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System spec thread

Discussion in 'PC Discussion' started by Midknight, Nov 14, 2005.

  1. Gravity

    Gravity First Year

    Dec 27, 2008
    ive been thinking of upgrading my gpu to an ATI 4870 or 4850 because i get the feeling that my crabby 8600 may be causing bottlenecks against my cpu.
    Can anyone tell me if this is true?
    and thoughts and recommendations on what to upgrade to?
  2. Shezza

    Shezza Renegade 4 Life DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2005
    The 8600 only has a memory bandwith of about 128kb, so it could be. It's a decent midrange card but with your specs, it'd definately be slowing you down. That said, I don't know much about ATI cards. I'm mostly a nVidia fanboy. I have heard awesome things about the 4870 though.
  3. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Nvidia yes, ATI has something similar but they change so fucking much I cant tell you. Also, nvidia has one brand that isn't done like that, the new x280 card, which is strong as hell.

    What resolution do you run it at? Is the card set to high quality or high performance? It's not a horrible card no, but next year, you'll be playing the new stuff on low, or with stuff turned off, or on medium with 15-20 fps, which isn't good enough to anyone who seriously games. You wind up with screen lag, etc. When for another 100 bucks, is what I'm saying, you're playing the same games on high, and staying there for 2-3 years.
  4. Pyromaniac

    Pyromaniac Third Year

    Jul 7, 2008
    Washington State/California
    Firstly, almost everything is CPU-bottlenecked (which means that the limiting factor is your processor, not your video card--the computer only spits out frames that both the processor and video card have done their jobs on). A 4870 or 4850 would make this "problem" worse (though you would get a lot more eye candy per screen).

    The 8600 is by no means a terrible card, btw, it's just not ideal for playing Oblivion at 2560*1600 with everything turned on.

    Could you give me some FRAPS rates at various resolutions and eye-candy levels in whatever games you play?
  5. Gravity

    Gravity First Year

    Dec 27, 2008
    Oh really? well i figured that since my cpu is fairly powerful that it would be my gpu that was bottlenecking, or were you just referring to games?

    on Battlefield 2 with all settings on max and 8x AA at 1280x960 avg fps is 42 and im not sure what you mean by eye-candy levels.

    yea i used to be an nvidia fan until recently when ATI released their 4800 series and started dominating all market sectors in terms of bang for buck. And shit what the fucks with the gay ass priceing in Aus =_=
  6. JohnThePyro

    JohnThePyro Headmaster

    Mar 25, 2008
    I'm not disagreeing with you on that fact, a better investment should be made for an actual gamer. I just mostly use the card setup in a spare box now for my roommate when he games with me, or other people who come over but don't want to lug their machines with 'em.

    The card is currently set to default besides for game specific tweaks so that it works for older games (Urban Terror, CoP2, ect ect).
  7. Pyromaniac

    Pyromaniac Third Year

    Jul 7, 2008
    Washington State/California
    Which CPU do you have? Bottlenecking almost only occurs in games, as that is the main time where anything is under full load.

    Eye-candy refers to such things as view distance, AA, AF, HDR/Bloom, etc.

    Anything above 30fps is playable for a FPS game, and anything above 20fps for RTS, RPG, etc.

    Could I get framerates for 1280*960 at 0, 1x, 2x, and 4x AA, and the same AA settings at 640*480, 800*600, and 1024*768?
  8. Inquisition

    Inquisition Canadian Ambassador to Japan DLP Supporter

    Oct 9, 2006
    My system specs:


    Antec Sonata III 500
    Power Supply: Antec EarthWatts 500W
    CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.00GHz
    Motherboard: ASUS P5K >Green<
    RAM: 4GB of Kingston ValueRAM
    Video Card: nVIDIA GeForce 9600GT
    Hard Drive(s):
    1. Seagate ST3320620AS (320GB SATA)
    2. Seagate ST3500320AS (500 GB SATA)
    3. Seagate ST3500320AS (500GB SATA)
    4. Seagate ST3500630AS (500GB SATA)
    5. Maxtor 6Y080L0 (80GB PATA)


    Toshiba Satellite M300

    Intel Core 2 Duo T5750 @ 2.00GHz
    RAM: 4GB of Kingston ValueRAM
    Video Card:
    ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470
    Hard Drive: Hitachi TravelStar (250GB SATA)

    Yeah, a bit old, but fuck you.
  9. BloodRedSword

    BloodRedSword High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Feb 25, 2007
    A place where we had caned American
    Well, I think is time for me to showcase my CPU...

