice was the one saying "I love you too, John" at the very end?

    Sarah Connor remained in the past. She told John "I love you." in the last scene.

    Q: What was Weaver's origin? How did she come into existence? How did she end up deciding to fight Skynet?

    It has long been mentioned in Terminator fiction (the novels at least) that the T-1000 Series had the possibility to make its own decisions counter to that of Skynet. It is most likely this was the case.

    What timeline was John taken into, given the fact that the Resistance does not recognize him?

    Because of his jumping to the future there would be no John Connor in the timeline any longer to become Future John/General John Connor. A: They may have jumped to a timeline where Future John Connor does not exist, instead, John Henry is the future leader of the resistance

    How can Weaver combine her decision to ally with humans (her words to Ellison in the last episode imply that least one of her objectives is to help humanity survive) with her words to John Henry that "humans will disappoint you" and her utter ruthlessness at killing even innocent humans?

    Weaver is fighting a war. Like any war, there will be collateral damage. It is logical to sacrifice a few innocent civilians to save billions.

    Q: Sarah noticed the Three Dots on the machinery in Weaver's basement, but what does it actually mean?

    The three dots - even the pattern - were the indicator lights on The Turk's main casing.

    How are the Turk's three dots related to the blood symbols in Sarah's basement?

    Possibly a reminder of what it is, when they once again come across the Turk.

    Why did Cameron give her chip to John Henry? Why did she signal John that she is sorry?

    It is possible that John Henry was downloaded into Cameron's chip - we had seen previously that John Henry needed to be hooked up to the equipment via the fiber optic cable that was discarded. Cameron was most likely sorry because she didn't follow orders to destroy John Henry and instead joined him.

    Q: Why does John Connor not exist in this future?

    John Connor would have not existed following the temporal displacement.

    Was Cameron's real purpose to give her reprogrammed chip to John Henry? Why did she never tell John first?

    To prevent him from stopping her - the detonation charge.

    Given the fact that John let Cameron live under much worse suspicions (such as murdering Riley) its unlikely he would have killed her now. More likely her decision was spontaneous.

    Q: How come Weaver was not detected by Resistance agents? Are their ways of detecting metal not applicable to liquid terminators?

    Unknown. The T-1000 series is detected by dogs - at least the T-1000 from Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

    A2: When Weaver and John first arrived, several dogs were barking as Resistance members were getting close to the duo. With the speeds we've seen the T-1001 series capable of, it's possible that she escaped before actually being seen by Humans, or she could have disguised herself as the ground.

    If Weaver decided to join John, why did she refuse his offer on the Jimmy Carter?

    She may not have agreed to his terms in the future and felt that she would have better control over the situation from following her own objectives.

    Why did Cameron react the way she did when she heard Weavers offer on this episode? Are there untold issues of mistrust or hostility between Weaver and Cameron?

    Cameron realized that a Series 1000 Terminator was active in the past.

    Q: What will be John Henry's mission in the future?

    He was designed to destroy Skynet.

    What will be Weaver's mission in the future?

    To find John Henry - according to her dialogue to Ellison asking him if he wanted to join her in the future.

    Q: Is John Henry walking around in the future using Cameron's chip as his own brain? If not, how could he survive without the Turk machinery which was left behind? If yes, does that mean he lost his own personality and gained the personality of Cameron?

    Unknown, but the way the events unfolded, suggests that perhaps it is John Henry inside the chip, and the actual "body". It is possible that Cameron and John Henry exist though, considering that Cameron has referenced several times to Skynets directives still existing, despite her (and other Terminators) being reprogrammed. If Cameron chose to sacrifice her own mind and upload John Henry's personality on the chip before inserting it into his body, it would explain her being "sorry" to John (not sorry as in regretting an action, but sorry as in making him lose a friend), and also let John Henry have his own mind and body to make events happen in the future. Allison Young's presence keeps Summer Glau in the picture, in case there is a Season 3. On the other hand, this version poses a problem with how did Cameron get around her programming against self-termination.