    Chassis: 3D Mercury
    Power Supply: Thundering H80 ST-750EAD 750W
    Processor: Intel Core i7 920 @ 2.67
    Motherboard: Gigabyte EX58-Extreme
    RAM: 3GB OCZ DDR3 Ram
    Graphic Card:
    1. nVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX+ 1GB DDR3
    2. nVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX+ 1GB DDR3
    Hard Drive(s):
    1. Seagate ST3200820AS (200GB SATA)
    2. Seagate ST3200820AS (200GB SATA)
    3. Seagate ST3500320AS (500GB SATA)

    Below are some pics:
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2009
  10. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Dat nigga gotz a fan on his CPU waterblock, dat's hardcore fo sur.

    Seriously though, nice, and I hope to god you're not one of those who builds shit like that and then plays Warcraft 3 on 1024, heh.

    If you're not, you'll understand the want to beat to death those sort of people I have.

    What sort of pump? The splitters you have in there would kill flowrate for damned near anything, suprised you're using a 750w for that much hardware as well.
  11. BloodRedSword

    BloodRedSword High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Feb 25, 2007
    A place where we had caned American
    Warcraft 3!? Midknight, you insulted me. Right now, I'm going crazy with Empire: Total War and Dawn of War: 2(still isn't very good, I got my ass raped hard by AI)(Oh and I'm having around 60 FPS even when I put graphic setting on max!^^). I know about the 750W but at the time of purchase, budget was tight so that was the best I could get to power my comp. Planning to upgrade to 1200W sometime in July along with the ram. And I will be getting the nVIDIA 3D Vision if I can figure out how do I order it and get it sent to Singapore. And well, I'm a lazy fuck so all I did was to get the Chassis which comes with all the liquid cooling parts pre-installed. Only need to do up the waterblock for the processor and GPU.

    Those retards? I would tell them to give me the money, and I build one for them FOC and pocket the rest of the dough. It's like using a Ferrari to deliver letters which can be done using a old van or truck...
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2009
  12. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    Oh thank fucking jesus, you had me worried.

    I dunno my fps on DoW2, need to check, playing it maxed though, with probably half the system speed wide. I just don't have money to upgrade. See that's the good thing about buying top end shit when it comes out. Yes you get raped on the price... but I built mine ass end of 06, and I'm still playing stuff on max settings now with no problem.

    You do lose respect points thought for the H2O being predone, but tbh I wouldn't fuck with my system again if I didn't have to. I'm sitting in Windows 32c on a e6600 chip OC'd 1ghz, though, so *shrug*. I did wind up spending hundreds and hundreds of bucks trying to move from an all in one Thermaltake kit, to the cobbled together Swiftech system I have now.

    What rad size you using? And do you know your pump size/flowrate? it's got to be strong, since adding even 1 90 degree elbow is like adding 1 foot of tubing restriction wise, I can't imagine what all those bends do to the flow rate, lol.

    Which reminds me, I gotta reorder the coolant I use, spilled a lot of the shit last flush out I had. At least it's not 30$ a bottle anymore =/
  13. BloodRedSword

    BloodRedSword High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Feb 25, 2007
    A place where we had caned American
    Well ya, I know about the pre-install stuff losing some respect. But have this picture in your mind, you have brat of brother whose the 'crown prince' of the family and yourself are the scapegoat. I did one liquid-cooling previously around 3-4 years ago, then that brat by 'accident' kicked and broke the pump and the tank. And he cried when I scolded him. Guess what? My whole family descended on my back like vultures after a bloody battle. Yours truly got grounded, no allowance, no access to computer while my computer was spoiled due to damaged pump and it was leaking all over my motherboard. And I can't go and remove the tank and prevent any damage from happening. Wow! Look at that! There goes 2k out the window... After which, I kinda of don't do liquid cooling unless everything is within the casing with only wirings for my power, mouse, keyboard and speakers outside. Which I managed to find in 3D Mercury.

    The flow rate depends on how fast I cranking the liquid cooling system. At the moment, I just can't recall. The bends are the best I could do to make it without any kinks and stuff.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2009
  14. Militis

    Militis Supreme Mugwump

    Jun 24, 2008
    Chassis: Antec P182
    Power Supply: Antec BP550 Plus 550W
    Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 @ 3.16GHz w/ ZALMAN CNPS9500 AT 2 Ball CPU Cooling Fan
    Motherboard: ASUS P5Q Pro
    RAM: GeIL 4GB PC2 8500
    Graphic Card: ASUS GeForce 9800 GT 1GB
    Hard Drives:
    1. Seagate Barracuda ST3500320AS 500GB (SATA)
    2. Seagate Barracuda ST31000333AS 1TB (SATA)
    3. Western Digital Caviar SE WD1600JB 160GB (IDE)
    4. Western Digital Caviar SE WD800JB 80GB (IDE)
    5. Seagate FreeAgent Desktop ST310005FDA1E1-RK 1TB (External USB)
    6. Seagate FreeAgent Desktop ST302504FDA1E1-RK 250GB (External USB)

    Drives 3 and 4 are from the computer that inhabited the case before this one. Why waste?

    And what do I do with this rig? Run Linux of course. :D
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2009
  15. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    I'm just picking on ya for having such an easy time to get a nice system. Trust me, you didn't miss out on shit learning how you should do stuff.

    Which is why I use non conductive coolant. I sprung a leak once due to putting the wrong clamps on, stuff sprayed everywhere, about 16 ozs all over my brand new system. Powered down, used a wet/dry shop vac to suck up most of the liquid, wiped it up with a paper towel, refilled, powered right back up.
  16. BloodRedSword

    BloodRedSword High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Feb 25, 2007
    A place where we had caned American
    Lucky bastard...
  17. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    The Monster

    2.4GHz Intel P4 processor
    Jetway P4MDPT motherboard
    Gigabyte nVidia GeForce 512MB 6200 AGP graphics card
    3 80GB IDE Hard drives
    420W PSU
  18. jazzhonda

    jazzhonda Muggle

    Jun 18, 2009
    System Specs

    :)Hi :)

    Got a new PC a few months back
    Specs as follows:

    Chassis: Thermaltake Armour VH6000BWS
    Power Supply: Epsilon 1010 - 985 watts
    Processor: i7 920 @ 3.2 - 3.5 GHz
    Motherboard: Asus P6T Deluxe with OC Palm Edition
    Ram: 6 GB of Transcend DDR3
    Graphics Card: Nvidia GTX 295
    Hard Drives: SATA 1TB and SAta 250 GB

    Love her almost as much as my car :rolleyes:
  19. ForsakenOne

    ForsakenOne Groundskeeper

    Sep 22, 2007
    I also have a 8600, but its holding up pretty good for the games i play atm, (L4D,TF2,COH). I might be upgrading soon though, and ive been looking into a g275, which is pretty dam nice for its value ( $210-$240) and can play anything maxed 1900x1200 res(maybe not crysis with max AA).

    However, if you have a low budget, the g260 is a very good deal. The supercocked version atm run for about $150+. ATI is always cheaper though, and the 4870 matches the 260 well.
  20. chronic dragon

    chronic dragon Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Jan 28, 2006
    I got an Intel E8400 about a couple months ago, my Mother Board didn't like it, didn't have enough for a new Mother Board so im getting one now.

    Since I don't know much about much about motherboards can someone with more knowledge tell me which one would be better down below.




    Or any other thats around $150.00 or less?
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