    It is also possible that because Cameron's body was not at 100% that she put her chip into John Henry's body instead of using her chip as somewhere for JH to stay.

    If her chip is her "soul", then her chip has not been destroyed and so she is still alive. The "self-termination" rule was not violated.

    Q: When Cameron told Sarah in the car that she is "less than 100%", do those words carry a hidden meaning?

    This most likely was referring to some sort of damage inflicted from the gun battle with the prison guards. Sarah commented before she left the prison about the visible damage, and if Cameron was able to "keep up"

    Q: What is the silver eel-like thing that attached to Weaver's leg? Where did it come from?

    It was the eel from the previous episode where the police investigator inquired Weaver about the eel swimming in the fishtank. Most likely it was a piece of her all along that she just chose to make an eel out of for decorative reasons. It is possible that she kept a piece separate just incase her main body was destroyed.

    It's possible the eel was controlling the drone and that crashing it into the Zeira Corp Building at that time was a method of getting him into the basement and into the future.

    If John is not longer the leader of the resistance, should he not longer exist due to not send Kyle back to 1984.......?

    Unless something specifically mentioned what year it was (while 2027 is the most likely assumption, still), it could be possible that John's rise to the leader of the Resistance and his surviving Judgment Day (in this timeline, anyways) was through skipping Judgment Day (and portions of the war) by way of time travel. Certainly, we haven't seen enough yet to imply the resistance is fighting a winning battle, just that there is a resistance.

    A: It was proposed during several episodes in Season 2 that there are multiple timelines in play based upon branch points. Events that happened in previous universes (John Connor is the son of Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor) would still happen in that universe, but not necessarily in the new universe they are in. This is why John Connor did not vanish, the events that led to his birth still happened in his universe.

    Q: What are John Henry's motives for traveling to the future?

    Unknown at this time. It is possible that he went to the future to acquire intelligence data or that he is leading the fight against Skynet.

    Assuming John Henry used the time machine in Weaver's basement, why is the room not destroyed when Weaver, Ellison, and the Connors enter?

    Unknown. Also, there should have been severe damage to the structural integrity of the Zeira Corp Headquarters.

    Q: Why doesn't Cameron's body travel to the future along with John Connor and Catherine Weaver?

    Most likely because she was powered down or due to the damage to her systems. Perhaps their power systems have to be online to simulate the organic field to allow transit.

    A2: The Terminator canon states that a machine must be fully surrounded by flesh in order to time travel. Cameron's body was damaged in the jail fight and half her face exposed down to the metal, thus breaking this requirement.

    How come Cromartie was able to travel through time then if he wasn't fully surrounded by flesh yet Cameron wasn't?

    Unknown. According to the producers Cromartie's endo was able to travel because the flesh was still there, only it was burning off. However, Cromartie had portions of his endoskeleton exposed just as Cameron did.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  3. Big D on a Diet

    Big D on a Diet Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jan 12, 2006
    In a sealed bunker, waiting for J-Day
    Nigger writers need to stay out of my head. Pisses me off when they do cool shit I already had planned for Nintendo.

    Weaver and John Henry working for the Resistance is kinda fail, but the way they revealed it made it win. Replacing Cameron with Allison blows. All the fun in that relationship revolves around the leader of mankind falling in love with a machine.

    You can see the storyline bending backwards in a circle now, with John moving forward in time to do things that will effect his past. Third season would have been epic, with John in the future and Sarah in the present, but who knows if we'll ever see it now.

    It kills me that the same writers who spent months dragging out storylines about cross-dressing metallurgists and evil security guards could pull off something this amazing right when the show is getting ready to probably go off the air.

    More plotlines like this earlier very well could have saved it.
  4. Dethklok

    Dethklok Order Member

    Apr 16, 2008
    The power of Christ compels him not to tell you.
    I don't think you fully understand things D.

    The timeline John Connor is presently in, the future timeline with Allison Young is a similar, but divergent timeline from the one he left and the one that had Future John sending Cameron back to the past in the first place.

    I'm not sure if past John now in the future ever knew that there was a real girl named Allison Young that Cameron the terminator is a copy of and was modeled off of. Perhaps the reason Future John the resistance leader was so accepting of Cameron, even though her existence meant that the real girl he was fond of/close to, Allison Young was dead was out of a sense of nostalgia or longing or some connection to Allison that he could not break and harden his heart against.

    I'm not sure you get the real meaning of the time travel element in the finale. John Connor not being present in the past when he bummed a ride with Weaver meant that the whole human resisiance element was changed post Judgement Day. They may not be as effective without a leader like John Connor who knows Skynet and the Terminators so intimately and how to fight them.

    There's also the element of John Connor the resistance leader having many captured terminators reprogrammed to fight Skynet. This was not a popular decision with the troops, but it was tactically sound. Without Connor there to implement that reprogramming decision, more human fighters may be killed fighting Skynet where a reprogrammed Terminator would survive.

    John Connor seems currently to be in a 3rd or 4th timeline, maybe even a 5th alternate future timeline, as the outcome and events in the future war are always changing as both Tech-Com and Skynet make temporal incursions into the past and to battle in the past. Derek is still alive, as he was not sent into the past and killed. John currently has to survive, aid the resistance to at least even parity with Skynet, and get Cameron's chip back.

    Time travel is confusing....

    But at least it's not Star Trek time travel. That'll really make you want to kill something...
  5. Big D on a Diet

    Big D on a Diet Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jan 12, 2006
    In a sealed bunker, waiting for J-Day
    I understand perfectly. I also understand how to not TL;DR my posts, which is why I didn't put all that in.

    In spirit, the point stands.
  6. Thorn

    Thorn Professor

    Jan 3, 2006
    Wait. If Derek is alive, chances are that Jesse and Riley are also alive, right?
  7. Big D on a Diet

    Big D on a Diet Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jan 12, 2006
    In a sealed bunker, waiting for J-Day
    Theoretically, yes. Doesn't mean that their characters would reappear, necessarily. John could have gone to a time before Jesse and Derek met. The two of them also met on a mission for John Connor, something that might never have happened in a world where Connor didn't organize the resistance, which is what this appears to be.

    Of course, if they never met, then no one saved whatsherface with the special blood, and humanity was killed by Skynet's virus...

    God I hate time travel.
  8. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    They could argue that because John wasn't there from the begining of the Resistance that Skynet didn't have to use the virus, I suppose.

    Timetravel FAML [Fucked All My Logic]
  9. Cyclops

    Cyclops Unspeakable

    May 12, 2007
    Cleveland, OH USA
    Who was talking about rape, Jon?
  10. Psychotic Cat

    Psychotic Cat Chief Warlock

    Jan 3, 2009
    This thread, not sure what loli rapist has to do with Terminator but that's where the quote is from.

    On Topic: Time travel makes my head hurt.
  11. QuaziJoe

    QuaziJoe Dolphin Boy

    Oct 28, 2006
    The Other Surrey
    Frankly I love time travel stories... I don't know why theres so much hate.

    First who answered those question on the wiki. I looked but it doesn't say.
    Is it their own opinion at the wiki or do they have the ear of the writers that are willing to answer all those questions. It never said it was from an interview so I'm unsure of the accuracy.

    Second. When you say John Henry is the Resitances answer to Sky net... I assume you mean the metal resistance. Not the Human Resistance. Cause it doesn't seem like the human resistance has any control over the liquid metals.

    I'm wondering now, what the purpose of having John Stick his hand under Camerons Breast plate was... Other than giving him a hard on. I'm trying to think what she was planning. She left her body behind so I can't see it being a plot point that will start anytime soon, but it seemed signifigant.

    Just to Recap, John Travels to the future, but since he doesn't exist in the past now, it means that the future he traveled to, he doesn't exist in. And it seems like His Dad is the resitance leader instead of him.

    Did Cromarties Body Travel to this future or did it travel to the future where john does exist.

    They jumped to the future before John did so in my mind John and John henry are in divergent timelines And they can never meet unless they travel back to the past before John Left.

    Heres a plot point that I figure is important. That nerd guy pretty much made a point of telling weaver how sensitive John Henry was to being moved. How Changing a Wire would fundamentally change who John Henry is.

    How then did John Henry Travel to the future without all his equipment.

    So many things happened in this Episode I don't knwo where to start.
  12. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006

    Oh shi-- :awesome
  13. Joe

    Joe The Reminiscent Exile ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter ⭐⭐⭐

    Jan 24, 2008
    Canberra, ACT
    High Score:
    Yargh, time travel stories kick ass. So, just to be clear, Cameron's in the John Henry equipment in the basement, her body is practically dead and chipless, and John Henry is in Cromartie in the future using Cameron's chip with John Connor a non-entity? Clear?

    Also, fuck yeah I'm a 888:

  14. Big D on a Diet

    Big D on a Diet Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jan 12, 2006
    In a sealed bunker, waiting for J-Day
    She was having him check if her nuclear battery was cracked or damaged, which might have led to Sarah's cancer scare. That's why he mentioned that it felt cold. Hot would've meant that radiation was leaking from her.

    She was also giving him a hard on.

    What actually happened to Cameron is hard to say at this point. Maybe her brain, or soul, or programming, or whatever you want to call it, is still in her chip along with John Henry, which means that John could potentially retrieve it and reactivate her. Or maybe it was transferred into John Henry's equipment, meaning that we could see Allison in the future and Cameron in the past (after all, all they would have to do is plug her body into the mainframe the same way Cromartie's was). That's assuming, of course, that it wasn't destroyed in the time field.

    Did I mention that I hate time travel?

    A better question would be why the hell her eye was red after the flesh got blown off of it. Shit was supposed to be blue.

    For the sake of the story, I'm going to assume that Cameron's body and mind are both intact and recoverable, but separate. That way, John will be able to fulfill every heterosexual man's fantasy... being the meat in a Summer Glau sammich.
  15. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    Cameron's mind is in the Turk. That's why the screen was scrolling "I'm Sorry John" over and over again.
  16. Big D on a Diet

    Big D on a Diet Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jan 12, 2006
    In a sealed bunker, waiting for J-Day
    That's the working theory, but it also could have just been a message set in a loop, which was why it was repeating over and over again.
  17. QuaziJoe

    QuaziJoe Dolphin Boy

    Oct 28, 2006
    The Other Surrey
    I get the obvious check her nuclear Bobbie bit.

    I thought that there was more signifigance to it, like cameron wanted to make sure John knew where it was should the time come to use it. Correct me if I'm wrong, this happened after Cameron got the message from weaver through ellison. Either way, I thought the writers were setting up something for a later episode.

    I'm More concerned now about the Eel like liquid metal that joined itself to Weaver. Either it was the eel in the tank or it was on the Hover craft Terminator thing.

    Either way the question stands does weaver know about it in either situation. It could be that the eel in the tank was a spy from the get go on weaver.
  18. Murton

    Murton DJ OEM DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2006
    Newcastle, NSW, Australia
    So many grandfather paradoxes.

    I just wrote a huge post on time travel but ended up confusing myself. I will wait for them to explain it somehow. All I know is the forward time travel makes things fucking hard to explain.

    Also, somehow I think JH and JC are in the same future, the future in which is based on what Sarah etc do in the past from that point making it the same universe Sarah has to experience. I think.
  19. Big D on a Diet

    Big D on a Diet Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Jan 12, 2006
    In a sealed bunker, waiting for J-Day
    Could be meaningless, but "Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles" Wins Save Our Show Poll

  20. Murton

    Murton DJ OEM DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2006
    Newcastle, NSW, Australia
    I'd kill FOX if I was in the states. I'd also kill a few other people aswell.
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